Mom sues pro-life group for using daughter’s photo in “racist, defamatory” NYC billboard
Well, this is rich. A pro-life group that erected a billboard to spotlight the documented genocide being committed against preborn black children is being sued as “racist.”
And the lawsuit is being brought by a disgruntled stage mother offended that the legally obtained modeling picture of her 6-year-old daughter was used in a way she didn’t agree with, precisely why she signed a contract giving up her right of approval. A modeling contract wouldn’t be needed in a perfect world where children’s photos were only used in Sunny Delight ads.
Ah, well, here’s the story, via CBS…
Tricia Fraser filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the TX-based group Life Always, which put up the billboard earlier this year before it was taken down.
Life Always did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The billboard pictured Fraser’s daughter, who is black, along with the words, “The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb.”
The lawsuit claims the use of her daughter’s image was “defamatory, unauthorized and offensive. The suit also calls the billboard “racist.”
Though the photograph was obtained legally, the lawsuit claims its license prohibited the use of the image in “defamatory” ways.
Attempting to prove that in court should be interesting.
Wow. Is it because she smells money?
I fail to see how the billboard is racist!
If you are going to continue there is a such things as race, if there is going to continued research done on differences between health practices of racial groups, then you cannot call acknowledging those differences racist. If you want to attack racism on this level,m then get rid of the categories and there will no longer be dialogue based on this level. Period.
Just a question – does this little girl have brothers or sisters who weren’t allowed to be born? I ask this, because the most aggressive responses usually come from women who had abortion personally.
I really hope the judge understands the concept of “stock footage” and throws the whole suit out.
Has anyone else here read “QBVII” ?? Go ahead and sue, it will bring out the facts of the genocide.
Wow. . .there’s a case that will go absolutely nowhere. What is this lady thinking? She’s only embarrassing herself. Of course, as ninek pointed out, it’ll likely drag some facts out into the light, which should be interesting.
Surprise surprise. When in doubt – sue!
Wow! You knowingly sign a legal contract to let your child’s picture be used for publicity purposes without being able to give prior approval, get paid for this, now the pro-aborts tell you to go after pro-lifers and now to make some more money you decide to sue. BTW, her daughter is beautiful.
She doesn’t have much legal leg to stand on, but the pro-life group will probably settle out-of-court with her, just to avoid unnecessary drama.
This only attracts more attention to the prolife cause. A good thing.
Sue? This woman should be PROUD that her daughter is a representative..of all those little ones who aren’t ALIVE to do a billboard ad.
More than likely, Bogna…good question.
Facts are facts. The website is filled with statistics and information. The only racist ones are the abortionists who target black families.
Ninek, I was thinking the same thing. It’s amazing all the free publicity Planned Parenthood gave Abby Johnson when she left!
Is NY a state where a defendant in a civil case can recover costs from a plaintiff who does not prevail? In reality, I do not think that would be a good example of “taking the high road” for the Pro-Life group should they prevail. I am just curious. In places where you can not recover costs as a prevailing defendant, there is nothing to discourage frivolous suits since the plaintiff has nothing to lose if they find a law firm to take the case on a contingency. The funny part is that I believe the lawsuit will onyl serve the cause of Life since it will bring more attention to the issue.
Yes this is a weak case even though I feel bad for the little girl and her mother. I am sure this is not the type of advertisement she wanted posted over her daughters picture, still she signed the release form…
But here is the question that I want an answer to. Why didn’t they use one of their own children in the ad? Is it that none of them wanted their child to be teased in school as “Princess Abortion’, or is it that none of them are dark skinned enough. Why not use a picture of your own child as a poster for the cause you hold so dear?
Yes, let’s call the girl names, that will be helpful.
(*sarcasm alert*)
Biggz says: April 27, 2011 at 5:08 pm
1. “Why didn’t they use one of their own children in the ad?
2. Is it that none of them wanted their child to be teased in school as “Princess Abortion’,
3. is it that none of them are dark skinned enough?”
3. Are you suggesting the more dense the pigmentation, the less desirable the child…. at least to ‘those people’?
You are a brazzen lass.
I remember when McCain referred to B-uck O-wens as ‘that one’ in a presidential debate. I cringed because of how biggoted it sounded to me.
Is your hood and sheet 100 percent cotton or a pure silk?
