Final Update: Ask Them What They Mean by “Choice” Day
UPDATE 1/30, 7:12a: We blindsided and overwhelmed NARAL last year with our “Ask Them What They Mean by ‘Choice'” Day, but this year the group was more prepared. They signed up 1/3 more blogs to participate and tried to keep up with our counter-tweets.
But we forced them to think about what “choice” really stands for, whether they wanted to or not. And NARAL will never ever again be able to euphemistically celebrate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade online unanswered.
The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank noted NARAL’s “Blog for Choice Day” in his list of “carnivals” surrounding the terrible anniversary.
Thanks to all who blogged, tweeted, and Facebooked their groups to remind them what “pro-choice” actually means.
UPDATE 1/22, 3:35p: I’m still adding blogs and reading some great posts. Don’t forget to use hashtag #tweet4choice on all pro-life tweets today.
UPDATE 1/22, 9:10a: Today is the tragic, terrible 39th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized the subsequent murders of 55 million children and counting.
Abortion proponents call this “choice.” They fear the word “abortion.” They know it has negative connotations – not so different from the word “holocaust.”
So today NARAL is sponsoring the euphemistic Blog for Choice Day.
But we’re not going to let them get away with it. Dozens of pro-life bloggers have banded together to write their thoughts about “choice.” See them listed when you open this post.
And pro-lifers on Twitter, Facebook and all over the web are going to call the other side out when they try to gloss over the reality of killing innocent preborn babies with that dastardly word “choice.”
Feel free to use our graphic on your Facebook page today. Tweeters use hashtags #tweet4choice and #blogforchoice on all pro-life tweets today.
UPDATE 1/20, 8:15a: I added 10 or so blogs to the list this morning, which made my day. Down on the Pharm wrote a good explanation on the purpose of this endeavor:
January 22 is a special day for the abortion supporters to push their cause using blogs and social media. It’s the 39th anniversary of unfettered recreational abortion brought to you by your Supreme Court.
The pro-life bloggers and their contributors are using the same day to ask them: ‘exactly what do they mean by CHOICE’? This campaign is rebirthed by Jill Stanek and friends. Feel free to join the party. If you tweet, add #tweet4choice to your effort. Use your facebook or similar accounts too! It’s good clean fun, and will drive NARAL nutz.
1/19, 9:10p: This Sunday, January 22, pro-life bloggers, tweeters, facebookers, commenters, debaters, apologists, and rabble-rousers will band together to counter NARAL’s Blog for Choice Day by asking them everywhere they can, “What do you mean by that word, ‘choice'”?
On Sunday we will not let the other side get away with the euphemism “choice” to cover for the word they for some reason like to avoid: Abortion. In other words, killing babies.
Feel free to use the graphic, right, as your Facebook profile photo for the day, and also on your blog.
On Twitter use the hashtag #Tweet4Choice for all your pro-life tweets. Let’s take it over.
Here are the blogs that have signed on to participate thus far…
A Catholic Mom in Hawaii
A Star of Hope
Abby Johnson
Accepting Abundance
Aloha Life Advocates
And Sometimes Tea
The Bitter Americans
C-5?s Simian Roadhouse
Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Catholic Fire
Catholic Sistas
Citizens 4 Freedom
The Cloakroom (FRC)
Crazy Cat Lady Mews
Creation Tips
Daughter of Mary
Day by Day in Our World
Deeper Truth Blog
Designs by Birgit
Disabled Children Human Rights
Down on the Pharm
Equipping Catholic Families
For Love of Cupcake
Foundation Life
FRC Blog
Freedom Eden
Generations for Life
God Is At Work In You!
