Jivin J’s Life Links 1-13-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Both National Right to Life and Americans United for Life have analyzed the Guttmacher Institute’s abortion report. Of note regarding the supposedly few abortionists who will perform abortions after 24 weeks:
The report also found at least 1,793 abortion “providers” in the United States. Significantly, among these, it found an increase in the number offering abortions after the midway point of pregnancy (generally considered 20 weeks after the woman’s last menstrual period or LMP). 23% offered abortions after 20 weeks LMP, compared to 20% in the 2005 report. 11% offered abortions after 24 weeks LMP compared to 8% three years earlier.
- Former abortion clinic director Linda Meek got 5 years probation for calling in a false bomb threat at the clinic where she worked. She also wrote fake threats to herself:
By February 2010 the report says Meek felt unbearable stress, which prompted her to write herself “threatening letters.”
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center has changed the language in their nurse residency program application after the Alliance Defense Fund filed suit claiming the application seemed to indicate nurses would have to participate in abortions:
At issue was the fact that applicants to the nursing program’s women’s health track were asked to sign a letter acknowledging that they would be caring for women who are terminating their pregnancies.
The ADF argued that the letter suggested residents would be required to participate in abortion procedures in violation of a federal law that says recipients of federal funds cannot require someone to perform or assist in abortions if it violates his or her religious beliefs or moral convictions.
Vanderbilt denied the claim. Spokesman John Howser said Tuesday that the letter was meant only to inform applicants they would be expected to provide high-quality care to women receiving a variety of procedures, including abortions, and didn’t mean to suggest residents would be required to participate or assist in the actual procedure.
“After consideration and discussion, we decided it would be helpful to clarify the language in the… application package,” Howser said Wednesday.

Gee, do you suppose she (Linda Meek) had “unbearable stress” because of her line of work? Guilt maybe? Hmmm?
Meek’s attorney, Allen Smallwood, wrote in his Dec. 21 sentencing memorandum that Meek “found herself at a unique intersection in her life in which work stress, coupled with the virtual full-time responsibility (for) an aging mother, simply overwhelmed her emotional and intellectual ability to cope.”
Why didn’t she just abort grandma?
Jill, just saw the good news today about Vanderbilt Universtiy and it’s nursing students. They have you to thank for your courage!
The story about the clinic worker is almost surreal in its absurdity. It sounds like a guilty conscience.