13 Planned Parenthood affiliates blew $638k to lose on Alaska’s parental notice initiative
Final figures at the AK Dept. of Administration site aren’t in, so the amount of money 13 Planned Parenthood affiliates wasted in their unsuccessful attempt to stop the Alaskan parental notification Ballot Measure 2 is likely higher.
But receipts submitted thus far indicate they blew a lot as it is, together spending $638k. This is money pro-lifers can take comfort in knowing PP can never spend on any other pro-abort politician or endeavor to kill kids. It’s gone. Meanwhile Ballot Measure 2 won 55-45%.
PP of the Great Northwest takes the prize, contributing over half a mil – $524k. Of course. It’s “the biggest abortion provider in AK,” according to the Anchorage Daily News.
Altogether the umbrella group, Alaskans against Government Mandates, raised $823k, although roughly $100k is unaccounted for (and may never be, according to an AK Dept. of Administration official I spoke with today, who said they’re short-staffed). Here were the PP affiliates that ganged up against Alaskan parents:
PP Advocacy Project of Los Angeles Co. PP Affiliates of CA PP Affiliates of MI PP Columbia Williamette PP of the Great Northwest PP of Greater WA and North ID PP Mar Monte PP of Orange and San Bernadino Cos. PP Pasadena and San Gabriel Cos. PP St. Louis Region PP San Diego & Riverside PP Shasta Diablo Six Rivers PP
You can see most of the PPs were in CA. So it stands to reason they used the very same tv ad in AK that was successful in withstanding CA’s Prop 4 parental notice initiative in 2008. Note the Adirondack chairs in the sunny backyard that apparently left Alaskans cold:
And here was that 2008 CA Prop 4 ad:
Meanwhile what an encouragement to know that while Alaskans for Parental Rights raised only about 1/6 as the pro-abort losers – $145k – they still won the day. Congrats to them!
Professor Michael New noted at National Review Online today that this win “made history”:
This marks the first time that the pro-life movement has used the citizen initiative to pass a parental-involvement law. (The other 29 parental-involvement laws currently in effect were all enacted through the legislative process.)…
New noted several reasons for this victory, including a shift in public sentiment on the life issue.
Not that it’s over. According to the Anchorage Daily News:
In 1997, the state Legislature passed a law that said teens had to get the consent of a parent or approval from a judge before getting an abortion.
But court challenges prevented the law from taking effect and in 2007, the state Supreme Court struck it down 3-2, saying teens had a constitutional right to make such an important decision themselves. The court left the door open for a law requiring parents to be notified.
The measure’s opponents said they will look into the possibility of another court challenge.
Meanwhile PP has set up a web page reassuring pregnant teen mothers that parental notification isn’t yet law, whew. Notice the url is www.teenpregnancysupport.com. As Anna at Americans United for Life cynically noted, “But CPCs the deceptive ones.”
Another point of interest by Mary Kate Cary at the US News & World Report blog:
Politico is reporting that only 90k people voted in the Senate race – but 131k votes were cast for or against [the] parental notification proposal…. [US Senate Republican primary apparent victor Joe] Miller believes the ballot question… had a big effect on his race:
Miller told Politico that voters who approved the ballot measure likely supported his campaign. Although both Miller and Murkowski said they supported Measure 2, Murkowski is one of the few Republicans in the Senate who generally supports legislation supporting abortion rights – a point that Miller drove home in some of his last-minute advertisements.
Wow! That has to hurt PP’s pocketbooks, specially in today’s economy! *No facelifts for Cecille Richards this year*…
Congrats to our Alaskan brothers and sisters for a succesful campaign! You guys Rock!!
Let’s repeat this everywhere. We’ll bring down PP like Reagan brought down the godless Soviet Union.
They justify killing babies by saying there protecting the moms health. How do they justify trying to usurp parental authority?
How much was spent on both sides for the SD and Colorado abortion votes in 2008? Guessing a lot of money is going out the window on both sides.
Well, how do you address the problem of teen girls who are forced to notify abusive parents that they’re pregnant? Just wondering.
Ashley, how do you justify Planned Parentdhood vacuuming out teen girls and sending them a back to their abusers? (Sorry about all the typos, my backspace button on my phone stopped working) Second, can you provide proof that parental notification and parental consent laws will result in wmore cases of abuse when they tell their parent of their plan to get an abortion? Also, what of the current issue of teen girls and women getting abused and killed by their boyfriends and older men who gm impregnanted them for refusing to get an abortion?
