New poll/Old poll
I have a new poll question up: How recently have you contacted an elected official about a pro-life or pro-abortion issue? Here are the results of last week’s poll, almost evenly divided….
I have a new poll question up: How recently have you contacted an elected official about a pro-life or pro-abortion issue? Here are the results of last week’s poll, almost evenly divided….
President Obama has just reversed policy in place since 1991 banning photographs of caskets of American soldiers killed in war. My immediate response was anger. But is the rationale for this any different than that of pro-lifers wanting photos of aborted babies shown? Wrote the
Last night Bill O’Reilly interviewed UT Congressman Rob Bishop, who opposes legislation to make it illegal to sell or transport a pet chimp across state lines. O’Reilly compared opposition of this bill to Barack Obama’s infamous opposition to another bill back in the day… “The law doesn’t solve the problem,” Bishop stated. “The intelligent thing […]
by Bethany Kerr, to give us a daily break from the grind…
Ok, after reading Time magazine article calling the Freedom of Choice Act a “mythical abortion bill,” here are the pro-abort talking points to counter the mounting surge against FOCA: Pro-lifers are on hallucinogenics. FOCA isn’t happening. Pro-life groups are using FOCA to raise money. Conservative Catholics are at the bottom of the Fight FOCA frenzy. […]
by The Swamp (Chicago Tribune’s Washington bureau), Obama will get rid of the Bush administration’s conscience rule sometime today: Taking another step into the abortion debate, the Obama administration today will move to rescind a controversial rule that allows healthcare workers to deny abortion counseling or other family planning services if doing so would violate […]
I’ve written several times (here) on a letter circulated by pro-life Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Heath Shuler (D-NC) for signatures, which they submitted to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week….