Stanek weekend question: What are your reflections on the 38th anniversary of Roe v Wade?
Only pro-lifers will understand the blind irony of this pro-abort Huffington Post headline.
In the wake of the Philadelphia massacre, their ridiculous meme takes on even deeper meaning. Michelle Malkin wrote in a post yesterday, “Ask yourself why you are not hearing about which root causes and whose rhetoric are to blame for this four-decades-long massacre.”
That the other side is ignoring the grisly Gosnell murders shows how far they will go to prop legalized abortion, which is to turn the other way even when aborting mothers are neglected to death and born babies are tortured to death.
I am writing this post in a hotel room 5 blocks from the Supreme Court Building from whence the terrible Roe v. Wade decision was announced 38 years ago today.
Today is a holiday for abortion industry, akin to a liberal feminist Independence Day. Wrote Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards in an email, “Today, I celebrate what we achieved 38 years ago with Roe v. Wade, and I rededicate myself to protecting women’s right to make their own private, personal medical decisions.”
What are your thoughts and reflections today?
Shame on our country!
Most people have no idea what is going on or what they are doing to these precious lives. Here’s the real deal folks, stop killing your children. God’s judgment is on us. 1.5 million a year. So we’ve killed how many since 1971? America has it’s own silent holocaust.
The court’s legalization of abortion has slowly inculcated a sense of moral relativism, a cheapening of life. The so called, “pro choice” people are radically inhumane, they call for the violation of the rights of others. They attack Christians, it’s as though they won’t be happy until any voice against abortion, even a person’s right not to agree with abortion is an offense to them. They’re insane zealots. What’s more, I’ve read articles regarding how pro-pedophilia interests have gained support through the pro-abortion movement. In the Netherlands, European countries, Latin America, Africa and other nations, such groups have supported a plan introduced to the UN to label pedophiles a protected class of people.
The entire abortion movement and industry is pro-murder, and it’s activists are like ravening beasts, whose appetites can never be sated.
Slavery was an amrican institution for more than ‘four score and seven years’.
The right to vote was not extended to women til after the end of slavery.
I would say, barring some sort of divine intervention, we are looking at another forty years of the barabarism that has become so commonplace in America.
As long as we have bigots like ms Cecile Richards, spawn of Ann Richards, the bitter fruit that has not fallen far from the tree of feminism that produced her, we will not see a quick end to pre-natal homicide on demand.
“Today, I celebrate what we achieved 38 years ago with Roe v. Wade, and I rededicate myself to protecting women’s right to make their own private, personal medical decisions.”
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards
Associate those words with the barbarian from Philadelphia, Kermit Gosnell and the photos of the babes he murdered.
If the ‘dead babies r us’ crowd were going to do a group photo they would have to schedule a group colonoscopy.
This just in from the Associated Press:
Keith Olbermann Gives Abrupt Goodbye to MSNBC Show
By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer David Bauder, Ap Television Writer –
Sat Jan 22, 3:49 am ET
Well it seems Keith Blowharderman’s ‘COUNTDOWN’ has finally reached ‘zero’ and we have ‘lift off’.
Just hope the ‘Blowhard’ reachs a non-decaying orbit in that alternate universe where everything else revolves around him;Where his mind dwelt, but not his mouth.
May he conitnue to bask in the non-existent rays of his own intellect.
This just in: Astronomers at NASA have just announced the discovery of a new ‘blackhole’.
“As blackholes go, it’s rather ordinary”, said one un-named scientist.
“We might not have detected it for a long time if had not been for all the noise it was generating and the fact it’s orbit was erratic and in the opposite direction of all the other bodies in it’s vicinity.
NASA has announced it will host a on line contest to name the newest addition to the list of burned out former stars.
This is my prayer:
My Prayer on National Sanctity of Human Life Day
Who can overcome the murderous desires in our hearts? Who can overcome the idols of self that we errect and are willing to defend from all adversaries? Who is powerful enough to overcome?
Only God.
We have to pray. Let’s fast and pray that the murderous onslaught would be stopped and that the Gospel of freedom would reign supreme over our nation, over Planned Parenthood, and every establishment that seeks to feed our idols of self, control, and worldly “freedom”.
My prayer:
Mary says:
“The entire abortion movement and industry is pro-murder, and it’s activists are like ravening beasts, whose appetites can never be sated.”
And then ‘Along came Mary’.
You go girl/lady.
What I think about on this day:
I’ve long stopped focusing on the legality or illegality of abortion. On this day, I try to think about…it’s hard to explain. But I meditate on the question, “Why?” Why do we do bad things to one another? Why are we afraid? Why are we angry? I don’t want to spread hatred for pro-choice people, and I don’t want them to spread hatred for me. So on this day, I commit myself to working for peace for all women and children and men. That’s what I think about on this day- how far we have to go and also how much I hope my generation can improve and change.
Since January 22, 1973, a date which has lived and will live in infamy, 52 million of our precious unborn children have been suddenly and deliberately attacked and destroyed by the anti-human forces of the abortion crime industry.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome these cruel and unjust attacks on our unborn, the pro-life movement in our righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
With confidence in our movement, with the unbounded determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God.
Wrote Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards in an email, “Today, I celebrate what we achieved 38 years ago with Roe v. Wade, and I rededicate myself to protecting women’s ability to kill their children.”
There, Cecile, fixed that for you.
In RI – 200,000 gone since 1973. The size of the city of Providence.
On Thursday I showed our state representatives what the annual number of children aborted in RI actually looked like using a scrolling banner with tiny baby feet on it.
It kept scrolling out – and they were gasping and murmuring as it continued to unroll.
They were shocked. Some claimed they didn’t know. Numbers are meaningless unless they are given a clue and reminded this has impact many lives and families. 5,000 children each have 5000 mothers and 5000 fathers – that’s roughly 10,000 families.
Jill – is there any way to isolate 3,300 people during the march? Each would represent the daily toll of aborted children in the US. Photographs of those would be very, very illustrative.
Our family talked about what it would look like to have 5,000 children walk through our state house and out the door – each one representing a single child (per year) in RI.
People need really strong visuals.
Don’t let them sleep peacefully.
Please pray for all of us who are telling our abortion stories this weekend to tell the truth about abortion and how it has hurt us!! I will be speaking at the capitol in St. Paul, MN.
What are you up to this weekend? Apart from “ProLifeCon”, I mean. Are you gonna be at the Dubliner or what?
Anyone else here going to the March or the other events?
Carla – Praying that the power of the Holy Spirit might fill you, and that the ears of the deaf and the eyes of the blind might be opened, and that life and Life Eternal might be seen and heard in St. Paul.
Joe – I’ll put out my schedule shortly. Plan to be at The Dubliner every night (including last night!), except perhaps tonight, which is the Life Prizes Awards night.
“In RI – 200,000 gone since 1973. The size of the city of Providence”
Hey homeboy – You can produce all the stats that you want but our beautiful state, founded on religious tolerance, is solidly pro-choice. I don’t know if you were around when we had that constitutional convention but an anti-choice plank was rejected 2 to 1. Despite the numbers of those who identify as Catholics, the power of the church is nowhere near as strong as it was 20 years ago as not only fewer folks indentify with Rome but many of those who do are not concerned about abortion. We have a strong, pro-choice religious community represented by folks who might vote republican and are fiscally conservative but who are socially liberal. My rep is GOP but is pro-choice. My Senator, a woman, is also pro-choice. We now have an Episcopalian pro-choice governor as well as a pro-choice Jew who is replacing Pat Kennedy. Poor Bishop Tobin. He lost his state house pal and can’t threaten to withhold commununion from Rep. David Cicillini. I suspect that after you presented your numbers, the legislators engaged in a nice eye roll. Anti-abortion zealots, in the “Ocean State,” are considered fringe.
But good luck with those baby feet. If you can get some publicity, I’m sure “Phillippe and Jorge” will have some interesting commentary!
Yes, CC. Keep bragging there. being ‘pro baby-killing’ is REALLY something to brag about.
CC – I know about the godlessness. That’s okay – if it’s as truly dark as you claim, then even the smallest amount of the Light of Life will make a huge difference.
This is compartmentalization at its worst. Murder for the pre born and honor for those who do the killing. It must be hard on them with all the scientific evidence staring them in the face.
And Oberman no more awards for Jill from him. Boo hoo
“Yes, CC. Keep bragging there. being ‘pro baby-killing’ is REALLY something to brag about”
That we provide women with access to terminating a fetus is a very good thing!
And Chris, you aren’t going to change things. For the past few years, very few anti-choice bills have made it out of committee let alone get defeated on the floor of the legislature.
“It must be hard on them with all the scientific evidence staring them in the face”
Funny how the scientific community isn’t on board with this “life” thingie. Oh, I know. They’re godless liberals…
With what gentleness and concern for those children whose lives were ended in abortion CC. With what concern for their families. Too bad you are so gloatingly angry at the Catholic Church. Know that those who support abortion support the killing of innocents. Misguided, indeed.
I am praying that you, and others like you, will soften their hearts to welcome every neighbor with open arms, including our neighbors in the womb. We are all part of the human family.
I hope that you read Abby Johnson’s new book, UnPlanned. She wanted to support women and supported their right to choose, believing that PP wanted to make abortion rare. It’s her journey of allowing her heart to soften. I wish the same for you.
“Remember Roe v. Wade and stop the violence”? Is that from “The Huffington Post” or “The Onion”? Could be either.
