Sunday funnies 11-22-09
First, the best pro-life political cartoon of the week, via our friend Valerie Jane at, by Toby Toons…
Next, many cartoonists had something to say about the Dept. of Health and Human Services recommendation this week to scale back mammograms. For example, by John Deering at…
and by Lisa Benson at…
Even liberals like Drew Sheneman at were ticked. Too bad they ignore the foremost reason for breast cancer’s deadly stat: abortion…
Next, pro-aborts still aren’t getting over the House’s inclusion of the Stupak-Pitts pro-life amendment in its socialized healthcare bill.
by Don Wright at…
by Dan Wasserman at…
and by Joel Pett at…
Finally, thanks to uncontrolled legislative spending, the US finds itself in the frightening spot of extreme indebtedness to Communist China. Taking this to extreme ridiculosity is pro-abortion/infanticide President Obama daring to lecture the pro-forced abortion/sterilization/child rationing country on human rights, captured in part by Jim Morin at…
You have to see the opening for last nights ‘Saturday Night Live’ to really appreciate that last cartoon.
I am sure 100’s of lame scream media fact checkers have been working non-stop since 9:30pm Eastern Standard Time to correct the record.
Somebodies (probably female bodies) at SNL are really unhappy with B.O. and the democRATS.
They did not just rub B.O.’s nose in it. They packed in each nostril til it was running down the back of his throat.
It was a crime of passion, pure and simple.
Hell has no fury like a woman ignored.
Them folks over in Norway might want to re-consider that Peace Prize thingy.
Hell the Chinese have probably already have a lien on it.
yor bro ken
The same B.O. administration that is trying to convince us that the 14 dead and scores wounded at Fort Hood were not the result of an act of domestic terrorism are trying to tell women that breast canceer is not a serious threat to their life.
The B.O. administration wants us to believe there is no more a link between a muslim man announcing God is great in arabic just before he begins to massacre his fellow soldiers and terrorism than there is a link between post abortive women and breast cancer.
B.O. is trying to convince us that neither are ‘man made disasters’, but both are just the random result of the luck of the draw.
yor bro ken
Pap Smear/Mamograms
If your insurance is paying, you need frequent screenings.
If the gov’t is paying, you need less frequent screenings.
Remember, it is the insurance companies who don’t want to pay for services. Everyday that they are in charge more people die!
The new reduced frequency screenings need to be implemented now by the compassionate gov’t. All who oppose it want people to die!
I wonder if we will also see reduced screenings for testicular cancer and prostate cancer.
Just screenings for “female” cancers are being targetted now.
Where’s the National Organization for Women?
Perhaps Obama should have bowed to the Chinese leader and not the Japanese emperor.
I understand the Japanese were so embarassed they didn’t print the picture. Are there no protocol advisers at the White House??
good news for all us Catholics: Patrick Kennedy barred from receiving Communion!
my apologies for the off topic post.
Here is the Chinese President bowing to B.O.!
No apologies for ‘my’ off topic post.
yor bro ken
Posted by: Mary at November 22, 2009 9:05 AM
I wonder if we will also see reduced screenings for testicular cancer and prostate cancer.
The man hating National Organization of [mostly liberal lesbian] Women wil ensure that federal funding for mandatory ‘castration’ will be included in the bill under pre-emptive reproductive health care just as soon as they can figure out how to reproduce only women without the males contribution.
But they still may not want to eliminate all males.
They may want to keep a few ‘drones’ (think Harry Reid) around to remind them why ‘castration’ is a good thing and they will need someone to tell ‘I told you so.’ when things go bad.
yor bro ken
“Don’t get pregnant or don’t be poor” cartoon really irks me! so if you’re poor, YOUR baby has to die…but if you’re a Kardashian or a Hilton…well, your baby can live. But you better not be lower middle class or you can’t have your baby. What a bunch of bull! What an elitist mentality! What racist, classist hogwash! I am not rich but I’m not killin off any of MY babies to suit anyone!
As to the mammogram controversy, my mom had breast cancer 18 years ago in her early 40’s. Once she beat it she continued her yearly mammograms. Recently she told her cancer doctors at Fox Chase Cancer Center that she would only get them every other year…you have to keep in mind that mammograms do expose the patient to small doses of radiation but that the damage is cumulative. Even with my mother’s past history her doctor said that was okay to scale back the mammograms. So even though I don’t trust the government’s motives for a moment i am not entirely against the idea of scaling back mammograms. I am only 29 and my ob/gyn tried to convince me to start going for mammograms NOW. I thought that was a little over the top.
Hi Sydney M,
For reasons I won’t eleaborate on, I refuse, much to the chargrin of my doctor, to have mammograms. Some women swear mammograms have saved their lives and I don’t question their convictions.
In my opinion women should look at all arguments for and against them and draw their own conclusions. That is what I have done. Do I support a gov’t panel dictating when I or other women should or shouldn’t have them? No. Also, women can pay for mammograms that insurance may refuse to cover if they so desire.