When you burn crosses do you use a hydrocarbon as an accelerant or do you go green and use soy bean oil?
2. Why would a 21st century women of any ethncity be ashamed to be the poster child for choice?
1. Why didn’t ‘they’…. use ‘one’ of ‘their own’?
You oughta just just throw down the ‘n’ word and be done with it instead of slithering around the racial epithet like a slalom skier avoiding the rough stuff.
Wow you guys are really twisted…
1. I am not calling anyone names. I am expressing concern for the amount of teasing this girl will receive from her classmates over this advertisement.
2. I am not racist. I am asking why the people who put that billboard up in a black community with a picture of an anonymous black girl that they rented didn’t use a picture of one of their own children instead. Is it because they didn’t want their child to be teased or is it that the Anti-choice movement is mostly made up of white people and they couldn’t find a black anti-choice parent to give consent of their own child to be the anti-abortion poster child? Every day when I drive home from work I pass the PP Clinic in NE Portland which is a mostly black community and every day I see a group of white people leaning against their Mercedes Benz’s trying to educate the locals and there is never a single black person holding a sign. However when I drive by and a Pro-choice rally is taken place there its split about 50/50.
Abortion numbers in the black community have nothing to do with race, it has to do with poverty and the lack of pre and post-natal healthcare offered to the lower income brackets in our society.
@ Biggz, assuming you mean Portland, OR there are a TON of free and low cost prenatal and post natal services in the area, in fact, Portland OR is know as THE place to be low income or homeless in, people come from all over the Western half of the US to be homeless in Portland. The Oregonian does an article abouit it every couple of years. Not only that but any pregnant woman not already covered by insurance is automatically eligible for the free state insurance that even covers midwifery if they prefer it. I’m a native Oregonian, and have lived in Portland for many years. I have known many women, of all colors, who were dirt poor, single, young, underprivledged or any combination thereof who were successfully helped by the excellent social net that exists in Portland. Myself, who was very poor and disabled during my 1st pregnancy there was even able to see a public health nurse for basic development/health checks in my own home for free, and found a certified lactacian consultant, also free, to help when my 1st had breastfeeding issues.
As to why they didn’t use one of their own kids, stock photos are a lot cheaper than hiring and producing a fresh photographer/photoshoot. As pro-life organizations are not for profit and rely on private donations and not government money like Planned Parenthood et all, it would have been unresponsible for them to use what little funds they had to produce a brand new photo when they could use a stock photo for a fraction of the cost. If they had the seemingly unlimited war chest of PP I’m quite sure they had plenty of supporters who would have been thrilled to have their little one up there for all to see.
Biggz says: April 27, 2011 at 6:05 pm
“Wow you guys are really twisted”…
“Abortion numbers in the black community have nothing to do with race, it has to do with poverty and the lack of pre and post-natal healthcare offered to the lower income brackets in our society.”
There is only one of me.
PP situates their facilities in communities that are densley populated with ethnic minorities, particularly, minorities of african descent.
The elitist eugenicists at PP target these ethnic groups because they see them as less valueable, less desireable than other ethnic groups.
PP views these ethnic groups as a ‘commodity’, a cash crop of human weeds.
PP encourages behaviors in these ethnic groups that lead to pregnancy that leads to abortion which coincidentally is where the ‘cash’ comes in.
“In an interview to be published in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she thought the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion was predicated on the Supreme Court majority’s desire to diminish “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.””
That is an odd comment coming from a Jewish woman.
The German NAZI’s said the same thing about the Jews.
OMG!!! a cash crop of human weeds… WOW!
PP provides sexual healthcare at extremely low rates and half of the time for free… All of the federal funding that they receive is for preventing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. PP places its clinics in low income areas regardless of the local’s primary race. You will find PP clinics in low income parts of every major city in America as well as rural low income places where there is next to no minority population like rural Kentucky or Iowa. Your crazy conspiracies theories hold no water when put up to the slightest scrutiny.
Jespren – Yes I agree that in Portland there is a lot of help available to all types of people in need… However Portland is like no other city in this country. Also it was the Portland Liberals who made all of that help possible and government funds available to pay for them. You will not find as much help in say, Dallas, Detroit, Little Rock, or Kansas City…
Oh and I do love a good Nazi reference in absence of actual facts or objective thinking…
PP provides sexual healthcare at extremely low rates and half of the time for free…
Can you cite your source?
