Ben Nelson, The Joker?
Jan.01, 2010 9:17 am |
Cartoons, Health care |
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Nope, I don’t think it’s deserved, but not for the reasons you might think.
First off, the Joker is cool. I mean, sure, he’s a psychopath, but he’s a funny psychopath. Both in The Dark Knight and in the Warner Brothers Batman cartoons (fantastic series, by the way, wherein Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame does an excellent job with the Joker) he was cruel, sadistic, mean, and terrifying. He was also, clever, creative, resourceful, and morbidly funny. He’s the sort of crook that makes you laugh at him even though you kind of hate yourself for it.
Second, there’s only one real life death that you can accuse the Joker of. Heath Ledger died because of an accidental overdose of sleeping pills that he was taking since the role of the Joker was messing with his head. So, in a very esoteric sense, you could say the Joker killed him. And he is the only real person that can be even vaguely called a victim of the Joker.
Ben Nelson traded unborn lives for Medicaid money. That is not creative, interesting, resourceful, funny, clever, or even slightly entertaining. It’s infuriating and amoral, certainly, but it hardly approaches the same levels of gleefully violent entertainment that the Joker embodies. And Ben Nelson’s trade will result in ever so many more real-life deaths than just one.
In a character sense, he’s just not cool enough to be the Joker. In a reality sense, what he’s done is much more horrible.
Wow, great, well-thought answer, Keli. I agree.
I was just reading this…,com_myblog/show,I-had-an-abortion-Part-1-.html/blogger,NYCFlip/Itemid,321/
This sounds like some post-abortive moms I know. I feel like there is a twinge of regret and grief there. Am I wrong? What do you all think?
And didn’t mean to stray off topic…i think Nelson should be absolutely ashamed of himself. how does he sleep at night? I have more respect for a pro-choicer completely committed to baby-killing than I do for a politician who can sway here or there for the right price.
Keli Hu:
Reality is so much more real than fiction. Ha, ha!
“The wages of sin is death but, the gift of God is eternal life…”
“The devil came to steal, kill and destroy…”
“Choose this day whom you will serve…”
As I recommitted myself to intense Bible Study this first day of 2010, I read Proverbs 1 which says…”the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.”
It is obvious that neither the Joker or Mr. Nelson have any fear of the Lord and hence no knowledge.
The solution is repentance, which, independent of a writer, the Joker cannot do. Ben Nelson, however, can repent and my prayer for him is that he realize ultimately who he sinned against.
Moral relativism, which is based on no fear of the Lord, is a nuclear bomb that, when it detonates, sends many on to perdition.
To be able to trade dollars for unborn children is supremely stupid.
As voters, the solution is to purge ourselves of all of these moral midgets who are totally incapable of exercising knowledge. Nelson in a great start as well and Mr. Obama.
The Scriptures describe government as a fundamental institution ordained by God to stem the tide of evil in our land. They explicitly say that our government officials (e.g. executive, legislative, judicial, armed forces, intelligence orgs., police…) are “God’s servant(s) for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for the authorities? do not bear the sword in vain! They are the servants of God to execute wrath on the wrongdoer.” Ro 13:4
I love how the Declaration of Independence puts it: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…
Accordingly, we are to render to our elected and appointed officials the proper respect and high honor that their offices command, as they are entrusted to be God’s servants. Our government should be filled with men and women of strong character and integrity, having a keen sense of right and wrong, justice and injustice, and hearts full of compassion for the poor, the needy and the oppressed.
Politics should be a most honorable profession and politicians pillars of righteousness in our communities, role models our children can look up and aspire to.
The problem is that it seems many of our politicians do not approach their jobs with the proper sense of gravity and accountability appropriate for positions of such weighty responsibility.
Being from Michigan, I didn’t follow Ben Nelson’s campaign much but I do know he ran on a Pro-Life platform. So let’s consider what he might have done if he performed as advertised. He should have taken the floor in the Senate, stood upright and strong, slammed his fist on the podium and boldly declared, “We in the Federal Government have had a long standing policy that our funds will not be used to pay for abortions and we are not going to start now. Nebraskans don’t want to pay for abortions, Americans don’t want to pay for abortions so forget it. It’s not happening, not on my watch.”
Old Benedict did talk a pretty good game. He said that his vote on Health Care “wasn’t for sale”.
