Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby intern Andy M.
Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs…

  • The Passionate Pro-Lifer picks up on the response made by the Sarah Palin political action committee to Palin’s profile at The profile is just a full-out attack on Palin and while some points are fairly made, no reference is made to the positive actions she has taken for the good of the pro-life movement….

  • Pro-Life with Christ reports on the Manhattan Declaration which was released on Friday, signed by 125 religious leaders:
  • The document lays out the groups’ arguments against anti-life, anti-family, and anti-religious public policy as contravening “foundational principles of justice and the common good,” in defense of which the group says they are “compelled by our Christian faith to speak and act.”

  • The SoapboxFive blog comments on World Net Daily’s report on the San Juan, CA school district’s abhorrent attempt to ease up abortion restrictions for young girls. Luckily:
  • … the [school board’s] policy [to allow students to leave school for medical procedures without parental knowledge] didn’t make it. It lost, 3 to 2. Parents, who had “flooded” the meeting “clapped and cheered” at the result.

  • The irrepressible Father Frank Pavone shares some thoughts on the 9th and 10th commandments as they relate to the culture of death we live in. Read the rest of it, as it’s very thought-provoking:
  • … Some will justify it because the mother has freedom not to be burdened. But so does the child. And in denying that the child has the same freedom she claims to have, she destroys the meaning and foundation of her own.

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