Feminist hysterical rant Round II: Focus on the Family promotes violence against women
First, a Super Bowl commercial break by Snickers…
And now back to our sponsor, me.
In Round I of the liberal feminist rant against Focus on the Family, our counterparts set the women’s movement back 50 years by behaving hysterically and, as it turns out, without warrant, in advance reaction to the anemic pro-life ad starring Pam and Tim Tebow.
In Round II we see the feminists trying to distract the audience as they wipe the egg off their faces by displaying another stereotype, that they have absolutely no sense of humor and walk around with corncobs up their patooties….
Here are a few of liberal feminist Amanda Marcotte’s tweets after watching the ad, which in an attempt to lighten the topic, showed Tim tackling his Mom…
Then there was this, from the Los Angeles Times:
Some were still angry after the ad aired.
NOW president Terry O’Neill said the ad glorified violence against women. “I am blown away at the celebration of the violence against women in it,” she said. “That’s what comes across to me even more strongly than the anti-abortion message. I myself am a survivor of domestic violence, and I don’t find it charming. I think CBS should be ashamed of itself.”
Then a voice of reason (and more evidence of a strategical split in the feminist movement):
Not all abortion supporters agreed. “It’s absurd to claim that this is an endorsement of violence against women,” said Frances Kissling, former president of Catholics for Choice. “These people came across as affectionate, loving, funny and happy.”
But, Kissling said, Focus on the Family was lucky that abortion-rights groups made a stink. “If there had not been all of that publicity over the last 2 weeks, this ad could have passed almost unnoticed. Who would have known what they’re talking about? It’s so subtle.”
I wonder if feminists will also call for a boycott of Snickers.
[HT for LAT article: David Daleidon of LiveAction.org]
No wonder CBS agreed to run this ad. There was nothing controversial about it. In fact, it never even mentioned that Pam Tebow was advised to have an abortion. The only thing it accomplished was to expose the “pro-choice” crowd as really pro-abortion because of their reaction to it. If the general public who watched this ad didn’t know about his story, then I assume most still don’t know about it.
Jill — Why did you black out the “TW” in AmandaMarcotte’s tweet? FTW = For The Win. It was a sarcastic attempt at humor on her part.
NOW president Terry O’Neill said the ad glorified violence against women.
let’s see if I have this straight. NOW demands equal treatment for women, yet if a guy treats a woman as he would another guy then it is violence against women. In other words, no matter what a man does it is wrong simply because he is a man.
NOW’s hatred towards men is showing.
What a bunch of feminists kooks – but I repeat myself….
well you can’t get more violent than promoting abortion
after all in many parts of the world, it is unborn female babies (who would grow up to be women, if they weren’t aborted) who are singled out for dismemberment and such, via abortion…
wonder why the feminists never made THAT connection?
These screechy feminists are the worst enemies of their cause.
Whiny and bitchy don’t project self-assurance and equality with men. Neither does advocating the slaughtering of babies in the womb.
The real women are those who do not fear their womanhood, their femininity. Women who embrace being wives and mothers put these screech owls to shame, careers notwithstanding.
Tweets like those above betray frightened little girls who can’t compete and can’t cope.
I wished that it had touched on the abortion issue at least by saying that the doctor had recommended an abortion due to the medicine deforming the baby. It would have had a little more impact. But, I am glad they were willing to do such an ad anyway. I believe they will do a lot for the pro-life movement in the future.
FTW isn’t a curse; it’s “for the win”!
I like the one that said “hey Mom! Tried to kill you from the womb…” it almost sounds like they’re admitting it was TIM and not some blob that existed in his mother’s womb!
Keep whining pro-aborts. It just shows America and the world how out of touch with reality you all are. You guys have serious mental defects…and your blubbering is just showcasing it.
Thank you, Twitter, for putting on 24-hour display the mental dysfunction of the anti-life crowd. I don’t think anything highlights the absolute stupidity of the shallow, empty-headed hipster twits better than giving them all roughly one sentence at a time to express their “thoughts”.
Pro-aborts won’t ban Snickers They don’t have a problem with violence against the elderly.
“it almost sounds like they’re admitting it was TIM and not some blob that existed in his mother’s womb!”
Yeah, but see Sydney, the problem with that theory is that it almost suggests that the other side would ACTUALLY ADDRESS the concern that pro-lifers voice against abortion rather than repeating choice, choice, choice.
Pro-lifers claim that abortion unjustly takes the life of an innocent human being. What is the response of NOW
” Pro-aborts won’t ban Snickers They don’t have a problem with violence against the elderly. ”
Great picture of Mom & Tim.
C’mon. The white background? The black clothes? Don’t you see the subtle undertones of racism in choosing such dichromatic art direction for their ad?
Ok. I don’t see it either. But feminists will.
they didn’t get the humor….it had to do with football….duh! Even I, who hates most sports, got the humor part. *rolling eyes*
Now where are they when GODADDY has an ad that has NOTHING TO do with webhosting?!?!? That ad was nearly pornographic!
They got punkd by their own rhetoric. A couple days ago they were accusing Pam Tebow of lying, saying she never had access to abortion in the first place due to their location at the time of her pregnancy. Just after the ad aired they were praising her for her ‘choice’ and trying to paint themselves as probirth. About an hour later the hate speech against FOTF started. Sometimes its better than live comedy. Maybe if they spin around enough theyll all fall down?
But Bobby, they won’t do that because even at 6 weeks of life (8 weeks into the pregnancy) the baby already has a face and eyes, and hands and legs and a huge beating heart.
i don’t understand why some women say their early ultrasounds only sowed a blob. At 7 weeks into my pregnancy (5 weeks into my son’s life) i had an ultrasound. He was clearly human, though a little awkward with his arms and legs sticking straight out but clearly a human form with a face and a beating heart. He looked on ultrasound exactly what Bethany’s child Blessing looked like in the pictures she posted. It was amazing! Their bodies are formed so very early!