The Holy Face of Jesus
Illinois Review
In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being
Joseph Karl Publishing’s Blog
Josiah Concept Ministries
Joy Filled Family
Katy Pundit
The Latter Days
Left Coast Refugee
Lisa Graas
Tony Layne
Little Bytes News
Little Catholic Bubble
Lox Populi
Man with Black Hat
Little Catholic Bubble
Massachusetts Citizens for Life
Mommy Life
Moronic Pro-Choice Quotes
My Drop in the Ocean
Operation Rescue
Philothea on Phire
Pro-Life Action League
Pro Life in TN
Pro-Life Nation
Pro-Life Wisconsin
Radar Active
Radiant Cross Right to Life
Raising & Teaching Little Saints
Random Thoughts and Musings
Religiously Incorrect
Rosary Mom
Secular Pro-Life
Seeking to Walk in the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Simon Says
Societal Squalor
Sorry All the Clever Names are Taken
The Spiritual Workout
Stand for Life
Star Studded Super Step
Suzy B (SBA List)
TFP Student Action
True Love Leads to Life
The Unborn Voice
Van Maren Traditionalist Views
Wheat & Weeds
ZOEgirl Canada
What, your blog isn’t yet on the list? It’s not too late! Email me to add it.
You don’t have Catholic Fire listed here and I emailed you the same day you contacted me.
Gotta love the Z!
i’m not sure why “C-5?s Simian Roadhouse” is first, though. Not fighting, just pointing that out. ;)
Reminds me of that part in the Steve Jobs autobiography, where they pointed out that Apple would appear at the beginning of telephone book directories.
Ya, my blog is decorated for Funday on Sunday.
Zoe, you caught me in a bad alpha moment! My mind saw the “5” first. Will move! Merci!
Jean, sorry for the miss. Added.
The proaborts will most likely switch hashtags in order to avoid us. If I find any new ones from them, I’ll post them here. Rumble!
Choice to carry a pregnancy to term or have a legal abortion. D’uh.
Choice to have your offspring ripped apart by a strong vacuum, or poisoned if under 9 weeks or to have your offspring dismembered by forceps or lethally injected. Duh, too.
Oh, I forgot. Some abortionists offer “gentle aspiration” as a weapon of “choice”. Doesn’t that sound benign; they probably offer aromatherapy and soft lighting and “twilight anesthesia”.
Most kids learn that asking the same question over and over when they already know the answer is dumb.
“Choice” means either continue with the pregnancy and become a parent, continue with the pregnancy and adopt out, or end the pregnancy by terminating the fetus.
You know this.
@Reality, yes we know this, but we prefer to say the abortionist, mother, (and/or others complicit) in killing the innocent human growing inside the mother. Why can’t you just write this?
Doe, the question being posed is “what do you mean by choice?”
I have given the answer.
“yes we know this,” – then why keep asking?
“but we prefer to say the abortionist, mother, (and/or others complicit) in killing the innocent human growing inside the mother. Why can’t you just write this?” – because its not accurate. That’s just one of the choices.
Ok, Reality, I should have been more specific. My question is for you and the rest of the pro-abortion population. When stating you are for the third action, as you wrote above, ”end the pregnancy by terminating the fetus”, why this “choice” of words? Are you and other pro-aborts uncomfortable writing or saying “killing” a woman’s offspring?
“Choice to carry a pregnancy to term or have a legal abortion. D’uh.”
kids do indeed learn that asking the same question, when they already know the answer, is dumb, yes. But, follow me here, no one is suggesting that by asking the question we are seeking to learn the answer, or don’t already know that the answer will be euphemized as you’ve done.
I am sure you’re at the least familiar with the story of Adam and Eve, yes? The traditional Judeo-Christian understanding of the passages is that God did not ask Adam about his sin, or Cain about his murder in order to learn something he was ignorant of. God asked the question to force Cain to face his sin, and own up to it; a dynamic which you have, sadly, predictably, managed here to dodge.
just what does “terminate the fetus” mean in modern American idiom, rather than flat, 1970s Sci-Fi speak?
a brother in Christ posted this link on Facebook last night, earlier Sunday…
and not knowing if you knew of it or not, I thought I should pass it along.
-Kevin, from Philly
and thank you for fighting part of the good fight
You don’t have Barnabus and the Babushkas listed either.
My post is up.
murder day!
I would challenge us on the life side to also ask, what do we mean by life?
Do we mean that parents choosing life should start off with $10K plus in hospital bills? Do we mean that our children go to schools with shortages of desk and books? Do we mean that they live in a society where we applaud executions and fight to have guns anywhere and everywhere?
i challenge all to value every life, not just up until the moment of birth, but after that and through a natural death.
