MA abortion mill neighbors: How’s that buffer zone working out for you?
Last April abortionist Laurent Delli-Bovi attempted to quell concerns of prospective new neighbors on Harvard St. in Brookline Village, MA.
Delli-Bovi (pictured left at a 2009 “Champions for Choice” MA NARAL event) owns the last of 3 abortion mills in town since their heyday in the ’90s.
“Lolly,” as Delli-Bovi is known to friends, said she had to move from a more isolated location to the Harvard St. spot – which is next door to a day care center, and near an elementary school, other day care centers, grocery store, dry cleaner, other small businesses, and homes – or close.
“If it doesn’t work out, we won’t exist,” said Delli-Bovi according to, to which neighbors said fine but town officials didn’t….
I’m sure the presence of Jesse Mermell on Brookline’s Board of Selectmen (executive officers of the town), also the VP of Planned Parenthood of MA, had nothing to do with anything. (Mermell is pictured right at a 2008 “Champions for Choice” MA NARAL event.)
To assurances that MA has a buffer zone law prohibiting protests within 35 feet of an abortion mill, neighbors said so what? Protesters will only stand in front of our shop, not yours.
Not to worry. According to, “Belli-Dovi… said fears about protestors were overblown, insisting that her Chestnut Hill location only sees 2 or 3 protestors on occasion…. ‘I don’t think we have any reason to think our experience [in Brookline Village] will be different,’ she said.”
Neighbors went on to sue Brookline Village officials for not looking out for their best interest when approving Delli-Bovi’s request for a zoning change. They lost on a technicality but are appealing.
Which brings us to yesterday, the grand opening of Delli-Bovi’s Women’s Health Services on Harvard St. According to…
Though today’s crowd appeared to peak at about 20 protesters, [Police Chief Daniel] O’Leary said he expects a larger group to show up on Saturday, when anti-abortion protesters regularly gather to picket a Planned Parenthood on Commonwealth Avenue.
According to the Boston Globe…
Businesses nearby on Harvard St. felt the presence of the protesters yesterday, as well.
Several demonstrators ended up standing in front of Williams Piano on Harvard St. yesterday because a state-mandated buffer zone requires protesters to stand at least 35 feet away from entrances to abortion clinics.
Earlene Williams, president of Williams Piano, said she is hoping the antiabortion protesters do not hurt her business.
“We’re coping for the moment,” she said.
Also according to the Boston Herald…
When he walked his child to preschool yesterday morning, Brookline resident David Gray passed several antiabortion protesters… who had signs with photos of fetuses and one that said, “Thou shall not kill.”
So after Gray left his child at school for the day, he walked up to the demonstrators and asked that they refrain from holding up signs with graphic images that could scare young children….
But Gray and dozens of other parents who can be seen walking hand-in-hand with their children on the way to school… every morning might have to get used to the sight of antiabortion demonstrations.
Protesters said they plan to be outside 111 Harvard St. every day now….
A couple points.
1st, no justice, no peace. Disturbance and civil unrest follows abortion, and it always will. Bravo to the pro-life protesters. They are adversely impacting abortion not only in their town but around the country, cementing concerns communities everywhere should have about murderous abortion mills attempting to locate in peaceful neighborhoods.
2nd, parental anger is misplaced. Abortion protesters are only showing photos outside of what the abortionist is doing inside. It is too bad small children must be exposed to the reality of abortion in the crossfire, but I’d rather they see a picture than be one.
Here was a hoot of a headline and opening blurb from the pro-abortion blog, RH Reality Check…
Those that work clinic defense know that abortion protesters, who sometimes bring children with them, often seem to care more for what’s in other women’s bodies than the needs of actual children. At [sic] the new clinic in MA, located close to a school, is no exception. On day one of the new health care clinic in Brookline, and the anti-abortion protesters show up with gruesome signs.
Let’s get this straight. While RH Reality Check promotes the murder of preborn children it dares to call pro-lifers showing photos of the murders of preborn children the ones who show “callous disregard for children.” Got it.
[Top photo via the Boston Globe; bottom photo via]

Gruesome signs? That photo is of a LIVING fetus, not an aborted one. There’s nothing offensive about it.
I like the idea of the abortion mills being by day care centers and schools….it might cause one to pause and consider the humanity of the pre born. As to the graphic signs, the parents will be forced to explain to children that this is what the baby looks like when they are done in there. And the child can ask the parent…how can this be legal?
Guess that dad has never seen what his child looked like before he or she was born. I bet if you asked a little child what that picture was, many of them would respond: a baby!
Small children can recognize a baby when they see it, why can’t adults?
But…but…Kelsey…If I don’t LIKE actual scientific fact…it’s offensive! YOU KNOW BIOLOGY AND HATE WOMEN!!! WAAAAAAAH
If you build it (abortuary), they (pro-life protesters) will come.
If those are pictures of the actual signs…those are pictures of babies in the womb..not aborted babies. How are babies in the womb ‘graphic’, and how do babies “scare young children”??? SHEESH!
From the Boston Globe:
“…Five parents were led out of the clinic in handcuffs today, arrested for violating the 35 foot buffer zone. It is unclear whether the parents will be charged with violating the RICO statutes for organizing their protest of the opening of an abortion clinic next door to their children’s preschool.
