by Susie Allen, TN pro-life activist
Jay at the LTI blog excellently points out the fallacies in William Saletan’s latest article in Slate regarding what Saletan terms “pregnancy termination.” Saletan unbelievably attempts to equate pre-term delivery with abortion….
According to American Papist, the NH House has rejected a bill that would have allowed prosecutors to charge people who kill a fetus with murder, manslaughter and negligent homicide. Opponents claim the bill was an attempt to define an unborn child in statute.
It appears Planned Parenthood of Western NY isn’t too afraid of “anti-choice” terrorism. As Big Blue Wave points out, they sent out invitations to their community open house:
Attendees are encouraged to bring their families. The PPWNY pediatrics practice will have activities for young children and children at heart including caricature artist Gus Posey, face painting, a coloring station and much more!
Culture News draws our attention to a recent WorldNetDaily article which points out the slow death of the abortion industry… and how taxpayer dollars are keeping it alive.
Gerard Nadal has an article at Headline Bistro, continuing to shine a light on the abortion-breast cancer link, Dr. Louise Brinton’s (pictured right) duplicity, and the risking of women’s lives:
… [T]here is a compelling incongruity between the NCI and its branch chief’s denial of the link between abortion and breast cancer on the one hand, and what its branch chief’s research has reported before and since.
Women are dying, and continue to contract breast cancer at frightening rates. Yet abortion’s proponents have engaged in scientific misconduct at the highest levels: reporting the truth in journals, then publicly dismissing those data in a Procrustean attempt to accommodate a political agenda, leaving millions of women’s lives compromised as a result.
I keep saying we need a massive class action lawsuit involving thousands of women who killed their unborn children and have since contracted breast cancer.
A lawsuit such as that could potentially bring the abortion crime industry to its knees.
Any legal geniuses out there in our movement who want to look into this? I came very close to going to law school but never quite made it.
I am with you Joe! How about lawsuits from women who were lied to about their babies and were convinced to abort, but now know the truth and deeply regret it. Abortion clinics would be out of business or at the very least forced to truly clean up their acts!