On the 38th anniversary of the decriminalization of unborn child murder, I am thankful that my mother didn’t kill me so that she could go to movies on the weekend, or Paris for a couple of weeks, or to college, or any of the other excuses that we hear that make it “OK” for a baby to be killed.
By the way, CC, “pro-choice religious” is an oxymoron. Kind of like “government intelligence” and “sober Kennedy”. But if you insist on calling it a “religion”, then have fun celebrating your High Holy Day today. I suggest you celebrate by putting party favors into baby bottles and distributing them, telling people that the candy inside is ALL THEIRS because they don’t have to worry about some baby needing the bottle.
Today is Saturday. More RI’ers “killed” by murderous mothers – or are they stupid, child-like women who are seduced by the siren song of Planned Parenthood. Of course when abortion was illegal, no RI ”babies” were killed – Oh, wait a minute. They were – but then there were occasionally problems but good enough for those evil women. Right?
By the way, CC, “pro-choice religious” is an oxymoron
Oh right. Only anti-abortion religions are “true” religions. Churches that affirm choice are heretical. Too bad we don’t have that wonderful Inquisition to take care of those blasphemers.
“I suggest you celebrate by putting party favors into baby bottles and distributing them”
Actually some nice Pinot Noir as a toast to the SCOTUS judges who liberated us. Then another toast to enlightened state legislatures, like mine, who respect a woman’s right to her bodily autonomy.
CC, that’s a good move, too. Make sure to celebrate yourself with a classy dinner as well. After all, you don’t have to put up with expensive, puking babies. You can spend all of your hard earned money on yourself! Wooo! Responsibility for others?? Who needs that! Pass the wine!
“Churches that affirm choice are heretical.”
Considering that “reproductive choice” is pretty much a complete rejection of the principles of Christianity, yeah, pretty much. Those churches would only be OK if Jesus instructed us to kill the least of our brothers. Maybe that’s in the Kennedy Family Bible, but not in most.
After all, you don’t have to put up with expensive, puking babies
But let’s make sure lots of other women do have to put up with that. Forced childbirth – now that’s the ticket. And BTW, a good sum of my money is spent on things like the environment (not that the forced childbirth movement cares about that) and a food bank for poor people who just might have too many mouths to feed. But let’s make sure that they have no options regarding future pregnancies. Right?
“That we provide women with access to terminating a fetus is a very good thing!”
Screw you.
CC, keeping the environment clean is very important, especially to keep those babies you despise so much healthy. Feeding the poor is also very important. Let’s be sure to teach poor people how to practice NFP so that they have options for future pregnancies. I’m sure that your progressive, forward-leaning church is very into the science of modern NFP, right?
Be careful about repeating pro-abort rhetoric like “reproductive choice”. If you say you are (or Christianity, or anything is) against “reproductive choice”, you’re feeding right into their mythology in which pro-lifers want to force women to bear children non-stop, and pro-aborts are the noble liberators of women for letting women “choose” whether or not to have a child once she’s pregnant (my tongue is in cheek).
The truth is, we’re not against reproductive choice. We’re fine with people choosing to try for children, or not, depending on their individual circumstances. Teenage girls should be focusing on school and not trying to build a family. A married couple where they are both going to school is free to put off intentionally trying for children until they both graduate and start working. It’s just common sense. If we wanted women to be incubators, we wouldn’t approve of any of that.
What we’re against is people killing other people, that is, once a child has been created, you should not have the right to take that child’s life away, whether you meant for that creation to happen or not. Furthermore, we refuse to accept pseudoscience that puts forth the ludicrous proposition that the unborn child is some sort of liminal humanity, like a body part or a tumor. We insist on the acknowledgment of the scientific fact that conception marks the initiation of a new human individual. We further assert that this individual has his or her own rights, and the fact that this individual cannot assert his or her own rights does not make them any less valid.
We are the real advocates of freedom and self-determination. Pro-aborts, on the other hand, would have every human come into a world of conditional acceptance. How they get their arguments about “choice” out of that is perplexing to the point of insanity.
John, you might be interested to know that Sargent Shriver was pro-life, unlike his RCINO in-laws. May his memory be eternal.
Every January 22 I think “I survived.” and I also contemplate how those screaming for abortion and “choice” would have had no qualms dismembering me inside my mother’s womb. I was a FOURTH child…. horrors that my parents dared to procreate that much! My mother was approaching 40 when she had me. They probably would have thought me better off dead.
Thank you Mom for life! Thank you for carrying me and loving me and raising me even upon the death of my father. You never stopped caring for me and I love you so much. You are an amazing woman.
I tell her this often.
See – it’s ‘and and both’ not ‘either and or’ – we want the mother and the baby to thrive. There is no dichotomy – we want all humans to thrive. We are here to help. No need to kill to solve social problems – we just have to have open hearts to help.
We need to be personally involved – and many in the pro-life camp do just that. We do not abandon the woman after her abortion. We do not abandon women if they struggle. In fact today I am trying to buy a table and chairs for a family so that they can have a normal dinner together. Right now they have a table, but no chairs. I bring over clothes and food and visit.
We can’t solve every problem – but what is worth more than the furniture, clothing, food is the time and friendship. We are walking the journey with the families – building friendships and strengthening hearts.
Every family can do this. Every person can be involved. That is what people do when they care – truly, fully and generously.
Instead of helping women get an abortion, we just help in the very best sense of the word. Period.
I love how CC, who has been defeated by logical arguments over and over and over, is now sitting back and simply saying, “Well, even if you are right, you’ll never change things where I live, anyway, no matter how hard you try!” Truly, the last refuge of a feeble mind, or a desperate and dying movement.
And that’s my thought on this anniversary of Roe. I have hope. I have hope that we really will end abortion in the United States, and that we’ll do it in my lifetime. We haven’t given up and we won’t.
Amen Alice.
All CC, all the time. Welcome to pro-abort narcissism.
Now back to Jill’s question and away from turkey baster girl.
I answered her question fully a few days ago in this post on my blog, which was read today as the Holy Hour meditation by my friend and brother, Fr. Steven Clark:
Carla, my thoughts and prayers are with you today, that our loving God continue to strengthen you with the assurance of His love. Know that you have the love and admiration of all here at Jill’s house. And as I stand with my friends from Silent No More at the Supreme Court steps, I’ll be lifting you up in prayer along with them. You great women are the unsung heroines of the pro-life movement.
And yes, CC, I’ll be praying for you as well, that you give up the pom poms and surrender to the love and mercy of God.
oh and CC – thanks for confirming that babies are killed with abortion. see post at 11:35 am. Thank you for recognizing reality.
“And yes, CC, I’ll be praying for you as well, that you give up the pom poms and surrender to the love and mercy of God”
Thanks, but your prayers will be falling on fallow ground. My not so sainted grandmother prayed that I would return to the “one, true, Catholic church.” She’s long dead and I’m a happy atheist.
” I’m sure that your progressive, forward-leaning church is very into the science of modern NFP, right.”
The Episcopal Church (which I am no longer a member of but still respect) approves of all kinds of contraception. They approved birth control back in the 30’s. Meanwhile the RC only approves of NFP – a policy that not all Catholics follow.
“thanks for confirming that babies are killed with abortion”
NB the use of quotation marks.
And a toast to those who gave us the birth control pill. No acne, no bad periods, and no babies. Ah, freedom. At least some of you still approve of chemical contraception but if the RC’ers get their way, that’s gone too. Am I wrong?
CC, when I took hormonal contraception I still got acne and it didn’t help my periods all that much. My husband’s friend’s girlfriend took it and almost died from a blood clot in the leg. but RAH RAH GOOOOO PILL!
The pill is dangerous to women. Who on earth would WANT to risk death by deep vein thrombosis or cancer just for a couple orgasms? Why are you pro-aborts so anxious to push this on unsuspecting women who don’t know its dangers?
And the pill killed the libido of many of my friends while they were on it. But hooray for lackluster passionless sex! Go CC! Go CC!
cc – remember you said killed – no question marks there. So if something (actually someone) is killed, what was it? Just wondering.
and re: the pill…yes – the class-I carcinogen the birth control pill – which increases the likelihood of all kinds of things, including cancer. One can use the pill, but only for non-contraceptive purposes, since the pill, in one of the 3 ways it works, changes the lining of the uterus allowing the new-ly conceived human to not implant – which is an early chemical abortion.
Glad you are celebrating those “babies” being killed in so many ways. How humane and loving.
Glad you mentioned Freedom – it is the crux of the matter.
We should be free to choose the good – not chasing after every way to choose the bad. remember our final end and we will be making a personal account of how we chose – the very best, or the most destructive. That is the crucial choice, and we all have to account for our life when meeting Our Maker and accounting for our actions.
Even if we don’t consider it, believe it or want to think of the end, we will all get there, and let’s hope we have the Grace of God to have that meeting go well, and hear our Lord say “well done, good and faithful servant.”
I don’t know if you are self medicating or you are off your meds, but you really ought to do a ‘self diagnostic’.
You are sounding a little schrill, even for a schrew like you.
Did you have that chat yet with your mom or a 5th grader?
Or were you incubated by a female surrogate who sublet her uterus?
Just what species were/are you?
The use of a syllogism might help you discover the correct answer to the riddle:
When you mom was pregnant with you, what species of embryo/fetus was present in her uterus?