“i challenge all to value every life, not just up until the moment of birth, but after that and through a natural death.”
Amen to this.
Whoops, my blog didn’t make the list. Thanks, Jill, for inspiring prolifers to speak the truth, and safe travels to all who are traveling to DC for the March For Life!
Here’s my post:
“Let me tell you something about being pro-choice:
A) Hitler was pro-choice. He chose to send the Jews to Auschwitz. That was not the Jews’ choice, that was Hitler’s choice.
B) Murderers and assassins are pro-choice. They choose to put a gun to your face and blow your head off. That is not your choice, that is their choice.
C) The baby in a woman’s womb will not choose the saline solution that will burn his skin away nor will he choose the forceps that will crack his little head off. That is not his choice, that is your choice.”
– State Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr. (D-NY)
Right you are. Hitler also introduced abortion on demand to Eastern Europe. Sanger was a big fan of his. The apple never rots far from the tree, eh? An interesting aside-the creators of RU-486 were the same who created the zyklon-b gas crystals used in NAZI death chambers. Coincidence? Not hardly.
Twitter has been over capacity for over 30 minutes! Are you responsible, Jill ??
Will keep trying!
Kevin, ‘terminate the fetus’ means exactly that. It doesn’t mean ‘murder’ and it doesn’t take the life of a person.
I love the ‘fingers in ears la la la’ approach taken whereby the true and accurate answer is ignored.
So Kevin, is it still the claim that Eve was wrought from Adam’s rib?
Kevin – as you can see Reality is suffering from PTSD related to an experience she had earlier in life – an abortion.
Ask her what terminating means…
or ask her what a fetus is….
or ask her if she’s really a person, and if so, could she prove it by being shredded into pieces like she’s advocating in a D&E,
or ask her if she’s okay with either being stabbed in the neck with scissors, suffocated, or being put in a non-life supporting environment by a hired professional because someone doesn’t want her around….
Just don’t expect to get anything close to a rational answer, because her fingers are stuffed so far into her own ears she can’t see daylight.
In reality, she has the shame of what she’s done to cover up – or to seek justification for her own prior actions. She just doesn’t want to admit it.
I think Jill’s gotten as overwhelmed with responses — my blog’s up as of yesterday, by the way — as Twitter is with the back-and-forth. Anybody else having trouble tweeting?
God bless you, Jill and all who are participating…don’t stop!
My my, what a staggering array of inaccuracies Chris!
Does it ever, really bother you deep down in your heart Reality?
Aren’t you ready to stop the denial?
Or is it so overwhelming that you feel you’d shatter if you so much acknowledged anything that approached the truth?
Pro-lifist says:
January 22, 2012 at 2:59 pm
“Let me tell you something about being pro-choice:
A) Hitler was pro-choice. He chose to send the Jews to Auschwitz. That was not the Jews’ choice, that was Hitler’s choice.
– –
That’s crazy – Hitler wanted Gypsies, etc., to have no choice and the policy was that they had to have abortions. Aryan women were forbidden to have them.
Chris – do you realize this is why a lot of people can’t stand Christians/pro-lifers?
“Does it ever, really bother you deep down in your heart Reality?” – the only thing that bothers me is the attempts to control women (and others) and limit their choices.
“Aren’t you ready to stop the denial?” – i’m not denying anything.
“Or is it so overwhelming that you feel you’d shatter if you so much acknowledged anything that approached the truth?” – I know and accept the truth.
Ex-GOP said: Chris – do you realize this is why a lot of people can’t stand Christians/pro-lifers?
What to call BS on Reality’s statements?
Did you check for a plank in your own eye?
I’m not in a popularity contest, so I really don’t care about your rebuke, however the following response might enlighten you about why sometimes pro-lifers are rather blunt in their responses.
Although Reality has her problems, this is much more about the abortion profiteers leaving lives in ruins and profiting at the expense of other’s misery.The abortion industry makes money from abortion. The medical industry makes money off abortion, and pharmaceutical companies make money off anti-depression/insomnia/anti-psychiotic drugs. Doctors make money off treating post-abortive patients. The alcohol industry makes money off of selling booze to self-medicate. It’s plain to see stupid promotional stunts like “Blog for Choice” day are nothing more than cheerleading sessions for the pro-abortion tribe which in the long run generates salaries and jobs, ad nauseum.
