(Prolifer)ations 1-28-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Big Blue Wave examines a medical study which shows infants with prenatally diagnosed congenital abnormalities are given substandard care compared to those diagnosed postnatally.
- Accepting Abundance addresses some assertions made by Marge Berer, founding editor of Reproductive Health Matters, who claims being pro-choice means believing in an absolute, unfettered right to abortion at any time, for any reason.
- Moral Outcry notes the mental gymnastics one must undertake to decry the killing of a wanted fetus (“feticide”) while supporting the killing of an unwanted fetus via abortion.
- Coming Home comments on the rise of pro-life youth in an open letter to NARAL and Planned Parenthood.
- The LTI blog outlines why this past week was a publicity nightmare for Planned Parenthood.
- Wesley J. Smith discusses the latest news regarding VT’s proposed assisted suicide law.

Top story of this list is one reason to consider avoiding prenatal testing, starting with alpha-fetoprotein.
Yes, because I had that done, and they told me the tests showed an “abnormality” which indicated “markers” for Down Syndrome. As it turned out, my daughter was PERFECTLY NORMAL AND HEALTHY. They also urged me to accept “genetic counseling”. I told the counselor right up front that, regardless of the outcome of the tests, this was our baby, and we love her, and abortion was NOT an option.
The LTI post is very good. It not only “outlineswhy this past week was a publicity nightmare for Planned Parenthood,” but it also warns against sloppy prolife apologetics. It’s easy to get distracted from the main message that abortion is murder and get sidetracked by the many other transgessions that the evil organization commits.