web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • There’s been more coverage of the aborted babies in dumpster incident in MI including the Lansing State Journal, Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press.
  • A PA man has been arrested after attacking his pregnant ex-girlfriend:

    Steven Lee Dry, 32, of Parkesburg, is facing charges including 1st-degree felony aggravated assault of an unborn child, 1st-degree felony aggravated assault and simple assault….

    The woman told police that Dry is her ex-boyfriend. She informed him that she was pregnant and was not going to have an abortion, according to court documents.

    After she told Dry the news, she said he grabbed her neck “and repeatedly struck her in the lower abdominal area,” according to court documents.

    He told her she was “getting rid of that baby” and “you must have an abortion so I never have to see you again,” according to court documents.

  • Charles Camosy, one of the organizers of a recent conference at Princeton about abortion and finding common ground, believes the conference was at least partially successful. RH Reality Check’s Aimee Thorne-Thomson disagrees.
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