Kmiec resigns, Obama shuns
UPDATE 5/3, 11:46a: I forgot to mention that Kmiec wanted his resignation effective on the date of the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, but the State Dept. rejected that request and bumped up his last day by 2-1/2 months to May 31.
5/2, 7:36p: This is so rich. Again we see what goes around comes around.
Pro-lifers know Doug Kmiec well as a supposed pro-life Catholic Republican who defected to support Barack Obama for president in 2008.
Kmiec worked hard to successfully siphon pro-life Catholic votes Obama’s way, going so far as to publish a book only 7 weeks before the election entitled, Can a Catholic Support Him? Kmiec’s answer was obviously “yes.”
For betraying his faith – as well as babies he helped doom for abortion by Obama’s victory – Kmiec got his 30 pieces of silver: An appointment in July 2009 to the cush position of ambassador to Malta, a group of Mediterranean islands off the southern coast of Italy.
Flash forward almost 2 years and Kmiec has resigned that position in the wake of a scathing State Department audit that ironically accused him of continuing to promote the kumbaya he deluded himself into believing Obama stood for.
The April 7 report charged Kmiec with spending an inordinate amount of time on that while neglecting the duties of his position:
Based on a belief that he was given a special mandate to promote President Obama’s interfaith initiatives, he has devoted considerable time to writing articles for publication in the United States as well as in Malta, and to presenting his views on subjects outside the bilateral portfolio….
His approach has required Department principals, as well as some embassy staff, to spend an inordinate amount of time reviewing his writings, speeches, and other initiatives.
His official schedule has been uncharacteristically light for an ambassador at a post of this size, and on average he spends several hours of each work day in the residence, much of which appears to be devoted to his non official writings.
This is indeed how Kmiec viewed his role, as he later wrote in his April 13 letter of resignation to Obama:
Recently, the Office of Inspector General… expressed dissatisfaction with the extent of the time during my service that I’ve devoted to promoting what I know you believe in most strongly – namely, personal faith and greater mutual understanding of the faiths of others as the way toward greater mutual respect….
I doubt very much whether one could ever spend too much time on this subject….
But Kmiec didn’t really want to resign, which is where this story gets interesting. Kmiec wanted the Obama for whom he had sold his soul to stand up for him against the “soulless secular censorship” of the State Dept.
Obama, however, knows no loyalty, which Kmiec should have known. Wright. Ayers. Etc. Kmiec is still trying to fool himself into believing he was not just exploited for votes, although he is beginning to have doubts. Pathetic. In an open letter published April 24 in the Times of Malta Kmiec wrote:
An unfortunate rebuke… has prompted me to offer my resignation to the President, which he may or may not have accepted. It’s unclear.…
A groundswell effort to reach the President to ask him to decline my offered resignation went unanswered.
Disappointed? Yes. Devastated? No. Defeated? Never. Is there an explanation or is it like the way grace works in our lives, unfathomable? It troubles me deeply not to know….
Yes, in a reflectively sombre moment, what happened last week gnaws at who we are as a people because we know by nature and revelation what is right and what is wrong.
“Even a dog knows the difference between being tripped over and being kicked.” I do too.
True, the President did not intervene. One close White House adviser said: “you cannot realistically expect the leader of the free world to stop everything to rescue you from bad guys.”
Maybe not. The cavalry should not be confused with Calvary: the first shows up in the final reel of fictional movies; the second is the authentic account of not just the leader, but the creator, of all the world, who knows us each by name and specialises in shielding us from “bad guys,” and best of all, He is always with us. He is risen! Alleluia.
The problem is Kmiec forsook Calvary.
As an aside I, myself, was the surprised recipient of one of Kmiec writings. In a December 16, 2009, column I rhetorically and sarcastically asked Kmiec to intervene after Obama decided to overturn the ban against taxpayer funded abortions in the District of Columbia.
On December 23 Kmiec sent me an 1,800 word essay in response (mistakenly dated 2008). At the time I wondered, how does he have time for this? Also puzzling was that Kmiec didn’t even address my topic, going off on a tangent about support of nationalized healthcare. I didn’t understand much of what Kmiec wrote, and I disagreed with what I did understand. So I just left the letter on my email shelf. Reading it today is sad. How profoundly Kmiec fooled himself about Obama.
“For Malta? Why, Douglas, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world…But for Malta!”
-a paraphrasing of a quote from Sir Thomas More in the play A Man For All Seasons by Robert Bolt
This is a prelude, I think, to the rise of the Anti-Christ. I am not saying Obama is the anti-christ, or even a anti-christ, but I think what we watched happen with this man is peek at what we witness time in and time out when the anti-christ does rise (I being a Christian who considers our rapture to likely occur after the Tribulation). It is an interesting turn of events, that’s for sure.
Doug Kmiec -> One awful human being.
I’m sure Mr. Kmiec is a wonderful man and all, but I don’t need his (or anyone’s) permission to vote according to my conscience and my political sensibilities.
Jill,Morgan and Jasper, please try not to judge too harshly.
Kmiec was taken in by a sociopath. Along with Rev. Wright he’ll be thrown under the bus. When I first observed the worshipful crowds and superficial charm of Obama, a huge red flag went up for me. This only proves me correct, again, and I take no satisfaction from it. Sociopaths can manipulate any of us into throwing away our souls.
Give this unfortunate man time to face the truth. Let it be a lesson to all.
Reach out to this man. He obviously was deluded by Obama’s seductive words, hanging on these instead of his actions which betray his words. This has got to be a slap in the face for Kmiec which might be a potential moment for a frame shift. He should be greeted by us with sympathy and forgiveness in the event that he more fully sees his error and, as any good man who was duped would do, works to undo his error of leading Catholics into voting for Obama. He could prove to be a good ally.
Well, it’s not like he wasn’t warned.
Carder is right. He was warned, and he should have listened to Jill. She had the inside scoop on Obama long before he was a household name. He was not even that impactful in the Illinois senate because he could not be counted on to keep his word. He was best known for his far left positions on the issues and voting “present” on legislation more often than any of his colleagues.