5 weeks pregnant, 3 weeks fetus? I’m sure they would be able to find the right combination of “this seems like a late date, but look at how the fetus doesn’t look human!” They are sick like that.
Some people see what they want to see, Sydney.
When I saw the Tebow ad, I said to myself, “this is it?” You’re right, Jill, it was anemic. I expected more.
Anyway, congratulations to the Saints!
Obviously, whilst in the womb, Tebow planned to attack his mother. Duh.
It depends on the ultrasound machine. 3D and 4D machines are expensive but show AMAZING detail of a child.
I had a 2D ultrasound with my fourth at Catholic Charities. So scratchy, so fuzzy and blurry and you could only see a faint outline of my boy.
When it comes to ultrasounds at abortion clinics, if they have one, it is not going to be 3D or 4D. I know women who asked to see it and the transducer(I think that is what it’s called)was moved to an ovary or something else and they were shown the “dot.” Some were told no and the screen was moved away from them.
Did I tell you all the excellent news?
My friend’s baby, the one who I told you about, is okay. He’s been home for awhile. My mom said that he’s small but sweet. :)
And one of the local Catholic churches has invited a Darfur survivor to speak! Woo hoo! I’m trying to get people to go. :)
oh, btw, I recorded the “Tackling” commercial and I think that was a CARDBOARD cut out of his mom that Tim tackled. It made it look like he was tackling his mom, but it wasn’t really her. Obviously feminists can’t understand HUMOR.
AWESOME to both of your bits of news!! :)
I can’t agree with characterizing the ad as “anemic” which implies a negative connotation. Sure, if you’re looking for an ad that strongly addresses abortion, this wasn’t it. But I don’t recall FOTF touting their ad that way–in fact, from what they said beforehand, this ad didn’t surprise me. They didn’t do a fundraiser for it while promising a pro-life ad as the result. It was privately financed, so really, they could do whatever they wanted. I think they set it up well to let God use it as, you said, to bring about tons of free publicity beforehand. I really think our pro-life movement gets the last laugh due to the conniption fits thrown by so many pro-aborts. Nobody in the public can justify those now. It will be interesting to hear what the website traffic to FOTF was following the ad. The message there from Pam and Bob Tebow was very pro-life.
Wow – if all women were such humorless crybabies as the folks at NOW, there would be precious few children in the world. But then again, that’s kinda what they want, isn’t it?
I’m so glad REAL women (like Tim Tebow’s mom) have a sense of humor – and morality.
Love how NARAL just wouldn’t let the matter die. They tried to capitalize on the hype with the following text message just moments after the ad: “NARAL: 100 million people just saw anti-choice Focus on the Family’s ad. Help us fight back against its agenda” (then they provided a link to a donation page).
To one of the earlier comments, I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks with both my sons — it did look like a little tiny “blob” — but with a beating heart. Even if it does look like a blob -it doesn’t matter because it is distinctly human because of its DNA! “It” didn’t become a frog or a dog — “it” became a baby boy! He was a human from conception not because of how it looks but because that is what a child is in the womb.
“Wow – if all women were such humorless crybabies as the folks at NOW, there would be precious few children in the world. But then again, that’s kinda what they want, isn’t it?”
“I’m so glad REAL women (like Tim Tebow’s mom) have a sense of humor – and morality.”
Posted by: Beth at February 8, 2010 12:37 PM
Amen! I want to be like her when I grow up. :)
Again. The people outraged by the “violence against women” are usually pretty darned quiet when a commercial (or movie or program) shows a woman hurting a man. In fact, when some of us complain about a movie trailer with Kate Hudson hitting Matthew McConaughey in the face with a golf club, or a T-shirt telling girls to “throw rocks” at boys, we’re told to lighten up, because there are more important problems in the world.
There was an IHOP commercial recently that had a waitress “tackling” Donovan McNabb in the exact same fashion. Where was NOW’s outrage then?
They support misandry, and only scream misogyny when their agenda is threatened. Women who oppose them are equally fair game. Humanism at its finest.
Bmmg39 and Jill Guidry, it seems like it’s fashionable to show commercials/movies, etc. with women hitting men. What a double standard! And it’s not even funny.
To me Jill
The statement by the anti Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice was the most obnoxious
It is appalling to encourage women to sacrifice their health and lives for any reason
It is appalling for the Tebow’s family to put their faith in God instead of killing their child
Thank god for feminists like Francis Kissling anf Sally Jenkins. They are proof that not all pro-aborts are incapable of seeing beyond their own beliefs. I can respect them both for that…..sorta.
That Twitter remark about ‘failed to kill you from the womb’ made me laugh. Til I read it again, and realized that its not quite as funny the first time around. The things these people on twitter come up with….
“Violence against women”? That is a rather lame effort to try to derail a message that is plainly understood.
Let me take a moment to detail what is violence. Violence can be seen in the denial of life to someone who has committed no crime, has been granted no chance to defend itself before a court of law and has had no proxy for such defense.
To that end, supporters of the rueful decision of Roe vs. Wade have, whether directly or indirectly, have been complicit in violence and un-Constitutional denial of rights against multitudes of unborn citizens. If the law were truly followed, it would be those supporters who would face trial and execution in the courts.
Every time I see and hear those lummoxes chanting about “choice” and “population”, I always bring to mind this quote from the ghost of Christmas present, from A Christmas Carol:
“Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man’s child. Oh God. to hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust.”