Here’s how the Baltimore Sun reported the story on August 2:

Eighteen anti-abortion protesters were arrested yesterday after they marched among cars stopped at red lights in Harford County and refused to disperse, state police said.

And here’s how reported the incident on August 3:
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Eighteen pro-lifers participating in the MD Face the Truth Tour were arrested without warning by Hartford County State Troopers in the city of Bel Air, MD on… August 1….
It was during the last tour stop of the week-long event, sponsored by Defend Life when a State Trooper named Bradley approached the group and told them to move and put away their signs or they would be arrested. In an effort to comply, group leader Jack Ames gathered the group and moved down the road, into the city limits of Bel Air….

The group stood peacefully on public property and did not “march” into the street as one news organization erroneously reported. Without warning, an estimated 20 patrol cars arrived on the scene and began arresting pro-life participants without a word. Those arrested were not told what they were being charged with, nor were they read their rights.
One of the women who participated in the tour overheard a police radio conversation where an unknown person told the troopers to make the arrests and that they would “figure out later” what charges would be filed….
Two minors in the group were soon released, but the adults were held overnight…. The last of the pro-lifers were released… August 2, at about 10:45 AM.
The group was eventually charged with loitering, failure to obey a lawful order, and disorderly conduct.

Sure hope there was video. Let this be yet another reminder that pro-lifers should ALWAYS videotape their protests.
In this photo you can see a squad car with its lights on pulled over next to the pro-lifers. They sure do not look like they’re “march[ing] among cars.” That absolutely does not sound like any pro-life protest I’ve ever attended. Our people obey the law.
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[HT: budpatmac and John Jansen of Pro-Life Action League; photos courtesy of the Defend Life blog]

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