UPDATE, 5/13, 10:10a:I’ve just received word from Steven Brody, exec. dir. of Dubuque Co. Right to Life, that the Iowa bus is full, too.
UPDATE, 5/12, 3:31p: Just spoke with Eric Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League. The South Side bus is full, and it is too late to add more. The Aurora bus has 1 seat left. A bus has been added only for the North Side departure.
Eric has also been receiving calls expressing concern about getting arrested in light of recent altercations at Notre Dame. (Read about them here and here.)
Eric wants picketers assured this will be a peaceful, law-abiding protest on public property with no expectation of arrest. PLAL has been issued proper permits from the City of South Bend.
nd lightning.jpgResponse for pro-life buses travelling from both the Chicago and Detroit areas to protest Notre Dame’s commencement honoree President Barack Obama this Sunday has been greater than expected, and buses are being added.

  • Citizens for a Pro-Life Society reports its 1st bus from near Detroit is full, and it will charter a 2nd bus if 20 more people register. Please call Judy Parran at 517-546-3092. Click here for time travel details….

    Popular Catholic radio talk show host Teresa Tomeo and her husband Dominick Pastore will travel with CPLS to ND.

  • Pro-Life Action League also reports it has added an additional bus travelling to ND from Chicago’s North Side. It also has buses leaving from Aurora and the South Side. Sign up here.
    CPLS and PLAL will join forces to picket.
    If you are driving to South Bend on your own, park at St. Joseph High School at 1441 N. Michigan St. You can connect with the CPLS/PLAL protests here:

    10:30a to 1p EST: A Face the Truth Tour will be held off campus along Angela Boulevard and Michigan St leading up to commencement time
    2p to 3p EST: Protesters will join the prayer vigil led by Fr. Frank Pavone at the Grotto on the ND campus

    [Image attribution: AIPNews.com]

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