And as for Kmiec’s supposed pro-life leanings how could he have ignored Jill’s experiences which showed beyond any doubt that Obama was as a cold hearted pro-abort as they come? It is sad.
Deluded is right. The email was really sad.
Hi Carder and Jerry,
Please remember how Obama took in an entire country. Kmiec was just a means to an end. For a sociopath that means someone to be conned and manipulated, then discarded. That picture of a smiling Obama and an awe struck Kmiec says it all to me.
Why did the people of this country fall at the feet of this man who had no credentials or qualifications for the presidency? Why did journalists and the media throw away their souls and continue to do so? The answer is the power of the sociopath.
I always love your insight, Mary!!
Hopefully Doug K. will pray and learn. There are lots of lessons here, and plenty of time to re-think political positions…. sometimes the most painful things in our lives are our biggest teachers.
Patience, prayer and time. Big instructors – especially when letting the Holy Spirit lead the way… I think there is hope here.
Doug – please think of a way to marry your passion for the poor (and poor in spirit) with the innocent gift of the unborn. when you can marry those well, you will be on the right track. Think big. Think love.
Hi Carla,
Thank you for the kind words. I’m afraid much of my insight is gained from life’s hard lessons and the great 20/20 hindsight that comes with them! I know how this man was taken in and what he must live with as a result. For that alone our hearts should go out to him.
Yeah, I love Mary‘s insights too – “Along with Rev. Wright he’ll be thrown under the bus.”
Obama, however, knows no loyalty, which Kmiec should have known. Wright. Ayers.
I disagree. Planned Parenthood, anyone?
Hi joyfromillinois,
You state it very well. I think the man is being forced from his messianic trance with a dose of reality, and the emergence is very painful and will only get worse before it gets better. This very painful episode can be a great teacher, for him and all of us.
I know how this man was taken in and what he must live with as a result. For that alone our hearts should go out to him.
My heart doesn’t go out to people who reap what they sow at the expense of others. Maybe that’s a character flaw. Yes, people are duped and often the painful consequences don’t match the crime, but in this case, they totally do.
Thank you reality,
Just when I thought we would never agree on anything….
Hi Jacqueline,
No character flaw, just very human. I think we view this from two different perspectives. I just look at the picture of Doug K and that reptilian smile of Obama’s and know exactly what happened and I’m not at all surprised.
Hi Jacqueline,
Concerning PP, he’s an advoacate of abortion. They serve his purpose and convictions. Of course he will support them.
Ah, I forgot. People like Mary don’t always get sacrcasm.
Who’s going to do the throwing?
Reality, there was no way to tell that you were being sarcastic in your 10:25 post.
uh huh
For heaven’s sake lighten up. Apparently you don’t always get sarcasm either.
“Why did the people of this country fall at the feet of this man who had no credentials or qualifications for the presidency? Why did journalists and the media throw away their souls and continue to do so? The answer is the power of the sociopath.” + immaturity/lack of discernment on the part of those deceived.
I’m all for having compassion on Kmiec but he needs to learn a lesson here. He needs restoration. But before that he needs to repent. At this point I don’t think he has a clue that he did anything wrong.
He postured himself as a “Pro-Life Politician”. As a leader in a position of greater responsibility, he is held to a higher standard. God raised him up and gave him a platform in part because of his Pro-Life convictions.
How in the world can you understand the barbarity of prenatal homicide in utero, use that understanding as a reference point for determining one’s position in the War to Protect or Kill Preborn Children…
(Obamacide – team Obama partnering with satan and abortion profiteers to promote child killing worldwide for political gain;
team Obama – those using the bloody body parts of dead babies as grist for Obama’s political mill)
Kmiec allowed the second part of “Pro-Life Politician” to become more important than the first. So he’s lost his platform:
For exaltation comes neither from the east
Nor from the west nor from the south.
But God is the Judge:
He puts down one, and exalts another. Ps 75.6-7
By supporting Obama you helped kill innocent children Kmiec. In the Fight to Defend Preborn Children you are a traitor. Fall on your face and seek God Kmiec that He may grant you repentance. Then tell everyone how you screwed up so that you may be restored to your Pro-Life position and take your place again in the Battle for Life.
Hi Ed,
I understand and respect your point. I don’t excuse, I only say what I perceive to have happened. I don’t agree there is always immaturity/lack of discernment on the part of the deceived. Kmiec is one of many religious who were taken in by some messianic fervor, I know more than a few myself, including a local nun that remains convinced Obama is a messiah.
Sure he screwed up, and is in the process of realizing it. I suspect this is going to be a very long and painful process, he’s probably still in some degree of denial. Hopefully he will rejoin.
“Kmiec got his 30 pieces of silver”
That was very dramatic! A+ for over the top writing!
Silver, ambassadorships—tomato, tomawtoe…potato, potawtoe.
Pick your allegory, the result was the same.
I wonder if we could all put up some money and have this post turned into movie form – complete with the cross, the betrayal, the kiss…I think it would be good times.
Good grief…I thought Trump had stolen all the dramatic ramblings lately – glad to see he left some for the rest of the world!
the time during my service that I’ve devoted to promoting what I know you believe in most strongly – namely, personal faith and greater mutual understanding of the faiths of others as the way toward greater mutual respect….
I doubt very much whether one could ever spend too much time on this subject…
Doesn’t sound too bad, but if the guy was pursuing his private passion while substantially neglecting his ambassadorial duties, and had Obama kept him in office, there would be all manner of whining and moaning and carrying on about how the President was “protecting this horrid scoundrel,” how “my tax Dollars are being wasted,” etc. Come on….
Kmiec has had a year of loss. Last August, he was the driver in a one-car collision that killed two passengers – one instantly and one a few weeks later from injuries. Kmiec was also injured requiring hospitalization and subsequent surgeries. Some of his writings have reflected his struggles with those events. No doubt he needs prayers. I’m praying that his whole healing includes reaching a point of campaigning against Obama for 2012 but he still seems pretty confused and buried in his lawyer-speak and a troubled conscience.
Claim to follow Christ, betray him, get payment. The analogy is clear.