Ashley, isn’t that what judicial bypass is for?
So the supreme court says teens have a constitutional right to decide on an abortion before they reach the legal age to consent to sex? Makes no sense.
The teen pregnancy support site says they cannot disclose information without the teen’s consent. Is PP exempt from mandated reporting laws related to sexual abuse of minors? If a 14 year old comes in pregnant, it’s pretty clear that she needs to be screened to rule out abuse, regardless of PP’s perspective on consensual sex between 14 year olds and adults. You have to wonder how many predators PP enables by their teen “advocacy.”
Notice how deceptive the ad is. It says girls will be “forced to tell their parents they’re pregnant” not “tell their parents they’re going to have an abortion.”
Odd how PP can’t even be brought to mention the word “abortion.”
Ashley, here’s the thing. If a girl truly does have abusive and/or incestuous parents who will allegedly abuse her further if she reveals her pregnancy, how will getting an abortion help her at all? After the abortion she will return to the abusive situation.
Whereas if she tells a judge or a police officer or a social worker about her pregnancy, and her abusive home situation, she’ll be removed from it, her pregnancy notwithstanding.
Frankly, the vast majority of teens who say, “My parents will kill me if they find out I’m pregnant” are wildly over-exaggerating. Will their parents be upset and disappointed? Yeah, probably. But murderous? Probably not.
If my minor child can’t have Tylenol at school without my consent, I sure as heck don’t want her have SURGERY without my consent. Doctors can’t perform any other medical procedure on my child without my consent excepting life-threatening circumstances; I don’t see why abortion should be any different.
Any teenager that is afraid to tell her parent or parents that she’s pregnant can notify her school counselor or if she feels that she’s in imminent danger she can call the police.
There have already been news stories about girls getting taken out of school by the school and taken to an abortuary by the school for the girls to get abortions without their parents’ knowledge. Then they are sent home to hemorrage (sp?) for 3 weeks and cry. And the parents aren’t notified. The girls could bleed to death, could experience sepsis, could have a perforated uterus, could be subjected to abuse by someone the parents don’t know about, and the list goes on. On the other hand, it really upsets me when parents tell their girls, “Don’t ever come home pregnant” or “Get the abortion or get out.” Abortion doesn’t solve anything. Abortion creates even more problems.
Um I spoke to a young girl last year who was raped and impregnated by her uncle, her legal guardian. She went to a hospital family planning center, where the staff urged her to contact authorities. She did, he’s going to jail, and she had an abortion because she was disgusted at the thought of giving birth to her uncle’s child. She’s living with a family friend and doing well in school, though she sees a counselor once a week.
Imagine this girl having to notify her rapist uncle. Or speaking to a judge about her condition. How degrading.
Some rape survivors want to keep the baby. That choice is completely honorable. Denying women to make this choice robs them of the opportunity to regain their sovereignty.
Denying women to make this choice robs them of the opportunity to regain their sovereignty.
We aren’t talking about adult women, are we? We’re talking about minors.
If the staff in your scenario were aware of the girl’s abusive guardian, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for them to notify CPS than to put a minor in charge of contacting the authorities herself? Is CPS unable to arrange for emergency custody/guardianship and facilitate a judicial bypass if necessary?
I agree that contacting the uncle would not be in the girl’s best interest. If clinics screened for abuse and complied with mandated reporting laws, then girls wouldn’t be put in a position of having to notify abusive parents or guardians, would they? It would also help stop some of the predation of these girls by adult “boyfriends.” IMHO any clinic that fails to report suspected abuse fails the adolescent as much as the adult perpetrator failed her.
Megan — how is it degrading to speak to a judge, but not the authorities? It seems to be it’d be equally “degrading” either way.
A “choice” to kill an innocent human being is never a choice. If she had told no one of her pregnancy and killed the baby after its birth, would you still support her “choice”?
All this girl did was give her child the death penalty due to the crimes of its biological father. If she had chosen adoption, she could have brought something good out of a very ugly situation. Now, she has the weight of abortion on her soul on top of all her other problems — and even if she’s “doing well” now, she may, some years down the road, have physical or emotional problems due to her abortion.
Parental notification makes girls MORE vulnerable to trusted family rapists. It’s wrong on its very concept, if a 16yo girl needs an abortion and is not willing to tell their parents then chances are there’s a good reason why they don’t want to tell them. A lot of the time when a young girl is raped it is by someone she knows and if she knows them then so do her parents even if they don’t know about the sex.
