Pro-aborts “troll” Rally to Restore Sanity
I loved all the pro-abort tweets from yesterday’s Rally to Restore Sanity in DC…
It was a beautiful thing. While pro-abort mischief makers partied on the last Saturday before the 2010 elections, pro-lifers around the country were busy working for their candidates. I love how Politico phrased the pro-abort presence:
Abortion rights supporters from NARAL will be trolling the Mall, metro stations and the bus parking lot at RFK Stadium, some in Lady Liberty costumes, rewarding people who sign up to volunteer with a sticker saying, “Vote Pro-Choice. Politicians Make Crappy Doctors” – also a product of a slogan contest.
“Trolling,” as in prowling for victims. Great word picture. And yes, there was NARAL’s “Lady” Liberty, proudly unveiling NARAL’s slogan contest winner…
There was a big dust-up at Chicago’s simultaneously held Rally to Restore Sanity.
Recall these events were geared toward and attended by moderates and liberals. Synopsized Jared at The Chicago Blog, in his post, “How Chicago ruined the Rally For Sanity”:
Maybe it was when the live feed from DC was muted so a comedian could compare having an abortion to making a sandwich.
I searched in vain for video of that but read several complaints. The comedian was a guy named Aaron Weaver. Others, self-described as both moderate and liberal, commented there and on Facebook:
~ “The comedian comparing abortions to cheese sandwiches while Stewart was on mute really said it all.”
~ “[W]ay too much cursing for an event like this, there were a lot of children around too. And Aaron [Weaver], you’re not funny! How is comparing an unfinished sandwich to abortion funny or appropriate for a rally like this?”
~ “What I got was an overtly political, liberal rally with a comedian who compared abortion to sandwiches – so offensive.”
As we’ve discussed many times, as much as hardened pro-abort ideologues try to desensitize the American view on abortion, they can’t. People innately know it is a terrible thing. They may not admit that, but as their comments about this comedian’s tasteless joke demonstrate, they at least agree it is a serious matter, not funny.
Urgh, why did they mute Stewart? That was pretty stupid. And that joke sounds so tasteless.
I’m a bit peeved that conservative bloggers persisted in calling this an anti-conservative ralley when the theme of the evening was to overcome partisanship.
I watched the live feed of the DC Rally and was pretty impressed. Especially with Stewart’s beatiful, pro-tolerance speech in the end. But then again liberal bloggers attacked him pretty thoroughly for “not being liberal enough.” And still I’m sure many conservatives refused to watch because they believed it was too liberal. Sigh.
I wonder if any pro-lifers brought signs to the DC rally?
Have you written anything concerning the statement made recently by Archbishop Raymond Burke at the Vatican, to the effect that:
Catholic voters may not vote for pro-abortion politicians?
It would be wonderful if you could do something on this critically important subject either today or tomorrow.
Politicians make crappy doctors?
Some Republican Senators and House members are doctors
For example, the following Senators in the recent past are physicians:
William H. Frist (R-TN) Service Years: 1995-2007
Thomas A. Coburn (R-OK) Service Years: 2005-
John Barrasso (R-WY) Service Years: 2007-
The following House of Representative members are physicians or in a medical field:
US House of Representatives Library, April 8, 2009
Democrats in roman (5); Republicans in italics (13)
111th Congress Medical Doctors
Boustany, Charles W. Jr. (R) 07 Louisiana Cardiovascular Surgeon
Broun, Paul C. (R) 10 Georgia Physician, Family Practice
Burgess, Michael C. (R) 26 Texas Physician, OB-GYN
Cassidy, Bill (R) 06 Louisiana Physician
Christensen, Donna (D) (Delegate) Virgin Islands Physician, Family Practice
Representative District & State Specialty
Fleming, John (R) 04 Louisiana Physician
Gingrey, Phil (R) Georgia Physician, OB-GYN
Griffith, Parker (D) 05 Alabama Physician, Oncology
Kagen, Steve (D) 08 Wisconsin Physician
Paul, Ron (R) 14 Texas Physician, OB-GYN
Price, Tom (R) 06 Georgia Orthopaedic Surgeon
Roe, David P. (R) 13 Tennessee Physician, OB-GYN
Snyder, Vic 02 Arkansas Physician, Family Practice
Linder, John (R) 07 Georgia
Simpson, Michael K. (R) 02 Idaho
Boozman, John (R) 03 Arkansas
McDermott, Jim (D) 07 Washington
Representative District & State
Murphy, Tim (R) 18 Pennsylvania
Democrats in roman (5); Republicans in italics (13)
US House of Representatives Library, April 8, 2009
Notice that all the Senators who are physicians are Republicans, while more House of Representative members are Republican (13) compared to Democrats (5).
