Ladies of “The View” pounce on pro-life Justin Bieber
At the age of 16, some kids have already been sexually active for a few years, pregnancy is a very real outcome and so is abortion. For Justin Bieber to have an opinion of his own on this real life subject is responsible.
It appears that his view went along with the rest of what he was saying in the interview. He doesn’t believe you should have sex unless you are in love. He values human life at any stage of the gestation period, and he appears to be someone who believes God has a plan.
These are not the views of some of the women of “The View,” but they are Justin Bieber’s view and however they differ from what you, or I, or the ladies of “The View,” think about abortion, it is still a very mature and responsible thing for this young celebrity to have a view on and be willing to share. The ladies of “The View” may want to re-think the name of their talk show, maybe something along the lines of “My View” or “My Aging View,” or “Closed Views?”
~WomenNews, February 20

If Justin had made a pro-choice statement there would be no uproar about it. Barbara Walters said this is “something coming out of a young mind that is still growing.” I guess if he was on the pro-abortion side, his opinion would be a mature, thoughtful response and his mind would be AOK.
Bravo, Justin!!! Justin, you are right on in saying that abortion is killing a baby.The truth is on the side of the prolife position. The unborn are living human beings. As for rape…how does rape justify killing innocent human beings? It doesn’t! Thank you Justin for standing up for what is right despite the criticism!!
I vote for “My Aging View” – look at these women, Barbara Walters, Whoopey Goldbery? the voice of women? only some women.
Elizabeth happens to come from a Catholic background so she often supports the Catholic view on controversial subjects. Kudos to her! None of those other women on The View are religious at all.
If Justin had made a pro-choice statement there would be no uproar about it. Barbara Walters said this is “something coming out of a young mind that is still growing.” I guess if he was on the pro-abortion side, his opinion would be a mature, thoughtful response and his mind would be AOK.
You’re absolutely right! But from what I’ve seen on various comment sections, the majority of people support his stance. I hope he doesn’t back down.
only some women.
Absolutely! I’ve never even watched these hags women.
“As for rape…how does rape justify killing innocent human beings?”
Wouldn’t it make more sense for the perpetrator to get the death penalty rather than the victim?
Glad his mind is growing and not stagnating and wasting away like Joy’s or Whoopie’s.
Give Elisabeth kudos as she has to deal with those angry and senseless people EVERY day. (I refuse to watch this show, never have and never will. But, made an exception when Jill posted this.)
Finally, a youth will bravely stand up for some moral values~! I will pray for this young man.
Everyone say a prayer for me. I have to sit through an agonizing taping of THE VIEW on March 3rd. I am going to a taping because my MIL LOVES the VIEW. You will know me because I will be the one escorted from the studio audience the moment Whoopi and Joy open their poisoned bitter mouths.
My plan for lent this year is to give up The View. I don’t know why I keep watching it. Elisabeth’s conservative pro-life stance seems to be getting weaker and weaker. The result of being around the other liberals at the table for sure. She once said something about nuns being very anti-feminist. And for the Justin Bieber comment – good for him. Both my daughters (7 and 12) are Pro-Life and understand completely what that means. Murder is murder. The Pro-Life movement will be won by the youth, because they understand and are not afraid to say it. My daughters marched in the March for Life, and were so proud to be a part of it. I can’t stress enough to them their dignity and the dignity of the unborn. Abortion is such a hot-topic that the mainstream media is afraid to engage in. I say we keep engaging until they understand that we aren’t going to be silent, the unborn need a voice!
The funniest line in this article is “‘The View’ was once a show that respected other’s views on subjects.” Nah, they were always like this.
Oh wow, Sydney, I will definitely pray for you…I don’t think I could make it through!
Lol. thanks Marauder! I think I’d rather have a GYN exam than go to the VIEW but I really love my MIL. I will be the only one not clapping with headphones on. sigh.
At long last, Bieber has joined the 21st century, or at least the 20th…. Not everybody is happy with the way things are in the world, but I, for one, am glad he got a haircut.
@Sydney: That sounds awful. Bring a book?
I happen to LIKE his hair the way it was. :) In fact, I like JB for a few reasons:
1. He’s Canadian.(My husband is Canadian)
2. He’s adorable. His features (nose and mouth in particular) resemble mine closely enough that he is what our son might look like..if we could have one.
3. I happen to like sweet, sappy “Bubblegum Pop”, as they call that sort of music.
And now, with him being so young, yet standing up for what he believes in (LIFE), I have yet ANOTHER reason to like him…Go, JB! :)
That stupid show should be called “The SHREWS” instead of “The View”. I can’t stand it, and won’t watch it.
LOL, Doug you never cease to put a smile on my face…
Jessica Hahn calls out Barbara Walters on affair…>1=28101
I have never been able to watch The View since that first episode. Throughout the years, I have occasionally watched bits and pieces when something was on that interested me (or clips like this one), but then always remembered why I don’t watch it. I feel sorry for Elisabeth being the token conservative in a sea of liberal opinions. It would probably be slightly more tolerable if both sides were represented equally.
Sydney, I feel for you for having to go sit through it live. Your MIL owes you big time! :)
You will know me because I will be the one escorted from the studio audience the moment Whoopi and Joy open their poisoned bitter mouths.
LOL! I’d be escorted out if I were ever in that studio audience as well, Sidney.
Funny how a young man knows so much more than all these ladies put together.
Um if a 16 year old boy is not old enough to have formed his own opinion on these things, how the H*LL do they justify allowing a 16 year old girl to actually make that decision to have an abortion herself???
Girls are way superior to boys.
(Just kidding.)
(You make a very good point.)
Abortion makes these ladies nuts.
That was my exact question too. If PP is being dragged through the mud for trying to cover up abortions for 13-year olds, why is the opinion of a 16-year old so worthless?
It was nice to hear Elizabeth tell Joy to shut up, though.
Not sure what Babs smoked for b-fast…
There are many children today in the world living and breathing that are products of rape and incest that did not get aborted – how do you think they would feel if someone (a hag on the View) came up to them and said that they needed to be aborted by their moms earlier on? Yes, rape and incest are acts of violence, but to not abort the child and to give birth to him is a greater Victory over the hatred of the act of rape! Love always defeats the negativity!
maybe they should rename The View, “The out-of-touch View” or how about “A bunch of old ladies who don’t know squat.”
I’d rather have a root canal than have to sit in the audience of The View. Make that TWO root canals…without novacaine.
Justin is a brave young man. He is standing for his beliefs and standing up for life. He is also a very smart young man as well. He knows his voice carries weight with millions of young women as well. Seeing a young man standing up for life and not backing down is a positive thing. Hopefully he will remain strong. The pro-aborts will come at him from all directions to force him to change his mind. We must pray and be there to offer him the support he needs to stand strong!
Mike, I’ll see your root canals and raise you a homemade appendectomy with a rusty can opener. Whatever Hasslebeck gets paid to put up with her co-stars is not enough. I once worked in a hostile office and would get a stomach ache every Sunday evening just dreading the next morning. Hasslebeck’s got some kind of fortitude to keep showing up. God bless her.
“…if a 16 year old boy is not old enough to have formed his own opinion on these things, how the H*LL do they justify allowing a 16 year old girl to actually make that decision to have an abortion herself???”
Scott…that says it all. I wish Elisabeth thought of that retort on the air. It would have silenced everyone and made them think more deeply…which should be our goal.