And Reality seemingly unwittingly, and quite sadly supporting that effort. (Her sheer and utter denial after a while is monotonously disturbing.)
The murder of innocents, the suffering and suicides afterwards – none of this is worth defending. So when I see someone claim we, pro-lifers who face the reality of abortion and it’s aftermath, have our fingers stuck in our ears because we don’t want to face reality…. well then it might call for some plain and direct talk about their own projections.
The whole Roe trumpeting thing fails to acknowledge the destruction it has wrought.
Jesus had no problem telling people straight up about the truth.
Apparently, you have no problem voicing your opinion/observations about me.
One last consideration. When Reality and her associates play semantic denial games, they’re calling Carla and all the other post-abortive women and men liars.
That too is wrong and they need to be called on it.
REality–you are so sad. You could be having Sunday dinner with your son or daughter….instead, you’re alone, sitting at your computer, trying to find words for a horror that ought to have no name. Shame on you for not speaking up for the weak. The shame is yours.
Chris – do you think it is any coincidence that my statement to you quickly picked up 6 likes, none of which were mine?
I didn’t post a whole story of what you’ve done in life, accurate or not, and laid thick and heavy guilt with attacking statements. All I said about you is that when Christians do that, it gives the name of Jesus a bad name.
And yes, Jesus had not problem telling the straight up truth.
When you become Jesus, give me a call.
You still didn’t answer my last question, Reality. I didn’t write murder. Why your and other proponents choice of words?
Ex–you hate Christians, that’s on YOU.
Jesus stood for life, for all to have it more fully. He would NEVER look at an innocent child and say, you know, we could do without you.
Get over yourself. It’s the first step.
I AM a Christian.
I do hate when people have the cause of abortion as an idol in their life and put the cause of abortion above the cause of Christ.
In reality, people don’t run from pictures and descriptions of the choices they promote.
Please, prochoicers, proudly display pictures of terminated boy and girl fetuses. Be proud of the choice of abortion!
Funny story, sometimes when I debate abortion with a pro-choicer, they make up a quite interesting life story for me. It usually involves me wanting to force all women to have my babies or something, lol! Entertainment factor aside, I never take those people seriously, since they don’t bother to debate facts, they just use emotional rhetoric.
Seems like you are doing something similar here with Reality, Chris. Who I thought was male for some reason? Anyway, not a particular good way to get your point across, and is pretty darn rude.
It would not be erroneous if I said, “If you support legalized murder because that person becomes inconvenient, you cannot be a Christian.” That makes sense.
It also makes sense for me to say, if you fight for abortion rights, you know NOTHING about who Jesus was, what he stood for, and what he was trying to accomplish as far as ethics go. The reason so many Christians are incensed about abortion rights is that it is the first line in the sand as far as ethics and morals go: if we cannot value human life, in ANY form, then we cannot do the will of God. It’s really imporatant, GOP. Sorry you can’t see that. And if you truly cannot, you are the scariest kind of Christian there is.
Cournay -
Can you point to a single post I’ve made in the history of this blog site where I’ve argued in favor of abortion rights?
Just one?
If not, could you please offer me an apology?
You realize that Ex is anti-abortion, though, Courtnay? Again, the assumptions people make!
Honestly, from a non-Christian, I would never in a million years have an honest conversation about Christianity with someone who talked to me like Chris talked to Reality. I doubt I would if I were pro-abortion, either. It’s not a good way to have a dialogue, about religion or anything else. It’s attacking, it makes people defensive.
Amen Jack…
and if you ever want to talk about Christianity, just let me know! :-)
Ex, you fail to realize how important this issue is to Christians. I bet you voted for Obama. I will say if you canbvote for a man who will watch a video of a third trimester abortion and support him, I say you know nothing of Jesus either.
But don’t fret. I called out the whole Kennedy clan of burrowing rodents too.
