web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • The New York City Council has passed legislation (by a vote of 39-9) requiring pregnancy resource centers to disclose that they don’t perform abortions:

    Opponents cited a federal judge’s ruling in Maryland that struck down a similar bill in Baltimore as proof that this type of legislation violates the centers’ constitutional rights. The opponents of the bill pledged to file a lawsuit.The legislation would require all pregnancy services centers to disclose whether they provide abortions, emergency contraception and prenatal care, or make referrals to organizations that do.

    The information would have to be posted in English and Spanish at the centers and in advertisements.

  • Anthony Bradley wonders why some missional evangelical churches don’t consider abortion to be a top issue in light of recent abortion news from NYC:I’ve been browsing the mercy and justice websites of several of New York’s well-known churches and Christian non-profit groups for discussion of NY’s abortion crisis. Outside of the crisis pregnancy centers themselves, I have not found much of anything. What one will find are very good discussions on subjects like fighting homelessness, improving inner-city education, opening women’s shelters, and dealing with sex trafficking and juvenile delinquency. I raise this issue because I am concerned that perhaps the missional pendulum has swung too far in one direction.

  • Planned Parenthood isn’t as popular as they think. On a survey which PP is touting as evidence that the public is “overwhelming[ly]” opposed to cutting their funding, Politico writes:The survey, conducted by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling and worded to begin by informing respondents of PP’s most popular services, found “overwhelming” opposition to the cuts, pollster Tom Jensen wrote in a memo.

    The survey — which doesn’t use the word “abortion” — found that 57% of voters opposed barring federal funding for PP, while only 36% supported the move. Support varied across the states, rising only as high as 43% in Missouri and Arkansas and falling as low as 27% in Massachusetts

  • The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is covering Operation Rescue’s most recent abortion clinic findings. Some of the clinics were members of the National Abortion Federation:Operation Rescue reported that its members found evidence that a dozen clinics illegally dumped hazardous and infectious waste or violated patient privacy laws and didn’t adhere to consent laws….Much of the evidence was discovered by searching trash receptacles around clinics, he said. The organization has “hundreds of patient records that clinics disposed of illegally.”

    They also found that abortionist William West fails to follow state law with regards to informed consent. This isn’t surprising because West (using the pseudonym Beket) has shared the text of his conference calls with women seeking abortions at Daily Kos.

[Image via grist.org]

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