Focus on four federal pro-life bills
In coming days and weeks pro-lifers will be asked to contact their congresspersons to support four pro-life bills.
I’m going to list them now, because getting piecemeal calls to action down the road may become confusing and overwhelming. But boiling it down, we’re being called to focus on these four:
1. HR 2, Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act: Repeal of Obamacare. You can call on this one now; it’s moving fast. Plan is to vote on it January 12. Go here to see list of sponsors and to get contact information for your representative.
2. No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act: A government-wide permanent ban on abortion funding;. Would enshrine the Hyde Amendment, which must be renewed each year, into permanent law. No bill number yet. Was HR 5939 in the 111th Congress. Co-sponsors will again be Republican Chris Smith and Democrat Dan Lipinski.
3. Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act: Would cut off Title X funding to organizations that commit abortion, most obviously Planned Parenthood. No bill number yet. Was HR 614 in the 111th Congress. Sponsor will again be Republican Mike Pence.
4. Protect Life Act: This is the specific fix to remove all abortion funding from Obamacare, since we’re stuck with it for the time being. No bill number yet. Was HR 5111 in the 111th Congress. Sponsor will again be Republican Joe Pitts.
Pro-life stalwart Rep. Smith is calling the 112th Congress “the arguably most pro-life House ever.” Congressman John Boehner told Americans United for Life’s Charmaine Yoest “he wants to be the most ‘pro-life speaker in history.'”
So let’s get a move on.
I hope the republicans are not going to shove Health Care repeal down our throats without a hearing.
Focus Hal, Focus!!
Thank you for this, Jill!!
Do you honestly think that any of this anti-choice stuff will make it out of the Senate? And if it does, (and it won’t) do you honestly think that Obama won’t veto it. And if so, do you honestly think that there will be enough votes for an override?
Pro-lifers put the FUN in deFUNding!!
Honestly, I care a lot less about article 1 than I do about 2-4!
CC, love to see you keeping your head in the sand. Stay that way for awhile, please! ;)
C’mon Pro-Lifers! Let’s run to the battle!
This is our time!
Hmm… When the Obamacare bill was being passed it was “it doesn’t matter if everybody hates this bill” and “public opinion is not relevant” and “you’ll thank us later.” Now that the United States has voted in so many Republicans, largely as a reactionary measure against that exact bill, it’s “don’t repeal this without a hearing” and “what about what the people want?”
I sense some dissonance.
Putting on the full armor of God, my brother!! Running with you!!
Ed and Carla,
Don’t shoot until they refuse to say “Aye!” on these votes! Then, boot them out!