There has been a movement afoot several years to define personhood.
But it hasn’t driven by pro-lifers.
While our side has been arguing whether or not now is the time to nail this point down legally, the other side has been plodding full steam ahead to fill the void with their own definition of personhood. And it isn’t pretty. Read all about the Personhood Theory on Wikipedia.
“Secular scholars” have been arguing with greater and greater success that personhood is defined by consciousness and self-awareness. This definition excludes a lot of people, like newborns, vegetative children and adults, and dementiaed elderly.
So it’s time for ney sayers within the pro-life movement to just knock off complaints about various statewide attempts to define personhood as beginning at fertilization or risk the other side filling the gap.
Grand place to start: Colorado.
I couldn’t be prouder of young Kristi Burton (below, left), who launched a ballot initiative in the Centennial State last year when only 19 years old to define personhood.
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Yesterday Kristi and crew submitted 131,245 signatures (above, right) – 55,000 over the requirement – of CO voters wanting an amendment attached to the CO Constitution with these simple but brilliant 14 words:

The term person or persons shall include any human from the time of fertilization.

Now CO voters will decide in November whether they want to protect not just preborns but themselves. How foolish if they don’t….

CO is known as a purple state. It went for President Bush in 2000 and 2004. That said, the Democrat National Convention will be held in Denver in August, which will give their side a boost. And liberals will pour millions into defeating this amendment. MSM will help for free.
Colorado for Equal Rights needs donations now, $100,000 to be exact, in the early weeks of its campaign. Every donation will help. Early money is more important than late money, enabling the group to set up a structure and teams to get the education campaign rolling. Please donate generously here.
The CO personhood initiative will force the other side to address the question they thus far have avoided: Exactly what are the unborn?
[Photos courtesy of Leslie Hanks]

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