Reminder: National Pro-life T-Shirt Weekend is on!
Reminder: American Life League’s National Pro-Life T-Shirt Weekend launched last night! Read backstory here.
ALL is sponsoring a fun contest for kids involving taking photos in crazy places wearing your pro-life t-shirt.
But wearing a pro-life t-shirt is something pro-lifers of all ages can do. Be the billboard!

Last night I wore a shirt that says “Silenced 01-22-73” to a barbeque.
Several times I was asked to explain it. One guy grabbed my arm and read the shirt, then said “who was silenced? What happened on that date?” and he seemed very shocked when I answered “56 Million people were silenced”
I get the impression that I am the only one here with any pro life shirts.
My whole family has them. I buy several for my two oldest children and they hand them out to their friends for ProLife Tshirt week.