Abortionists ARE crappy doctors. They slaughter-butcher human beings, rather than work to assist human beings in improving, maintaining, or repairing their health. The majority of all abortions are done on women with no health problems, and involved the slaughter of innocent, new, tiny, defenseless human beings with no health problems.
Those babies who do have some health problems can often be treated, in utero, and many have been treated in utero, before birth, while many conditions are not life threatening and can be treated or controlled after birth.
Such cases as cleft palate are treatable, yet many people elect to snuff out the lives of these innocent children via the barbaric, violent act of abortion, sanctioned of human beings.
Abortionists, along with being child abusers and murderers-butchers are also medical rapists. They abuse women’s bodies, rip, suction, tear, slice, and burn a living human being inside the woman’s body, damaging the woman as well, and often doing so to women who are in the abortuary involuntarily, coerced into the abortion against their will. Nevertheless, the bias in our nation in regard to these facts is outrageous, as many people try to deny the fact that woman are damaged and risk great damage via abortion, while these same people over exaggerate and lie about the danger to mother’s who bring baby to term.
Pregnancy can be a risky experience, but risk to mother and baby can be minimized by proper prenatal care, including proper diet, proper exercise, proper care under a midwife or reliable physician who is an advocate for both mother and baby.
Also, the slogan on the sign “Politicians make crappy doctors” is not based on fact. it is just a claim, with no supporting evidence.
If we took all the politicians and sent them to medical school, they completed their education in medicine, passed their medical exam, and then earned their licence and practiced medicine, then and only then could we know if “Politicians make crappy doctors.”
As it is there is no supporting evidence of same, but there is evidence that some of the Senators and House members who were or are physicians were very good at it.
Nevertheless, does it not speak volumes that people who survived abortion can actually call for, support, and advocate for the slaughter of other human beings, denying them the opportunity to live?
Where would the abortion condoners-promoters be were they aborted rather than permitted to live?
Kristina, I feel the same way– thanks for bringing that up. I am pro-life but not conservative, and the two are not mutually exclusive. If one follows Catholic social teaching down the line it leads to positions against whith both lifestyle liberals and country-club conservatives are pretty hard-wired.
It continually bothers me that many still see things only along some two-dimensional left/right continuum held over from the French Revolution (hardly a great moral platform from which to start, and not coincidentally the birthplace of the modern left). Respect for life should apply to all of life’s stages: pre-birth, childhood, productive-adult, and aging.
Think of the crowd who embraced the book Freakonomics because one of abortion’s “benefits” included fewer disadvantaged children growing up to be career criminals. I’ve heard more than a few pro-choice Republicans cite that. In the congressional district next to mine, the struggling Republican incumbent whines that he doesn’t understand why “moderates and independents” aren’t flocking to him, since he’s “more pro-choice than most Democrats.” This from someone who not too long ago was considered one of the party’s rising stars (in fairness, that says more about local political standards than Congressman Numbnutz).
I believe we need to vigorously oppose the first two (abortion and euthansia) as intrinsic evils, while not ignoring the rest of the social evils which, if not addressed, further erode our culture and create conditions where utilitarian “progressives” on both left and right can start making decisions about who is more deserving of dignity or even life.
Hi Joe,
That’s a great idea. FYI, see the Quote of the Day on Oct. 29, 2010.
Physician is a value creating profession that serves people in the general case. Lawyer is a value transference profession that enables clients and himself to transfer value created by others to himself and his clients. It would be interesting to see the proportion of lawyers among congressmen. It would also be interesting to see the proportion of value creating professions vs. value transferring professions among the two parties.