I grew up in the Northwest and at 22 I had a girlfriend who had left Georgia with her younger brother because the entire time they were growing up their older step-brother had been molesting, and raping, them both as well pimping her out for drug money and free beer. When she would tell her drunken mom she was called a liar because her mom and mom’s family loved the step-father much more than her and her younger brother dad. Also if charges got filed the mom would lose custody of all three kids and her child support money. They lived in rural Georgia “Hepsiba I think it is called” and they had no phone and were not allowed to go anywhere accept other family member houses. When she was old enough “and keep in mind she was never taught anything like how to drive a car” she stole enough money from her mom to get the neighbor kid to give her a ride into town and help her buy bus tickets for her and her brother to Washington State where her real dad was stationed in the USAF. A year later I meet her though a USAF friend and we were together for a couple years. When I meet her she was scared of everything and everyone, and her brother was dressed all in black with eye liner and black painted fingernails…. She never had the opportunity to even consider abortion as an option because due to all of the trauma, infections, and other issues that were left untreated she could never have kids at all and had a hysterectomy at 21yo…
She told her mother and grandparents well over 50 times about what her step-brother was doing but it didn’t matter because it wasn’t in their best interest to believe her. To this day she has still not told her dad about any of this because as a career military man “and serious no joke bada$$” she was afraid her dad would do something homicidal and go to prison “I think she is right in this assumption” as well as the shame and embarrassment her brother would feel every time he looked his dad in the face. This type of situation is more common than you might think as by its very nature it is seriously under reported.
As horrible as this story is it does have a happy ending, we broke up in a very mutual agreement kind of way, and are still friends today. A year after we broke up she meet a great military man who could also not have kids, and they began adopting redheads “she is a redhead and feels the pain of being fairest of fair skinned lol” two boys and a girl. She even named her oldest boy after my middle name and they have a very happy family. Her younger brother joined the USAF at 21yo and is now working for the NSA. He is about to get married to a great girl with two kids of her own which he loves to death.
“Parental notification makes girls MORE vulnerable to trusted family rapists. It’s wrong on its very concept, if a 16yo girl needs an abortion and is not willing to tell their parents then chances are there’s a good reason why they don’t want to tell them. A lot of the time when a young girl is raped it is by someone she knows and if she knows them then so do her parents even if they don’t know about the sex.”
So your solution is that she get an abortion and go right back into the abusive situation?
Abortion doesn’t free young girls trapped in abusive situations. It keeps them prisoners. With these laws, in order to obtain an abortion, they need to tell an outside authority about the pregnancy AND the abuse. Without these laws, she can go and get the abortion and remain trapped within her abusive family situation. And remember, we’re talking around 1% of total abortions, here. Most are elective procedures in which a girl is not trapped in an abusive situation (although frequently it’s a statutory rape situation — one in which PP is happy to let girls remain).
Moreover, Biggz, why is it that my minor child cannot have any other surgery (excepting immediate, life-threatening circumstances) without my consent? Why is every other surgical procedure not exempt from parental notification? I’ve had a D&C (for a missed miscarriage) and it is NOT a simple or easy procedure, or without risk. If my daughter can’t take a dose of Tylenol or get her ears pierced without my consent, she certainly shouldn’t be able to have a surgical procedure done.
Fed Up, the problem with requiring parental consent is that the same logic can be used to allow parents to “choose” abortion for a teenager against their will. If it’s the parent’s sole right to determine her medical care, what if her parents decide she “needs” an abortion and she wants to give her baby life? So I would be leary of a parental consent law unless it or another law also clearly stated that a minor had a right to choose against abortion, even if her parents wanted her to have an abortion.
Biggz, wouldn’t it be better if the three children your friend adopted had been aborted?
So her pregnancy becomes evidence of abuse. That’s healthy. I would really want to be forced to walk around as walking evidence of somebody’s abuse. That wouldn’t be psychologically damaging in the least, not to have ANY voice in the matter, even if I were a minor.
Health clinics can guide young girls to the proper authorities or alert them on their behalf if the girls have been abused. I think it’s disgusting to make a young girl keep a pregnancy she might not want.
I think it’s disgusting to kill people for the crimes other people have committed.
Somehow I don’t believe this would be the case if it came to your own pre-teen daughter.
