(Prolifer)ations 10-25-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- US News and Hot Air report on ousted Ohio Democratic Rep. Steve Driehaus, who is now suing the Susan B. Anthony List because he believes they contributed to his election loss. From US News:
Now there are lots of things said by outside interest groups during the heat of political campaigns that turn out to be untrue. What the SBA List said about the so-called pro-life Democrats who gave Obama the votes he needed to pass healthcare just doesn’t happen to be one of them….
Driehaus’s suit… goes directly at the heart of our First Amendment protections and criminalizes what is at least a difference of opinion….
What is equally curious, however, is why Judge [Timothy S.] Black has allowed the case to move forward and why he did not recuse himself from it since… he apparently is the former president and director of the Planned Parenthood Association of Cincinnati. As seeming conflicts of interest go this one is a real humdinger.
- Star Studded Super Step shows a video from the Dallas area, demonstrating how Planned Parenthood uses young teens (age 13+) in the Teenage Communication Theatre to promote comprehensive sex ed. By utilizing peer pressure, PP seeks to normalize sex among teens, who are impulsive risk-takers by nature, thereby building their core business of abortion:
- Secular ProLife examines the claim that pro-lifers are “anti-sex”:
People shouldn’t have sex until they are ready, and people certainly shouldn’t have unprotected sex if they aren’t prepared to handle the baby who may be conceived as a result. But that doesn’t make the pro-life movement anti-sex. It makes us anti-irresponsible-sex.
- Right to Life of Michigan reports that legislation has been passed requiring aborted children to be buried or cremated rather than disposed of in dumpsters – just like other human remains. I suppose now people won’t have to accidentally face the truth about what abortion does to preborn humans. I’m not sure this is progress.
- Rock for Life shares video of Skillet lead singer John Cooper, explaining the band’s song entitled, “Lucy,” which is about a couple’s grief after choosing to abort their child:
- Wesley J. Smith discusses the fact that abortion proponents really wish conscience protections didn’t exist. A current example is playing out in Washington, where Catholic Providence Health purchased Swedish Medical Center, which caused Swedish to refer abortion patients to Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest instead of providing abortions themselves. Hysteria and predictions of women dying in back alleys has predictably ensued. Choice does not appear to be enough… pro-aborts want widespread approval for the killing of the preborn.
- ProWomanProLife shares the results of a “happiness study” given to persons with Down syndrome:
We analyzed valid and reliable survey instruments from 284 people with DS on the mailing lists of 6 non-pro?t DS organizations around the country. Among those surveyed, nearly 99%
of people with DS indicated that they were happy with their lives, 97% liked who they are, and 96% liked howthey look. Nearly 99% people with DS expressed love for their families, and 97% liked their brothers and sisters.Abortion proponents are quick to bring up “quality of life” issues regarding persons with disabilities, but in this case, it’s clear that those with DS are happy and grateful to be alive.
- Parenting Freedom hosts a video which asks, “What would you do if you had no fear” on the issue of natural family planning:
[Driehaus photo via wnd.com]
I have an essay about Jayne Mansfield’s strong opposition to abortion at http://mensnewsdaily.com/2011/02/15/are-abortion-foes-sexually-repressed
Jayne Mansfield was called a lot of things but few would consider her a “prude,” “puritan,” or sexually repressed.
“What is equally curious, however, is why Judge [Timothy S.] Black has allowed the case to move forward and why he did not recuse himself from it since… he apparently is the former president and director of the Planned Parenthood Association of Cincinnati. As seeming conflicts of interest go this one is a real humdinger”.
Curious perhaps, but not a surprise. The Clinton appointee is doing exactly what he was put there for—to advance the liberal cause when and wherever feasible. First amendment? Didn’t you know that is only for liberals?
The courts in this country are becoming a joke and are precisely why we cannot afford another four years of Obama. This next election is crucial if for no other reason than who will be making judicial appointments the next 4 to 8 years. No matter which way it turns out future historians will see 2012 as the turning point. As it is we will have barely survived four years of the Alinskyite socialist Obama and it will take a decade or more to undo the harm he has foisted upon our economy and our courts.
“likes” and thumbs up to the natural family planning. The vid speaks the truth. Very early on I counseled my daughters about the health dangers of OCP’s and can happily say they practice NFP very successfully – and I have the every two year, well spaced and planned grandchildren to prove it! :)
Sounds like people with Downs Syndrome are a whole lot happier with themselves and their lives than people who are considered “normal”. Something to think about.
Asking that the aborted baby’s remains be cremated or buried is a wonderful and respectful idea. I love it for a a bunch of reasons and would like to see it mandatory everywhere abortion exists. Here are my reasons: 1) it reminds people the baby they just killed is human; 2) it raises the cost of an abortion; and 3) it reduces the chance the aborted baby will be used for scientific research/exploitation.
The remains of an aborted child before cremation can be used for DNA to catch the sex traffickers and adult men who impregnate their teenage “girlfriends” and try to hide the evidence with abortion. You know. The ones that PP gives a wink and a nod to.
If it is a rape the police should be involved before any abortion occurs. PP is supposed to report instances of rape to the authorities. Carla, you provided another reason as to why these laws are necessary – they help ensure that PP follows the laws already in existence by inserting another appropriate step!! The laws tell PP we respect the Dead and that they can not simply toss the baby into dumpster and fail to report rape.
Of course police should be involved when a 12, 13 or 14 year old is waiting at the mill for an abortion.
PP is “supposed to report.”
And that, Tyler is the point. They are supposed to. They do not.
See the Live Action videos of PP “helping” the perps.
Carla, don’t you think burying and therefore identifying the baby is better than tossing the baby in a bin or basket with other dismembered babies and body parts a more useful way to allow the police, if need be, to examine the aborted baby. If the baby is cremated, and the cremation is documented, the police won’t waste valuable time. Also, if PP are not told by the Mother that she had been raped, the baby, would still be buried, allowing for a greater chance to identify the perp through the babies dna.
Anyway, the majority of abortions are not performed for reasons of rape.
Also, should we not respect the lives of babies who are conceived in rape? Do these babies deserve any less respect than those babies who are aborted for reasons of convenience?
We are veering a bit off topic.
George Tiller had a crematorium right on site. Which I find hideous.
I agree that any child’s remains should be treated with respect and honored in a memorial service. Rather than thrown in the trash as medical waste. Whether the child was conceived in rape or not. (not sure where you get the idea that I do not respect all children but anyway……..)
There is really nothing to argue. I am a passionate prolifer and a post abortive mom and here we are.
Have a good day, Tyler!
Thanks for explaining your reasoning. I should’ve asked since I wasn’t following your line of thought. I now know why you don’t like the cremation idea. Your point is a good one and very important – any new law that requires the baby to be provided a memorial service (burial or cremation) should also ensure that the abortionist is not also the person who performs/provides the burial or cremation services. I agree having a crematorium on site adds a new dark dimension to the abortion mill. What will those folks think of next.
Our discussion was fruitful…
Thank you, Tyler. I think we were saying the same thing??
I think. :)