Hi Mary,
I should have clarified, “spiritual immaturity/lack of discernment”.
“Then we will no longer be immature like children. … We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.” Ep 4.4 TLB
I agree with you that Kmiec fell for BO’s charisma. And you’re right, it may take some time for him to acknowledge the truth. But I also believe that even if you seem religious, your support of abortion-minded politicians makes you complicit in their crimes. And if you’re guilty of shedding innocent blood, you will not make it into Heaven.
I was unaware of Kmiec’s recent trials. It certainly looks like God is trying to get his attention.
He does that with all of us when we screw up.
It’s because He loves us.
We need to continue to pray for him.
The anti christ has been and gone. He was emperor Nero.
People can act anti-christian but there aren’t any more official anti-christs.
What an interesting post. Kmiec’s was taken in by BHO alright but he also has an exaggerated sense of his own importance. He was used for sure and discarded. Like the shunned lover. Maybe he will see BHO for what he is but then he has to understand that he cooperated because he wanted a seat at the power table and thought too highly of himself. BHO will use people…of course he will. How do you think he got to where he is given his upbringing. BHO is a true narcissist and Kmiec is a wanna be. It is never to late to repent and do the right thing.
Doug, 7:21a: Good point.
Wow, that essay is kind of sickening, being that a so-called Catholic has written it.
Despite his clinging to his false notion that health care could be considered ‘abortion neutral’, he writes the phrase:
“rather than indulging endless condemnations of old Supreme Court misjudgments now embedded in precedent. ”
So, he thinks Roe v Wade is just an itty bitty little misjudgement and since it’s now embedded in precedent, we all should just stop our endless condemnations of it?
What are they smoking in Malta?! Or is that the kool-aid talking?!
After leading so many Catholics astray, this man should take a long vacation, maybe a retreat. He’s a lousy Catholic, an inarticulate politician, and a failure as a minion.
The old adage is, ‘The wife is always the last one to know.’
The agrieved spouse usually ‘gets the picture’ BEFORE she is served the divorce papsers. In Kmiec’s case he seems to have remained oblivious to his obliterated bliss til the other woman gave birth to her former husband’s baby.
When Kmiec sobers up I wonder what kind of bona fides he is going to produce to demonstrate he has severed the umbilical cord with his former political bunkmates.
Former neo-Nazi becomes leftist after sex change
Published: 12 Mar 11 09:21 CET
Before undergoing a sex change to become a woman, Monika Strub [formerly known as Horst Strub] was a member of Germany’s neo-Nazi NPD party. But ten years later, she is running for Baden-Württemberg’s state parliament for the socialist Left party.
Christoph Kröpel, spokesman for the Left party in the state of Baden-Württemberg, described Strub’s history with the NPD as a “youthful transgression” and said she has “fundamentally changed.”
He told the paper Strub had so clearly distanced herself from her former party “that there is absolutely no doubt as to her political bearing.”
Whoa! That is going to extreme measures to demonstrate you have cut your ties with your former bedfellows.
I wonder if Strub also underwent ‘limbic’ reduction/removal surgery [limbicectomy] to achieve liberal nirvana, or if he was able to approximate the same result with drugs and sensitivity indoctrination and copious amounts of time in front of his HDTV watching Keith Olbermann ‘Countdown’ re-runs.
…”the limbic brain inside a right-winger or Republican or conservative or your average white power activist, the limbic brain is much larger in their head space than in a reasonable person, and it’s pushing against the frontal lobe.”
Janeane Garofalo appearing on ‘Countdown’ with Keith Blowhardermann April 2009
Reminds me of Leslie, who was considering gender re-assignment surgery.
Leslie asked an acquaintance, who had already completed the transformation, if it was painful.
No, the friend replied.
The surgeon provided adequate medication to deal with the pain associate with the surgical trauma but what really hurt was when they stuck that tube in her/his ear and sucked half his/her
brandolyn says: May 2, 2011 at 8:10 pm
“This is a prelude, I think, to the rise of the Anti-Christ. I am not saying Obama is the anti-christ, or even a anti-christ”,…
Let me give you a hand with that.
Barak Hussein Obama is an anti-christ.
b o is one among many anti-christ’s who have arisen through out history.
b o is going to have to purchase another campaign bus. There can not be much room left under this one.
I just wonder how long it will be til b o tosses the missus and the kids under the wheels.
b o has his Kmiec. Hilter had his Muller.
Adolph Hitler created the position of Reich Bishop [think of it as the religion ‘czar’] of the united ‘German’ church [think ‘church of the aryans’]. Hitler’s choice for his newly created position was one Ludwig Muller, a coarse former naval chaplain. Muller was one of the staunchest advocates of the Nazification of the church in Germany.
Under Muller’s direction every new pastor was required upon his ordination to swear on oath of service to Adolph Hitler: “I swear before GOD… that I…will be true and obedient to the Fuhrer of the German people and state, Adolph Hitler.”
Eventually when Muller had served his purpose as the NAZI’s ’usefull idiot’ they threw him under the ‘Volks wagen’ bus.
The ‘German’ christians wanted a unified ‘German’ church in accord with NAZI principles.
Do not misunderstand the term ‘German’ church or ‘German’ christians. The common denominator was not Jesus, but being ‘German’.
‘German’ christians sometimes spoke of ‘baptism’, not as a baptism into the body of Christ [1Cor 12:13], but into the ‘community of the Volk‘ [Germaness] and into the Weltanschauung [philosophy of life] of the Fuhrer.
True, the President did not intervene. One close White House adviser said: “you cannot realistically expect the leader of the free world to stop everything to rescue you from bad guys.”
b o has more important things to which to devote his attention… like, doing his ‘brackets’, playing another round of golf, taking another vacation, defending PP, attending fund raisers, ignoring his brother in Kenya, falsifying his birth record, apologizing and bowing uncontrollably, taking credit for the execution of Osama ‘yo mamma’ bin Laden, and dillying, dallying, and dithering about the release of the kodak golden moment captured immediately after the misguided muslim missle was dipatched to his eternal reward. [Word to the wise for the seventy virgins waiting expectantly in paradise for the arrival of their martyr: “Look for another!”]
