Since we began publicizing pro-life DC congressional candidate Missy Smith’s graphic abortion ads, donations have been pouring in, she told me this morning. You’ve helped by spreading the word on Facebook, Twitter, and to your lists, and I’ve been made aware other blogs and pro-lifers like Jack Ames and Randall Terry have been doing the same.

When Missy’s ads began airing on DC area network television stations October 21, she only had enough funds to pay for 15 spots. Since then Missy has received a whopping $30,000 in donations and purchased 25 additional spots, for a total of 40 – and counting.

Missy can run ads until DC polls close November 2 and can purchase them up to 2p November 1. So by all means continue donating during this extremely rare window of opportunity to show the truth about abortion to a huge pro-abortion metropolitan audience. (Missy has had to empty her voicemail several times for often vile complaints she has received.)

Stations are forced by law to run a federal candidate’s ads unedited when s/he wants them to run. So Missy is buying air time during local 5 and 6p news, Seinfeld Letterman, Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah, Saturday Night Live, etc. See current schedule here.

Stations have been attempting to protect themselves from audience wrath by running disclaimer-type stories during the news. This only works in our favor by publicizing the atrocity of abortion. Example: Fox DC

There is also friendly news coverage, such as this front page story in yesterday’s Washington Times.

And now the story has gone national, posted on the ABC News blog yesterday and AOL News and Newscore this morning.

AND international, just up on London’s The Daily Mail.

ABC‘s blog concluded, “For those inclined, you can view the ad on Smith’s website HERE. Excellent, that’s what we want.

ABC News this morning gave Missy’s ad “the dubious distinction of being the most graphic” of the campaign season. But all Missy’s ad does is point out what “choice” is. What’s the problem?

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