Life Links 10-24-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- At RH Reality Check, we find another stone to mountain of evidence showing Amanda Marcotte’s inability to do basic research. She makes the following absurd claim:
For instance, in Tennessee, they’re just straight taking contraception funding and giving it to anti-contraception propaganda centers called “crisis pregnancy centers”.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Shelby County Commission voted to have Christ Community Health Services provide the county’s family planning program over Planned Parenthood. CCHS is obviously not a CPC unless CPCs started providing primary and dental care and no one let me know. CCHS is also obviously not “anti-contraception” since they scored higher than Planned Parenthood on their ability to provide family planning services. Maybe Amanda thinks they’re anti-contraception because they will refer out emergency contraception requests instead of providing them.
- At Public Discourse, Michael Paulsen discusses laws banning sex-selection abortions:
Four states – Illinois, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and most recently Arizona – have enacted laws prohibiting sex-selection abortion. Those laws have yet to be tested in the courts. At least seven other states have considered bills that would ban the practice….
Are such bans constitutional, under the Supreme Court’s decisions creating a right to abortion? The question such laws present is a dramatic one, challenging the underpinnings of Roe v. Wade in the most fundamental and direct of ways: Does the U.S. Constitution create a right to abortion, even when the woman’s reason for abortion is that she does not like the sex of her unborn child?
Sadly, the answer, under the Supreme Court’s absurd, through-the-looking-glass constitutional law of abortion, is yes….
Even after viability, a woman may abort for any “health” reason, an exception that ends up swallowing the rule: The Court’s abortion decisions define “health” justifications for abortion to include any “emotional,” “psychological,” or “familial” reason for wanting an abortion.
A pregnant woman’s (or a couple’s) preference for a boy rather than a girl would seem to fit comfortably within the gaping loophole for “emotional” or “familial” reasons for abortion….
The fact that laws banning sex-selection may fly in the face of the Roe and Casey decisions is no reason not to enact them. On the contrary, it is a powerful reason to enact them: The justices, and abortion supporters generally, ought to be forced to confront the uncomfortable reality of the Court’s abortion jurisprudence.
[Photo via]

The pro-choice taxpayers of Tennessee are subsidizing a clearly Christian, anti-choice health care provider:
“Reports indicate that Christ Community has no intention of providing referrals to women who choose to have abortions, whether that is for personal or medical reasons. From a report by a Memphis newspaper (emphasis added):
“We really try to provide women with other options and make sure they have those possibilities. And if they at the end still want a pregnancy termination,we know they know where to go,” Donlon said.
Christ Community has also said it will not provide emergency contraception, only doing so through a third party. No details are available about how this will happen in practice, and how much additional time, travel and cost women may be subjected to in order to access this legal, previously available, and non-abortifacent medical care. This change clearly creates an additional burden for women seeking emergency contraception, and the women of Memphis currently have no guarantees that the third party provision will happen in a timely way, while timely administration of emergency contraception drugs is absolutely crucial for them to work”
Fowler (Director, Family Action Council) said it is working with a pregnancy care center chain to install a clinic in-house to give women in crisis pregnancies easier access to counselors who can discuss adoption and other life-affirming options with them
Once again, in the service of a religious agenda, low income women are the losers.
Good golly – many hospitals have religious affiliation – and in case one had not noticed before – it happens to be the way-of-life for religious entities to help the poor … I am sure that CC would not want to take away all the religious institutions. They are the ones who help the down-trodden, the poor, the marginalized.
Ever hear of Mother Theresa? The area homeless shelters – Catholic Worker Houses? Lutheran Social Services? Catholic Social Services? Prison ministries? St. Vincent de Paul Society? the list keeps on going….
Helping others is part of our way of life. Part of our make-up. Do we do it perfectly? No – but we keep on trying…
We just won’t help others end the life of other humans. That should be part of the Hippocratic Oath – but somehow, that has changed over the years.
Once again, in the service of a religious agenda, low income women are the losers.
How do you figure? Are low-income women missing out, or are you simply basing such an assertion of what you think might happen?
CC says:
Once again, in the service of a religious agenda, low income women are the losers.
Seems like they win to me. CCHS has 6 locations in the Memphis area, PP only has one. Yay for convenient access to health care!
From the CCHS website:
“Every patient deserves access to quality, affordable health care close to home. Our commitment to serve Memphis’ most medically underserved has determined the locations of our clinics – southwest Memphis, Frayser, Orange Mound, Hickory Hill and Binghampton – and we will continue to expand into the areas of greatest need.”
What a bunch of little brats over at RH Reality Check. It would be as if the Jehovah’s Witnesses offered me FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE and I ignored that fact and whined about how they will not cave in on their cherished religious principals and give blood transfusions.
If it is really that big of a deal, why doesn’t the pro-choice community offer their own free healthcare in the area instead? Hahaha like that would ever happen.
We need Amanda Marcotte. Without her, nobody would be able to make Gail Collins look like a rocket scientist by comparison.