I would encourage everyone to watch Princeton Professor Robert P. George debate Doug Kmiec on the Obama administration and sanctity of life issues in spring 2009. It is long but worthwhile. Kmiec’s performance indicates that you cannot make a square circle.
Ken – are you a birther?
RE: 5/2/11; 9:51. As always it is good to see your postings. I have to agree there is a certain power Obama exercises over some people–depending on the individual affected it can be likened to a cult-like attraction. They hang on his every word as if it were uttered by a god. Perhaps Kmiec was affected in this way–stranger things have happened.
I think you right wingers are kinda cute with your “cult like attraction” type sayings. Look, every President and politician has their supporters. If Obama has people that have a “cult like attraction”, you’d only be lying to yourself if you didn’t say that Palin or the Donald have the same type of people.
Eric – I disagree with the clear analogy. Judas handed over Christ and betrayed Christ. To say that somebody who supported a politician is equal to betraying or handing over Christ, I think, is a more than a tad overboard.
EGV 10:14PM
Kinda cute? EGV, in all my years, and there are plenty of them, I never remember schoolchildren singing the praises of a president (mm mm mm, Barack Hussein Obama) or engaging in military like drills in honor of a president. You know, the type of thing one sees in North Korea or saw in Nazi Germany. Certainly you weren’t oblivious to the deferential treatment Obama was given by the media(Chris Matthews tinkling down his leg) and the willingness of people to completely overlook the fact he had NO qualifications to be president.
Supporters are one thing, elevating a leader to some sort of sainthood is another.
Hi Jerry,
Always good to see you here and thank you for the kind words. If you listen to Obama’s minions on PMSNBC you’d think Obama himself personally led the charge that killed Osama. Then check out Michael Savage’s website and it seems our fearless leader would ”think about it some more” before taking 16 hours to give military commanders the go ahead on this mission.
Don’t expect to hear that from Obama’s stenographers otherwise known as our national media. I read that at the UK’s Mail Online.
Dear heavens Mary…
So a few kids in a class make up a song about Obama, and you’ve turned it into an equal to the systemic brain washing through camps of millions of German children.
On the sixteen hour thing, I’m not sure how that is a tie to the argument that you folks are silly for continuing this long running fascination that people adore Obama, while you turn a blind eye to the people who adore right wingers. Seems like two completely different subjects to me.
Dear heavens EGV,
The kids didn’t make up the songs EGV, they were made to sing them by Obama loving adults. The young men marching in military precision praising Obama like a bunch of robots was a scene straight form North Korea. BTW, EGV, it was the schools where German children were for the most part brainwashed ….by the Hitler loving adults.
I’m sure you agree EGV that the schools are no place for political indoctrination. BTW, I would find this just as objectionable if it were a Republican president.
The 16 hour thing. I’m pointing out that while the Obama adoring media portrays Obama as having personally masterminded and led the charge (sarcasm) it takes the foreign media, which seems to have become less enamored of Obama, to do the job our own has long failed to do.
I have no fascination with people who adore(d) Obama. If anything they have helped me understand how such well educated, intelligent, and cultured people as the Germans could be so enamored of an Austrian street thug.
Mary, good points!!
b o arrives 16 hours late to the picnic and attempts to take the credit for exterminating the ant.
It is interesting that b o releases the ‘long form birth certificate’ that just days before the Hawaiian health department says, no one can copy or even see, even the one who’s birth it is that has been recorded.
[Never mind those pesky Hawaiians who were born days before and after b o who, in recent weeks, have requested and received the document that Hawaiian law prohibited them from receiving.]
Then abra cadabra, like pulling a ace from his sleeve, b o releases his second attempt at a document to prove he was born in America to american parents…well one american parent, as the document in question purports. The race: ‘African’, father is clearly not identified as an american, but a Kenyan with possible dual citizenship as a subject of the British Empire. [See founding father’s definition of ‘natural born citizen’. That vague and obscure term hidden somewhere in the United States Constitution that deals with the qualifications to be president.]
Then the next thing you know, ‘ding dong’ Osama’s dead, sucks all the oxygen out of the headlines.
b o doesn’t settle for throwin Osama under his campaign bus.
b o straps Osama’s corpse across the front of his bus like some red neck coming home with his trophy buck.
But this dog ain’t gonna hunt. The american people are relieved at the news Osama has assumed room temperature, or more accurately, ‘sleeps with the fishes’. [That is more consistent with ‘The Chicago way’.]
At best they are relieved b o did not screw this up.
They know the real credit goes to the men and women in the military and intelligence services who actually did the job.
[I want to see Osama’s long form death certificate.]
I wonder if Osama might still be alive and enjoying the cusine, accomdations, and ambience of a CIA prison ship?
If water boarding was effective enough to elicit the intelligence that led to Osama’s hide out, then there is no telling what kind of valuable intel that might be extracted from bin Laden himself using these same techniques.
But b o has eschewed enhanced interrogation techniques and secret prisons and military tribunals. [Hot tip to the lefties: b o lies as easily as he breathes and his words are as empty as the suit he wears.]
b o will just talk nice to his jihadist buddies and they will gush forth with information like an artesian well. No pump or seventy two vigins required. Just a teleprompter and a video camera.
Ken –
Interesting. You ARE a birther. I’ve never actually met one of you people.
Of our previous Presidents, how many of them have you seen the birth certificate of, or had these sorts of doubts?
Mary –
So a class has some kids sing a song, and you equate it to Nazi Germany? Seriously? What a leap!
In regards to the Media – I think it is pretty unfair to truth and general logic to make these same arguments over and over again…you claim you don’t watch the mainstream media, yet claim to know that all they are talking about is giving Obama credit. Can you provide a synopsis of how you came to this conclusion? I have found the media and politicians to be pretty good about giving credit to the military and both sides (Bush and Obama). The only folks who I have found to be pushing these odd views are uninformed people on blogs.
On the 16 hour thing, you’d think the GOP would have learned that rushing into something without full information wasn’t wise. I mean, did we ever find the WMD?
