Jivin J’s Life Links 10-28-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- There’s been more coverage of the aborted babies in dumpster incident in MI including the Lansing State Journal, Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press.
- A PA man has been arrested after attacking his pregnant ex-girlfriend:
Steven Lee Dry, 32, of Parkesburg, is facing charges including 1st-degree felony aggravated assault of an unborn child, 1st-degree felony aggravated assault and simple assault….
The woman told police that Dry is her ex-boyfriend. She informed him that she was pregnant and was not going to have an abortion, according to court documents.
After she told Dry the news, she said he grabbed her neck “and repeatedly struck her in the lower abdominal area,” according to court documents.
He told her she was “getting rid of that baby” and “you must have an abortion so I never have to see you again,” according to court documents.
- Charles Camosy, one of the organizers of a recent conference at Princeton about abortion and finding common ground, believes the conference was at least partially successful. RH Reality Check’s Aimee Thorne-Thomson disagrees.
I had to click on the links to Comosy’s and Aimee’s remarks. Amazing. Apparently Aimee found it insulting to use the word “abortionist.” Hey Aimee, if the shoe fits… An abortionist describes a specific person who makes a living peforming a certain task. Now, if it’s so wonderful and so empowering to women, why find offense? I also think it’s perfectly reasonable to describe people who are strongly pro-abortion as abortionists. Why not? All the people who worked against slavery were called abolitionists, right? And not all of them were employed in some capacity to abolish slavery, some were concerned citizens voicing their opinions. So why so glum, chum? Could it be that abortion is generally repulsive and even it’s own advocates can’t escape that? Too bad. Abortion is murder and trying to call it euphemistic names won’t make babies any less dead. Abortionists and their minions need our prayers.
Is it just me, or does it seem like there’s been a disturbing uptick in violence towards women who choose to abort?
I think there is, and the violence is also against women who choose NOT to abort (against the boyfriend’s or husband’s wishes). My advice would be if you don’t want to be faced with abortion, look for a pro-life mate.
So abortion is for the woman’s freedom? Or for the man’s? Give me a break! Life is proving that what we pro-lifers say is the TRUTH! ABORTION LETS MEN USE WOMEN AS SEXUAL TOYS AND LETS THEM OFF THE HOOK WHEN THE WOMAN GETS PREGNANT.
And I wish women would use their heads a little more when selecting a sexual partner. It boggles my mind the losers some women will stoop to fornicate with.
No Sydney. What I wish for is that women would throw out the bc and stop sleeping around period. Then what I wish is that they would call men in on this behavior and tell them sex is for marriage.
Sex in marriage means the possibility (at least) of accepting children.
Sex outside of marriage usually means the couple sees the conceiving of children as a problem, hence the use of abortion as back up birth control.
Agreed, Angel.
If you “beauties” don’t keep us “beasts” in line with the great institution of marriage, chaos ensues!
What a load of tripe! Do you know why marriage came about? It’s purposes? What it has been used for over the centuries?
One of you thinks there’s been an increase in violence against women who abort, another an increase against those who don’t. That would mean an increase in violence against women across the board. Why? Could it be because of the financial and employment situation? The re-emergence of conservative thinking/politics giving certain elements enough temerity to act on their ‘attitudes’ when they wouldn’t before? Something else?
If that’s what it takes for you to be ‘civilized’ Hans, I am extremely disappointed.
I agree with you Angel. I thought you could tell I was being sarcastic by using the word “fornicate”.
Could it be that violence begets violence?
I’m going to have disagree Angel, but I hope that you know that I respect your beliefs on marriage. That’s fine.
But I find it better to assume that women want sex, too, not just men. Women aren’t all pure and light and keepers of bliss against the coarse gender- I’m not assuming that you believe that, but I was a little taken aback by your post- please enlighten me if I misread it. :)
I would hope that people only deem it worthwhile if you love the person, but this is not the viewpoint shared by all people. Although I do object to the term “sleeping around.” That’s not fair- it’s shaming women. We should accept pregnancy even in wedlock. Putting a stigma on women (although I do appreciate that you didn’t count men out of that boat- thank you) is only going to increase the number of abortions.