” ‘Sure we’re upset by the abortion protesters and their graphic signs. But as parents, we find it abhorrent that the murder of children is occurring right next to our children’s school,’ said one mother who refused to identify herself. ‘All we wanted to do is talk with the clinic director.'”
Okay, that’s the story that DIDN’T get reported in the Globe because, tragically, it’s the story that never happened.
You know, I’m reminded of a story Janet Folger told us. She said she was at a protest where she had some molded models of pre-born fetuses and a pro-abortion woman walked up and started chewing her out. While this woman was yelling at her about abortion, the woman’s child tugged on her sleeve, pointed at the model and said, “Look, mommy, a baby!”
The kids know the truth…until the parents brainwash them, that is.
Gerard, you had me going!
Until recently I was all for “discretion” in displaying explicit photos. But the antilife rhetoric is ramping up as proved by the hue & cry over the Tebow Super Bowl ad.
Time to take the gloves off. That concerned father who was put off by the sign should realize fence-sitting time is over.
My son has seen pictures of unborn children. He was captivated. He asked me all about when HE was in my tummy…
Its good for kids to see scientific pictures of the unborn. Thats TRUTH and its hardly graphic.
I’m sure these same parents getting upset at protesters let their children watch Miley Cyrus gyrating sexually from a stripper’s pole.
Sorry Jill ;-)
I don’t think little kids should see gruesome, real pictures of aborted fetuses (babies) any more than they should have to see dead and mutilated people on tv, etc.
Little kids can’t process it all like we do. Show them live pictures instead. Stand wall-too-wall with fetal development pics and models, etc.
As a mom, I don’t want my young kids (6,4 &1) to have to see the disgusting, violent reality just yet. Its the stuff of nightmares. I shield their eyes from war photos, etc. Why would I treat abortion casualties any differently?
The gruesome pics are real and have a place. Do it outside of school time. Save it for the teens and the adults, who are causing the destruction in the first place.
Hit them where it hurts, in the pocketbook. Eventually the businesses will be impacted negatively and pressure the baby killing mill or the derelict town fathers to close down the Holocaust site.
Don’t like abortion pictures? Then end the baby killing in your town. The parents’ anger definitely is misplaced. Time to man up and go after the offending epicenter.
But these aren’t “gruesome” pics, Mary Ann. These are just pictures of developing, living babies.
I agree that the signs these photos show are far from gruesome. On the contrary, they’re beautiful. Of course, the pro-aborts can’t see the beauty…they’re too busy seeing dollar signs.
Mary Ann – I’m with you…I also shield my children (5, 2, and 3-weeks pre-born) from all violent imagery (including ALL commercials on TV – DVDs or DVR only). That said, I also agree with the statement that “America will never end abortion until America sees abortion.” Given this, I think it is possible to shield small children, like ours, from these images and still use them in peaceful protests. I do not walk my children to school past any protestors. But, if I had to, I would find another way to school so that the protestors would not be disrupted. I also might (without my children) approach the protestors and ask that they do not display abortion photos during the time that children would be on their way to school. I cannot imagine they would not agree. The sad reality is that abortions happen all day, every day…especially the same hours kids are in school.
Its true the pics shown in *this post* aren’t the real deal powerful gruesome pics of dead babies.
But from the text of the story it seems that protesters (and I’m a pro-life protester here in CA) did use those types during school hours. Not smart. While that tactic might shock some into changing their minds, its not worth the price of disturbing little kids. I’m pro-life for them, too.
The parental anger isn’t misplaced if parents are looking out for their kids. They should also be working to shut down PP, of course! Its not an either/or for many parents.
So, use real pictures of what abortion does. But please keep it away from little kids. Its so basic. I know I’m not the only pro-lifer who feels that way.
“who had signs with photos of fetuses and one that said, “Thou shall not kill.”

and that’s the sign. that’s not an aborted baby. Now, tell me again, how is that gruesome or offensive?
You just don’t understand. These are people who have had their minds warped by their guilt and the guilt of those people who have shaped them to be the people they are in adulthood. A simple picture of a living, growing, developing baby is anathema to them, because they believe it’s literally human waste, right down to the little beating heart.
“Anti-Choicers Callous Disregard For Children” from “Reproductive” “Health” “Reality” “Check” has to represent the ultimate in absurdity from the abortionist movement.
First, the local residents should be grateful for the opportunity to show their children a great example of how to peacefully protest the horrific genocide of innocent preborn children.
Second, if they have any issue at all they should bring it up with Jesse Mermell and Brookline’s Board of Selectmen (executive officers of the town). They are the ones who in their “abundant wisdom” granted the permit for this location.
I do not understand the anger directed at those holding signs depicting what abortion does to a growing child as opposed to anger at those who are actually DOING that to a growing child.
I take no issue with parents deciding what is best for their own children and just when to broach the subject of the deaths of their peers. I take issue with misdirected anger.
I understand a parent being concerned about what is happening near his child’s school. It is the abortion mill that he should be angry about. If his daughter wants an abortion in a few years, she could be brought there by a school nurse or social worker, without his knowledge for an abortion. People should get their heads on right about where the real enemy lies.
Not sure how to get rid of duplicate posts, and not sure at all what happened. My computer was sort of frozen and when it was over-there were multiple posts. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen twice! Sorry…..