It just seems like petty bitterness – Obama has done a fine job. Get over it.
“The anti christ has been and gone. He was emperor Nero.
People can act anti-christian but there aren’t any more official anti-christs.”
Nero may well have been an ‘anti-christ’, but it sure seems like there is more than one antiChrist who may have appeared at different times throughout history.
The following passages indicate there is more than one antiChrist and he/she is animated/empowered by the ‘spirit’ of the antiChrist. 2 John 1:7 does not leave a lot of wiggle room for the notion that Nero was the only antiChrist.
The passages also provide us with a ‘profile’ or characteristics by which to identify antiChrist spirits or people who are influenced/controlled by them.
By their fruit, or more likely, their lack of it, you shall identify the ‘anitChrists’.
1 John 2:18 Boys (lads), it is the last time (hour, the end of this age). And as you have heard that the antichrist [he who will oppose Christ in the guise of Christ] is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen, which confirms our belief that it is the final (the end) time. AMP
1 John 2:22 Who is [such a] liar as he who denies that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah)? He is the antichrist (the antagonist of Christ), who [habitually] denies and refuses to acknowledge the Father and the Son. AMP
1 John 4:3 And every spirit which does not acknowledge and confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh [but would annul, destroy, sever, disunite Him] is not of God [does not proceed from Him]. This [nonconfession] is the [spirit] of the antichrist, [of] which you heard that it was coming, and now it is already in the world. AMP
2 John 1:7 For many imposters (seducers, deceivers, and false leaders) have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge (confess, admit) the coming of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) in bodily form. Such a one is the imposter (the seducer, the deceiver, the false leader, the antagonist of Christ) and the antichrist. AMP
EGV, children singing and marching and reciting like robots to honor a “leader” is reminiscent of Hitler and North Korea. It is what it is, Live with it.
Oh yes the media, now the fun begins.
Chris Matthews of CNBC Hardball in reference to Barack Obama (mmm mmm mmm): “You know sometimes…he has that, he didn’t have it right there but a minute ago he had that great smile, that little boy smile of his which is so winning…He brings it out. I don’t know if its’s technique.” I don’t know if Matthew’s leg was simultaneously tingling.
Then there’s NYT pundit David Brooks who needed to only see the crease in Obama’s pants to know he was the man for the job!
Oh and let’s not forget Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw discussing how they know nothing about Obama, apparently oblivious to the fact that it is THEIR job to know about him. Yes the same Tom Brokaw who was certain even the pigeons scoping out the garbage and pooping on spectators’ heads during the Inaugaration were themselves in awe of Obama. Brokaw was apparently oblivious to the fact that pigeons are for the most part brainless.
I never thought I would miss Sam Donaldson!
Sometimes for laughs and while channel surfing I hit MSNBC with Lawrence O’Donnell and (Mr.) Ed Schultz. That’s how I came across them speaking of how a leader truly looks, in reference to Obama. Lawrence O’Donnell was almost reverential. Maybe, like the pigeons, he was awe struck,or at least brainless.
16 hours to make a decision. Caution is one thing EGV, indecision another. Lots of people in a holding pattern here. Lots of time for Osama to disappear. But just think if Osama hadn’t been offed. Given the Obama regime’s rules for terrorist, I mean a person who causes manmade disasters, Osama would have been read his Miranda rights, gotten an ACLU attorney and likely would have had a civil trial in NYC, then the American people would have had to support the SOB for the next 40 years of his life.
Mary –
I just have a hard time, as a logical person, equating the systematic brainwashing of millions of youth with a classroom of kids singing a song. Seems like a MASSIVELY big stretch.
On Obama taking credit and the media adoring him – so you pull up a lot of old quotes as your proof that the mainstream media is in love with him and he’s taking credit for the job. Burden of proof – failed.
I would pack away that Matthews tingling quote – I believe you’ve used it about a half a dozen times, and that is just when I’ve seen it. You watch enough fox to know that some political entertainers really like political figures. Heck, half of Fox’s staff are political figures. Just know that there is a difference between NEWS and political entertainment. MSNBC, fox, Chris Matthews – they are PAID to adore and love people and show incredible bias. To expect something else of them is like going to a heavy metal concert and hoping a prayer will break out.
It is clear that Obama and the military did a wonderful job with the Bin Laden killing – if this argument is the best you folks can do…it is actually disappointing me. Fortunately, most GOPs are putting the country ahead of their own party. I would urge you to do the same.
I never said anything about massive brainwashing. I pointed out the political indoctrination of schoolchildren. It has no place in our country, much less our public schools. The extent to which this goes on is anyone’s guess.
EGV, these quotes aren’t old! Matthews “smile” comment was a few weeks ago.
No EGV, true jounalists do not adore and love anyone, they remain objective and investigate and report. They don’t slobber over a politician’s smile. True journalism died in this country, we now have only White House stenographers.
Yes the military was indeed brilliant, even if it took the commander in chief time to figure out when and if to give the command.
Mary – the kids issue is laughable. To put it in the same sentence as the Hilter Youth is a joke.
I don’t believe any of the quotes had anything to do with Obama and the military finding and killing Bin Laden, which is what we were talking about.
I don’t believe Matthews, or 90% of the people on Fox or MSNBC are true journalists. There are true journalists though out there – quite a few of them. They just aren’t on those networks, or quite a few others.
If Obama would have rushed into it, you would have criticized. If he takes his time, he would have criticized. If he captured him, you would have criticized. If they killed him, you criticize. I think it is starting to say more about you and those who you get your info from than it says about him.
I couldn’t stand a lot of Bush policies, but respected him and supported him as our President. As a Christian, I prayed for him. If you can’t even put aside petty politics when the world has just rid itself of a terrible enemy of the country – then that’s an issue with you – not with him or anybody else.
I like your characterization of the fawning MSM media as “Obama’s stenographers”. But it is worse. More than just dutifully mouthing the company line they are aggressive participants and co-architects of the ruse. They are in fact “Team Obama” and in the run-up to the next election campaign we expect nothing less than 24/7 pro-Obama prop.