Oh ya, let’s listen to the Commercial Appeal who practically is a paid political ad for PP.
Read this about how they are whining after losing the bid. After having the bid automatically awarded to them they are complaining that the RFP was not fair because they (PP) did not understand the standards. Remember PP/Memphis stared in one of Live Action’s videos showing them covering up for statutory rape of a minor.
“It would be as if the Jehovah’s Witnesses offered me FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE and I ignored that fact and whined about how they will not cave in on their cherished religious principals and give blood transfusions.”
…well, if they provided the most accessible, convenient health care facility for you, and you needed acute care requiring a blood transfusion, I’m sure you’d be “whining.” When does it become acceptable to offer sub-standard care to the poor? Should we stop providing care to participants after a clinical trial is over, telling them that they were lucky enough to get medicine for even that length of time?
“If it is really that big of a deal, why doesn’t the pro-choice community offer their own free healthcare in the area instead?”
…because there’s the infrastructure in place, via Title X funding, to offer something better than crappy fake ultrasounds and indoctrination barely disguised as counseling?
Those evil Christians!!!! They make me VEERRRRRRRY angry!
Megan, you’re just mad the CPCs won’t fall in line and call the baby a bunch of red circles.
In other words, they remind you that what you did wasn’t just a procedure. Hard to livve with, I agree.
Really? “Crappy fake ultrasounds”? Proof? *eyeroll* Just because you don’t like the truth, doesn’t mean it’s really just “fake”.
Once again cc proves that the abortion crowd despises the poor and cringes and cries anytime they are not being funneled down the chute toward death. You know cc, it is never too late to turn it around. You’ve probably got a few good years left, so come one, join the pro-life movement! We has cookies!
Apparently, CC can’t tell the difference between a Christian health center which doesn’t provide/refer abortions and a CPC. I guess to pro-aborts all health-related centers with a Christian founding are all the same. If they’re not Planned Parenthood, they’re evil fundies!!!
Facts don’t matter in the fight to sell abortions. They never have.
Like Pelosi’s hyper-shrill “WOMEN WILL BE DYING ON THE FLOORS!”
Like Planned Parenthood’s “Abortion is only 3% of our services.”
Like Marcotte’s claim that Christ Community Health Services is just an “anti-contraception” crisis pregnancy center. She will repeat this claim, many times.
Success is not measured by how accurate their statements are. Success is measured by how many gullible people can be persuaded to believe them.
“Megan, you’re just mad the CPCs won’t fall in line and call the baby a bunch of red circles.”
Hmm, no. I actually asked to see the ultrasound before the abortion. The nursing staff and the doctor–licensed, trained health care providers–explained what was going to happen during the procedure, too. I was counseled once a week in advance by a nurse, and another time during the day of the procedure. I felt informed. I wasn’t lied to. CPCs serve a particular purpose, but they do not offer medical care. A stand-alone ultrasound does not count as medical care, sorry.
I know that Christ Community Health Services is not a CPC, but they espouse the same regressive ideology as many religiously-affiliated CPCs do. A health care organization that does not even provide emergency contraception is hardly qualified to be receiving Title X funding, which is EXPLICITLY earmarked for family planning services. If they have to refer out for Plan B–which is criminal enough, since it’s obviously a time-sensitive manner–what other services can Christ Community Health Services deny its patients? If you don’t want to offer comprehensive family planning services, DON’T ACCEPT FEDERAL MONEY FOR IT.
“Like Pelosi’s hyper-shrill “WOMEN WILL BE DYING ON THE FLOORS!”
A woman in Phoenix almost died last year because the Catholic hospital she was at twiddled their thumbs about the ethics of providing her with an abortion. She was dying when they finally performed the procedure, and still the hospital was penalized for their actions. There was no time to bring her to another hospital that felt less squeamish about aborting an 11-week-old fetus so that unborn child AND mother wouldn’t die. That’s what conscience clauses with an exception only for imminent death will bring. And where is this “abortion in the case of impending death” exception in HR 358? Unless I’m mistaken, it’s only included with regards to insurance coverage, not in the section that deals with health care organizations. So yes, Pelosi is right. This bill is certainly not a gain for women’s health.
Good golly Miss Molly, Megan you had must have had ordered the Deluxe Express Cherry on Top Abortion Super Package!!!! Happy Happy Joy Joy!!
And yet at the end of your experience your child was dead.
And at the end of my experience my child was dead.(I could only afford the Lie to Me by Omission and Treat Me Like Crap Package)
Dress it up any way you would like Miss Megan. Abortion kills for profit.
Snarkiness gives you a way out of responding to things you don’t want to deal with, Carla. It’s a pattern I’ve noticed.
Wow. You have totally figured me out. I heart snark.
Please point out what I don’t want to deal with Megan.
I may not be able to respond right away. I am writing out my abortion story to share at my local Banquet for Life this Thursday. That is me. NOT dealing with it.