On an unrelated note, if you don’t listen to Adele, you should. :D
Are all of the world’s problems caused by patriarchal conservatives?
Hans Johnson,
I agree with you, and appreciate the sentiment. I’ve heard this from more than one male-type person, and I’ll bet you respect and appreciate female-type persons more than the average male does.
Not so much anymore in societies where they can get an education, get a job, vote, drive, have non-marital sex, access to contraception etc. But even then it’s surprising in the extent to which it simmers under the surface.
It sounds to me like Hans needs to be ‘forced’ to respect and appreciate the female of the species. So is that real respect?
“If you “beauties” don’t keep us “beasts” in line with the great institution of marriage, chaos ensues!”
Ugh, evidence of the emasculated culture.
Women never kept men in line by demanding marriage, fathers did.
This is just basic anthropology.
“Not so much anymore in societies where they can get an education, get a job, vote, drive, have non-marital sex, access to contraception etc. But even then it’s surprising in the extent to which it simmers under the surface.”
I think you mean constantly pressured, indoctrinated, forced, cajoled, shamed etc. to, “ get an education, get a job, vote, drive, have non-marital sex, access to contraception etc. But even then it’s surprising in the extent to which it simmers under the surface.”
Sorry Sydney. My bad. :(
Please accept my apologies.
Vannah I agree women want sex too. The truth is that sex while pleasurable and unitive, is also for marriage and babies.
It appears that the only way to ensure that no babies happen is to abstain until one is able to accept babies into their life.
Contracepting couples are not in that position. In fact, they have quite the opposite mindset.
And as for “shaming” women. I think that would be positive thing these days. The way the majority of women act and dress these days should cause them tremendous shame. I wonder that men respect any of us at. all. :(
Any woman who gives her body to man after man to use, as many women do today – we use to call these women prostitutes.
Women are shamed!
They are shamed if they are conservative.
They are shamed if they don’t compete with men.
They are shamed if they are religious.
They are shamed if they have too many kids.
They are shamed if they obey their husbands.
They are shamed if they give up their kids for adoption instead of aborting them.
They are shamed if they have a Downs syndrome kid.
They are shamed if they want to get married and not go to college.
There is no end to the shaming.
I am liberal, but plenty others who claim the label are not.
If you shame people for their choices, you are not liberal.
there are SOME things that are shameful.
IMO, our society has completely lost the ability to discern what is shameful.
Miley Cyrus, writhing around on a bed is considered tour de force in pop music. 50 years ago she would have been the star in a porno film. Today her parents encourage this to promote her career.
It’s quite obvious that as a society we know longer no what shame is.
It’s quite obvious that as a society we know longer no what shame is.
Abortion is proof of this.
Angel, no worries :-)
Very well said btw! I agree with everything you said.
Jill, could you please get a like button?
I don’t know if you will read this, but I’ve thought about what you said and you make good points- obviously, abstinence is the best way to avoid pregnancy- but I have some other thoughts, too.
First, I wouldn’t call women who have sex prostitutes. I doubt that that’s what you were saying- I won’t accuse you of it- but I personally, to the entire world, would like to voice my objection to calling women this. For one, it’s unfair to assume that a woman who lives with her partner, and is faithful to him, is a prostitute, or a woman whose beliefs on the matter are different. And furthermore, I find the accusation demeaning to sex workers- obviously, prostitution is a wretched way to make a living, but I can’t find it in myself to condemn these women (and men)- their lives are dangerous and they are treated poorly by the world as is. I consider myself a supporter of their human rights, including the right to not be used as a slander, and of course I consider myself a supporter of them as individuals in pursuing their own happiness- whatever fulfills them as human beings and gives them closure.