Ex says:
“Mary –
So a class has some kids sing a song, and you equate it to Nazi Germany?”
Mary makes a valid point. At some point or another all tyrants, dear leaders, most worshipful ones, etc. etc. had to have a beginning. Everyone knows that many people worship the ground Obama walks on. For them he can do no wrong. Some did the same with Clinton, but in a different kind of way. Neither of the Bushes had these types gushing praise at every turn.
You say that Palin or Trump receive this kind of adulation. I do see a lot of enthusiasm for Palin—not so much with Trump. I have yet to hear someone sing a song of praise for Palin, nor someone gush about a tingle up their leg. What I do see is a Hollywood crowd and left wingnut radio that hate her and lampoon her for what she is. It is pathetic how they treat her.
Clinton’s admirers were more of a cross section of everyday people, but with Obama it is much different. He has a base of starry-eyed dreamers, fainters every where and the rock star treatment. Even a sultry soft porn Obama girl video! I have seen no such thing with any other president in my lifetime. John Kennedy had a likeable personality which captured the imagination of millions. But people in those days were more sober and balanced than today. Can you imagine Walter Cronkite—as great of an admirer of Kennedy as there was—say something like he had a tingle running up his leg when he saw Kennedy?
Obama has failed as a leader. As a campaigner he presented himself as a unifier, he has been anything but that. As a campaigner he defended marriage as between a man and a woman. Now he has directed the DOJ not to defend DOMA. As a president when he keeps with a Bush policy-whether it be the tax cuts or keeping Gitmo open, or following the gradual draw down of troops in Iraq—he has done well. In everything else he has shown his Chicago roots—forcing things down peoples’ throats whether they want it or not.
Come on Jerry – did you miss the Sarah Palin battle hymn of the Republic? A classic!
Obama has those who adore him. It will never approach that adoration that Reagan has from the right wingers. Not even close. I’m surprised you haven’t tried to get him officially turned into a saint.
Am I not making myself clear in my posts? Our schools have no business politically indoctrinating children to sing the praises of some politician. Any number of outraged parents agreed with this and went to the school board. Children singing the praises of some leader is reminiscent of dictatorships past and present.
I gave the quotes as an example of an adoring media, though it is not their job to adore anyone. For the likes of O’Donnell and Schultz to fawn on the “leadership” of Obama, who was only continuing, much to his chagrin, the policies of George Bush, is to be expected. Didn’t Obama promise to close Gitmo?
Our military behaved brilliantly, despite a dithering commander in chief who of course is praised as a great leader by his adoring media.
As I said EGV, caution is one thing, indecisiveness another. The military was ready to go. What radically changed in 16 hours? Thankfully nothing. Oh sure, the plot could have been uncovered, weather conditions turn unfavorable, bin Laden could have long disappeared…again. Wasn’t George Bush criticized for lack of decisiveness when he took 7 extra minutes to finish reading “My Pet Goat” to schoolchildren after being informed of the twin towers?
I would have had no problem with Osama being captured, only the way he would have been treated under the policies of Obama and Holder. I’m glad he’s dead if for no other reason than that.
Hi Jerry,
Good points about previous presidents. We’re both old enough to remember that presidents were well liked and popular, but not elevated to messianic status. Say what you will about Clinton, Bush, Kennedy, they at least had qualifications. John Kennedy didn’t spend 16 hours thinking about what he should do about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Reporters didn’t sit and scratch their heads over what they didn’t know about any of these past presidents or drool over their smiles.
I recall Reagan being reviled as a warmonger and Bush ridiculed as stupid. They viciously attacked Dan Quayle while giving Clinton a free pass on his sexual escapades, incluuding sexual assault, so I will never suggest the media was totally unbiased.
With Obama, its a totally different level and one I have never seen in my lifetime.
Oh please, you’re not serious about this video. Some local yokels singing the praises of Sarah Palin? A refreshing change after all the viciousness she has endured from the MSM. Have you ever heard the media go after Obama the same way they have Palin EGV?
So a crazy teacher in New Jersey teaches kids a song and swaps out lyrics for Obama, and that is on par with Hitler’s brainwashing the youth of a nation.
Some old people swap out lyrics for Sarah Palin, and it isn’t serious?
I have heard the media go after Obama the same way some go after Palin. There’s a whole network devoted to it. Now, Obama doesn’t give them quite as much ammo – I mean, he can name a US newspaper, founding father, and supreme court decision. That helps.
Not the only place it happened. Check out you tube.
The old folks are old enough to make up their own minds. They are not being politically indoctrinated by their teachers.
Can Obama also name all 57 states?
On to your previous post.
I agree with you that schools have no place, and the issue was looked in to. It was sad that the principal got death threats during the issue – should we not be concerned with those lunatics, but be concerned about the lunatic who taught the kids?
I think you feel that if you keep yelling on the 16 hour thing, it will get some traction. I don’t think even Fox is doing much with that – just seems to be the fringe right. Completely different situation than sitting reading a book while we are under attack.
I continue to contend though that the left’s idolization of Obama is nothing near the right’s idolization of Reagan.
Found a couple other schools, but didn’t watch the videos. I agree though – kids should be left out of that – I remember watching part of the movie Jesus Camp where kids almost worshiped George Bush – it is disturbing when kids receive those mixed messages.
Obama – the 57 state thing – I found that humorous – showed he was human just like the rest of us. I’ve trained and done public speaking, and sometimes those mental errors happen!
Much different though than being asked a question, and even given follow-up time to figure out an answer. I thought Katie Couric bent over backwards to try to let Palin appear at least remotely intelligent – but nope, she really seems to think she reads “all” newspapers, though she can’t name one! Pretty crazy stuff.
I hope she gets the GOP ticket. Her, Bachmann, Trump, or Romney. Any work just fine.
I’m hardly yelling. Bush was trying to remain calm in front of the elementary school students, and it was only 7 minutes, EGV, not 16 hours.
I’m glad we agree that schools are no place for indoctrination. If parents personally approve of indoctrination at camps they send their kids too, and that includes Nation of Islam’s indoctrination of youths to honor Obama, I have no issue with that. It has no place in public schools.