Hint: If a=b & b=c, then a=c
Today I reflect on my Mother, as I was in utero (6-8 weeks) when this decision came down. I’m glad I was safe and loved. The problem of abortion is lack of love, not the little boy and girl fetuses. When our hearts catch up with technology, then abortion will be fade. I hope and pray that’s sooner than later.
And, living in this day and age and feeling my fourth child move inside me, I feel responsible for doing what I can to bring about an end to the violence of abortion.
What do you do for your own amusement, club seal pups?
God be with you and your friends today.
On this 38th anniversary, I pray that the rest of the world is not as gullible as we Americans who have tolerated legal abortion for almost forty years. We must send the pro-life message (ie. scientific facts) to the good people of Africa, Asia, and beyond before the pro-death mantra reaches and deceives them as well. We must continue to pray and take action to help women in need in any way we can.
In answer to Jill’s question;
1: Sadness that abortion is still legal in the USA. Sad that 4000 babies are killed a day by abortion. In the 70s, I really thought that by the early 80s the battle would be over, not just beginning.
2: Hopeful as well. This morning at the DBQ Co Right to Life March we heard the story of how 1 woman decided not to have an abortion because we were there at the clinic protesting. The little girl was born Thanksgiving & has been adopted by a loving family. & that is just 1 of 6 that we know about.
bro ken,
I agree with you – it may be a generation or two before abortion truly becomes unthinkable in this country. The still-audible voices of the pro-death crowd of the Roe era will need to fade away naturally…..
~ ~ ~ ~
That is good news! Six babies and six women saved!
Carla, God bless you and all your Silent No More colleagues. Thank you for having the courage and the self-respect to stand up and tell your story. Thank you for putting a personal face on the pain and for being willing to take the abuse that goes with speaking up. You and everyone in SNM will be in my prayers in a special way these next few days.
bro ken – love the use of Math! go math!! ;)
Transitive property- oh yeah!
Hey ken, don’t you find it funny that the pro-life side is the side of science, logic, and reason, but we are the ones condemned as the mindless religious fanatics? In response to a pro-abort who told me that the unborn child is a part of his mother, I presented the standard mountain of evidence that he is not – the child has unique DNA, his own arms and legs, his own heart, circulatory system, nervous system, etc. The unborn child could even have a blood type which is incompatible with his mother’s blood type. It just makes no sense to say that he is a part of his mother.
So what was the response of the pro-abort? Simply that I’m wrong, the unborn child is a part of his mother, my science is dumb. The other day I was listening to Glenn Beck and he talked about a study which suggested that a huge percentage of college students don’t learn ANYTHING in four years of college, and that they are unable to defend their beliefs without resorting to emotional arguments. Beck thinks that our kids are intentionally being dumbed down so that it is easier for them to be manipulated. I am inclined to agree.
I am inclined to agree.
Me too John.
I went over to the HuffPost site to look at it myself but it made me ill.
NARAL’s grade for Rhode Island - D+
Not quite the abortion utopia you imagine and hope for.
Constantly Clueless,
If Chris is out of those baby feet buttons, I suppose he could borrow the real thing from your fellow ghoul Gosnell.
CC @11:29 said: And Chris, you aren’t going to change things. For the past few years, very few anti-choice bills have made it out of committee let alone get defeated on the floor of the legislature.
Right again. I’m not the one that’s going to change things. The Lord Jesus Christ did and continues to do that work. We’ve been discussing abortion – which is the death of a living human being. Being an atheist doesn’t excuse you from the reality of your eventual demise. Your belief after that point is completely immaterial.
Don’t worry about that future though – you have enough demons to wrestle with now – I’m sure.
Chris Aresenault at 10:41,
What a great idea. Visuals are very powerful. I think there should be a memorial wall erected ,like the Vietnam Memorial. Tragically, the list would have to say “etc.” written at the end of this wall until this crime against humanity stops completely. I pray all over the world hearts will be converted to a culture of life. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. JMJ
Pro-aborts view babies as punishment so they kill their own offspring. Hence they see abortionists like Gossner and Tiller as heroes.
Pro-life people see babies as precious and worthy of protection. Hence we see all pro-aborts as being in need of mental health counseling.
You poor deluded anti-choicers still talk as though if Roe V Wade had never happened,
we would actually have 50 million more people in America. And even if we did, what kind of lives would many of them have?
You never have the intellectual honesty to admit that abortion was very common in America
before 1973, and would have remained so even without Roe V Wade. You never have the honesty to acknowledge all the women who died from botched illegal abortions or were
gravely injured,and the many children who had already been born who were left without mothers.
And you delude yourselves into thinking that abortion will actually”end” if it becomes illegal again. And you hypocritically support and vote for equally hypocritical anti-choice politicians who whine endlessly about the “right to life” and the “sanctitty of life” while consistently voting to eliminate government programs to help the poor which would prevent so many abortions.
And many of you are also opposed to contraceptives,and want to make them illegal. You
keep trotting out wildy exaggerated stories of how dangerous birth control pills are,despite the fact that there are many other pills people take routinely which are far more risky.
And the canard about the abortion/breast cancer link.
You don’t care if a pregnancy would kill a woman or ruin her health. You don’t care what
might happen to children after they were born even though you claim to.
Your concern for the unborn inevitably ends at birth. You delude yourselves into thinking that there is plenty of help available to poor pregnant women to take care of their children and that adoption could eliminate the need for abortions.
There is absolutely no prooof a a link between abortion and breast cancer.
I was watching EWTN the other night,and an anti-choice doctor made the absurd claim that birth control pills also lead to breat cancer.
You people represent the REAL culture of death. You are totally out of touch with reality,and in denial about how disastrously counterpoductive making abortion illegal is.
If you get your way and abortion ever becomes illegal again in America, you have no idea
You stupidly call abortion a “holocaust”,even though this is insulting to holocaust survivors,
and make ridiculous false comparisons between abortion and slavery.
You foolishly talk about an imaginary racist plot to wipe out blacks in America through abortion,even though abortion is caused by poverty.
You make it sound as though abortion is performed for the sake of convenience,even thopugh this is rarely the case.
You have no idea how catastrophic making abortion illegal again in America will be, and its catastrophic effects on women,children,families and society in general.
It would be a catastrophy the Devil and his minions,
“ You poor deluded anti-choicers still talk as though if Roe V Wade had never happened, we would actually have 50 million more people in America. And even if we did, what kind of lives would many of them have?”
Listening to you speak, and the emptiness within your soul Robert, I begin to see your point.
“There is absolutely no prooof a a link between abortion and breast cancer.”
Too bad you never read the over 100 peer reviewed scientific papers in top-tier scientific journals that claim otherwise. Whose the poor deluded slob, Robert? Being a pro-abort is bad enough, but why compound it with being a willful ignoramus?
“Too bad you never read the over 100 peer reviewed scientific papers in top-tier scientific journals that claim otherwise”
So why don’t you provde a link to those sites as well as to links from the CDC. Don’t know if you play tennis, Dr. Nadal; but, as the saying goes, it’s your serve. But I do love the talk about god and the devil as it just underscores the religious extremism of the anti-choice movement which underscores why liberal Protestants and Reformed Jews are so not “pro-life” as the “pro-life” movement is so Inquisition.
And Dr. Nadal – do love your Christ like ad-hominems about Robert being a “willful ignoramus.” But it’s a quid pro quo as pro-choice blogs have your, as the saying goes, number.
And Dr. Nadal, please tell us about the Ohio scientific community that has joined you in the call for abortion to be criminalized. Please tell us who, outside of your Catholic Franciscan community, is on board with your crusade – or is it jihad – it’s so confusing.
You have to stop this silly stuff. At least when CC leaves comments, she is usually quite entertaining.
I counted 34 separate fallacies in your piece. As an example, you still cling to this myth that prenatal homicide cannot be suppressed no matter what we do. I strongly believe that solid pro-life statutes, backed by aggressive enforcement and an army of pro-life volunteers helping uncover criminal activity can suppress the crime of child killing by better than 90%.
There is nothing “catastrophic” about trying to stop the killing of unborn children. The end result will be that we will save the lives of large numbers of human beings. This is much better than the 50 million deaths your side has caused.
”Hence we see all pro-aborts as being in need of mental health counseling”
But if you don’t have degrees in social work, psychology, psychiatry, etc, you’re not qualified to make that diagnosis. As a person with a degree in the mental health field, I do, however, have questions about those who appear to have religius delusions as that, oftentimes, is a sign of severe personality disorder and/or pathology.
“backed by aggressive enforcement and an army of pro-life volunteers helping uncover criminal activity”
Our police forces are already cash strapped. How do you propose adding more personnel to enforce what never was enforceable? And “pro-life volunteers?” Are you talking about vigilantes because if so, you do know that there are serious legal ramifications here. What are you going to do? If a woman stops being pregnant, are you going to have the cops arrest her because she might have had an abortion? In the good old days, the abortion doctors had arrangements (like some bootleggers many of whose cumatas needed taking care of, if you know what I’m saying) to do their thing without interference. One of RI’s biggest providers to illegal abortions to poor women was somebody who was one of RI’s biggest Knights of Columbus. Go Figure!
Joe, what state do you live in? Reason I’m asking is you so don’t know New England.
