Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

  • Jivin J tells of a letter to the editor of the Dayton Daily News from a “second year medical student” who claims fetal heartbeat is not a sign that a human fetus is alive.

  • Albert Mohler dissects Fox psychiatrist (and co-author to Glenn Beck’s latest book) Dr. Keith Ablow’s “you-gotta-read-it-to-believe-it,” completely unintelligent attack on marriage. In his diatribe, Ablow unwittingly confirms what pro-lifers have long claimed about contraception and its contribution to the breakdown of the family.
  • Wesley J. Smith discusses the current San Francisco controversy surrounding proposed legislation to ban male circumcision – even for Jews and Muslims. Smith finds it interesting that a common argument against circumcision is “that somehow sex is less intense and pleasurable” for the circumcised.
  • ProWomanProLife devotes several posts to the well-attended March for Life in Canada, and notes the media bias in covering the event. One member of the media – a camera operator – even thanked pro-abortion protesters for being there.
  • ProLife New Zealand has launched their “Just Think” campaign on college campuses “to present the issue of abortion in a logical and non-confrontational manner, giving people access to the information necessary to reflect, discuss and develop their own views on the issue.”
  • ProLifeBlogs highlights a LifeSiteNews story about a new pro-life outreach center. Originally a church, the building became an abortion clinic before it was finally purchased by a pro-life group.
  • Secular ProLife encourages college and graduate students to apply for SFLA’s Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship.
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