Jivin J’s Life Links 3-16-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
Curtis Boyd, an Albuquerque doctor, recently announced on his website that, in response to Tiller’s death, he had begun performing 3rd-trimester abortions. Boyd, 72, also announced that he had hired two CA physicians, Susan Robinson and Shelley Sella, who used to work with Tiller on a rotating basis….
After Tiller was murdered by Scott Roeder, who faces sentencing April 1, the National Abortion Federation began asking members who already provide 2nd-trimester abortions to consider extending their practices to include 3rd-trimester abortions.
See Boyd in this 2003 video from Voices of Choice:
Of all the arguments in support of legalized abortion made by elected legislators, the one that bothers me the most is, “While I’m personally opposed to abortion, I cannot vote to impose my views on others…”
This represents the ultimate privatization of beliefs. Thank goodness 19th Century abolitionists did not use this logic to explain their unwillingness to vote to outlaw slavery.
Every day, liberals, in whose ranks I count myself, urge legislators to vote to impose our views and beliefs on others when it involves enacting a progressive tax system, guaranteeing gay rights, protecting the environment, or through the federal government, providing health care to millions of Americans who do not presently have it.
Some now argue that government can involve itself in social morality – such as ending racial segregation – but butt out when it comes to personal moral decisions. This leads to the kind of convoluted liberalism that, as Fr. Thomas J. Reese, the Jesuit author, has observed, holds that “government should no longer ban topless dancing, but should ensure that the dancer works in a smoke-free environment.”

Read on LifeNews about Sella:
“In June 2008 she stood accused of killing a baby who apparently was born alive following a failed abortion procedure. […]
“Davis gave us a very specific eyewitness account about the incident,” Operation Rescue president Troy Newman told LifeNews.com at the time.
“We were told that the baby was 35 weeks gestation at the time of the abortion. The baby came out and was moving,” he continued. “Sella looked up at Ms. Davis, then picked up a utensil and stabbed the baby in the left ribcage, twisting the utensil until the baby quit moving.”
Why the hell is this person not serving life in jail? Why are we told that late term abortions of healthy infants don’t occur? Why are we told there’s no need to protect infants born alive during abortion?