“On this 38th anniversary, I pray that the rest of the world is not as gullible as we Americans who have tolerated legal abortion for almost forty years. We must send the pro-life message (ie. scientific facts) to the good people of Africa, Asia, and beyond before the pro-death mantra reaches and deceives them as well”
Pre Roe, many of my college chums took a nice trip to Canada (five hours away) or, it they had some cash, took a trip across the pond to enlightened countries that contnue to preserve the right to an abortion. Beautiful Denmark – the most secular country in the world and the happiest. After the Reformation, Rome’s hold on people’s minds seemed to deteriorate. Add to that Rome’s child abuse scandal and you have a secular Europe. The Enlightenment was a very good thing, too.
I have a blog where I have written a ton of articles reviewing the literature and linking to it. Start reading.
As for ad hominems, if Robert would care to act like a civilized man, he’ll be treated as one. But Robert comes here and simply states that there is no evidence of an abortion breast cancer link, despite an avalanche of posts pointing to the literature.
We’re not here to play games, so if Robert is going to pretend that we never wrote all that we have, then he’ll be treated as the pugnacious adolescent he pretends to be. This is serious matter, being discussed by serious people.
Your history is as confused as your math.
Who do you revere more, Caligula or Pol Pot?
“I have a blog where I have written a ton of articles reviewing the literature and linking to it. Start reading”
Nope. I asked you a question on this blog and it’s up to you to respond. I really don’t care what you wrote on your blog. If you can’t answer in real time, I’ll just assume that you don’t have a real time and real facts answer.
BTW, it would be so easy for you to provide links to your wit and wisdom. Feel free to do so.
“Your history is as confused as your math”
Specifically? Please feel free to refute with examples of my errors. Digame, por favor!
As a pro-abort and one with an academia in mental health do you think Gossner was mentally ill? If so, then why?
On the anniversary of Roe – “not the church, not the state, only I decide my fate.”
And one of my other favorites – “keep your rosaries off of my ovaries.” (And I still have the ovaries!)
With the exception of Costa Rica and Israel (arguably secular) none of the top ten are very Christian!
Is that how you explain your chipper attitude day in and day out? :)
John Lewandowski says: January 22, 2011 at 3:00 pm
“Beck thinks that our kids are intentionally being dumbed down so that it is easier for them to be manipulated.”
That explains why the 20 somethings voted for obama.
What is the excuse for all the adults who voted for the ‘zero’.
Accute and chronic arrested adolescense.
I am still encouraging all these gullible loons to self identify by having that obama campaign logo tattooed on the center of their foreheads.
The suceeding generations deserve to know who sold them out and these obama sycophants will lie about what they did.
As a pro-abort and one with an academia in mental health do you think Gossner was mentally ill? If so, then why?
Actually, without a proper psych eval, I don’t know. He certainly has some characteristics of a personality disorder, if not a pathology; but not every murderer is “crazy.” Far more psychiatric evaluation is in order.
The purpose of writing my blog is to create a repository. I’m not writing months of work to amuse a woman who murdered her own baby and drove a relative to have hers murdered, and who shows up here reveling in the experiences.
This about covers it all IMO:
1But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
3And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
4For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
5And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
6And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;
7And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
8(For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)
9The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
10But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
11Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
12But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
13And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
14Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:
15Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;
16But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
17These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.
18For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.
19While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
May God have mercy on this nation.
Ewww, I’m so bad.
CC says: January 22, 2011 at 6:58 pm
“The Enlightenment was a very good thing, too.”
The age of enligtenment also birthed the French Revolution which was quite the blood bath. Is that why you are infatuated with it?
The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment) is the era in Western philosophy, intellectual, scientific and cultural life, centered upon the 18th century, in which reason was advocated as the primary source for legitimacy and authority. It is also known as the Age of Reason.[1] The enlightenment was a movement of science and reason.
If you revere science and reason, then why do you avoid answering the question:
When you mother was pregnant with you what species of embryo/fetus was present in her uterus?
Was it bovine, feline, canine, swine, equine?
CC if you don’t want others telling you what to do with your ovaries (as if thats why we oppose abortion. We could really care less about your withered ovaries) then why do you presume to try and control other women’s ovaries? I am talking about the females growing in the womb who you say should be dismembered and suctioned. You’re a little bit of a hypocrite. What about the baby girls who Gosnell killed after they were born in his clinic? Where is your outrage over that?
You’re a fool. I read what you say and shake my head sadly. You only think you control your fate CC. There is one in heaven who loves you dearly and wants to bless you as you continue your foolish temper tantrums like a silly toddler. You are actually not in control. Not by a long shot.
“As somebody with some education and experience in mental health, I have some concerns for you as your postings reveal an almost pathological hatred for Obama, liberals, atheists, those who are pro-choice, etc.”
Isn’t true that ‘mental health’ workers suffer from a higher rate of depression, alcholism, drug addiction and attemptedsucide/suicide than the population as a whole?
You may possess a little knowledge of religion, [If it were dynamite, I doubt you could blow your nose.] but your knowledge of GOD is about as impressive as your mental health credentials.
Suggest you have another sip of wine and read some more history.
You might get a dictionary and look up ‘science’ and ‘reason’ while you are still sober enough to assimilate the concepts.
But from the devolution of your posts, it is probably too late.
I do believe I am beginning to recognize the smell of CC’s rants and they are very familiar.
The March for Life must have jerked her chain.
What was your former name. Jill invited to return to the table, but you got so obnoxious and contentious that Jill finally put the stamp of approval on the moderators decision to ban you.
Whenever reason and logic inexorably led you in the direction of the truth, you suddently remembered you had an appointment for bypass surgery or a lung transplant.
53 Million lives lost. 53 million. How many were future doctors, lawyers, nurses, CEOs, astronauts, senators and representatives? How many would have played basketball, football, soccer or would have been gymnasts? How many would have been future Olympians, proudly standing upon that podium as the American Flag was raised and the national anthem was played?
At least HALF would have been taxpayers by now. And you wonder why we have a Social Security crisis?
How many more lives with such great potential (NOT POTENTIAL “life” but life with potential!) have to be ended before America cries out enough is enough?
We fight for the voiceless, the little ones whose voices have been silenced. The little ones who are called balls of cells, tissue, tumors, etc….. Derogative
Who will speak up for these little ones if WE DON’T?
America fought a Civil War over slavery….Will it come down to this again? Another bloody war on this land?
Motherhood: Teach your daughter it is NOT A DIRTY WORD!
CC, you certainly know how to Google well enough to find my name, picture, credentials and taste in movies in various places on the internet. I’m sure you know how to Google well enough to find. Dr. Gerard Nadal’s blog, since he uses his own name. It’s obvious you’re scared of what you might find.
An “enlightened” profesional woman who is scared of scientific studies. As you yourself would say — Go figure.
CC, So somebody can give women drugs to dialate and then drugs to keep them semiconscious till they deliver their babies and then come in hours later and slit the babies throats and then collect the babies feet in jars and you would need to do far more evaluarion in order to determine if said man was mentally ill? I can see your evaluation now. He would tell you he did what he did to help desperate women exercise their right to abortion. ou would thank him and determine that he is not mentally ill and let him continue mutilating women and children. What could Gossner possibly say to you that would lead you to determine he is not mentally ill?
I understand Artemiserable’s behavior. She needed a slicker handle like CC, and needs to be extra obnoxious or else she won’t make the varsity squad for the Kermit Gosnell cheerleading team. Tryouts are Monday during the March for Life.
Monday is the March for Life, of course. As usual, I’m certain that there will be more people there protesting against Vatican II than there will be pro-abortion counter-protestors. Also as usual, the pro-lifers will outnumber the pro-aborts by about 10,000:1, and will be mostly women. But the next day, the newspapers will show one photo of some weird looking old man holding a cross and crying to represent the pro-life side, and one photo of some young androgynous woman to represent the pro-abort side, as if both sides were equally represented at the March. They will also write that “tens of thousands” of people showed up for the protest, even if it’s well over 200,000 people like it usually is.
Tell me I’m wrong on Tuesday.
CC, by the way, you don’t even have to Google anything, just click on Gerard’s name at the top of his post. I missed that fact somehow. You can get right to the good stuff without making any effort at all – which is actually more effort and thought than you put into your posts.
Gerard – have a good March! I’m stuck at home with work.
@truthseeker: I’m afraid, unfortunately, that CC is half right. Just because Gosnell is a murderous, evil man doesn’t mean he has any kind of mental disorder. It would be comforting to think that must be the case, but people can be entirely sane and thoroughly evil at the same time. Warren Hern, for example, doesn’t show any signs of any disorders, and he, with his famous “like an electric current” quote, admitted in so many words that he’s killing people and just doesn’t care enough to stop.
Honestly, the sane killers scare me a lot more than the crazy ones.
“…radically inhumane…” and “…insane zealots…” You nailed it!
You are drawn to this site because you know abortion is wrong. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer observed: “All truth passses through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self evident”.
Judging from your comments you are in the first stage, and the anger that surfaces in your tone shows you are moving to stage two. Your statements are boorish, hateful, unfair, ignorant, and just plain wrong. But, just like thousands of other pro-aborts who have gone through these stages and come over to pro-life, it seems it is just a matter of time.
You know of course that polls show that you are in the minority. You know also that more pro-lifers were elected to congress this past November than we have ever had, and already major pieces of pro-life legislation are being introduced. Ditto for individual states legislatures. Eventually abortion will go the way of slavery…the wrongness of abortion “accepted as self-evident.”
However, abortion is not exactly analagous to slavery in that abortion has been far more devastating in terms of the loss of human life–some 50 million now killed since 1973. This is profoundly sad. We have yet to recover fully from much longer will it take for us to “recover” from the millions of these lives lost?