So let’s compare this with what he did do. Well, basically, he held the Health Care Bill hostage until he got enough incentives/graft/payola (take your pick) for his state, and then used his God-given authority to approve the use of our tax dollars to pay for the dismemberment and murder, in warm blood, of the most innocent and vulnerable among us, those he is sworn to serve and protect.
Let’s look at that Oath of Office he took as a US Senator, it’s the same one used for the President: I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
So rather than support the Constitutional Right to Life for all preborn babies, and defend them from the domestic enemies in his own party, he conspired with said enemies (after he got his price) and has crafted legislation to finance the genocide of his preborn constituents.
Is the Joker/fool/idiot label too harsh?
Sydney, regarding that article link you posted…she says at the end, it’s all about her happiness anyway.
Right. And that’s one of the biggest problems with our culture today – thinking life is all just about “my happiness.” Even if I have to kill to get it.
The author of that article is trying so hard to justify what she did. She even called her giddy reaction after her abortion “perverse.”
We will see if there is any such animal as a “prolife Democrat” during the house deleberations over this healthcare bill. Will Stupak and company stay strong or cave in to Obama-Pelosi? I pray this bill will NOT pass.
Isn’t this racist? It was when Obama was portrayed as “The Joker”.
Ya gotta admit: purple and green look good together.
Pro-life Democrat is an oxymoron.
I guess that means that pro-lifers are oxies and Democrats are morons? Ha, ha, ha!
Any evaluation of Ben Nelson’s actions as a lawmaker need to be evaluated in terms of what the government’s responsibilities are. Let’s carefully consider the language of our founding document.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
According to the Founders, the right to life is a God-given, and hence, unalienable right. The protection of the God-given, unalienable rights, according to the Founders, is the reason why governments are instituted among people-and it’s our righrt to alter or abolish that government if it becomes destructive of those ends.
The first and most peaceful means of doing so is at the ballot box.
Ben Nelson is no Joker. The Joker was a sociopath, in a sense not fully culpable for his actions.
Nelson was far worse, because he articulates that he clearly understands what makes one a human person, and then betrayed countless future humans, consigning them to government-funded death in exchange for a purse of goodies for Nebraskans so unconstitutional that it will never materialize after the challenges in court and future sessions of Congress. So all that he did, in effect, was to vote for easier access to abortion.
That’s not sociopathic.
That’s malignant evil-strategically well thought out as it was.
I believe you are right Phil. Wouldn’t you Phil and all of us prolifers love to be a fly on the wall in all the meetings when the DemocRATs, Obama and Pelosi try to strong arm Stupak and company. I want to hear the bribes, threats, intimidation, deals offered and all the corrupt lies they are going to tell to try to get this monster to pass. Keep praying spiritual warfare Christian prolifers. God can expose every dirty, rotten, corrupt one of them just like he exposed Nelson, Capps and the rest. Pray that “what is done in secret will come to light” through the power of Jesus, the light of the world, and by the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
I am going to say a short prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, expose every lie, deception and evil act by those who have sworn allegiance to the powers of darkness, the pro-death agenda, spirits of unrighteousness, murder inside and outside of the womb, euthanasia, greed, corruption, theft, addictions, promiscuous behaviors and perversion. We proclaim that you are King of Kings and Lord of Lords and “no weapon formed against you (and your Holy Word) will prosper”. God manifest in the year 2010 that the shedding of innocent blood will be vindicated. Turn the hearts of the people of this nation toward you and you alone, not any politician or any political party. Let us, your people, turn from our wicked ways, repent and seek your face as never before. Amen.
God bless and Blessed New Year to all.
bmmg39: “Ya gotta admit: purple and green look good together.”
Nah, purple and gold look much better than that! Go Lakers! :)
Agreeing with you in Christ, Prolifer. Amen and Amen.
I think it is appropriate. I actually thought he had convictions and was willing to stand up to the ungoldy massess but he caved when it came to line his own pockets … very pathetic!
Well, you know you have gone soft when you think a cartoon image is harsh. In plenty of societies, politicians who annoy certain factions are assassinated (Iraq, Afghanistan, anyone?).
So, no, it does’t even approach harsh.
The Lakers wear yellow, which is a prettier color than gold.