All of the federal funding that they receive is for preventing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
1 million dollars per day? There must be a healthcare provider who could do the same for much less.
@Biggz: That’s a non-issue. I could just as easily demand to know why any abortion clinic doesn’t use photos of their own workers as models for the vaguely confused looking abortion-vulnerable women in their ads. Usage of stock footage by the pro-life group behind the billboard signifies nothing except that their marketing department knows how to use stock footage. You making up accusations about things that aren’t even unusual.
As to whether any of the people behind the billboard are black or not, why don’t you take ten seconds of your time to click over to their website and find out?
While Portland may be uinque in it’s friendliness towards the homeless and the whole “keep Portland weird” as it’s unofficial motto it’s safety net for pregnant women is hardly unique. MANY states offer free insurance to any uninsured pregnant women wereas she can get free prenatal/postnatal care. States that don’t are more the exception than the rule. It is certainly true that there exists an overflow of generousity from the citizens towards panhandlers, homeless, and the extremely poor in Oregon and Portland in specific, but help for pregnant women abound all over, it’s only places like PP and people that lobby for abortions that like to keep that as hidden as possible.
Alice – I did not accuse anyone of anything. I simply asked a question.
Would you agree that this lawsuit would not have even taken place had they used a picture of one of their own kids?
I wonder if there is anything in the law about using child models in sexually related advertising without consent? No accusations, I’m just wondering…
Jespren – No it is not. If you look at for instance, Arizona you will see massive reductions in social programs. My sister works for the welfare office in Washington State and benefits there are far less there than in OR. I might also ad that the Republicans are trying very hard to take out those programs by defunding them. If this happens, PP will be needed more than ever and they will see their client numbers soar with the increased need for low income healthcare.
biggz, you have heard of unions haven’t you? you realize that professionally produced advertisements use “union models” to avoid major blowback, legal and other repurcussions by the unions especially in a “union controlled city” like New York? Someone from New York could you check on this? Correct me if I am wrong but I think they could have been in more trouble using a non-union model.
Biggz, I live in AZ and I can assure you that there are multiple options for women to get low-cost health care here, as well as many fine CPCs, that don’t involve patronizing an establishment that dismembers children.
PP provides sexual healthcare at extremely low rates and half of the time for free…
I’ll ask again,
Can you cite your source?
Yes, it is…medicaid covers low income women who are pregnant, it’s availible in all states. Last year there was over 300billion in incorrect medicaid payments, which means even if the budget is cut 300billion JUST from medicaid alone, there is no reason, other than protecting government waste and bureocracy, for it to effect actual people. It’s only the socialistic love of corrupt big government that will cause real problems as they will desperately cling to their unionized government employees over the people who actually need help.
In additional to federally funded medicaid for poor women many states include additional state programs for those that can’t get medicaid or to suplement medicaid including (but certainly not limited too) Arizona, Washington, Iowa (where I am currently), Oregon, California, and New York (which has one of the highest abortion rates in the US) the programs are there. And since the vast majority of fiscal conservatives calling for a balanced budget are also moral conservatives (and thus pro-life) real help to pregnant women won’t be on the chopping block as a 1st choice. Of course, we understand that not funding abortion and dangerous, ineffective hormonal contraceptives isn’t ‘women’s health’, so of course the pro-abortion people, as we have already seen, are anxious to accuse us of that. Yes, we want funding yanked from PP (and any abortion provider), but in trying to do that those funds were to be funneled to real healthcare for women and families via county health offices and low/free health care clinics.
I’ll answer your question, as you bring up a good point. I was involved in the thick of the battle on Bill 371 in NYC and very involved with the National Black Pro-Life Coalition.
This billboard ad was the work of Life Always, and took everyone here in NYC by surprise. We found out about it an hour before the press conference. The national leadership team in the Black Pro-Life Coalition were not involved. Many would have proudly used photos of family instead.