You’re right. So what does that make CC/Artemiserable?? Insane or evil? We’re past ‘confused’.
How can we make a difference in our culture of death? By being Christian. We can pray. Mortify our passions and appetites. Receive the sacraments. Have faith in God. Trust Him. And, as Churchill said, we must never never never never never never never never NEVER give up.
John L:
“Tell me I’m wrong on Tuesday”.
If it goes like it usually does we might not even see word one about it. But there is something different this year in that the MSM will almost be forced to give the March for Life some attention with all of the pro-life stuff going on in the House and with all of the new pro-life congressmen.
BTW: Love your quip: “…there will be more people there protesting against Vatican II than there will be pro-abortion counter-protestors”.
I reflect that its horrible we legalized murder……
“You delude yourselves into thinking that there is plenty of help available to poor pregnant women to take care of their children and that adoption could eliminate the need for abortions.”
The crux of the matter.
On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I pray for the lives of those whose mothers face unplanned parenthood. I pray for all of those young men and women who have been bamboozled by such institutions as Planned Parenthood. I pray for a deepening of faith and for a conversion of souls in our nation and world.
I look to the future with the Hope that only He can give. The Lord has done GREAT things for us! He will not abandon His children, and so I pray for our hearts to hear His Call.
How extraordinary is our God! So great, so powerful, so wonderful is our Lord! He fills our spirits and renews our purpose! He knows our hearts; He knows what we need and He provides. In all times, He provides. Give Him thanks! Praise His name! I am overjoyed that He is with me!
While I weep at the loss of those lives… so many many lives… lost to the idols of our time, I cannot help but feel Hope and Joy for the goodness of God! I cannot help but feel Him moving in our world, making waves we cannot even recognize!
I still pray for your conversion nightly. You have my sympathy and well-wishes. I hope that someday you will find His Grace and be filled with His light. He wants you to turn back to Him. He calls. Will you hear Him?
For me this anniversary fills me with tears (over what we have become) and fears (over what we will soon become).
Many pro-aborts do not believe there is any slippery slope, and others just do-not-care (because they do not have to. It’s so much more human to be ‘cool’.) Perhaps they mistake a ‘cold’/’hot’ as human… I don’t really know much…………..
protection: folks will call for my death and yours too, with the very same words you now use, in defense of killing unborn HUMANS … Please try NOT to find support among PL … their track record to STOP THE KILLING is not great!
EXCEPT: I’m next! Hey, I’m old, now AND severely disabled (can’t even physically scream). Still I’m pained and not-hopeful! [I figure if folks can kill 50+million kids they cannot/will-not see, what chance have I (or folks like me) who can be seen.]
A special note to Robert Berger: I am also poor. [Living on pension is ‘standard’.] Try growing-up (before mouthing-off) first, eh?
Hey Gerard,
When Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus, he warned them that they, “must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.”
It is truly sad how far from God CC is. Her heart is so hard she believes killing children north of the cervix at any gestational age is just fine.
We need to pray for her soul.
Alice and Gerard and CC,
Murderous, evil people are mentally ill. Narcissism and inability to have empathy for others is a mental illness.
With all due repect to you, Kermit Gosnell is NOT menatlly ill. He is evil.
Tho his acts were as despicable and as mind boggling as Jeffery Dahmer, Gosnell has shown no observable symptoms that he is ‘mentally ill’ any more than a pedaphile could be considered mentally ill because she/he preys on children.
Gosnell understands full well the character and the nature of what he did at the moment he did it and he understands fully what he has done.
He is competent to stand trial. If he is convicted on any or all of the counts of murder and Pennsylvania has the death penalty, then Gosnell’s crimes will have certainly fullfilled all the requirements necessary to be sentenced to death by execution.
I pray that Gosnell finds forgiveness for what he has done, whether or not he is convicted of his crimes.
Pharoh, Hitler or Margaret Sanger could not have said any better themselves.
Truthseeker, making a diagnosis of a mental disorder isn’t as simple as saying “He’s narcissistic because ….” or “he killed someone so he’s unempathic.” One of the things any good clinician does is exclude to the greatest extent possible any personal bias in conducting an assessment and formulating a diagnosis. I used to work in forensic psych, and I will be the first to admit that it’s very hard to do that when you’re dealing with someone who admits to committing a horrific crime. But I or any other clinician must strive for that. Otherwise, we do the defendant an injustice by diagnosing based on assumption instead of objective criteria. As bizarre as this may sound to you, not every murderer is a narcissist or unempathic. It’s easy to conclude that if you don’t talk to the killer about his thought processes, his reasons for acting, etc. But when you sit down with these people and start talking, often a very different picture emerges. The fact is, people kill for all kinds of reasons. You are right, many of these people ARE mentally ill. But this isn’t true in every case.
I watched the talking head shows on FOX, ABC, CBS and NBC.
I was surfing between them, but I did not hear or see a single mention of Kermit Gosnell, the March for Life, or Roe v Wade.
The tree announced in advance it would be walking in the forest, but no reporters or cameras were dispatched to record the event, therefore for most Americans it did not happen.
Tho conservative politicians and conservative commentators certainly had to the opportunity on these ‘live’ talking head shows, none must have considered Gosnell, the March for Life or Roe v Wade as relevant.
Gregory on ‘Meet the Press’ did raise the subject of the presidents place of birth, but Eric Cantor chose not to address the issue. Cantor could have taken the opportunity to remind the president of his promise of ‘transparency’ and challenged the commander in chief to authorize the sate of Hawaii to release the relevant documents.
Something Neil Abercrombie, the democRAT Governor of Hawaii has publicly stated he wants to do.
Something ‘thrill running up my leg’ liberal commentator Chris Matthews has advised the president to do.
Hopefully at least one of the Tea Party congressman will raise the issue at the appropriate time.
Barack Obama’s statement is just absolutely obsecene, as is his whole “presidency”.
It was loaded with empty abortionist drivel and doublespeak. Apparently, the opponents of unborn human rights do not do logic and plain English. Their politicians likewise.
No mention of more than 50 million human beings who have lost their lives.
What would you say about the majority of aborting women, Fed Up? Just out of curiosity. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but I’ve researched (granted it was via unrelated blogs on the internet) many women who’ve claimed they had abortions, and outside of the abortion issue, so many seem so self-involved I really think it’s bizarre. Also I find many of them to be obsessed with childish pastimes/subjects, like Disney movies or kid’s video games, oddly enough. :/
truthseeker, Ken,
Mental illness, insanity, and evil need to be parsed, as we have three different issues under discussion.
Insanity is not a psychological or psychiatric term. It is a legal term that is descriptive of a fundamental capacity to conform one’s actions to the requirements of the law.
Consciously chosen Evil behavior requires:
1. Serious matter (such as murder)
2. Sufficient reflection
3. Full consent of the will
So the fundamental inability to conform oneself to the requirements of the law (moral or positive law) would mean that #2&3 above are not possible.
Mental Illness. I don’t rule out that many people begin down the path of evil through simple neuroses, which are characterized by a proclivity to avoid suffering. As the neuroses worsen when the maladaptive avoidance behaviors require greater and greater efforts to sustain a sense of equilibrium, many progress to full-blown narcissism. That’s where the callous disregard for the rights and dignity of others comes in.
Narcissists then alienate people at a faster and faster rate, requiring greater manipulative behaviors in order to sustain the appearance of decency and social acceptability. It is in this phase that the individual is making conscious decisions that affect the lives of others. They could choose to get health, but choose not to, or walk out of therapy because the work at mental and spiritual integrity and wellness requires more than they are willing to invest.
But make no mistake, walking away from the process is a conscious choice, a deliberate decision.
This is why the Catholic Church rightly has a theology of suffering, one that sees suffering as redemptive. Rev. Anthony T. Padovano in his poetic book, Dawn Without Darkness, describes it all beautifully:
“The human heart is not built in a day. It takes a lifetime to make a human heart. It takes all: birth and learning how to talk, making wishes, living with hope, dreaming dreams. The human heart is nourished with yearning for tomorrow, with poetry and devotion, with contemplation and the incessant thought of home. The human heart prays, it strives to find a faithful lover; it does not love until it dies in fidelity for the mystery of another life.
“The human heart suffers, or else it does not grow; it exhausts itself or else it is empty; it waits and hopes, at dawn and dusk, in darkness and daylight.
“The human heart is not built in a day nor can it be built alone. The human heart loses its way unless it receives the promises of others and gives its trust in return… The human heart waits or else it does not live and yet it dies waiting. It breathes the air of hope…”
So the relationship between mental illness and evil is a close one, but not reducible one to the other. Conscious, deliberate choices are made in the process, and I’m sure that Gosnell made many such choices along the way that led to his house of horrors.
Xalisae, how do you mean? Is there a particular psychological type involved here? Do you think there are common traits here?
Have you done any research on abortionist activists? It seems to me if we could identify the psychological traits which not only cause mothers to kill their unborn children, but which cause people to feel a “need” to support abortion violence and to be “pro-choice”, we might be able to literally “cure” (or treat or even prevent) this mentality and thus end this struggle once and for all. Any thoughts?
Just cause you are cognizant that what you you are doing is wrong does not mean that you are not mentally ill.
That’s correct, but being mentally ill doe not mean that one is incapable of choosing to do that which is good. It does not mean that one’s behavior is compulsive and beyond control.
That’s where evil steps in.
Mental illness by itself does not absolve one’s evil actions.
So freaks like Gossner may or may not meet the legal definition for insanity but they are without a doubt mentally ill.
