The word “contraception” simply means “anti-conception.”

Its dictionary definition: “Intentional prevention of conception or impregnation through the use of various devices, agents, drugs, sexual practices, or surgical procedures.”

The Catholic News Agency reported August 23:

The developer of new fertility management software says it is becoming the “new face” for natural family planning. It can assist couples in conceiving or in avoiding pregnancy and help Catholics live their faith….

Novuscor’s FertileView software collects “very specific” information about ovulation and fertility that allows women to understand “exactly what their bodies are doing”…. The program helps women and their husbands structure their actions around their “fertility goals.”…

The software pinpoints a woman’s ovulation and predicts the best time to achieve pregnancy, helping to address fertility issues for both women and men….

Despite Catholic teaching that contraceptive use is sinful, Catholics appear to be contracepting at the same rate as non-Catholics.

Although many people are contracepting, [owner Tim] Boh said, “they’re not all happy about it either.”

“They just don’t think they have another option. They really do, they just don’t know it.”

Weekend question: Is natural family planning  just a natural method of contraception?


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