What next, bar pro-lifer Phil Simms from covering the Super Bowl?
UPDATE, 5:49p: Katie Walker, communications director for American Life League (which produced the 1987 pro-life Giants’ video discussed in the post below) has a great op ed in today’s Washington Post, “Tim Tebow, pro-life and what women want.”
11:52a: The Washington Post op ed I spotlighted earlier today by former NARAL president Kate Michelman and former Catholics for Choice president Frances Kissling contained a fascinating section worthy of its own post. I had no idea…
Tebow is not the first football star to look into a camera and talk about birth, life and choices. In 1989, Wellington Mara, then the co-owner of the NY Giants, helped produce a 9-minute video featuring members of his 1987 Super Bowl championship team….
Mara was on the board of directors of the anti-abortion American Life League, and the group widely distributed the video to churches, schools and pro-life organizations. It didn’t air on broadcast television, much less on Super Bowl Sunday. But its extreme antiabortion language contrasts sharply with the warm and fuzzy – and even inspirational – message of the Tebow ad.
The 1989 video features tight end Mark Bavaro catching a touchdown pass and saying: “At the end of the game, all the Giants players left the field champions. Now with the abortion death squads allowed to run rampant through our country, I wonder how many future champions will be killed before they see the light of day.”
George Martin, an African American defensive end, compares Roe v. Wade, which said “unborn babies have no rights,” to the “shameful Dred Scott decision that said that black people have no rights.”
And Phil Simms, the star quarterback who is now the NFL game analyst for CBS and who will be part of the broadcast next Sunday, also makes an appearance.
He describes picking up a newspaper the day after the ’87 Super Bowl victory and noticing a “little item” that got much less attention than the game: a report stating that there are “an average of 4,400 babies are killed every day by abortion.” Simms concludes: “Suddenly, my statistics seemed very insignificant.”
Here is a 2:16 clip from that video…
Sure enough, former Giants QB Phil Simms, MVP of the 1987 Super Bowl, even has his own pre-game show this Sunday. Will feminists next attack him for making pro-life statements?
Thank you for this piece, Jill. The “my body, my choice” crowd discounts a man’s perspective on his unborn child unless he’s willing to support his partner in destroying it. I think that’s why proaborts are so upset about the Tebow ad being shown to a large male audience. Some men might conclude that the “clump of cells” argument fails and that raising a child in a stable family unit is possible. That’s not a message the culture of death is willing to embrace.
I found the full version of the video here.
Lord let this go viral !!!
Awesome find by the WaPo’s Frances Kissling! Leslie, I agree! Cranky, thanks for finding the original full version! It would be great to see these guys back together for a new pro-life ad.
AWESOME!!! As a Giants fan from way back, I have a new respect for these great players! I have posted the video to my Facebook page!
Will the feminists attack these men? I fear so. You see, the only man’s opinion they welcome is the view of the pro-death man. REAL men don’t want to kill their children, but men who don’t give a dang about women or their children just LOVE abortion and the very women who are willing to go along with the program! Isn’t it sick and twisted that feminists are actually willing to get behind these very men?? I’d prefer to call them cowards! It’s like the women are saying “We want the right to choose death for our children.” and the men who agree, “We want you women to have the right to let us wiggle free of OUR responsibilities and choose death for our child!” Yet a pro-life man is scolded and told “You don’t have a uterus, so stay out of it!” Now run along!……..Sick, twisted, sick, twisted!
Maybe Pam Tebow saw this video and that’s why Tim was born. Nah, not really…funny that they’re both 1987 events.
I think Mark Bavaro was the catalyst for this. I remember hearing that he was pro-life back during the Giants’ heyday.
Yes, he was outspokenly prolife. Bavaro went to a rescue in NYC once, and before the cops arrested him, they asked for his autograph!
Unfortunately, that was the year the stinkin’ Giants beat my Bills . . .
CBS rejects gay dating site’s Super Bowl ad
CBS has rejected a Super Bowl ad submitted by a gay dating Web site that shows two male football fans making out.
Sources said the network felt the site was using the tried-and-true tactic of generating free publicity by submitting a Super Bowl ad they knew was likely to be rejected and was ultimately unwilling to pay for.
A ManCrunch.com spokesperson denied that the ad was a marketing ploy and called CBS’ decision discriminatory.
“We’re 100% serious,” said spokesperson Elissa Buchter. “We have the money to pay for it. If the ad showed a man and woman kissing it would have been accepted. You see ads for erectile dysfunction morning, noon and night. It’s discriminatory that they wont show this.”
Yeah I can see the Viagra or Cialis ad with the two men sitting in their individual bathtubs, holding hands, gazing at a sunset while they are waiting for the recreational/performance enhancing drug to kick in.
Somehow, I do not think the ad would elicit the desired result.
People who were not part of that deviant demogrpahic, particularly men, would be on the remote like bums on a bologna sandwich and channel surfing for anything but that.
yor bro ken
David Akers, kicker for the Philadelphia Eagles, is pro-life. Yay!
A man has no right in a womans’ decision when she CHOOSES to have an abortion, BUT, if she CHOOSES to have that baby, the man is responsible till that child is 18 or older. That baby can have a different blood type, so I dislike when a woman says, “it’s my body”. That life is a gift from God, don’t you think that God cries every time a child is murdered?