Courtnay – i do, and I believe abortion will never be illegal in this land, and we should do things to decrease abortion and make it as rare as possible. Given the fact that one party wants to expand health care, education, and financially fights for support of families during down times in life (unemployment) – and the other party wants to increase the amount of uninsured, and would rather fight for the rich to keep more of their money than families or the poor…I think that Obama offered more than McCain did.
But a deeper question – where in your Bible does it say that one’s abortion views are central to belief in Christ?
Uh, well, let’s start with the 10 commandments. And then we can go to Matthew 5, where Jesus tells us to absolutely obey these commandments. And then we can finish with his saying, what you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.”
Obama has no problem with the slaughter as it stands. Therefore, if he (and you) cannot support with your vote the right to be born and live, then don’t YOU DARE taljk to me about welfare and health insurance. You have lost every cent of credibility.
Courtnay – again, this angry rhetoric gets us nowhere.
So are you saying that if a person supports another person who even supports something that is contrary to the ten commandments, then they aren’t a Christian?
Doesn’t capitalism practically scream coveting? Doesn’t free speech allow for the breaking of multiple commandments? So under your own logic, wouldn’t voting for anyone who supports free speech also run you into hot water?
In Matthew 5 though, I’d scroll down to verses 21-22. Aren’t you essentially calling me a fool here? Your quote “You have lost every cent of credibility” seems to say that, even though I am against abortion, and for supporting the poor and sick?
Jack: sometimes when I debate abortion with a pro-choicer, they make up a quite interesting life story for me. It usually involves me wanting to force all women to have my babies or something, lol!
Oh come on, Jack! Hey – remember when you and I were married and you wanted to force me and several other women to have your babies?
You’re still being inaccurate Chris.
You are correct Jack, I am male, as has been made quite clear previously. Kinda blows Chris’s little tirade out the water!
Your piece is a fable too Courtnay.
“He would NEVER look at an innocent child and say, you know, we could do without you.” – well someone did, Isaiah 14.21.
Angry rhetoric! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 3,500-4,000 babies each day, that your president calls MISTAKES (and that’s a quote), and wants to insure that more babies can die, not less, and you’re wondering where my priorities are?? I live in an America I hardly recognize. I’m wondering why you’re not angrier? This is YOUR GUY.
PS–you have no idea what I do for the sick and the poor. But I have a clear idea what you’re willing to do for the unborn. If you REALLY thought abortion was murder, you would support a true pro-life candidate.
Courtnay -
I believe you probably should open a history book or better understand the constitution.
How do you think abortion would look in the US if John McCain had won the Presidency? Any different at all? We had Republican presidents for 20 of 28 years. Are you seriously saying that supporting McCain in the last election was a heroic vote for life? Come on.
In response to your last statement – my family had three wonderful daughters and never once even considered abortion. If I were President, day one, I’ve put in legislation that banned abortion, instituted universal healthcare and gave college access to all. That is what I would do.
Late to the game, busy day, but got a blog post up on the topic:
Ironically, our daughter, Michelle, underwent life-saving heart surgery at Christ Hospital. The idea that a hospital named Christ would be involved in harming “the least of these!” Thank you for putting your ideals above your bank account, leaving your chosen profession and serving the Lord and all of humanity by fighting for Life instead of Death!
Kimbal, dad of six, grand-dad of three more and husband of a woman who worked for Project Reality.
The choice to legally continue the pregnancy or have an abortion.
“The choice to legally continue the pregnancy or have an abortion.”
Christian pro-choicers, unite! :)
“Choices” are only truly choices if that which is being chosen has a qualitatively similar outcome as that not chosen. Only in the mind of pro-choicers could one ever argue that having an abortion and not having an abortion have qualitatively similar outcomes. Of course, that’s why they hide behind the “choice” label to begin with and get offended when someone labels them as pro-abortion, but it is what it is.
“Choices” are only truly choices if that which is being chosen has a qualitatively similar outcome as that not chosen.” – which magic hat did you pull that out of?!?
“which magic hat did you pull that out of?!?”
Your name.