The drawback of this billboard in NYC is that it made a conclusion without ever having made an argument. The message on the board is absolutely true, with 60% of black pregnancies in NYC ending in abortion in 2009. However, that info was not contained on the billboard. When people called LA for a comment, they did not get a black woman or man, but a white woman spokesperson. So, seen from the perspective of the average person on the street who knows nothing of the reality of these stats, or Margaret Sanger and PP operating 78% of it’s centers in minority neighborhoods,, the message on it’s face, coupled with a white spokesperson, and a dearth reliable data on the website (since corrected), the person on the street couldn’t help but conclude that the billboard was a racist and sexist assault.
Coming just four days before the contentious vote on Bill 371, this debacle drove the minority members of the City Council further toward support of the bill.
Lessons to be learned from this:
The Black leadership are smart, savvy, organized, and the best spokespersons for this sort of project. Ryan Bomberger, the black president of the Radiance Foundation has been running a far more effective campaign with his “Endangered Species” billboard campaigns across the country.
The Black community has long endured white people speaking on their behalf, often telling them what is best for them, often very well-intentioned. In this regard, the messaging is best when crafted by blacks, for blacks, and delivered by blacks. The utter catastrophe of LA’s billboard in NYC, and the runaway success of the Endangered Species campaign attest to this reality.
Yes, this billboard created a stir. But in NYC, it disgusted and revolted people because it never bothered to first present the facts. Had the billboard preceded it’s statement with:
“With 60% of black pregnancies ending in abortion…”
Then people would have had a context for the rest of the message.
Race issues in a town like NYC are delicate on a good day. LA’s approach was both ham-handed and tone-deaf. Whites have endured the race-hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson who have raised the bar to get a message such as “Black Genocide” over. This disaster has raised it even higher. One can’t very well blame blacks for being incensed by a conclusion such as this without ever having been handed the facts.
If whites are going to talk about black genocide, we need to lead with the facts, and plenty of them, which I have been scrupulous about doing. But for billboard campaigns and such, the matter becomes more difficult to assail if it is run entirely by blacks. Politically, the time has come for efforts such as Radiance Foundation’s, and need as much financial support as we can muster.
As for the mother suing over this, I as a father would never sign away my right to approve what messaging is attached to my children’s images. This is a classic case of caveat emptor.
I’m going to agree with the mother.
Yes, her daughter’s photo was used legally, but I doubt that the family realized that she would be used in a political advertisement. They don’t want their daughter mixed up in this debate and they have the right to object. Also, calling abortion genocide is a loaded term- whether the family is pro-choice or pro-life, I’m sure that they do not want their daughter caught in the middle.
Excellent response Gerard. I thought Biggz question was a fair one.
Non-sequitur alert!
[But it does payoff in a good laugh.]
Sympathetic biographer Liza Mundy writes, “Michelle [Obama] frequently deplores the modern reliance on test scores, describing herself as a person who did not test well.” She did not write well, either. Mundy charitably describes her senior thesis at Princeton as “dense and turgid.”
The less charitable Christopher Hitchens observes, “To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be ‘read’ at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn’t written in any known language.”
Biggz says: April 27, 2011 at 7:00 pm
“OMG!!! a cash crop of human weeds… WOW!”
My bad. Failed to give attribution for the turn of the phrase ‘human weeds’.
That would be missy Margaret Sanger, eugenicist and racist founder of PP.
Or as missy Ruth ’Buzzy Bader’ Ginsburng desribed ethnic minorities, “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” [her grammar, not mine.]
You go girls.
Why are abortion rates so much higher in the black community and what should pro-lifers be doing to help potential mothers?
Of course she’s suing. She’s a single stay-at-home mother of four who pimps out her children for money, selling her children’s images to hock just about anything, and she sees an opportunity to exploit her children further for more money. This is a classic example of a woman who doesn’t want to work and uses her children as meal tickets.
Gerard, that was a great comment with a really good and simple idea for how this could have been less controversial. I never even though of how the billboard could have been better presented.
I agree with Alexandra!!
Thank you, Gerard!!
Biggaz — when I started out in the prolife movement there were very few black people involved here in Philadelphia, but now there are quite a few. One of the black churches here even started its own CPC. I’ve never been to Portland so I don’t know the situation there (sounds like a strange place — its known for its liberalism but yet for awhile at least it was also known for its skinhead population). But why should it matter who is protesting? There are not too many few black people involved in the environmental movement — it’s mostly upper middle class white people — so does that mean that these the Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife, etc. are racist?
