At the age of 16, some kids have already been sexually active for a few years, pregnancy is a very real outcome and so is abortion. For Justin Bieber to have an opinion of his own on this real life subject is responsible.

It appears that his view went along with the rest of what he was saying in the interview. He doesn’t believe you should have sex unless you are in love. He values human life at any stage of the gestation period, and he appears to be someone who believes God has a plan.

These are not the views of some of the women of “The View,” but they are Justin Bieber’s view and however they differ from what you, or I, or the ladies of “The View,” think about abortion, it is still a very mature and responsible thing for this young celebrity to have a view on and be willing to share. The ladies of “The View” may want to re-think the name of their talk show, maybe something along the lines of “My View” or “My Aging View,” or “Closed Views?”

~WomenNews, February 20

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