Busted: US senator falsely claims Planned Parenthood performs mammograms
Can’t Planned Parenthood supporters think of anything good it does without having to resort to false false claims? According to CNN:
12:12 p.m. ET – Democratic women senators spoke in the Senate gallery. Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski said the negotiations are a “radical agenda against women” and are about defunding Planned Parenthood.
“They want to take our mammograms away,” she said.
Senator Mikulski, first, you’re incorrect, and second, women deserve better than PP for breast health.
Clinical breast exams are covered by Medicaid and available at “health departments and community clinics,” as even Harry Reid admitted today.
The latter include Federally Qualified Health Centers, of which there are over 1,200 across the US. FQHCs specifically serve Medicaid/Medicare patients. Click to enlarge map…
Planned Parenthood is not the be-all, end-all, or even much-of-all for breast exams. In Michigan, for example, the state’s targeted breast cancer program for low-income women lists providers in every county and not one PP is among them.
Furthermore, As Abby Johnson tweeted today, “PP provides some ‘screening,’ NO treatment. If a test comes back atypical, they have to refer out. Over 50% of patients don’t follow up.” Meanwhile, FQHCs provide wholistic care.

It is clear that the Democratic caucus has its marching orders. Just like Senator Schumer the other day when he was caught off guard as he revealed the plan to call Repubs “extremists” at every turn, so too the shill Barbara Mikulski will not let the facts stop her from spinning President Obama’s irresponsible threat to shut down the government as though it is somehow the Repubs fault.
These liberal Democrat women are a scream. Remember Obamacare supporter Rep. Louise Slaughter and her story of a constituent who was allegedly forced to wear her dead sister’s dentures? I just pictured that cartoon character “Marmaduke” wearing his master’s dentures and I laughed so hard I almost cried.
Please Ms.Slaughter spare us the sob stories. If I laugh like that again I’ll need Depends.
Not to be outdone by this beacon of inaccuracy, Republican Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl said: “If you want an abortion, you go to Planned Parenthood, and that’s well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does”
90% of all patients going to PP huh.
Oh well, plenty of ignorance to go around.
Senator Mikulski and other pro-aborts seem to have no problem lying. What kind of people are these…
Um, no, Volunteer. 98% of PP’s services to pregnant women = abortion. The quote is accurate. He did not say that 90% of all women seeking abortions go to PP. Reading/listening comprehension is your friend.
He said “90 percent of what planned parenthood does” is abortion.
He didnt say that 90% of services for pregnant women were abortions.
Reading/listening comprehension is your friend.
You know, I’m 53 and never had a mammo. Why? I’m a big wimp and I’m afraid. I heard it hurts, especially if you’re uh, a bit larger endowed.
My bad.
I just watched the Planned Parenthood / Federal Funding video at the top of cnn.com. As they discussed the other types of services and screenings that PP provides, apart from abortion, they showed mammogram images and women getting ready to go up to mammogram machines. I’m shaking with rage. Crazy thought: what if we organized a 1-day campaign where all pro-lifers, nationwide, flooded every Planned Parenthood office phone with requests to schedule a mammogram?
For the record, Kyl’s office said that his comment “was not intended to be a factual statement.”
Oh dont worry. I dont take much of anything said in that building as a factual statement
Apparently you don’t take anything said in human embryology textbooks as factual statements, either, Volunteer.
Crazy thought: what if we organized a 1-day campaign where all pro-lifers, nationwide, flooded every Planned Parenthood office phone with requests to schedule a mammogram?
Great idea, but how about a week-long campaign on their designated abortion day(s) to keep them REALLY busy?
Not sure what gave you that impression.
Preventing Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funding is a good starting point, but it’s not enough– they are still backed by rich private donors such as the Gates family…
Someone please, ’Throw [this] mama from the train.’
Sen. Mikulski needs to go back to her original job as a troll under the bridge. What is it with these famous Polish people who are complete loons?
Hi Jill,
Here’s the video:
For clarity’s sake, Mikulski doesn’t say that PP provides mammograms. She refers to them under the general heading of defunding Obamacare. I believe the blame belongs to CNN. This is similar to what Martha describes in her comment above.
Sen Sheldon must read CNN