Donations, news coverage surge for DC candidate’s graphic abortion ads
Since we began publicizing pro-life DC congressional candidate Missy Smith’s graphic abortion ads, donations have been pouring in, she told me this morning. You’ve helped by spreading the word on Facebook, Twitter, and to your lists, and I’ve been made aware other blogs and pro-lifers like Jack Ames and Randall Terry have been doing the same.
When Missy’s ads began airing on DC area network television stations October 21, she only had enough funds to pay for 15 spots. Since then Missy has received a whopping $30,000 in donations and purchased 25 additional spots, for a total of 40 – and counting.
Missy can run ads until DC polls close November 2 and can purchase them up to 2p November 1. So by all means continue donating during this extremely rare window of opportunity to show the truth about abortion to a huge pro-abortion metropolitan audience. (Missy has had to empty her voicemail several times for often vile complaints she has received.)
Stations are forced by law to run a federal candidate’s ads unedited when s/he wants them to run. So Missy is buying air time during local 5 and 6p news, Seinfeld, Letterman, Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah, Saturday Night Live, etc. See current schedule here.
Stations have been attempting to protect themselves from audience wrath by running disclaimer-type stories during the news. This only works in our favor by publicizing the atrocity of abortion. Example: Fox DC…
There is also friendly news coverage, such as this front page story in yesterday’s Washington Times.
And now the story has gone national, posted on the ABC News blog yesterday and AOL News and Newscore this morning.
AND international, just up on London’s The Daily Mail.
ABC‘s blog concluded, “For those inclined, you can view the ad on Smith’s website HERE. Excellent, that’s what we want.
ABC News this morning gave Missy’s ad “the dubious distinction of being the most graphic” of the campaign season. But all Missy’s ad does is point out what “choice” is. What’s the problem?

Hey Jill,
The link right under the video that takes you to the friendly cpverage actually takes you to the third page of the article – here’s the link to the first page.
Just FYI.
For such a time as this, Missy!!
Mita, thanks, will fix!
I love how they make it sound so offensive what is portrayed in these ads. I guess if the truth offends you . . . You’d think if it’s a “choice” it ought to at least be an informed one. The problem is that people want to bury their heads in the sand and avoid the truth.
That’s the problem. They don’t want you to know what ”choice” (prenatal homicide) is.
By the way, the link to the schedule of ads is not working, Jill.
Rachel Madcow of PMSNBC fame had a “documentary” on the “assassination” of Tiller. Give it a rest Rachel. The world is full of deranged people obsessed with gunning down people in the news, celebrities, newscasters, politicians, etc. or a person who rejected them. Tiller is just another statistic who’s death only proves what I say about deranged people.
Please visit:
This is a demo of a partial birth abortion on YouTube
This is a YouTube video of the aftermath of an abortion
This is an excellent & vivid photo of a 10 week old fetus who has hands, feet, heart….
These we
bsites expose the sheer brutality & violence imposed on the unborn helpless baby during an abortion. You will witness the aftermath of abortion & how aborted babies have been cruelly killed & torn apart by the abortionist. Websites reveal the humanity of unborn babies. Embryos & fetus are very developed humans even at very early stage of pregnancy & are not a just “blob of tissue”
World leaders, leaders, and statesmen are assasinated. Murderers are just murdered by other murderers. Tiller was the latter. I wish he had survived to repent and join our team.
I (even as pro life as I am) used to think that the graphic pictures were to extreme even in defense of life because they are so exceptionally and horrifically disturbing. In the passage of time I have come to realize that women get a sanitized, ‘you don’t have to see anything’ version of abortion, which is bundled in the pack of never ending lies about abortion – all for the sake of $$$. These pictures need to be in the public eye, and often.
These people showing these adds are disgusting. What happened to our rights as women? What happened to making a choice? What about thoses women that were raped and cannot bear going through with that pregnancy…you people are heartless and cruel. I vote and believe me, there will never be a vote of mine for someone like Missy…on a smaller point, grow up and get a real name!
The people that kill the babies that are depicted are disgusting. She/he is a child not a choice.
If you have aborted there is hope and healing for you. Your anger is misdirected.
Why do these pictures bother you? Have you never seen pictures of starving people, Nazi death camps, the Vietnam or Iraq wars? Are these any less appalling than the abortion ads? Should they not be shown? What outrages you about these pictures, the fact someone displayed them or what they are saying?
Your emotional reaction speaks volumes Katherine.
