Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • 40 Days for Life tells a “wow” story about an abortionist’s wife and teen who spoke to a sidewalk counselor, thanking the peaceful protesters for being there and for joining her in prayer for her husband’s conversion.

  • MN Citizens Concerned for Life promotes the idea that voters should priorities pro-life issues because “abortion is the leading cause of human death in the United States. About 1.2 million innocent human beings are unjustly (yet legally) killed by abortion every year. So both the gravity and scale of the abortion problem make it the most important (domestic, at the very least) political issue.”

  • Fletcher Armstrong addresses a letter written by a college student after she witnessed a Genocide Awareness Project on her campus and found the photos “assaulting, violent, nauseating,” etc. Armstrong agrees: 

    … assaulting, violent, difficult to look at, nauseating, shocking, traumatizing, etc. Those are your words and we agree. Abortion is all of those things. But here is a fundamental question: How is it that pictures of abortion are too horrific to see, but the act of abortion is OK to do?…

    You wanted filers on a table, so that you could ignore them. Your complaint reminds us of what they said to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., when he marched against racial injustice. They wanted him to confine his activities to the Black church, where he could talk about racism among people who cared about racism….

    King said that, “America will not reject racism until America sees racism.” His niece, Dr. Alveda King, now says that “America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion.”

  • The Anti-Abortion Gang corrects four erroneous statements being circulated about the Mississippi Personhood Amendment, pointing out that the real motive behind the opposition is sex without consequences.
  • Abortion Abolitionists Society of Oklahoma explains that they support only breast cancer research organizations which do not help to fund Planned Parenthood.
  • Live Action tells of how one homeschooling mom used chicken hatching as a way to educate her students about life issues.
  • Culture Campaign discusses GOP candidate Herman Cain’s comments on Planned Parenthood’s history during CBS’s Face the Nation, as well as his position on abortion:

[Photo via Fletcher Armstrong]

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