UPDATE, 7:52p: Personhood USA Life-stream choppy. CNN has great live-streaming here.

UPDATE, 7:15p: @thomas_hall tweets that over 40 media outlets are present…

UPDATE, 7:03p: The live-stream can be enlarged to full screen, if you didn’t notice. Sound isn’t great. I can hear better with earbuds. Tweet at hashtag #ProLifeForum.

UPDATE, 6:19p: The C-SPAN satellite truck is having problems, so the event at this point can only be seen live-streamed here (hopefully) or at Personhood USA. The stream should go live about 6:40p EST. CNN, Fox, and NBC will all be reporting live from the event, which does not mean the event will be broadcast live on those stations.

4:30p: In just a couple short hours four of the five remaining Republican presidential candidates will participate in the first ever Presidential Prolife Forum, televised beginning at 6:45p EST on C-SPAN and sponsored by Personhood USA.

Everyone in the nation, along with a standing room only crowd at the Hilton Ballroom in Greenville, South Carolina, will get to see pro-lifers Lila Rose, Daniel Becker, and Gualberto Garcia Jones interview GOP candidates Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum.

The only candidate not present will be Mitt Romney, who reportedly had a scheduling conflict. Coincidentally, Romney is also the only candidate who has not signed Personhood USA’s Prolife Presidential Pledge.

The event will be organized as a town hall meeting, so questions will not only come from the pro-life panel but also from the audience.

You can also watch the event live-streamed here:

Watch live streaming video from personhoodusa at livestream.com

The Personhood USA people tell me the Forum has received a lot of media attention. Fox and CNN plan to report from the event live.


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