Alan Grayson’s “Taliban” ad backfires
That’s not my headline, that’s Politico’s. To refresh (read my previous post here), here is an ad Democrat pro-abort FL 8th District Rep. Alan Grayson began running last week:
And here was opponent Daniel Webster’s “submit to me” line in context:
I have verses [to pray] for my wife. Don’t pick the ones that say, um “She should submit to me.”That’s in the Bible, but pick the ones that you’re supposed to do. So instead, “love your wife, even as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it” as opposed to “wives submit to your own husbands.”
If your blood isn’t already boiling, watch this interview between MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer and Grayson, where she takes him on for the obvious distortion. This guy is such a creep! How could anyone vote for him? As Hot Air noted:
Brewer engages Grayson on his disgraceful, dishonest “Taliban Dan” smear and – to her credit – refuses to let him off the hook for it. At one point, Grayson accuses Brewer of distracting attention from women’s issues, but Brewer fires back and tells Grayson that he approved the ad and its own off-message smears and out-of-context quotes. If Grayson was serious about the issues, Brewer asks, why not just stick to the issues rather than issue an ad rated “false” by Factcheck?
We thought… Grayson… reached a low point when he falsely accused his opponent of being a draft dodger during the Vietnam War, and of not loving his country. But now Grayson has lowered the bar even further. He’s using edited video to make his rival appear to be saying the opposite of what he really said.
As for how Grayson’s ad is backfiring, Politico wrote:
… Grayson’s attempt to equate his Republican challenger with the Taliban is having a big impact – just not the one Grayson may have hoped….
Grayson was also reprimanded by the Orlando Sentinel, which posted a story Monday headlined “Grayson’s ‘Taliban Dan’ ad takes Webster’s words out of context, twists meaning.”
“By twisting Webster’s words, Grayson risks eroding some of the support he may have won from independent voters,” the paper concluded.
Sunshine News reported yesterday that a Sunshine State News Poll conducted September 25-27 gave Webster a 7 point lead. The New York Times FiveThirtyEight blog gives Webster a 52% chance of taking over the seat.
Have you donated to Webster yet?
Good. This ad was so distorted it was just amazing.
Okay, granted, they didn’t talk much about women’s issues on that interview with Contessa, but it sounded like she had him on the air with her to talk about his AD not the issues themselves.
You can’t expect to have a rational conversation with someone who isn’t rational. I will give Contessa credit for trying.
September 30th, 2010 at 3:31 pm
You can’t expect to have a rational conversation with someone who isn’t rational. I will give Contessa credit for trying.
That’s true. It’s not like she didn’t make it a secret that she was talking about the AD.
Alan Grayson is scum, I hope Dan Webster wins.
Wow. MSNBC called out a Democrat? I’m stunned. Good on them, though, for once. That ad was so wrong it was painful.
Jon Stewart, to my knowledge, was the first to show how unfair the Grayson ad was
Even in the most legalistic christian denominations, you cannot find a burqa babe covered from head to toe, nor will you find parents proudly holding photographs of their now dead sucide murderers.
You won’t find any news stories about public beheadings or stonings or hangings for people who violate their understanding/misuderstanding of scripture.
Nor will you find any fatwah’s issued for those who are apostate or who have left the fold to embrace a different reilgion.
Nor will you find them rioting in the streets when God or Jesus are slandered or the bible is burned.
Alan Grayson is an arrogant and bitter man who operating under the self imposed delusion that he is the ‘sherrif of the kingdom’.
Even in the most legalistic christian denominations, you cannot find a burqa babe covered from head to toe, nor will you find parents proudly holding photographs of their now dead sucide murderers.
You won’t find any news stories about public beheadings or stonings or hangings for people who violate their understanding/misuderstanding of scripture.
Nor will you find any fatwah’s issued for those who are apostate or who have left the fold to embrace a different reilgion.
Nor will you find them rioting in the streets when God or Jesus are slandered or the bible is burned.
Thanks for this, Ken. Quite right.
Right Ken. God bless you bro.
Alan Grayson is not scum.He is a principled and courageous advocate for a woman’s right to choose an abortion,and his description of his opponent as Taliban could not be more apt.
Too many pro-choicers are so wimpy.We need more outspoken people like Grayson who will stand up to the poisonous anti-choice agenda.
Ultimately,if anti-choicers get their way and abortion becomes illegal again in America, the abortion rate will skyrocket,and many,many pooe women will die grsily deaths at the hands of backl-alley abortionists, and if contraceptives become illegal too as many anti-choicers want, the abortion rate will be even higher and a black market in contraceptives will emerge.
Add to this the possible elimination of all help to poor pregnant women by the US government, and you have a recipe for catastrophe in America.
Anti-choicers,be careful of what you ask for.
Robert, Congressman Grayson may be a great guy, but he showed a serious lack of judgment in allowing that ad to run.
Alan Grayson does not hate children.Pro-choicers do not “Hate” children.
They are pro-choice because of their deep concern for the welfare of children who ARE
born. Anti-choicers “love” children.They love them to pieces. But not after they are out of the womb. Then,they could not care less about them.
No Robert only pro-aborts like you are the ones who love babies “to PIECES”, chopped up, mutilated, dismembered, decapitated, brains suctioned out, or whatever else it takes to guarantee that every woman who wants a dead baby will get one.
No you didn’t, just rehash that old lie about prolifers. That old tired lie that prolifers ”could not care less once babies are out of the womb”, has already been discussed on this blog ad nauseum listing all of the services we provide to women and their children once the baby is delivered. You are indeed suffering from PADS (Pro Abortion Derangement Syndrome).