I wrote in my Thanksgiving week WND.com column I was thankful to abortionist LeRoy Carhart for providing an opening for pro-life activism in the states where he announced he was expanding his late-term abortion business – Indiana, Iowa, and Maryland.

So read these lovely headlines from the past 2 days…

From the National Catholic Register, December 8:

… Carhart has been forced by Nebraska’s tough new anti-fetal pain law to expand his practice to 3 less restrictive states.

But in a kind of reverse-domino effect, pro-life activists in IN and IA are already working with supportive legislators to enact laws as tough as NE’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act….

IA Right to Life’s executive director, Jennifer Bowen, thinks the pro-abortion groups do not see Carhart as their best advocate in the public forum.

“It’s funny how he seems to be doing a really bad job for them by raising awareness of late-term abortions,” Bowen said….

Carhart is clear about his motivation: He needs to stay in business and can’t do so in NE under his current business model. “I need to have a place where I can practice,” he told The Associated Press….

From the Chicago Tribune, yesterday:

IA lawmakers are drafting a bill similar to a restrictive NE abortion law to prevent a NE doctor who performs late-term abortions from opening a clinic just across the states’ border in Council Bluffs….

Several anti-abortion lawmakers in Iowa said they’re writing legislation to toughen the state’s abortion laws. They are motivated by Carhart’s announcement and gains Republicans made in the mid-term election, where they took control of the IA House and closed the gap in Senate.

From the Des Moines Register, yesterday:

Diocese of Des Moines Bishop Richard Pates today released a letter urging people to work against a late-term abortion doctor from NE from expanding into IA.

The letter was written in November and first sent to parishioners. It was released to the general public today in response to news coverage of a legislative effort to pass a law that further restrict late-term abortions in IA.

From the Indianapolis Star, today:

The need to add abortion to the priorities took on a new urgency, [Republican state Sen. Greg Walker] said, because a NE physician who performs late-term abortions, Dr. LeRoy Carhart, reportedly said he will open an abortion clinic in Indianapolis.

That, Walker said, is why IN needs to follow NE”s lead in passing a law to ban abortions after the 20th week.

From the Maryland Daily Record, yesterday:

The arrival in MD this week of a doctor who has been frank about his performance of abortions late in pregnancy has not only spurred public protests in the local community, but also prompted legislators to propose new laws that would ban the practice in the state.

Del. Don Dwyer, R… said Wednesday that he is planning to introduce new legislation that would ban abortions late in pregnancy in MD.

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