Actually some nice Pinot Noir as a toast to the SCOTUS judges who liberated us.
When I read this comment, I actually pictured a drunken, miserable woman, taking another swig of hard liquor, who has no idea how drunken or miserable she really is, toasting to her “freedom.” I don’t know why that picture came to my mind, but it did. We rarely know when we are pitiful, wretched, poor, blind, and naked. It brings tears to my eyes, it really does.
Liberation? I am so, so sorry that you believe killing your own children is the way you achieve equality and liberation. Nothing could be further from the truth. I can’t even find it in myself to be angry with you anymore, CC. You’re just so miserable and full of hate that all I feel for you right now is pity.
They cannot tell the difference between “liberty” and “license.” They cannot tell the difference between “life” and “lifestyle.” They cannot tell the difference between “rights” and “entitlement.”
We do not have the right to kill anyone, ever. Especially not our children. The SCOTUS judges didn’t liberate us—-it was a death sentence for our babies, a death sentence for integrity. It has opened the floodgates for ignorace, selfishness, destructiveness, and violence. Abortion is not “reproductive medicine.” It is not medicine at all; it is just killing for profit.
Just some things that I’ve noticed over time as an odd unifying factor in many cases. As a mother, it’s always been a little bit weird for me to get into a debate with someone who says they’re post-abortive, click on their name, go to their page, and see a bunch of Hello Kitty, or Disney, or teddy bears, or some other thing that makes me think of my children or that my children like themselves.
The best way to commemorate landmark civil rights cases like Roe v. Wade and Brown v. Board is to read the court opinions in their entirety and make an effort to fully understand not just the legal holding, but more importantly the legal reasoning behind them: it’s not enough to simply know that abortion is a constitutionally guaranteed right. We should also understand why it is so: because every American citizen enjoys the right to due process under the law, and by extension the right to privacy in one’s medical affairs, sexuality, and relationships. We are also given occasion to reflect upon the importance and value of having a functional judiciary that is not subject to the constantly-changing whims of the democratic political system.
In the case of Roe V Wade it is a dysfuncional judiciary that subjected society to the whims of the judges who failed to uphold the constitution and protect the constitutionally and God-given right to life of all people no matter how much their lives might be inconvenient to any other member of society.
Gossner suffers from the same mental illness that all pro-aborts suffer from; only his illness is more severe. It is time society recognizes that abortion is the product of mental illness.
Hi, X. Nice to see you again :) I think we live in a narcissistic culture that encourages an adolescent mindset. There’s a book called The Narcissism Epidemic by Twenge and Campbell that might interest you. It’s not about postabortive women though. It’s about today’s rampant sense of entitlement.
I don’t think it’s fair to characterize postabortive women as narcissistic to any greater degree than other people in our society. We have become a culture that promotes using others financially, sexually, or whatever way benefits us personally. We have become a culture that expects to be given things we didn’t work for. We have become a culture that expects a quick fix. PP has positioned itself well from a marketing standpoint to cater to the narcissism/quick fix/devaluation of others mindset that is promoted all around us.
As for blogs and such, some of the twaddle I see online strikes me as attention-seeking. And please remember, some people prefer negative attention, hence the rule on most blogs not to feed trolls. I take most personal blogs I see online with a grain of salt. It’s easy to create an online persona that bears little semblance to the real thing offline. Just my 2 cents worth, and no insult intended to commenters here who have blogs :)
It is time society recognizes that abortion is the product of mental illness.
WOW. Wish I had time to address this, but I don’t. STRONGLY disagree with that statement, TS. Strongly!
“We are also given occasion to reflect upon the importance and value of having a functional judiciary that is not subject to the constantly-changing whims of the democratic political system.”
The justices ignored the issue of the humanity of the child amidst growing social political pressures put upon them in the 1960’s and 1970’s. They did exactly what you claim that they did not, and 50 million of our fellow Americans have died in the aftermath. How anyone can defend that is unconscionable. Open your eyes to reality. Thank God our young people have seen the light.
~ ~ ~
Gerard @ 12:49 pm,
Thank you for posting that bit of poetry from Dawn Without Darkness. Very moving.
“As a person with a degree in the mental health field..” In the words of the talented playwright Moliere: Physician, heal thyself. Lol! Little college humor there. Even though I’m poh I have a fancy diploma too, and even paid off the student loans.
Now, I almost needed to eat a saltine to cleanse my pallet on this thread. $90. I do have some reflections on the anniversary.
In 1972, after much hard work on the part of many women (and men), the ERA did not pass and did not become a constitutional amendment. Feminists, and many other people, felt demoralized.
In 1973, the opportunity was seized and a deadly train rode the rails between Roe and Doe, and all across our great country, open hunting season was declared on the smallest of humans, still growing in their mother’s wombs, their mammalian, placental, mother’s wombs.
Feminists discovered something unusual: men didn’t fight them on abortion like they’d resisted the ERA. The feminists did not smell anything wrong with this. But suddenly, they seemed to be winning something. Suddenly, ground seemed to be gained. Feminists promised us that the horrors of back alley abortions would never happen again, now that abortion was legal. They promised.
38 years later. After arrests in Philly this January 2011, we can at last schedule the funeral for the feminists’ broken promises. The casket has been closed and nailed shut on their rhetoric. They don’t realize this though, much like America didn’t realize the road of tiny corpses we were traveling down back in 1973. Ultrasound and other technology helped build the casket into which we will bury the abortion lies, and Kermit the Fraud has sealed it tight.
In 2011, we live in a society where every single pregnancy is up for judgement. Instead of the image of the desperate woman, possibly a victim of rape, for whom abortion was such an urgent need, today behold the self-expressive abortion. The abortion for bodily autonomy,or the one to design a family where the sex of the offspring is a good enough reason to kill, or the abortion to make college easier, or the abortion to reduce twins or the children conceived through IVF. Any abortion is a good abortion to some. Young lives are ruined where parents berate their dependent minors for not having an abortion, amid threats of eviction or even coercion and bodily harm. In 2011, we live in a world where one of the largest nations on the planet, China, routinely forces women to have abortions, forces them to undergo sterilization, and this is applauded by rich influential people in what used to be the strongest nation on the planet, America.
This would all be very depressing, were it not for the tenacity, vigor, and new growth of the pro-life movement. To humans, the odds may seem daunting, but with God all things are possible. Abortion is on its way into the obscurity of the distant past. One day, people will hear rumors that such a thing used to exist. They will not believe so many participated, so many died. Someday there will be a cap on the number of legal abortions. It will end. We can build our culture to nurture women and children, men and their families. We can do it. Watch us.
“We rarely know when we are pitiful, wretched, poor, blind, and naked. It brings tears to my eyes, it really does”
ROFLMAO – you have no idea but nice “projection.” Really, really funny. I’ll think of you as I write out my next check to Planned Parenthood. Not only am I a sinner, but I’m just so “wretched.” Oh, snap!!!!!
Hi Joan,
I understand relationships and sexuality but I should NOT be forced to pay for any one else’s abortion because they had a “whoopsies” and won’t take responsibility for it.
You only scream for PRIVACY when it comes to abortion.
PS In 1973 there was no such thing as 3D ultrasound. The court will have to revisit Roe V Wade in light of the latest technology showing clearly the fetal development of the preborn and the declarations of the thousands of us who have been hurt by abortion. We the people will have our say.
From Operation Outcry
My declaration was one of the 180 filed.
Thirty-five years after the Supreme Court legalized
abortion-on-demand, the tide has turned. It’s the beginning of
the end of Roe v. Wade.
Upholding the federal ban on the horrific and gruesome
“partial-birth abortion” procedure, the Supreme Court cited The
Justice Foundation’s Amicus Brief (also known as a friend of
the court brief) in its ruling. The brief was filed on behalf of
Sandra Cano, who was “Mary Doe” of Doe v. Bolton (the
companion case to Roe v. Wade), and 180 women hurt by
Citing sworn testimony that The Justice Foundation
presented, and acknowledging the argument that “abortion hurts
women,” the Court recognized that “some women come to
regret” their abortions. “Whether to have an abortion requires a
difficult and painful moral decision” and is “fraught with
emotional consequence,” the Court said. The Court also noted
that “severe depression and loss of esteem can follow” an abortion.
In her dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote: “The
Court is surely correct that, for most women, abortion is a painfully difficult decision.”
Yale Law School professor Jack M. Balkin characterized the inclusion of the testimonies of women and the message
that abortion hurts women as follows: “The new rhetoric of
pro-life forces [that Abortion Hurts Women] is no longer just
rhetoric. It is now part of Supreme Court doctrine. That is
the big news …”
“I understand relationships and sexuality but I should NOT be forced to pay for any one else’s abortion because they had a “whoopsies” and won’t take responsibility for it”
So you’re cool with paying for “welfare” (which costs far more than an abortion and for the record I don’t have a problem with it) but you’re not OK with paying for an abortion?
And Carla, seriously, isn’t it time that you moved on from your traumatic abortion? If you can’t, might I suggest a change in therapists.
Hi CC,
How it WAS for me is not how it IS. Silly. I have an amazing husband and four awesome children!! :) I stand against the evil that is abortion by telling others my story.
I refuse to pay for someone else to kill a child. I am not sure why that is so hard for you to grasp.
Yes. Please set me up with a new therapist……YOU!!!
I will have my people call your people.
Cheers, CC. Have one on me!!