So, now that I’ve said that, I can get back to what you were saying. I’m not sure what you meant when you said women ought to be ashamed. What did you mean?
Finally, lot’s of women use contraception and love children. Many teachers, I’m sure, use contraceptives. Children’s rights workers, pediatricians, actresses on children’s shows, mothers who love their children. Not all birth control is for pregnancy prevention- some women use it for health conditions- I read somewhere that hormonal birth control can help PMDD. Even if a woman isn’t active, it might benefit her. This might be uncommon, but I wouldn’t take the birth control away from these women. What if the person you marry has HIV/AIDS- it would be up to the two people to decide whether or not to have sex, and if they do, you can probably be certain that condoms will be used.
Birth control is for helping to prevent pregnancy when a woman and/or man aren’t ready for it- whether you’re very casual or are in a committed relationship (marriage included- married couples also use birth control). Sometimes, yes, people just don’t want children- I would recommend, if you don’t want children at all and know it, getting a permanent procedure done, but if you simply want to wait until you’re in a better position, birth control allows you to do so. So, yes, abstinence works best, but not everyone believes in that. That’s the thing- you can’t force people to believe in that. And it’s going to happen anyway. So have birth control ready.
Vannah: sex is for marriage. Sex is so special and so sacred that it should only be between a husband and a wife who have committed themselves to each other for life. Why is it sacred? Because from sexual intercourse we have the tremendous gift of creating a new and unique life. That is NOT a trivial thing.
so the first problem is that we no longer believe that sex is special. We as a society think of sex as simply another recreational activity. It is not, despite what every libertine and feminist might shout out. When you no longer believe something is special this creates other problems. Babies are not gifts, they are “consequences”, “accidents” and “problems” that need to be fixed/removed etc.
I do believe that men and women who engage in what is called “serial monogamy” are prostituting themselves. And yes I do believe that many men and women behave today much as prostitutes did only 30 years ago. Many women certainly dress like they are ready to hit the streets. Rockstars and fitness gurus pole dance. Sorry if this offends you Vannah but it’s about time we start calling our sisters in on their very bad behavior. This behavior ruins all women because it lowers how men treat the rest of us.
Most women who work as prostitutes have not freely chosen this “work”. Many have already been damaged by the time they were led there, others have been forced. Prostitution is demeaning. It is the cold-hearted use of another person’s body for self-gratification. It harms individuals and society and destroys the souls of both the prostitute and the john.
As for birth control/contraception I see no positive benefit. If one is too immature or unready for children do not marry. BTW, it is amyth that condoms protect against the HIV virus.
I was merely expressing my opinion that women have generally been better, more caring, people than men. That’s what the whole “Beauty and the Beast” metaphor means throughout our culture. It’s a bit less so today, unfortunately.
I’ll try to allay your sense of disappointment. I don’t personally need marriage to civilize me. I’m a prude and proud of it. Always have been. I’ve always respected and appreciated the female gender. From the time they’re conceived – which is why I often dwell on this site.
Good for you Hans! That’s better.
angel, I find your words to be naive and archaic. And it is not a myth that condoms protect against the HIV virus.
In a random review of ”condom effectiveness against HIV” I pulled the first three sites that gave the following reviews: condoms are ”highly effective” (http://www.thebody.com/content/art51354.html) in protecting against the HIV virus - that they “substantially reduce” (http://info.k4health.org/pr/h9/h9chap4_2.shtml) the spread of infection – “consistent use of condoms led to an 80% reduction in HIV incidence (http://www.avert.org/condoms.htm)
Food for thought: abstinence is totally effective in protecting against the HIV virus - abstinence fully eradicates the spreading of infection - abstinence offers a 100% reduction in the sexual transmission of HIV.
I think Angel sounds to be quite up to speed.
And if Angel is naive, then I guess I am to and I would extend my arms to anyone who wants to join us in this blissfully naive world where sex with none-other than our spouses is actually an incredibly freeing existence.
