UPDATE 6/8, 7:35a: One other thing. When Matt Lauer asked all the kids if they plan on having large families, he showed he doesn’t get it, which is really no surprise.

The goal isn’t to have large families. The goal is to be open to receiving as many gifts of children as God wants to give. As Josh Duggar’s wife Anna wrote on their website:

In our vows to each other at the wedding ceremony, we committed to God that we would leave the timing and amount of children in His hands. Of course, both being from “large” families (Josh the oldest of 19 and Anna number 5 out of 8 ) we knew that the question would come up, “So how many children will you have?” Anna responds, “We would be happy with two or three if that is all God blesses us with, but we believe that children are a blessing from God and we look forward to receiving each gift that He gives us.”

The decision to trust God with our family size is based on our desire to serve God with every decision of our life.

[HT: Daena]

6/7, 9:53p: We’ve been following the growth of baby Josie Duggar since she was prematurely born at 25 gestation weeks on December 10, 2009.

Today, Josie appeared with her family on The Today Show.

The Duggar clan was on to promote the debut of Jim Bob and Michelle’s new book, A Love that Multiplies: A Close Up View of How They Make it Work.

In addition, Season 6 of the Duggars’ hit reality show, 19 and Counting, premieres tonight….



It’s great to see baby Josie looking so healthy, certainly an answer to prayer. This family is such a wonderful testimony. From Tonawanda News on June 3:

[S]aid Jana Duggar, 21, who echoed her parents about the media attention…. “We really think of it as a ministry. Our main goal is to let people know that children are a blessing from God.”

[HT: Laura Loo]

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