“I stand against the evil that is abortion by telling others my story”
And I stand for the benefits of reproductive freedom by telling the stories of my pre-Roe generation as well as the stories of my mother and her peers and the women that came before them.
Joan & CC, Roe v. Wade was a poor ruling based on lies, obfuscation, lack of scientific integrity, and did not even address the REASONS for the perceived “need” for abortions. Since then, science has shown that the ruling made a colossal error by ignoring what abortion is…..the violation of women, and the killing of our children for our own “benefit.” There is not a single “medical procedure” that is welcomed with open arms, without question, and without regulation. Women who support abortion rights ironically seem to believe eating carbs is a terrible thing. All the abortion rights supporters have are slogans and excuses. No scientific proof, no logic, just relativism and solipsistic arguments. Once a woman is pregnant, she has already reproduced. This is not “reproductive health.” This is cowardice, laziness, selfishness, and the debt is paid by the blood of our babies. It is horrific that at this point in our world, people refuse to acknowledge what abortion is. It is not liberating….it is shackling. It does not unify….it divides. It kills. It destroys. No good can come from it.
“Since then, science has shown that the ruling made a colossal error by ignoring what abortion is…..the violation of women, and the killing of our children for our own “benefit.”
So why isn’t the scientific community mobiliizing behind the anti-choice movement? But it’s really all about those evil women who “murder” their “babies.” Right?
Women who support abortion rights ironically seem to believe eating carbs is a terrible thing.
Really? So the only abortions that take place are in the educated, “elite,” states. I don’t think so!
But oh, those nasty, lazy women (or is it a word that begins with “b”)
Joan & CC, Roe v. Wade was a poor ruling based on lies, obfuscation,
So you don’t like Roe. I don’t like “Citizens United.”
But as far as SCOTUS and Roe – “stare decisis!” And I’m talking Alito and Roberts! Good Conservative anti-choicers.
Not only am I a sinner, but I’m just so “wretched.” Oh, snap!!!!!
You can join the rest of us in that, CC.
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…” ~John Newton, former slave trader
Revelation 3:17
And Carla, seriously, isn’t it time that you moved on from your traumatic abortion? If you can’t, might I suggest a change in therapists.
Such compassion. Would you say that to a rape victim? “Move on?”
It is only in the case of abortion that women who are traumatized are treated as pariahs when they don’t dance with glee after the death of their children.
Dearest Kel,
Will you join me in a letter writing campaign to MADD?? We need to tell all of those mothers who lost children to drunk drivers to “move on!!”
No kidding, Carla. :-/
But oh, those nasty, lazy women (or is it a word that begins with “b”)
Talk about projection. Not once have I ever seen any pro-lifer say this about a woman who has had an abortion. And yet you act as if they have. You also treat Carla as if she has a “problem.” And many of us have actually either been in the situation of unplanned pregnancies or have personally helped a loved one, friend, or CPC client through an unplanned pregnancy. You need to snap back to reality. Your posts begin to make no sense when your blind hatred takes over.
“Such compassion. Would you say that to a rape victim? “Move on?”
Carla’s famous abortion was some time ago – yet she still obssesses about it. (it makes for such poignant “copy.”) The whole objective of couseling is to enable a person to, after an appropriate period of time, move forward. Otherwise, the trauma becomes the raison d’etre and that’s totally dysfunctional. Perpetual victimhood is not healthy; but, in Carla’s case, she, as they say on ”Project Runway,” “makes it work,” Using your status as a past victim, for public awareness and fund raising, is fine but obsessing on it is another matter. I’m not sure where Carla is on the continuum. And BTW, Carla’s trauma is another woman’s liberation.
But oh, those nasty, lazy women (or is it a word that begins with “b”)
“Once a woman is pregnant, she has already reproduced. This is not “reproductive health.” This is cowardice, laziness, selfishness, and the debt is paid by the blood of our babies”
Obviously there was some snark in my comment but please refer to the above reference to “laziness.” And if all abortion is all about “murder,” then the women who “commit” the murder must be part of the equation. And it’s not pro-choicers who say that women need “to keep their legs together” if they don’t want to get pregnant. To give the posters here their due, I haven’t seen much of that on this blog – but there’s a lot of that on “Newsbusters” which attracts a certain group of right wing, Christian, “pro-life,” males.
My abortion is something I have done. It is not who I am.
I would say that finding hope and healing after abortion and then speaking of my experience to tell others the truth is a GOOD thing. Women who are struggling seek me out for help. Another GOOD and HEALTHY thing.
I was in denial for 8 years. As a therapist surely you know that grieving a child that has died is healthy because the last stage of grief is acceptance. :)
“And many of us have actually either been in the situation of unplanned pregnancies or have personally helped a loved one, friend, or CPC client through an unplanned pregnancy.”
Same for me only the outcomes were different. And I don’t codemn those who carried the pregnancy to term. I, on the other hand, have been called all kinds of nasty things about the choices I made and the assistance I offered – and continue to offer. It’s all about choices – and not judgements based on ethics and belief systems that, for many, are obsolete.
As a therapist surely you know that grieving a child that has died is healthy because the last stage of grief is acceptance
Agreed, Carla. And BTW, your arguments about why “post-abortive” women shouldn’t go to jail are strong and eloquent. I do hope that you have made piece with the choice that you made.
But feel free to continually judge me, CC.
I have made peace with the fact that I paid for my abortion. I take responsibility for it and know what it has cost me. I have found hope and healing in Christ and am only here because of Him. I DO HONESTLY have an amazing life CC and you are just going to have to believe me on that. :)
Carla is an advocate for hurting post-abortive women everywhere. She speaks out about the pain she suffered so that others will perhaps change their minds or will know they are not alone in their suffering. She gives them a voice when society seeks so readily to drown them out because they want to believe the choice to kill a preborn child is without consequence.
Same for me only the outcomes were different. And I don’t codemn those who carried the pregnancy to term.
And if those women come to you one day and tell you they are hurting and need help and healing from their abortions, what will you tell them? If one is dealing with guilt as a result of an abortion, will you simply say there is no need to feel guilty because abortion doesn’t really kill a living human? Will you say “move on?”
And CC?
I don’t know that I have ever really read the story or know the story of your abortion. I am not sure what the circumstances were or what happened. But I am here for you.
I can never give as good as I’ve gotten from you. If you have had an abortion then I have walked a mile in your shoes too.
Your words often echo for me of how I used to talk and think and feel about my abortion. We are more alike than you think.
I appreciate what you have said to me about peace. I pray that you find it as well.
You are as tenacious as I. On opposite sides of the fence.
Obviously there was some snark in my comment but please refer to the above reference to “laziness.” And if all abortion is all about “murder,” then the women who “commit” the murder must be part of the equation.
I was talking about the “b” word part which you so eloquently inserted. This implies a degradation of women, and it projects that on to all pro-lifers. I don’t doubt that there are plenty of people who degrade women, but I don’t think your beef should be with pro-lifers on that count. I would say “laziness” is rarely a factor in abortion. Desperation is more like it, and/or a desire to not be inconvenienced by the natural result of a sexual act. I’ve known plenty of determined women (many bordering on narcissistic) who honestly do not think of anything beyond their own pleasure or desires in life. And frankly, I think it’s unbecoming to act this way – be you a man or a woman. Self centeredness is not a rewarding way to live one’s life.
And it’s not pro-choicers who say that women need “to keep their legs together” if they don’t want to get pregnant.
No, it’s pro-choicers who say “No problem, your birth control failed, just abort.” It’s pro-choicers who encourage sexual behavior in people too young to handle it emotionally, or to deal with the natural consequences if birth control should fail. It’s pro-lifers who say “You are worth more and you are worth waiting for someone who will commit to you completely, not just for tonight.” We shouldn’t be surprised in our society that young people (FAR too young) are experimenting with sex and all sorts of things that were almost unheard of a generation ago on this scale. Something is broken in our society. “Keeping one’s legs closed” isn’t going to cut it. For those who do become pregnant, there should be more options to help those women who feel abortion is their only choice (kid friendly college campuses, work daycares, as a start). If we want a culture that welcomes life, we need to show it.
The whole objective of couseling is to enable a person to, after an appropriate period of time, move forward.
The proof of Carla’s moving on is that she is now prolife and counsels others who have been on the same path.
She is one of your counselors whether you ever admit it or not. It is your choice whether you want to learn from her or stay stuck where you are at. Start listening to what she has to offer so you too can move forward.
Best wishes. You can do it CC!
CC, Carla’s “famous” abortion might have happened 20 years ago but she is hardly alone as far as remembering a child lost to abortion decades after the fact. Ever read Gloria Swanson’s autobiography? She aborted her child as a young woman in France in the 20’s and bemoaned it DECADES upon DECADES later in her book.
joan @ January 23, 2011 at 2:45 pm :
joan – you said to look into the legal reasoning. When it comes to Harry Blackmun’s Roe opinion – it’s like reading the blueprint for every argument that’s been pushed out over the years in favor of abortion – completely circular and logically vapid.
To paraphrase: “We cannot know when life begins – so we’ll say when it begins.”
No – I don’t care for your circular reply, or your irrational defense of abortion. As far as I’m concerned, there is no rational defense for abortion any more than there is valid rationale behind Loughner’s decisons to shoot Giffords. Aborton is crazy. Gosnell was motivated by profit, but that doesn’t explain his trophy collecting. Misery loves company, but no one in their right state of mind would really want a D&C, a D&E or a D&X.
