In years past Planned Parenthood marketed their “Choice on Earth” holiday cards on a much grander scale.

When 1st offering them in 2002, then-PP CEO Gloria Feldt became belligerent about the negative public reaction, stating, “Our supporters are so energized by the vicious criticism of our holiday card that we’re printing additional cards and limited-edition ‘choice on Earth’ T-shirts.” (See right.)

Sales must have slowed from there. If my accounting is correct, PP failed to even offer their cards in 2006, 2008, and 2009.

But they’re back! Well, one card is anyway, being sold by one affiliate – PP of Western PA. Click to enlarge…

Meanwhile, PP of North FL is once again selling its holiday cookies, pictured, right, which look more like condoms to me. But whatever. Maybe hook-ups taken by surprise when opening these little square package will stop what they’re doing and eat a cookie instead.

And PP of the Great Northwest will be selling holiday gift certificates at the Mitzvah Mall, this Sunday, December 5, sponsored by pro-abortion Jewish congregation Beth Sholomin in Anchorage, Alaska.

The Catholic News Agency reported that PPGNW specified the certificates “cannot be designated to pay for abortion procedures” but only to “help pay for birth control pills, educational opportunities and other services provided by the organization.”

That’s just an accounting charade, but what does it matter anyway? Why is it not ok to donate for abortions?

Hey, in the spirit of the “holiday” season, I’d like to suggest to PP the perfect gift item to sell…

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