UPDATE, 12:25p: Commenter topekaprolife suggested reading this LifeSiteNews.com story, which I agree provide “helpful comments on this case from respected Catholic physician Paul Byrne.”
margaret mcbride 2.jpg10:17a: Jivin J wrote May 17 about Sister Margaret McBride (pictured right), an administrator at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ, who was excommunicated and reassigned after Bishop Thomas Olmsted learned she was the key administrator responsible for approving an abortion supposedly to the save the life of a pregnant mother.
The scandal is spreading. ModernHealthcare.com reported May 20:

Catholic Healthcare West, one of the largest religious health systems in the country with 38 hospitals, is in danger of losing its status as a Roman Catholic institution in Phoenix as a result of recent incidents including an abortion approved by a nun at the system’s largest hospital….

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The Rev. Thomas Olmsted [pictured left], bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix, said in written statements that Sister Margaret McBride was excommunicated from the church after she admitted to Olmsted that she approved of the abortion after the pregnancy was said to have threatened the life of the mother.
“The mother’s life cannot be preferred over the child’s. Both lives are equal,” the diocese said in a statement. “It is not better to save one life while murdering another. It is not better that the mother live the rest of her existence having had her child killed.”

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A statement from 738-bed St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center [pictured right] in Phoenix said the hospital is standing by McBride, who remains on staff and has been appointed to a position focusing on strategic initiatives.
“We have always adhered to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services as we carry out our healing ministry and we continue to abide by them,” St. Joseph’s hospital said in a written statement. “In this tragic case, the treatment necessary to save the mother’s life required the termination of an 11-week pregnancy.”
The bishop’s statement went on to criticize St. Joseph’s religious sponsor, San Francisco-based Catholic Healthcare West, which also owns 224-bed Chandler (AZ) Regional Medical Center where the bishop said hospital officials are known to have violated Catholic Ethical and Religious Directives in another, undisclosed incident.
“These realities are a scandal to the faithful and must cease if CHW wishes to … maintain its recognition as a Catholic institution in the Diocese of Phoenix,” the statement said.

Now we see an example of what I was getting at with my “Socially Catholic Evangelical Protestant” post the other day. The Diocesan statement is amazingly strong and clear, a must read. A key excerpt (click to enlarge)…
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If only the religious leadership of all supposedly pro-life Protestant – and Catholic (see here and here) – hospitals and hospital systems were so clear and steadfast.
Again, I suggest all pro-lifers read the Diocesan statement so as to be armed to respond to blowback from pro-aborts and the uneducated on this crucial issue. This is becoming big news. Today CNN’s Carol Costello called McBride’s discipline the “excommunication heard around the world”…

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