Jacqueline, where did you get this information? I’m just curious. I know it’s not politically correct, but there is a significant portion of the population that does not want to work, and they come in all colors.
Did I say anything about her color? Nope.
Would you have asked me that had she been white? Probably not.
“Why are abortion rates so much higher in the black community and what should pro-lifers be doing to help potential mothers?”
Maybe you should ask that question to the black “leaders” who do nothing but rail against evil whitey. The ”church” that our president attended on Easter Sunday featured a sermon about how the evil US Constitution is keeping the black man down. If you can’t avoid politics even on Easter, there’s something wrong with your church.
Yes, thank you Gerard. In Chicago a smaller, less “in your face” billboard on the same subject was erected in a black neighborhood. The owner of the business that the billboard was affixed to, who herself is black and pro-life, demanded it be taken down. I was confused as to why she would object but your explanation was very enlightening.
Jacqueline – you sound so defensive. I just mentioned her color because SOME people think that it’s just people of color who do not want to work, and this is simply not true. Yes, I would have asked that if she had been white.
John – yes, I think a large percentage of the black leadership is into the culture of victimology, including the ministers, and this is not good. I would like to hear them preach that young men and women should respect one another and not see each other as mere objects to be used, and reach out to women in crisis pregnancies and know that there is a support system there. This is happening in a few churches, but not many.
I am de-fensive because you were of-fensive. You are the one that made an assumption that I did not insinuate. It was rude of you to suggest I was.
Sorry Jacqueline, I certainly did not mean to offend you.
Can’t we all just get along? ;-)
Okay. :)
To clarify, what I said was totally mean, just not racist. Anyone who uses their kids likeness with no moral qualms for money is already suspect. If she were working and struggling to make ends meet, I could see how desperation might lead her to exploit her children in this way. But the fact that she has enough money to stay at home and not work and STILL sold her children’s images shows greed to me. Essentially, the kids are working so she doesn’t have to. That ain’t right.
“Why are abortion rates so much higher in the black community and what should pro-lifers be doing to help potential mothers?”
Right, because pro lifers are the only ones who care about these women and their babies. Don’t even bother asking what anyone else should be doing to help, because they think they would be better off dead.
What should pro-lifers do? Run their CPC’s without being attacked, run their CPC’s without them being vandalized and their floors torn up, run their CPC’s without legislation that makes it next to impossible to run a CPC without risking fines because said CPC’s don’t use enough big printed words to tell their clients that they don’t provide abortions…
We are all trying to help women, but the city of New York doesn’t want pregnant women to get help. Instead, they want CPC’s to be backhanded advertisements for abortion by mentioning the word abortion as much as possible in their signage and advertisements. Pro-choicers only want one choice: abortion. Kind of like those fun dictatorship elections where you can only vote for one candidate.
Instead, they want CPC’s to be backhanded advertisements for abortion by mentioning the word abortion as much as possible in their signage and advertisements.
Ninek – that’s a really good observation.
The black community largely supports the Democrats and loyalty to the Democrat Party policies comes first and foremost when one is a Democrat, be that Democrat white, black, Jewish, Christian, or whatever. I must admit I have been at a loss to understand black support of the Democrat Party, given its history of supporting segregation and racism at its most vile.
This may explain the silence on abortion, the Democrat Party’s sacred cow.
BTW, I equally question Jewish loyalty as well, given that Democrat President Roosevelt refused admission the United States to German Jews seeking refuge, most of whom would later die in Nazi death camps. I’m hard pressed to believe FDR did not know what fate would await them back in Nazi Germany.
But he was after all a Democrat and loyalty to the Democrat Party always takes priority.
I see a few of you actually understood the question I was asking and I thank you for your answers. for most of the last 40 years the anti-choice movement has been largely a white Christian movement. The group Secular Pro-life has only been around for about 2 years and this “completely BS” Black genocide campaign has only been around a year or two.
Ninek – You guys love to throw that Margret Sanger quote around lol you do realize that quote is almost 100 years old right? You are aware of the massive racism in our country and especially in New York back then right? If you don’t like reading just try renting “Gangs of New York” for the moving picture version. Margret went to prison because she was handing out sexual health pamphlets to women on the corner of public streets. Don’t you anti-choice people hand out stuff about pregnancy on public sidewalks? While she was in prison she started teaching the other women in there about birth control methods “long before the pill” and opened a clinic after she got out. Nobody has made a movie about Margret to my knowledge so you may have to do some reading on this one…
I’m sorry, but I did not use a Sanger quote on this thread, so your comment must be addressed to someone else.