I teach my children to love others and to not return violence with violence.
You bring up yet another absolutely disgusting proabort thought: A grandparent supporting/pressuring the killing of a grandchild based solely on the circumstances surrounding the child’s conception.
You do know killing the child will not unrape the survivor, right?
Yes, I am bringing up a disgusting thought: the erasure of a violence victim’s voice. It would be one thing if a rape victim WANTED to keep the pregnancy–in that case she should be supported FULLY. But if your daughter were raped and she did not want to keep the pregnancy, what would you do? How is it “love” to treat somebody’s body as a means to an end, even if it results in a new life?
I think it’s easy enough to preach morality, and yet it’s another thing to practice it. You’d privilege the interests over a six-week-old nascent human over your daughter’s? I find it hard to believe.
Why even make rape a felony if women can’t decide the outcomes of that action? Why not make it a free-for-all? The rape of the Sabine women–isn’t that how Rome was supposedly populated?
“You’d privilege the interests over a six-week-old nascent human over your daughter’s? I find it hard to believe.”
I hope my grandchildren will be given the same right to life that my own children were given. The overwhelming love I have for my children is not based on the circumstances surrounding their conceptions. Their human rights should not be based on how they were conceived any more than your human rights should be based on how you were conceived.
I find it hard to believe that you think this overwhelming love would and could change for my grandchildren.
Megan wrote:
I think it’s disgusting to make a young girl keep a pregnancy she might not want.
Er… Megan, people don’t keep pregnancies; they’re not “for keeps”. You can keep a *child*, but not a pregnancy. I suspect you really didn’t want to face the full force of the statement, “I think it’s disgusting to make a young girl keep a baby she might not want, when she should instead be given the option to kill her.” Abortion-speak really doesn’t hold up well.
“Why even make rape a felony if women can’t decide the outcomes of that action?”
So by your logic, it’s not rape if pregnancy doesn’t result? That explains why Whoopi thought what Roman Polanski did wasn’t “rape rape.” I guess you really do think that abortion unrapes the victim. You seriously believe that rape has no consequence apart from the chance of pregnancy? That there are no emotional consequences to a rape once the woman is sure she’s not pregnant? The outcome of a rape should be jail time for the criminal–not the death penalty for his children or victim, not ridicule for the victim. Unfortunately, the experience is often traumatic for the victim, and she may never recover from her emotional scars. But if she is pushed into killing her own child, an innocent victim, she may never recover from that either. And the child will certainly never recover from being suctioned out, burned, or dismembered.
“Bit if she is pushed into killing her own child…”
My point is that NO girl or woman should be FORCED to do anything with her body she doesn’t want to do. It might be hard to assess what a 13-year-old rape victim would WANT, but pregnancy is a personal decision–a matter of privacy and individual rights–and women of all ages should be able to make these decisions for themselves.
It’s terrible if a woman is forcibly impregnated, and even more terrible if she is FORCED to carry the pregnancy or FORCED to abort. This is a moment when she can reclaim control of her body; being TOLD what to do, by law or by another person, is terribly wrong.
Do you really think young girls are fit to be mothers?
“Do you really think young girls are fit to be mothers?”
Kind of a moot point once they are mothers.
You obviously think they are not.
I think that they are far more likely to need more help than a mature woman. I think that in most cases the ideal is that a child is raised by their biological mother and father, and any single mom will need help. I’m married to my husband, 27 years old, and sometimes we need help, and we are lucky to have it. Human beings aren’t created asocial loners, though they can be pushed that way; we were created for community. A person without that support system will be lonely and not socially healthy even without a child though. And let me tell you–as a mom you do what you need to, and sometimes you do more than you think possible with very little resources–sleep and time are hard to buy no matter what your economic status–but it works out, because when it has to get done, mom gets it done. And if I didn’t have support, or even my husband, I’d still manage, somehow. Because I do what I have to, and because my God gets me through. But the solution to a lack of support and a lack of community isn’t to kill a human being. If that precious child is all the woman has, how much more precious she is! She is a start of such a community. She will be an asset far longer than a detriment. And she will be an asset far sooner than you might think–as strangers introduce themselves to the baby and become friends. As that baby starts to smile and gives mom joy and peace and new reserves of strength when she had been about to give up. As the mom struggling to get by finally sees a reason to get by. Because mommy needs that baby, sometimes, almost as much as the baby needs the mommy.