Oh yes, when Obama slips up its “humorous”. I suppose his “joke” about Special Olympics was too.
Anyway EGV, Palin isn’t president. The media has gone after every aspect of her life, her children, etc. Have they done the same with Obama? You know, launching his political career in the living room of former terrorist Bill Ayers who of course Obama barely knew. His rather questionable real estate deal with Tony Rezko who was under FBI investigation. There were no reputable real estate agents in Chicago at the time?
Better yet EGV, tell me what you think qualified Obama to be president.
I have issues with idol worship of any political leader, whether it be at camp or school. I guess I’m not as hyper-sensitive as you – if a teacher talks about a political leader or religion or something, I see that as okay. Obviously, a song is too far.
Ayers – again, massively old news you need to catch up on:
And really? Do we want to get into a mud-slinging debate on associations?
2008 election was between Obama and John McCain. Obama had a few solid years in the senate, obviously has a good grasp of foreign affairs – I liked that he was a family man that wasn’t 75 years old – his interest would be different from so many of the Presidents of recent times who were years removed from my age group, and millions (sometimes tens of millions of dollars) removed from the middle class. Obama talked health care – expanding health care resonates with me. Obama talked about stronger regulation of the financial markets, which also resonated with me as the nation at the time was going through a massive financial meltodown due largely to the fact that we had a completely unregulated Credit Default Swap industry.
The Republicans – McCain and Palin, were essentially running on the exact same platform that the GOP had run on for the previous 8 years – 8 years that resulted in little job growth (negative job growth with a few more months after Bush, but easily attributed as tax rates hadn’t change) – little growth in GDP – but large growth in the deficit. We were in seemingly endless wars and McCain presented no real strong change in direction.
I actually liked McCain, but when he chose Palin, it was obvious that he didn’t take the job of President seriously. Obama lacked long years of experience, but it was clear he was educated, took it seriously, and had strong ideas. Palin was a train-wreck for the GOP – McCain had to keep her from the press, keep her to a few talking points. It was painfully obvious that she was massively under-qualified for any large political office, let alone one heart beat from the Presidency.
I found the vote very easy quite frankly.
Sorry, there is no comparison between the respect accorded Reagan, respect which is not from the ”right” only but from across the ideological and political spectrums, versus the adulation heaped upon Obama. Not even close. Two different worlds.
BYW the respect for Reagan is real, something he earned over eight years as leader of the free world and by creating a roaring economy from the ashes and double digit inflation he inherited from Carter. Reagan accomplished all of this though he had no support from the media. No fainters, no tinglers to heap false praise upon him. He was simply a man of America, a patriot, a man of principle, and a believer in the greatness of America. He had a genuine love for people, and they for him.
On the other hand, Obama is a manchild. He is a man of cold calculation and self praise. He is a socialist, an acolyte of Saul Alinsky, a friend of anti-American terroists (William Ayers and wife), a 20 year member of the “church” pastored by the America hater Jeremiah Wright. He is an apologizer for our country and someone who bows to kings. He fought against giving life saving treatments to children who survive an abortion. He is a fraud and a liar.
Back to Kmiec. He was duped by Obama and was shocked to learn he was dumped. That is the way it always is: the duped are the last to find out.
Saint Ronald?? Even if he were he would still be second fiddle to the messiah.
Yes, Obama is something totally different. Maybe that is what attracted otherwise sensible people (Kmiec included) to throw caution to the wind and support this relative unknown. Many of these now have buyer’s remorse.
Jerry – Great post – I literally laughed out loud – wonderful way to start the day! I love humor.
Have a great day!
I think that Kmiec showed exceedingly poor judgment in his decision to support Obama, and he deserves our political opposition and criticism and our very great reluctance to get involved with him on any political issue.
OTOH, calling him a Judas who sold his soul “thirty pieces of silver” is more than “over the top dramatic writing.” IMHO, it crosses the line into *calumny*, a grave moral offense.
Many voices in the pro-life movement have behaved in embarrassing and shameful ways to people they have decided are traitors lately. We do the cause of life no good when we behave like the worst caricatures that pro-aborts paint of us, and we need to guard against party spirit and the sin of pride.
OK to turn around and bat the other way on a much less important (for us) issue — the FactCheck report on the Obama Ayers connection is shoddy. There is substantial evidence of a much closer working relationship between Ayers and Obama than Obama or the MSM ever told us, including Obama channeling tens of thousands of dollars into organizations effectively controlled by Ayers. (See Stanley Kurtz’ work in National Review; you can google. Yeah, I know NR has a right POV, but the “objective” media were ignoring this and NR had to do the spadework themselves.)
Though it is unreasonable to claim Obama is as radical as Ayers, it is totally reasonable to say that Obama is far more of a left-wing ideologue than he was portrayed in the campaign, and it was appropriate to point this out. This ability to portray himself as more of a conciliator than he really is may have contributed to people like Kmiec getting sucked in.
Kmiec neglected his job to study such dreck as
“personal faith and greater mutual understanding of the faiths of others as the way toward greater mutual respect…”
I agree with what Doug said earlier. Obama did the right thing by not intervening with the State Department, which simply wanted Kmiec to spend more time actually doing his job. Obama didn’t “abandon” Kmiec or act inappropriately in any way.
EGV, 10:32PM
Get real. Yes songs that praise a political leader taught by a public school teacher to children, who could certainly be better spending their time learning, is going too far. Apparently parents were “hypersensitive” enough to complain to the school board.
Ex-Madisonian addresses the Ayers issue well. BTW, do you have meetings in the living rooms of people you barely know?
Oh yes health care. Can we say “Cornhusker Kickback” and the “Louisiana Purchase”? Maine has opted out altogether from Obamacare. Several more states are trying to. A thousand or so exemptions. A real success story that one.
A good grasp on foreign affairs? You are being funny EGV. Apology tours and bowing to foreign leaders? Dictators are giving him the finger. Apparently the Israelis aren’t too happy with him either. Yeah, another success story here.
This is a guy waaaaay over his head when it comes to the dangerous world we live in today and the tyrants running it.