I mentioned CPC’s and the book “QBVII.”
Biggz, the Black Genocide awareness movement has been around a lot longer than that. in 2001 Dayton Right to Life started seeking “answers as to why the personal values of the African-American community fail to translate into lower abortion rates or any apparent interest in the pro-life movement.”
Seem to remember Mark Crutcher making a comment before than about the CDC statistics involving blacks telling abortionists where to set up a clinic.
So your time-frame is off, but you are right about blacks not being aware and then involved in stopping abortion. The above quoted article agrees with you there. I say to the Bloods and their blood brothers, “Stop the bloodshed of abortion!”
sidewalk counselors DO TRY to hand out information…I’ve seen it with my own eyes when I pray at the local abortuary. Planned parenthood does not like it one bit…cause the information contains the real facts on fetal development and not the lies they tell. Facts like heart beat, brain waves, movement, etc
Pregnancy is not a disease and that’s how some treat it….a disease that can be “cured” by abortion.
I see a few of you actually understood the question I was asking and I thank you for your answers. for most of the last 40 years the anti-choice movement has been largely a white Christian movement
You didn’t answer my question. I mentioned that the environmental movement consists mostly of upper middle class white people. Does that mean its racist?
And you cannot ignore the fact that Margaret Sanger was racist. Just because she was alive when such views were more acceptable doesn’t make it right. As I mentioned before, she was a staunch eugenicist and even today is a darling of white supremacists.
Also, the “completely BS” accusations of black genocide are not new, they were made by such organizations as the (original) Black Panthers (they later changed their stance) and the Nation of Islam way back in the sixties.
Is it because they didn’t want their child to be teased or is it that the Anti-choice movement is mostly made up of white people and they couldn’t find a black anti-choice parent to give consent of their own child to be the anti-abortion poster child?
Black pro-lifer here *raises hand*. They could’ve used any one of my beautifl 7 children if they asked. Now they know where to come next time.
PS-I always considered abortion to be genocide against my people.
Thank you, Miss Pansy Moss! I know so many black pro-lifers. My best friend would have had no problems using images of my two godsons for the ad. And how adorable they are. :)
Thank you Pansy! Nice to meet another prolife sistah here!
Pro-aborts often point out that most of the black “leadership” is pro-choice. Well, I really don’t care what they think or believe. Many, like Al Sharpton, are charlatans and almost all of them say and do what their masters in the Democratic party tell them to (btw, I am an Independent, not a Republican). I find it sad that Obama has enlisted Sharpton’s aid in his 2012 reelection campaign, because the man is one of the biggest self-promoters in the country (second only to the ridiculous Donald Trump)!
Honestly, what you are doing is wrong to me. This whole blog is. This is CLEARLY racist. If that was my child on that poster, I would do the same thing. Pro-CHOICE for life.
Hi phillymiss and Pansy Moss,
You may be too young to remember but Jesse Jackson was at one time an eloquent PL spokesman, who also condemned abortion as genocide. That is until he got involved in Democrat Party politics which of course meant an immediate about face, which included walking hand in hand with PP president Faye Wattleton at a PA rally in Washington. Beautiful. Black, telegenic, well spoken, and totally dedicated to PP and its cause, Ms.Wattleton was worshipped by the media. Certainly her PP presidency put the kabosh to any notion that abortion was genocidal. I wonder if Ms. Wattleton ever knew that her idol Margaret Sanger had spoken to the women’s auxillary of the KKK. and went to a lot of trouble and personal risk to do so, including secret locations and blindfolds. How nice the ladies could take a day off from burning crosses and terrorizing black citizens to attend.
I’ve often wondered why such a media darling and someone as dedicated to PP as Ms.Wattleton suddenly fell off the radar.
Really? Racist how? And defamatory how? Seriously?!?! I hope the judge looks at the disgruntled mom and says this isn’t racist or defamatory and you should thank this group for exposing light on this issue. Probably won’t happen that way but still! The mom needs to be put in her place.