Katherine, the people here are far from heartless and cruel. Your vitriol is telling; abortion is not a woman’s right. It is nobody’s right. Our bodily rights end where another person’s body begins….We do not have the right to kill our children. And as a rape survivor (I’ve said this many times here), please do not use that horrific experience to excuse the inexcusable act of abortion. 99% of abortions are committed on women who just want to get rid of their babies–or are told by abortionists that they SHOULD be rid of their babies. Less than 1% of abortions are used to “terminate” a pregnancy that was a result of a rape.
You might want to do some research before you react merely with sound bytes and anger. I was pro-“choice” once too. Then I opened my eyes and took my hands off my ears.
Anti-abortion activists don’t know how complicated and difficult it is to support a child financially, emotionally, and morally in this society. I am informed about these photos and also informed about the lack of resources that exist to support pregnant women. They think resources are counseling, shelters, day care vouchers, minimum wage income, and maybe temporary cash assistance. These politicians are removed from the reality of what it takes to raise a child. For this reason and this reason alone I support Pro Choicers. I am a single mother who does not receive child support. My son’s father was sentenced to 27 years for conspiracy– on an election year. His first two offenses were being in a car with a driver who had an unregistered gun. His 2nd was not showing up for court. The 3rd offense was a choice made my a politician. I make too much to qualify for any assistance except for student loans. I don’t make enough to give the child I have an economically stable quality of life. This illustration of politics and human welfare resources is far more disturbing than pictures of aborted fetuses. It is. I have avoided getting pregnant– which is my choice. But if it happened to me by means of rape or in a bad relationship– I’d be pro life for my own and my son’s life– not an unborn child. Missy won’t win this election with my vote.
Anti-abortion activists don’t know how complicated and difficult it is to support a child financially, emotionally, and morally in this society.
I know, right Joy. It is especially hard to explain to children how some people can support something as evil as legal abortion, isn’t it?
It is. So is war. So is racism. So is the depression. So is aristocracy. So is poverty.
Joy, Glad to hear you are lumping those who support abortion in with those who support unjust war, racisim, and aristocracy and further add to the depression and poverty of others.
All of the prolifers I know are opposed to legalizing the above in addition to opposing abortion. It doesn’t surprise me that some proaborts may support some or all of the above though.
I didn’t say “unjust” anything. And neither is my opinion based on “lumping those who support abortion” in with those who support the laundry list of human inequities. In response to your comment, “It is especially hard to explain to children how some people can support something as evil as legal abortion, isn’t it? ” I agree that YES it’s difficult to explain to children right along with war– just or not– racism, the Depression, Aristocracy, and Poverty. These are all very true but “difficult” topics to discuss with a child. What if that child were sexually assaulted and became pregnant. Does the definition of “just” change then? No. Heinous is heinous. Unwanted pregnancy is heinous. War for control of oil that doesn’t belong to us is heinous. Smoke screening the Gulf Polution for stock holders is heinous. Capitalism is heinous. We should each be entitled to the choice of what inequities we meet our Maker to answer for. No human walking this earth–highly educated or famous, is qualified to judge another. I’m not pro abortion, I’m pro life.
Unwanted pregnancy is heinous.
You may believe that unwanted pregnancies are heinous all you want. This won’t make the small human growing during the pregnancy heinous. The solution to unwanted children is to want them, not kill them.
What makes you qualified to judge whether or not a preborn human wants to live or not?
You are not pro life. You are a proabort. I am qualified to make this judgement.
Until I see the political activism for the substandard conditions in our neighborhoods of American’s impoverished and less fortunate– the ones who already are born and suffering, I will not judge a woman for deciding to terminate a pregnancy. This is an age-old debate. Anti-abortionists are not for the enhancement of the quality of life for those who exist.
It’s one thing if the government doesn’t want to fund abortions but to limit resources and access for those who already have children they can’t feed is HEINOUS. Welfare reform limits the amount of time assistance can be received. Foster parents and group homes don’t have to claim government earnings as income– the incentive to keep “unwanted” or displaced children is biased. 67% of unadopted children are black. It’s too often in the news you hear about parents killing, abusing, molesting, abandoning, and neglecting their own children. I’m terrified of what would happen to the world if the choice to have a medical procedure to terminate a pregnancy is revoked.
It’s too often in the news you hear about parents killing, abusing, molesting, abandoning, and neglecting their own children.
Your right Joy and when abortion was legalized, the proaborts PROMISED this would end — ALL CHILDREN WANTED. Where you around for this? These problems naturally increased because VIOLENCE BEGETS VIOLENCE and many have become immune to it. It’s a matter of common sense.
You are not educated on the many harmful effects of abortion.
I am qualified to make this judgement.