Life Links 1-12-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- UK abortionists are getting ready for an increased number of abortion procedures after the holiday season:
[GP Colin] Bradshaw, 57, said: “There is a significant increase in post-coital contraception in the week after the festive season. There are also more requests for terminations within the next few months….
If you are drinking enough that your defences are lowered, then you should be thinking about defences against getting pregnant.
- Rai Rojas, the Director of Hispanic Outreach for the National Right to Life Committee, discusses pro-life people who claim they wouldn’t vote for their non-favored Republican against President Obama:
I promise you, I am going to scream the next time I hear a conservative pundit or “family issues” blogger state that they wouldn’t vote for this guy or that guy if this guy or that guy wins the GOP nomination. And if one more holier-than-thou pro-lifer quips that so-and-so would be just as bad as Obama – I’m also going to scream, but not before I whack them straight up the side of their numb-skull head.
This president is the single most pro-abortion one we have ever had, worse, this is a president who has said that banning infanticide would impede a “woman’s right to choose.” Seriously. Are you still going to insist that Gingrich, Romney, Paul et al are just as bad? If so, you’ve lost all grip on reality.
- Maryland woman Sandra Craine is facing 5 years in jail after buying abortion pills online and giving them to a teenager who was 20 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Craine pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment after the teen she gave the pills to wound up in a hospital delivering a child hours after taking the pills:
“The pills arrive in the mail and (Craine) gives the packet to (the victim). She takes her first pill on the morning of June 30 and two hours later, the pregnant (victim) is in Union Hospital with pain. Her baby was born alive a short time later, but died shortly thereafter,” [Assistant State’s Attorney Kevin B.] Urick said.
Doctors who treated the victim contacted police and Det. Angel Valle of the Cecil County Sheriff’s Office, in turn, conducted the investigation that led to the indictment.

Call me crazy (as many as you are wont to do), but I want to kiss Rai Rojas!
Didn’t Bush allow embryonic stem cell research on certain lines under his watch? I remember reading that on a pro-life website and I was shocked. I googled it and it seemed to be true? He wasn’t “that” pro-life. Thanks to him we have the creation of the dept. of homeland security which characterizes us pro-lifers as terrorists.
I voted for Bush twice and voted for McCain even though I hated both. I am at the point where I have been thinking that I have been playing the game the establishment wants me to play. This is MY vote. I don’t have to settle for Romney just because a bunch of uninformed neocon Republicans say I have to. I will write in who I think would make the best president. It is MY vote. I am not playing their game anymore.
I always vote pro-life. I have voted for Democrats against Republicans because the Dems were pro-life and the Repubs were pro-abortion. I don’t care about “parties”. I don’t care about “primaries”. I care about issues and I vote how I want to vote. Rai Rojas doesn’t control my vote, thankfully. Its still MINE. Thank God. At the end of the day I will make the decision and I don’t play “lesser of two evils” type games.
Bush allowed the use of stem cell lines that were already left. Still like harvesting organs willy-nilly, but at least better than allowing any further destruction of embryos.
Obama, of course, is perfectly ok with that.
Just because they were already left doesn’t mean it was ethical to use them for experimentation. Reminds me of the folks who say “They will just be thrown out. Might as well use these embryos for x,y, z” Whats the difference?
Doesn’t uphold the dignity of the unborn at all.
And I’ll vote for who I think is best. Thank you one and all. I think if we started voting for candidates instead of playing these silly games and we all voted our conscience we wouldn’t be in the moral pickle we find our society in.
Doesn’t uphold the dignity of the unborn at all.
I think it upholds their dignity better than disposing of them as medical waste. But, that’s just me. I’m also an organ donor.
But X, I don’t think it’s either or. Neither is acceptable.
The difference X is that you weren’t created and destroyed on purpose for your parts. You also are giving your consent to use your body for the purposes of organ donation.
these embryos were created not to be brought to life and treated with the dignity each human person deserves. They were created as commodities and to be used for whatever parts or research they could afford. And they didn’t give their consent.
I agree with you Sydney. Using stem lines from now-dead embryos is only lighter shade of bad, since there was no consent. Like taking an organ from a dead slave.
I think we can all agree that adult stem cells is the only ethical way to go.
If it’s a choice between which dog turd they’re gonna make you eat, you might as well pick the most palatable, is all I’m sayin’. (in response to embryonic stem cell thing)
Now, on to the election…not that my commentary is going to change THAT much..but…
I will play the establishment’s game, because if I don’t, I will lose (even if I’m not playing), and the country will lose. Romney might be a disingenuous poseur, but so is Obama, and at least Romney’s going to try to pose closest to the way I want him to pose. Anything is better than Obama.
That’s my thinking too. Romney may be a plastic facsimile of a politician, but unlike Al Gore, he’s the plastic facsimile we want.