Students at Wesleyan University in Middleton, CT, have produced an “I Have Sex” video to support taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. It has already received over 240,000 views (warning, vulgar) in only 10 days…


That video has supposedly spawned students at other colleges to create their own “I Have Sex” videos, such as Bard College, Elmira College, Oberlin College, although they all appear similarly produced, likely by The Coffee Party.

The premise, which so many in America don’t even seem to question, is that taxpayers should pay to enable premarital sex and then pay to alleviate its consequences.

Then there was this March 16 CBS report on a new website by University of Chicago students promoting casual sex. The site connects those interested in hook-ups, what used to be called one night stands…


What would you say, perhaps on the other side of the free love experiment, to those thinking premarital sex is just fine? Or perhaps you’re one who sees no problem with it?

[HT for U of C video: Laura Loo]

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