Was Chris Rock there? I hear he likes pro abort chicks.
Kristina, I too loved Jon Stewart’s speech! I say let the far reaches on both sides gripe about it being too liberal or not liberal enough – that’s the whole friggin point. The extremes get all the attention. What about, as Jon Stewart says, “the people who’ve been too busy to go to rallies — not so much the Silent Majority as the Busy Majority.”
Kristina: “I’m a bit peeved that conservative bloggers persisted in calling this an anti-conservative ralley when the theme of the evening was to overcome partisanship.”
Why did so many partisan groups show up at an anti-partisanship rally?
A friend of mine went and took pictures. Most of the signs were jokes; things like “This sign was cumbersome on the metro,” “They confiscated this sign at the airport,” and “Real solutions to complex problems will not fit on this sign.” If I’d been there, even if I weren’t pro-life, I would have shrugged off NARAL for being too serious and completely missing the point.
A bearded man dressed as Lady Liberty, holding coffee aloft and asking people to vote for the murder of babies.
Pretty much sums up their side, now doesn’t it?
Do we need to say anything else?!
what’s wrong with beards?
or coffee?
Kristina, I feel the same way– thanks for bringing that up. I am pro-life but not conservative, and the two are not mutually exclusive. If one follows Catholic social teaching down the line it leads to positions against whith both lifestyle liberals and country-club conservatives are pretty hard-wired.
@ Buzz. I love your post, as well as Kristina’s! Just because you are prolife doesn’t mean you’re Republican or even conservative. I’m neither. New flash: You can be prolife and be concerned about other social issues, and you don’t have to listen to Rush or Hannity, either!
@ Hal – Beards just feel too scratchy.
I must be one of the few people in the country who hates coffee. It just makes me too hyper. Also, when I was a secretary (for more years than I care to remember) I was always making coffee, getting coffee, or washing out coffee cups for my bosses, so I’m sure that has something to do with my dislike of it.
I FROWN Starbucks!
The rally was never about left or right wing politics, it was about pointing out the ridiculousness of the media and the hysterics it produces in the political atmosphere and how it’s completely unnecessary. And also, about genuine entertainment.
“The rally was never about left or right wing politics, it was about pointing out the ridiculousness of the media”
I don’t think Stewart and Colbert are the ones that should be preaching about ridiculousness of the media
I think the whole point of the rally was to demonstrate the ‘stoopid’ of Beck’s rally. Either Beck is a very silly man who actually believes what he espouses and riles up in other people, or he is wiley and knows he can generate success and wealth by playing on the fears and ignorance of people.
Beards generally mean that a man is trying to hide something. Facial hair generally is not all that much fun for women, am I right ladies? When I managed a large team of people and I saw someone with facial growth I used to say “dude, velcro!”. They generally remained clean shaven after that ;-)
Starbucks is dishwater.
Phillymiss, thanks for your kind words. Too bad you feel that way about coffee, I am from Seattle and it’s something we take pretty seriously. But locals don’t go to Starbucks here, there are too many other good places. In fact the only time I hit a Starbucks is at an airport, usually in another city.
On pro-life liberals, you probably know that Washington State passee the second assisted suicide law in the country in 2008. A lot of people are unaware that the opposition “No on I-1000” commercials were done by Martin Sheen as a volunteer and were quite effective– we still lost unfortunately, but the ads created a bump in the polls regardless. You can still view it here:
“I don’t think Stewart and Colbert are the ones that should be preaching about ridiculousness of the media”
No one does it better. Heck, no one else even tries….
@Cranium — I don’t know if men with beards have something to hide, but all that scratchy hair just isn’t that appealing. I think that there’s a reason why we haven’t had a bearded president since Lincoln!
@Buzz, Washington State seems like a hard place to be prolife in. But the abortion rate dropped quite a bit there. Interesting.
All coffee tastes like BITTER WITCHES BREW!
“but all that scratchy hair just isn’t that appealing” – I think you are so right.
I haven’t missed a days shaving for about five years and the one I love thanks me for it. Ladies do have tender skin :-)