House Pro-Life Women’s Caucus holds press conference as Live Action releases tape of DC Planned Parenthood investigation
UPDATE, 5:09p: has posted YouTube videos of the press conference.
Today, as the Congressional Pro-Life Women’s Caucus held a press conference with leaders of the Susan B. Anthony List and Concerned Women for America calling on colleagues to defund Planned Parenthood, Live Action released its 7th undercover investigative tape.
This tape revealed a staffer from a District of Columbia PP located only 6 miles from the press conference expressing willingness to help cover up trafficking of 14 and 15-yr-old illegal minor sex slaves. The set-up, according to Live Action:
A woman posing as a prostitute and “manager” of young girls for “sex work” meets with a staffer at PP’s Egypt Center on Minnesota Avenue NE, in Washington, DC. The PP staffer counsels the sex trafficker on how to get the girls tested, the best way for them to get an abortion and how to work the system if they don’t have health insurance.
This investigative tape is only available on audio…
Like I said, good timing.
Speaking at the press conference were:
Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List
Lila Rose, President of Live Action
Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America
Rep. Mike Pence, sponsor of the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act
Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH)
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO)
Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC)
Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY)
Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD)
There has never been a better time to stop taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, the United States’ largest abortion provider.

7th sting, 7th clinic. Joshua only had to march around Jericho seven times. 7. Seven represents the wholeness of all things: 1) north, 2) south 3) east 4) west 5) heaven above 6) earth and 7) the underworld. Lucky seven.
The tel of Jericho is still there. It is a ruin, a huge mound of dirt. There is only one tiny portion of the wall still recognizable. I’ll bet Jesus five dollars that it’s Rahab’s window. Seven, Cecile, count them, 7!
You sound insane.
Cecile must be utterly foaming at the mouth.
Planned Parenthood must be going absolutely bonkers right now.
I don’t think Lila Rose is finished with them yet.
Unfortunately, I think they still continue to receive generous contributions from the taxpayers as long as the Democrats retain control of the Senate.
Maybe I missed this, but did PP notify Washington, DC police that a sex-worker/manager paid them a visit????
Did the PP worker say $297.00 for an abortion? Is that a volume discount? As a tax-payer, I’m thrilled to be subsidizing the sex-trafficking and prostitution industries while our public schools are failing. Sheesh.
Crazy like a fox, Megan, crazy like a fox. :>) ! If you were theologically educated, you would totally understand my literary references. The belief that people in Las Vegas today hold that 7 is a lucky number has it’s roots in ancient theology. The people of Jericho no doubt laughed at the crazy Israelites who marched in circles around their city. “What are they doing?” they must have laughed, “they must be 2 ephas short of a full cartload!” Now, take a look at that 3000 year old pile of dirt and ask yourself, Who laughed last?
Interesting point! I’m constantly amazed at the breadth of knowledge among commenters at Jill’s. :)
Thanks Janet; I have no degree in theology because after I got raked over the coals over my undergrad loans, I am not going to grad school until/unless I can pay cash for the education. So, I jokingly tell my friends, “I’m an amateur biblical scholar.” But there are some amazing folks – some have statistical knowledge, biological knowledge, legal knowledge, it’s a great cross section here!
I love the fact that the Senate is still controlled by the Dems.
Now we need to screw them to the wall on these tapes. If they refuse to defund PP, then they side with the pedophilic Planned Parenthood. Lila has shown their willingness to:
* Take genocidal donations at centers all over the nation for sponsoring African American abortions (60% of Black pregnancies ended in abortion in NYC in 2009).
* Help children lie about their age in states with parental notification and consent laws.
* Help pimps evade parental notification and consent laws.
* Help pimps evade law enforcement for child sex trafficking, and thus demonstrating a willingmness to keep children enslaved in order to maximize profits.
* Not serve the poor (for which they receive $350 million annually from the federal government), but recommend a pimp to the county health department if he can’t afford their services.
* Willfully directing a sex worker to contaminate the blood supply by telling a pimp to donate blood, as they test it anyway—all as a means of getting free care. This from a nurse who knows that HIV may not show up on a test for three months, but still be present in the donated blood.
Let’s see the Dems continue to defend these criminals. It will be their Waterloo this time around. Aiding and abetting child sex traffickers is serious stuff.
Knowingly funding those who do is no less criminal.
BTW, where is NOW? Where are the feminists and their outrage over this latest round of revelations?
Still gorging themselves at the financial trough.
PP spokesweasel Stuart Schear would make a great poster boy for Predatory Pedaphiles.
Every time PP trots Schear out to speak on behalf of their ethically bereft enterprise, his quissling presence and wimpy vocals communicate a very different message from the one they intend.
When I hear Schears voice I think of ‘Wormwood’ from C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters’.
God bless you. I think if they shut down the abortion side of planned parenthood or the whole organization most if not all of my depression would leave. Thank you for reminding me that our God is well able to do exceedingly and abundantly and more than we can ask for. Before I read what you posted I seen one of the pictures of a pre-born and got more than a little discouraged when I thought how many were dieing and there was no one to rescue them.