UPDATE, 11:29a: Yet another red flag. While pro-life groups are coming out against Kagan’s nomination en masse, the pro-abortion group NARAL is amenable to Kagan, as indicated in the statement below.
Shock: I happen to agree with NARAL on one of its points – that abortion and Roe v. Wade should be discussed in Kagan’s confirmation hearings.
Also note the ironic use of the term “vacuum,” which as Susie Allen pointed out to me immediately draws pro-lifers (like she and I anyway) to think of vacuum aspiration abortions. Click to enlarge…
naral kagan 2.png
UPDATE, 11:17a: Interesting statement on Kagan’s nomination from Manuel Miranda of the Third Branch Conference. Miranda’s perspective is one of a Senate Republican leadership dissident…

The President must be commended for shunning left wing activists who demanded that he select a Supreme Court nominee who could promise results for the clients that fund their advocacy. He selected a perfectly reasonable nominee for a Democratic president.
Where he fell short is that, in Elena Kagan, President Obama has nominated someone who shares his personal ideology but has no judicial record to show the honed skill of judiciousness, i.e. the ability to put aside personal views to render justice.
The Senate must now test for this to determine whether Elena Kagan is qualified for the highest court or just more richly credentialed and with a wider circle of friends than Harriet Miers. Kagan is a stealth nominee for both the Left, who want guarantees on the results of cases, and for the Right, who want to know how a nominee will approach judging.
For Senate Republicans, talk of filibusters and obstruction is just a distraction. The real question will be how much time and effort they will invest in this confirmation debate. In the Sotomayor debate, fewer than a dozen Senate Republicans went to the Senate Floor to speak on the that nomination. If they do not invest, they may find a return on investment like Senator Bob Bennett’s. Bennett never invested in judicial nominations.

UPDATE, 10:57a: Students for Life of America and LifeNews.com are cosponsoring a petition opposing the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. I just signed it and encourage other pro-lifers to as well.
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UPDATE, 9:14a: Americans United for Life’s take on Kagan’s abortion position:

Elena Kagan has strong ties to abortion-advocacy organizations and expressed admiration for activist judges who have worked to advance social policy rather than to impartially interpret the law. AUL will oppose President Obama’s attempt to reshape the Court as an activist, pro-abortion institution through which unelected judges will work to impose an out-of-the-mainstream social agenda upon the American people….

President Obama said he wanted a Supreme Court candidate who interprets the Constitution as protecting individual rights, particularly abortion rights. Solicitor General Elena Kagan – an ardent abortion supporter – more than fits the ticket. Kagan not only publicly and repeatedly criticized federal regulations that prohibited recipients of Title X family planning funds from counseling on or referring women for abortions, she argued that the regulations amounted to the subsidization of ‘anti-abortion’ speech.
Kagan will further entrench the Court’s self-appointed role as the sole arbiter of abortion policy because she believes the role of judges is to ‘advance’ social policy rather than faithfully apply the law. Kagan is so admiring of judicial activists that she sought to silence critics of activist judges, attacking them as “irresponsible” and asserting that their criticism was “harmful to our constitutional system and to the value of a judiciary.” A Kagan nomination means more power to the SC to make and impose personal policy and radical beliefs, robbing Americans of the ability to keep law making to themselves and their representatives.

8:59a: From the Washington Post, this morning:

President Obama has scheduled a mid-morning announcement to nominate Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be the 112th justice of the Supreme Court, sources said late Sunday night….

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Kagan, 50, the former dean of Harvard Law School, would become the 4th woman to serve on the high court; if she is confirmed, the 9-member court will have 3 female justices for the first time.
In replacing Justice John Paul Stevens, Obama would also be breaking with tradition. Every other member of the court is a former federal appeals court judge, and Kagan has never served in the judiciary. The last time a non-judge was appointed was in 1972, when President Richard Nixon nominated William Rehnquist and Lewis Powell in the same year.
Kagan, who Obama considered nominating during the last Supreme Court vacancy, is the government’s top appellate lawyer and representative at the Supreme Court. She was confirmed last year by the Senate in a 61 to 31 vote, and was the first woman confirmed to hold the job.
Because she would replace Stevens, the leader of the court’s liberal bloc, the ideological balance among the nine justices would not change….
Kagan was not seen as the most easily confirmed among the group of potential nominees Obama considered, but neither are substantial problems foreseen with her nomination.

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She is known to be circumspect with her personal views and has no public record on some of the hot-button social issues – such as abortion and gun control – that have dominated past confirmation hearings. In fact, it is her lack of a record that has led some liberal activists to warn that Obama should not take a chance on her. But she has served in the Obama administration for more than a year and worked in the Clinton White House before that, and she has some powerful allies who have vouched for her….
Kagan would be the youngest member of the court. And though she comes from outside the “judicial monastery” that some members of Congress had hoped for, she is an insider. She has clerked at the SC, advised Biden when he was a senator during Ginsburg’s confirmation hearing, and served in a policy role in the Clinton administration….
Some of the most important priorities of the Obama administration, such as health-care reform and changes in the regulation of the financial industry, will come before the court in the coming years….
She is the 3rd straight nominee to have graduated from Princeton. The court would now be entirely composed of justices who attended law school at either Harvard or Yale, although Ginsburg graduated from Columbia Law School. Kagan would be the 4th justice on the court to have been raised in New York.
And if she is confirmed, the court will for the 1st time in its history be without a Protestant justice. It would be composed of 6 Catholics and 3 Jews.
Conservatives have said the most controversial issue in her past was her belief that the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy meant recruiters on campus would violate the Harvard Law School’s anti-discrimination policy….

Speaking of, from QueerTY.com, May 9 (click to enlarge):
queerty kagan.png

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