There are two sides to every story so I agree Obama may have been justified, or maybe not, in allowing the State Dept. to act as it did.
Also, perhaps Obama should appoint truly qualified people to ambassadorships and not use them as payoffs for his supporters.
Mary, just how “bad,”( like “bad” from the 1970’s), a dude do you have to be to be the Ambassador to Malta, fer Pete’s sake? : P
Reminds me of one of the greatest movies of all time, “The Maltese Bippy,” going just a hair farther back in time….
But yeah – the President isn’t going to personally keep track of every such detail, and of course the State Department has to manage some stuff.
Ex-Madisonian: Though it is unreasonable to claim Obama is as radical as Ayers, it is totally reasonable to say that Obama is far more of a left-wing ideologue than he was portrayed in the campaign, and it was appropriate to point this out.
I don’t know – that may be right. Clinton ended up being pretty much a centrist; don’t know what the consensus is on Obama, but for me to this point he hasn’t seemed like a real fire-breathing liberal wingnut, more a fairly pragmatic guy who realizes what’s politically possible.
I agree that Malta is not the center of international intrigue. This ambassadorship was given as a political payoff, not because Obama was so concerned about any kind of qualifications. So don’t be surprised if the guy doesn’t do such a great job. But as I said there are two sides to the story.
Kmiec may have made the classic mistake of assuming that because I helped you out, you’ll help me. Somewhere I am sure we have all been at sometime in our lives.
:: laughing ::
Mary, heck, I could be the damn Ambassador to Malta… :: grumble :: grumble ::
Mary –
Plus, some people were sensitive enough to call in death threats!
The factcheck posting simply said that those who are claiming that Obama has said he never knew the guy are wrong – and that is what you claimed: “the living room of former terrorist Bill Ayers who of course Obama barely knew.”
Maine didn’t pull out of health care reform – they got a waiver to delay implementation of one of the components. It is a HUGE difference between what the Dems and GOP are proposing. The dems have checks and balances so as to try to minimize unintended consequences. Paul Ryan wants to simply abolish medicare, give people vouchers, cut back funding to nursing homes and the disabled, and hope everything comes out in the end!
Of course you don’t have a positive view of Obama’s foreign affairs work – he caught Bin Laden, and you are concerned that he took half a day too long. Surprise, surprise, you don’t like what he’s doing in other countries! He’d buy you lunch and you’d be mad he didn’t buy you an after dinner drink as well!
As I pointed out this was a favor to Kmiec, not because Malta is a center of international intrigue in need of a great mind.
If Malta is so irrelevant, why does the state dept. even concern itself with what Kmiec is doing? Let the guy stay there out of Obama’s hair. He served his purpose, what better place for him?
Kindly claify your first statement.
I stand corrected on Maine. Currently, according to google 27 states are suing to exempt themselves from Obamacare, which BTW had been declared unconstitutional by Justice Robert Vinson of the U.S. distrtict court in Florida. Unions workers are exempt too. Do a little googling EGV. You will agree Obamacare has not been a huge success story.
LOL, EGV, Obama didn’t catch bin Laden! Our CIA and military began going after this guy 10 years ago! It was the Navy SEALs that offed him. Its Obama’s AG that wants to go after the guys that interrogated terrorists that gave Osama’s location. It’s Obama who promised to close Gitmo. Its Obama’s AG that wanted a civil trial for the 9/11 mastermind. We got Osama in spite of Obama and his policies, not because of them.
Mary – you had said some parents were hypersensitive enough to complain to the school board – I added that others went even further with death threats!
Those working to opt out of health care reform are doing so for political reasons. I continue to be all for seeing a GOP plan that would work. So far, the two options on the table for the GOP are status quo, and eliminating medicare and cutting services to nursing homes and people with disabilities. Even with imperfections, I’ll take Health Care reform over either of those options – no question about it.
When we look back at history books, 9/11 happened under Bush’s watch – Bin Laden was captured under Obamas. Write history how you want in your own mind – you do seem to do that a lot!
Whether or not parents were hypersensitive is a matter of perspective. I would think a teacher’s time could be better spent educating. As for death threats do you know for certain it was the parents? Usually people making such threats don’t give their names. Anyone can pick up a phone and make a threat.
No EGV, the states are opting out for reasons other than political, check it out.
As I have said about options, insurance companies could be turned loose to compete with each other, people can have options as to the extent of coverage they want, huge tax write-offs for personal medical accounts and medical expenses. I am also seeing companies offer long term disability and nursing home coverage. Lots of options out there.
Its my personal opinion that a return of the state mental hospitals and institutions, run far more humanely and professionally of course, would not be such a bad idea. Its certainly better than people living in the streets and families having no option for providing care for severely disabled family members.
As for history EGV, I’m not rewriting it. Just informing you of it.
I think the teacher would have been better off spending time educating as well. Do we still disagree on any of this? I don’t believe it was parents – I believe it was crazy fringe angry people.
On opting out, you are correct (kind of) – the plan LETS states opt out if they have a good plan that covers people who need to be covered. For instance, Romney instituted pretty decent care in MA that has covered well over 90% of the people there. Reform will help push Medicare savings and other things at a federal level, but no need for other mechanisms to be enforced because they are a state that has their act together.
The complete free market idea on health care coverage is a train wreck – have you ever read an actual assessment of even the thought? In a complete free market atmosphere, who’s even going to cover a person with cancer? No way, no how – the insurance companies will run as fast as they can and either the taxpayers pick up the bill, or the person dies.
I think we definitely agree that teachers better spend their time educating and not politically indoctrinating children.
The success of Romney’s MA health care remains open to debate.
I am pointing out free market reforms that can correct the problems that exist. I should also mention tort and malpractice reform but don’t expect that while a lot of lawyers are in the congress and senate. Juries are still dense enough to think they are sticking it to the insurance companies when in fact its the clients(the jurors, you, and me) who will get stuck with higher premiums.
Certainly the billions lost in corruption and ineptness of gov’t run Medicare doesn’t exactly speak well of the gov’ts ability to run much of anything, much less our health care system.