Another thing Sydney M.,
Have you heard any legitimate spokesperson for poor women demand abortion for poor women?
Seems it has always been elitist upper middle and upper class women who assume they know what is best for poor women and what poor women want.
The only time they seem to have an issue with a woman’s poverty is when she can’t get a “free” abortion.
Also, women can pay for mammograms that insurance may refuse
Or get them for free at many free screening sites, which will then refer to low or no cost followup if something suspicious is detected.
Scientifically, I don’t think there is much evidence that mammogram exams have caused cancer in any women. If there is such evidence then please provide it. Maybe that radiation from annual mammograms are just as likely to prevent cancer as they are to cause cancer. Wait if you like, but you should find scientific evidence of the “cumulative damage” and weigh that against finding out you have undiagnosed cancer which could kill you.
Truthseeker–my mother is an R.N. and my cousin is a medical doctor…plus my aunt is also an R.N. and another cousin is an R.N. and two more cousins are medical researchers. So I am just sharing what they have shared with me. It is they who told me that mammograms give small doses of radiation exposure which can cause damage over years and years. So its not that mammograms are wrong, its just that overexposure is dangerous too. There is no need for some women to have a mammogram every year. If you start at age 40 a woman could have 30 or more years of radiation exposure due to yearly mammograms.
I’m an RN and there is a strong family history of breast cancer in my family. I do not have mammograms. I have ultrasounds due to fibrous dense breast tissue. However, the idea that the government has not only made these changes but has ALSO told women to stop doing monthly self-exams is horrible!
Thanks for the link.
I never thought I’d see the day that the annointed one, BO, would get ripped so badly on one of the major networks.
They made him look like a complete idiot.
And it was all true.
I can’t wait to see who will be the next one in the MSM to break ranks and begin to question BO’s policies.
Hi Ed,
They sure didn’t have to work too hard to make him look like an idiot, that’s for sure.
I wonder if CNN or PMSNBC will have investigative reporters look into this skit. Didn’t they do that with another skit ridiculing Obama on SNL?
My mom is a breast cancer survivor, having been diagnosed at an early age (in her early 30s, when I was 16 months old). So, this is a bunch of baloney! With family history existing for many women, waiting TOO LONG could basically be a death sentence. I believe Mammograms have gone digital in some parts of the US, probably lowering the risk of the radiation exposure?
Hi Lizfromnebraska,
I hope your mother is doing well. Again I say that women have to look at all sides and make a determination for themselves, they don’t all fall into the realm of gov’t panel regulations.
I have heard there are other methods that are in progress to diagnose breast cancer, such as MRI.
I know little about it so I can’t give much info. I’m sure you could google to find new techniques in the works.
I hope they do replace mammography. Squeezing the breasts (stop drooling fellas)can rupture tumors and spread cancer cells. Diagnosis may not be accurate and breast tissue is very sensitive to radiation.
Do any of you Rn’s have any data about women who have been harmed by the cumulative effects of annual mammograms?
TS, that isn’t info I’ve looked into, as the reason I have ultrasounds is that mammograms are diagnostically useless for my particular type of breast tissue. I think the important things to remember, though, is that early detection, of whatever method, saves lives. The advice to NOT do the monthly breast self-exams is, in my mind, the clincher of how horrible this advice is.
Hey Mary,
I didn’t see that. I guess nothing the Lame Stream Media does would surprise me too much.
The way SNL slammed BO sure did though.
I’m gonna watch it again :)
Proverbs 22:7
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
According to the liberal idiots commenting on GoComics the decision to scale back mammograms is all ‘Booshs’ fault. BDS has truly turned to complete insanity in the democrat party. I’ll bet they look behind themselves all the time so the guys in white coats carrying butterfly nets don’t catch them.
I think the point is people need to educate themselves regarding mammograms and make their own best decisions..not the governmentment telling you. And self breast exams are important!
So, since they’re going to stop testing regularly for cervical cancer (almost all cases of which are caused by HPV), are they going to now encourage sexual abstinence in an effort to cut back on cases of HPV? Riiiiight.
I have two friends who had pre-cancerous cells removed while in their 20s. Pap smears save lives. This is appalling to me.
Hi Ed 9:27PM
I loved the skit but I would have preferred cutting the crudeness. Its uncalled for and the skit is brilliant, funny, and accurate enough without it. Good for SNL!
I suspect that is exactly how the Chinese think.
Did you hear about the Quebec woman who was on leave from her job due to depression? Her facebook page showed photos of her on vacation and out partying (on her birthday, I believe), so her insurance company promptly cancelled her insurance. I’ve never heard of paid-time-out for depression, but this is an interesting case. Is this the wave of the future?
Have you heard any legitimate spokesperson for poor women demand abortion for poor women?
No, but in many cases someone who has come from a lower-income background and becomes educated and “englightened” suddenly come to believe that all poor women “want” abortions.
Please pray for my brother, he is volunteering as an escort at PP in California.