1. Loving, committed and faithful relationships are not confined to marriage. Therefore, saying “sex is for marriage” is naive and archaic. Especially given the history of marriage.
2. angel stated “it is a myth that condoms protect against the HIV virus.” – then links are provided that show that conndoms are “highly effective”, “substantially reduce” and “80% reduction”. So they do protect against the HIV virus.
Abstinence may be close to 100% effective if practiced but we all know abstinence itself has a failure rate, and then what are the risks of infection? Or pregnancy?
Abstinence may be close to 100% effective if practiced but we all know abstinence itself has a failure rate, and then what are the risks of infection?
Uh, it’s not abstinence if it’s not practiced cran. Abstinence is always 100% effective.
My point Praxedes, is that abstinence ‘committments’ do fail. Abstinence as a ‘guard’ against disease and pregnancy fails. Therefore people are exposed to higher risks because they are less likely to avail themselves of some sort of ‘protection’.
Very quiet around here today :-)
Hi Casper!
Uh, it’s not abstinence if it’s not practiced cran. Abstinence is always 100% effective.
Hey cran. My son read my line above and pointed out I was wrong. He reminded me of the Virgin Mary. Out of the mouths of babes.
Sorry, I was wrong. (:
“Out of the mouths of babes” are words that they hear from those who influence them.
Yeah, I know right. I sure raised him well.
What, like racist parents who influence their kids?
Or homophobic parents?
Or mysoginistic parents?
Or members of extreme cults and sects?
Are you just referring to Christians as racists, homophobics, mysoginists and cult members or are you referring to people of other religions as well?
cran, you are a hater. You might as well quit trying to spread your hate here because you can’t win with what you don’t have.
Love wins.
Not at all Praxedes. That was not my point or an assertion.
My point is that children reflect the thinking, speech and behavior of their parents. Just because a five year old repeats something such as ‘sex is for marriage and abortion is murder’ doesn’t mean that that will be their own thinking in maturity.
Don’t talk to me about hate given the words I see on this site.
“You might as well quit trying to spread your hate here because you can’t win with what you don’t have” – huh? So I don’t have hate?
I love a wider variety of people than you do :p
Not at all Praxedes. That was not my point or an assertion.
My point is that children reflect the thinking, speech and behavior of their parents. Just because a five year old repeats something such as ‘sex is for marriage and abortion is murder’ doesn’t mean that that will be their own thinking in maturity.
But we weren’t talking about married sex or even abortion.
I informed you what my son said regarding the Virgin Mary and you replied back to this obviously Catholic comment implying that I raised him to be racist, homophobics, mysoginists and cult-like. This son is twenty years old, not five. How old does he have to be considered mature by your standards? What if he still believes in the Virgin Mary when he is 40? Will it be because he was raised to be racist, homophobics, mysoginists and cult-like? What about 70 year olds that believe in Christ? Have they just not matured yet? What about former athiests that came to Christ? They must be the most immature of all in your mind.
I have never said nasty things about athiests. You are a hater. You hate Christians and the Preborn.
Love wins. You lose.
I was not casting any aspersions Praxedes. My only intent was to make the point that “children reflect the thinking, speech and behavior of their parents’ – that’s all.
I was not implying or inferring anything.
“What if he still believes in the Virgin Mary when he is 40?” – that’s his choice.
“You are a hater. You hate Christians and the Preborn.” – how many times do I have to say the same thing before you demonstrate an ability to actually read it?
I don’t hate christians, I may laugh at them, I may deride them, but I don’t hate them.
And as for the preborn, I find your statement simply ludicrous.
Love wins, so I’m in the lead.
(*sigh*) I feel like a fellow following the local canine with a pooper-scooper…
Did you actually bother to read the latter parts of this conversation Paladin?
I was stating that children generally mimic the words, behavior and actions of their parents until they are a bit older and more mature. I impuned no-one, implied nothing. inferred nothing and cast no aspersions on anyone.
I hardly think that constitutes any basis for your response.