When you assume there is even a logical basis for killing innocent human beings you do violence to logic. It is not in the realm of valid reasoning at all.
Abortion trades on the grace and mercy of others to be compassionate and understanding – a dosage of loving kindness never shown to the innocent child by the conspiring parties.
You wouldn’t be able to live in a world where your world-view prevailed.
Our fearless leader said that abortion is a “private family matter.”
Why should I pay for it?
”Hence we see all pro-aborts as being in need of mental health counseling”
But if you don’t have degrees in social work, psychology, psychiatry, etc, you’re not qualified to make that diagnosis. As a person with a degree in the mental health field, I do, however, have questions about those who appear to have religius delusions as that, oftentimes, is a sign of severe personality disorder and/or pathology.
I have two degrees in social work, one of them advanced, so one can argue that I am just as qualified as you to make such a statement-and clearly killing one’s own child is a sign of deep depravity that runs contrary to human nature. But moreover, I have read many studies that show a 9 fold increase likelihood of suicide in post-abortive women, not to mention subsequent depression, drug and alcohol abuse and other self-destructive behaviors. So even if advocating a mother killing her child isn’t a symptom of mental illness, it certainly contributes to it. Abortion doesn’t just destroy babies- it destroys women.
Nothing I have read or seen in the available news coverage gives any indication that Kermit Gosnell is ‘legally’ insane.
There is insufficient information at the present time to make an informed conclusion about whether Gosnell is or is not ‘mentally ill’. [Not withstanding the anedotal evidence that suggests that peope who are directly involved in the abortion procedures suffer from chronic depression.]
The ‘book’ identifies and defines ‘blood guiltiness’ which is the guilt that attaches itself to those who commit murder/shed innocent blood.
This might have been the ‘mark’ that was on Cain after he murdered his brother Abel. The reason that the wicked flee when none pursues. Why peace eludes them, even in their sleep. [No rest for the wicked.]
There is a curse associated with the murder/shedding of innocent blood. The ‘book’ indicates that even the earth is impacted by this curse.
Gen4:8-12, Deut19:10, Deut 21:1-9, Num35:29-34, Prov6:17, Jonah14:14
There is an abundance of information to indicate that Kermit Gosnell is ‘evil’.
CC, accusing Carla of “obsessing” about her abortion is really tacky (but typical of you). When I read Carla’s posts, I see someone who is not “obsessing” but who is alive and free and grateful she has broken the bonds of obsessive guilt and shame. She speaks much more charitably, calmly and joyfully than you ever will. She is now using her suffering for good. That is not “obsessing.”
But what can we say about you? You have an abortion experience but you come on here and laugh and pretend it doesn’t matter, but at another time you have posted under a different name and pretended you never had an abortion. I don’t know if that’s obssesive behavior, but it doesn’t strike me as psychologically healthy.
And if you think we are a tiny fringe group who are never going to change any laws, or stop abortions, as you keep telling us, then why do you keep coming back here and obsessively reading our posts and taunting us and trying to prove us wrong? If you really thought we were an ineffectual bunch of extremists, you would ignore us and find some better use for your time. I can’t believe that you have this much time to think about the abortion you claim not to think about.
Truth is, however much you may praise abortion, you are trying as hard as you can to drum out the nagging voice in your head that says otherwise. I have seen a LOT of post-abortive women here like that. Carla, who you sneer at, can tell you all about it.
The trouble is, we have truth, and you know it and are desperately trying to evade the truth. I think you are coming to the end of your rope. Have a good laugh at me if you like, but at least give it a thought. I am still praying for you.
Today I am happy that my son, whom I conceived when 17 and unmarried was born. This son, who many suggested I abort, is on a bus caravan with 150 other teens on the way to the March for Life.
God is so good.
My grandfather died over 15 years ago, yet I continue to mourn his passing. My sister-in-law was abused over 10 years ago, yet she still struggles with the aftermath. In fact, when was your turkey baster abortion?
If your life’s motto is “move on” and forget, it is no great wonder that you are so easily duped by groups like Planned Parenthood.
Still, I believe you are searching for Him. Why else spend so much time on an abortion blog? I spend no time on blogs discussing subjects that I am not drawn to for a personal reason. I lifted up a prayer for your conversion at Mass today, and I know He heard. :) It is a wonderful day!
Love you! Keep on speaking out, girl! :)
How was your event this weekend? Feel inspired/inspiring?
He IS good! Sounds like you raised an upstanding young man! Congratulations! :)
CC said,
Perpetual victimhood is not healthy;
Carla said,
I was in denial for 8 years.
truthseeker says,
denial of any wrongdoing is a prominent post-abortive coping mechanism. Carla has managed to get past this stage of recovery already. CC continues to carry her denial. CC seeks solace by speaking out apathetcally about the experience of killing her child. This behaviour of denial is a part of the mental illness that post abortive women carry to cope with their killing of their offspring. It is understandable though CC.
The Catholic Church affirms the value of the human life in the womb. CC’s constant attacks on the Catholic church are a manifestation of her obsession with denial of wrongdoing when she chose to kill her baby.
CC is also a fallen Catholic and her behavior displays a desperate need to affirm her decision to defect. I am quite confident that God is calling her and I believe that if we pray for her, He may just get through.
Safe travels to your son and all the people attending the March for Life in DC.
Let us pray to give strength to all post-abortive women coping with their past by not allowing themselves any feelings of remorse.
Oh my Jesus. You who once said; “ask anything of the Father in my name and he shall grant it to you.” Behold, in your name Jesus, I ask the Father for the grace of His Holy Spirit to come down on all post-abortive women and give them the strength toperservere through lifes trials. May He send His holy angels down to be with
them always to comfort them and to protect them. To free them from the illness of denial so that they may reconcile themeselves with Your holy will. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done. On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses.
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen
For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory. Now and forever. Amen
Mary Rose,
Love you too!! Thank you for asking.
March for Life/Silent No More MN was great!! 5 degrees and we had an amazing turnout!!
It never fails that after I tell my abortion story publicly the spiritual warfare begins. I begin to feel vulnerable, defensive, I seriously doubt WHY I do what I do and I begin to push away in anger those that love me. Thankfully I called out to many of my friends that began to pray for me. God is so good. He knows my abortion story!! It is His.
I will continue to stand and speak out and NEVER stop telling others how my abortion killed my daughter and hurt me deeply. I am silent no more!!
Can we please stop mentioning a turkey baster in reference to CC?
She will be won by love as we all were.
Carla, thank you and may God bless you and give you strength.
This behaviour of denial is a part of the mental illness that post abortive women carry to cope with their killing of their offspring. It is understandable though CC.
TS, are you sure you’re not confusing part of the stages of grief with “mental illness?” Being mentally ill, in my understanding, is certainly not the same thing. It is a coping mechanism – not a mental illness.
That the other side is ignoring the grisly Gosnell murders shows how far they will go to prop legalized abortion, which is to turn the other way even when aborting mothers are neglected to death and born babies are tortured to death.
You’re right, Jill. The story is still news here in Philadelphia, but has pretty much disappeared from the national news. While I don’t condone violence against abortion clinics at all, contrast the Gosnell story with the coverage George Tiller,
Barnet Slepian, etc. received when they were shot. I remember when Slepian died, there was an international manhunt for the killer. Now, if anyone of us here were murdered, God forbid, would there be such a furor? It reminds me of the media’s coverage of Gabrielle Giffords. Like most Americans, I am glad that she is recovering, but what about the other people who were wounded? Don’t the lives of the “little people” matter?
Great job as usual Carla. Susan it is awesome that your son in at the March for Life today, sound like you have raised an awesome, loving prolife young man. God is indeed so good. I pray they have a wonderful march today.
May God help our president who has sworn allegiance to the Dead Babies R Us crew.
I read an article via a link to the Chicago Daily Observer titled “Dr. Kermit Gosnell Might Have Suceeded in Illinois Politices” by Sam Pierce dated Jan 22, 2011 correlating the votes of President (BAIPA) and IL Senator Mark Kirk (PBA) to the abortionist Gosnell’s actions. Very interesting read.
Did anyone else read this? What do you think?
Thank you, Kel @ 11:56. Defense mechanisms like projection or denial are things we all resort to at times whether we’re prolife or proabort.
Being mentally ill, in my understanding, is certainly not the same thing
It’s indeed not the same thing. At least not to anyone I know who uses the DSM in diagnosing and treating mental disorders. I don’t understand how it’s accurate, helpful, or charitable to slap a “mentally ill” label on a postabortive commenter or postabortive women in general.
My “reflection” on this 38th anniversary of RVW is one of revulsion…that it’s even still the law of the land after 38 years…and that it remains so in spite of the new advances in medical technology which show us more than ever before the humanity of the unborn.
When RVW was declared, I thought for sure that once people saw the photo’s of what abortion is and does, it would be overturned. Sadly, this wasn’t the case. The dirty secrets of abortion are finally being brought out in the open, yet people still doubt and deny their legitimacy.
Now we have a president who is rabidly pro-death and wants us all to pay for the killing.
How much lower as a society can we sink, when human life is regarded as so easily discounted and disposable..for any reason whatsoever?
God help us. Is no one accountable for anything they do anymore ?
Kel and Fed Up. You rightly pointed out that grief over abortion is NOT a mental illness; in fact quite to the contrary it is healthy. But your grief can certainly be said to cause mental illness if/when your state of denial keeps you from being able to reconcile what you have done and begin healing.