“A name is a word or term used for identification”
“A hat is a head covering. It can be worn for protection against the elements, for ceremonial or religious reasons, for safety, or as a fashion accessory”
Does that help you Some Guy?
Have you copyrighted your invention?
I forgot to answer the question properly. The choices are:
1 – Choose to murder your unborn child
2 – Choose to give him or her the same nurture your mother’s body gave to you
There is no refuge in the “no place for a child in my life” as there are long lines of couples wishing to adopt babies. You could find and help choose the family your child will join if you like? Or you can make it clear that you want no contact and release the child to be loved by others without your knowledge or involvement.
There are terrible bills to pay if you go with choice number one. Unless you are a totally heartless, self-centered individual or an outright sociopath, an abortion will haunt you. You will deal with guilt and misgivings and you take several health risks that Planned Parenthood will never tell you.
I was drafted into the military and was offered a nice cushy refuge in Canada. i could have dumped my country and avoided being taken by the Army. But I chose to become a soldier despite my disagreement with the way the Vietnam situation had been handled. I promise you that now I am very proud of being a veteran and would be continually mortified by the cowardice of running away. Maybe Jimmy Carter let them come back. But they know they ran away and that will never change. An abortion will never be undone.
“Does that help you Some Guy?”
No, because I have no idea what you’re on about.
What, you can’t discern the difference between a ‘name’ and a ‘hat’, even with the definitions provided? Wow.
The Walk was awesome this weekend. It looked like pro-lifers outnumbered the counter-protesters more than 5,000 to 1, LOL!!! And there were teens and 20-somethings as far as the eye could see. Ah, a most beautiful thing.
Hi Jill, I hope you got my email yesterday afternoon. I’m a pro-life blogger who supports the unborn! Thank you for gathering those who defend life together!
Some Guy says:
“Choices” are only truly choices if that which is being chosen has a qualitatively similar outcome as that not chosen.”
What?! Very often, one thing will be chosen above another because they have qualitatively different results.
“A name is a word or term used for identification”
“A hat is a head covering. It can be worn for protection against the elements, for ceremonial or religious reasons, for safety, or as a fashion accessory”
Reality, have you ever thought about changing your name to “Magic Hat”?
“What?! Very often, one thing will be chosen above another because they have qualitatively different results.”
You might want to re-read what I wrote out there, as I didn’t say people only “choose” between things which are qualitatively similar. I said “choices” are only truly choices if that which is being chosen is qualitatively similar to that which is not chosen. For example, someone, somewhere, will “choose” to kill someone versus not killing them. That doesn’t make their “choice” a choice in actuality, especially since the two outcomes of that “choice” are vastly different (harm versus no harm).
Nah Doug. I don’t wear hats and I don’t believe in magic.
You’re still wrong Some Guy.
“Christian pro-choicers unite” Yuk. It sickens me to even see the name of Jesus Christ preceding the choice to kill one’s own flesh and blood.
“You’re still wrong Some Guy.”
Am I, now?
The word choice is such a ploy. Call it what it is, “anti-life.”
The word life is such a ploy. Call it what it is, “anti-choice”.
“Life” is a ploy? HA. Pro-Life offers choices too. And, the only difference between the choices that Pro-Life offers and the ones “Pro-Choicers” offer is abortion. Abortion kills a living human being. Killing = death. The opposite of death is life.
What ploy? If you’re not comfortable with the cause for which you’re fighting, perhaps you should just get a new cause instead of baseless name-calling your opposition.
The word life is such a ploy. Call it what it is, “anti-choice”.
Nah, that doesn’t quite do it. “Anti-abortion” would work. “Anti-choice to kill the unborn” would also work. “Anti-choice” alone is just stupid. The “choice” needs to be qualified, since most pro-lifers are also pro- many, many choices that don’t involve killing.
The word life is such a ploy. Call it what it is, “anti-choice”.
….This has to be one of the stupidest statements I have ever read on this blog. In the future, please think before you post.
Besides, I would think that “anti-choice” would be a better description for the pro-abortion side. When a child is aborted, he/she has no choice in the matter,
CC says:
January 20, 2012 at 1:11 pm
Choice to carry a pregnancy to term or have a legal abortion. D’uh.