Earlier this week embarrassing videos were uploaded to YouTube showing extreme ignorance of human biology by members of the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains student group Advocates for Choice.

And Planned Parenthood doesn’t like it when its disinformation machine is on public display.

The videos, 2:32 and 9:48 minutes long, include excerpts from a 106-minute debate (complete video here) held at Fort Lewis University in Durango, CO, on October 20 on the topic of Amendment 62, which would bestow constitutional personhood status to all human beings in the Centennial State from the moment of fertilization if passed on November 2.

Members of A4C are seen in the videos repeatedly attempting to dismiss science from a discussion of when human life begins, and for good reason.

Whenever they themselves broached the topic it was only to make woeful blunders, such as claiming the human heart begins beating at 24 weeks gestation, a woman sheds a fertilized egg every month, and the combination of X and Y chromosomes begats a female.

One person present at the debate told me today the A4C group apparently came prepared for a different sort of debate, noting that at the top of their stack of resources was a paper entitled, “Amendment 62 and the Bible.” Sorry.

The debate was obviously public. Two video recorders captured the event as well as 3 audio recorders, including 1 by the student newspaper and 1 by A4C.

But Planned Parenthood, as is its typical habit, is now trying to censor its display of ignorance. Yesterday Personhood USA, which posted the videos, received this warning from YouTube:

Personhood USA’s response:

YouTube has absolutely no foundation for pulling these videos. They were of a public debate where both parties gave permission to tape and both parties actually themselves taped. We shall see. Personhood USA has a back-up plan, but censorship by YouTube would be ludicrous.

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