Call your senator NOW: Reid to allow vote on repeal of contraceptive mandate
Last week Democrat pseudo-pro-life Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked a vote on a bill sponsored by Republican pro-life Senator Roy Blunt to repeal President Obama’s contraception/abortifacient/sterilization mandate.
Word this afternoon is Reid will allow the measure – #1520, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act – to be voted on, as soon as today.
These senators are said to be on the fence and need a call asap:
Casey (PA)
Conrad (ND)
Johnson (SD)
Landrieu (LA)
Lieberman (CT)
McCaskill (MO)
Nelson (FL)
Pryor (AR)
Tester (MT)
The National Right to Life Committee is scoring this vote.
[Graphic via RH Reality Check]
Obama is forcing Reid to do this because it gives him an out. Regardless of what the media or other wackjob liberals might say; this pharmaceutical abortificient mandate is a devasting pill for Obama’s re-election campaign to swallow.
Hi ts,
Don’t be fooled for a minute. Remember what I have said about sociopaths. They want you to think one thing while they do another. Obama wants this contraception issue bigtime.
Its his social “wedge” issue since Democrats no longer have abortion.
It will be a great weapon against Santorum. Not so much against Romney who made George Stephanopolous look like an idiot for bringing it up.
Our sociopath in chief is plotting very carefully for the November election and this contraception nonsense is all part of a carefully planned strategy. If you get a chance, go to Dick and see his video where he discusses this latest strategy. He points out this all started after Santorum’s big wins. Coincidence?
Thanks for this article Jill I will email friends I know in some of these states to call their senators. God bless.
People of faith are leaving Obama by the masses…pun intended.
Don’t be fooled for a minute. Remember what I have said about sociopaths. They want you to think one thing while they do another. Obama wants this contraception issue bigtime.
Mary, narcissistic sociopaths like Obama are also unable to see outside their own selves. His playbook has always been to stay on the offensive and be as blatant as possible in his hypocrisy; but he really can’t comprehend how/why the people of conscience make their decisions.
Ex-RINO, being the poll lover you are; you may want to bury your head in the sand for a while. Cause this is already getting ugly for you and your fearless leader; his poll numbers had actually started to rise a few weeks ago for some incomprehensible reason; but now they are in a downward spiral again. Please keep posting polls for us; it will be a lot of fun to read.
Hi ts,
These people see beyond themselves just fine, despite their self absorption. They are master manipulators. This whole thing is being orchestrated by Obama for a completely self serving purpose. As I said ts, don’t think he wants an “out”, he doesn’t.
That’s projecting your rational onto him. Its not about him not understanding our minds, its about us not undersanding his.
I don’t think they see beyond their playbook any better then they can give a speech without a teleprompter. He makes his living selling lies to the public. He tried making a phony concession on a Friday afternoon in hope of pushing the issue out of the public eye. This lie won’t sell and the USCCB are no Stupak.
Rasmussen (which has a historic right lean) – total approval for yesterday at 51% – one month ago it was 46%
Gallup – 47% approval – up a couple of points since last month
NYT/CBS – 50% approval
Overall though, Obama’s pushing it because it is popular policy among independents, and in a matchup with Romney, it won’t matter much anyways (as Romney mandated catholic hospitals cover emergency contraception).
Hi ts,
I’m afraid you believe that at your own risk. These people can read you like a book, which is what makes them such master manipulators. Sure he sells lies, trouble is people buy them.
That “concession” was exactly what I predicted he would do. Trouble is people bought that too.
I agree about the bishops. That’s the only shining light in this mess.
Oops! I was going to post that same poll as TS above above but noticed it was hiding up there behind graphics…I deleted mine.
So what I want to know is why 41 percent of Catholics are insane.
Respect for Rights of Conscience Act is #1467, not #1520.
Okay, nevermind. It seems the Blunt Amendment is #1520. The Respect for Rights of Conscience Act is S. 1467.
Mary, I think this issue will break any spell he may have still held over the religious who actually attend weekly services and practice their. But I agree with you that Obama has still got most of the public spellbound and supportive of his mandate so you still may be right about him calculating this as a net positive. We shall see. I am sure Ex-RINO will keep us posted with the polls…lol
So what I want to know is why 41 percent of Catholics are insane.
rasqual, figure out how somebody like Obama can get elected president and you might get closer to your answer.
Ex-RINO, latest gallup poll shows Obama’s approval rating down 5 points from just a week ago.
Truth – saw that earlier – 3 day rolling at 48% – will be interesting to see what the numbers over the next few days bring. I don’t know how far back Gallup goes – for instance, CNN is at 50%, but that goes from the 10-13, which is already 3 days old from the end of the survey.
That gallup poll was done in one day. That is why it was so low. Just a week ago in a similar daily poll he was 5% points higher. Comapred to one week ago Obama’s disapproval rate jumped 3% points too. I agree it will be interesting to watch this poll over the next few days but it would appear his approvalrating is slipping dramatically since he has declared the Obamacare abortificient mandate.
Truth -
Unfortunately, I can’t find the actual poll breakdown – they might not do that in their daily. Tough to know if the support was hit from Independent Catholics that previously supported him (a few days before), or if he took a hit from left leaning democrats that don’t want any compromise offered in the first place.
Regardless, more numbers will be out soon – hopefully with more data to look at.
Five percentage points is huge drop so he probably took a hit from everybody but the abortion lobby.
You’ll be happy to know that Gallup bounced up to 46% in the daily tracking, and Rasmussen’s daily tracking has him at 50%. No need to fear!