First graphic abortion Super Bowl ads air
Ads showing the graphic reality of abortion have begun airing during Super Bowl pre-game shows in various parts of the country.
Three pro-life activists registered as federal candidates have placed ads in 11 metropolitan areas throughout the U.S. to air during the Super Bowl and/or during pre- and post-game shows as well as during NBC news broadcasts tonight and tomorrow morning.
As previously reported, federal law stipulates television stations must air ads submitted by federal candidates uncensored.
Due to attempted interference by the Obama machine, Democrat presidential candidate Randall Terry, Democrat congressional candidate Angela Michael, and Republican congressional candidate David Lewis will not publicize where the ads ran until tomorrow.
But comments – pro and con – are coming in to their sites…
To Terry from PBerg:
Remember one thing, Mr. Perry ! You just witnessed what happens when an org cuts off funding to Planned Parenthood, and how immediate and forceful the action was against it. Komen will never recover from this. The day that you and your ilk start on Roe v Wade—-the rope will come out and there will be lynching the like of which you have never seen. I do not know what is lacking in men like you, that you feel you must control women and their bodies, but the days of females LETTING you get away with it are over. BEWARE !
To Lewis from Foster:
Children understand it’s wrong to kill children, it’s the adults that have the problem.
To Michael from Donna Mills said:
I am sitting here watching the Super Bowl per-game show having a nice day with my family and we are all of a sudden subjected to your awful commercial. This is the most horrible display of politicians trying to shock us into not voting for another candidate. I am a republican that most definately did not vote for Obama but I am also pro choice. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being!
To Lewis from Anonymous:
Thank you for showing these ads! This is exactly what people need to see. May God change the hearts and minds of those who support this holocaust.
Terry has messages on his site for post-abortive parents, pro-lifers, and those considering themselves “pro-choice.” There is also, “What do you say to small children who have seen this ad?”

Poor Donna Mills! What a shame to ruin your nice afternoon with the truth.
A threat to lynch pro-lifers. Lovely.
Ghandi said “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.” Looks like we’re on step three.
Congrats to Terry and the others involved in exposing the truth about abortion! All I know is pro-life is all about the love for and protection of the life of the baby in the womb, I always see a lot of hate from the pro-choice side? speaks volumes to me. Lord open their blind eyes and soften their hearts, show them that it is not all about their selfish self, that the truth of the matter is a baby suffers and dies, Shame on us all for allowing this slaughter of the innocents to occur in our midst! Lord have mercy on us all.
Yes, remember Komen! If we’re not careful, they’ll cut the federal funding from prolife groups, ignore our endless peaceful marches and charity work, and call us terrorists in the media! Oh, no!
I have to say, Randall Terry has a lot of guts doing this!
I don’t know whether it’s the right thing to do or not, but I do agree that we have to show abortion as it truly is – the killing of innocent unborn children. Is that a right that we women should aspire to? :(
I am of an opinion that no one under the age of 25 should watch the super bowl nowadays anyway! Def not small children, the commercials, cheerleaders, and halftime shows are so sexually explicit–we def skip it for our young children and even for my husband’s benefit.
Death threats for wanting to change laws? How did we get the reputation for being the only violent side on this issue?
And, I am avoiding the commercials if they are playing in my area. Go Giants.
Can anyone provide a link to these commercials? I don’t believe they’ll be showing in my area. (Alabama gulf coast). Kudos, praises and thumbs up to these candidates! May their boldness increase and their campaigns be blessed!
@cherylg; i have all three messages on my page which I am including here.
Money is green everywhere. PP and others are just as able to spend theirs to further ‘educate’ the masses if they choose. The Super Bowl is a great place to advertise.
John Lewandowski, Exactly! Well said!
Jamie, I couldn’t agree more!
God bless you all and the courageous pro-life souls on the front lines!
“The day that you and your ilk start on Roe v Wade—-the rope will come out and there will be lynching the like of which you have never seen.”
Lynching? Gotta love those pro-choice death threats!
Of course they have to use death threats…the dead babies r us crowd is all about death.
I wonder if the DOJ has initiated an investigation of domestic terrorist “PBerg” – maybe Randall Terry can get some Secret Service protection
Our society is blinded by the reality of abortion and if your voting to uphold abortion and the reality of the photos trouble you and make you angry, well that’s what you are voting for. If you think the truth of pictures trouble your children, what about the children who are in the pictures ~ and HOW would you ever try and explain to children that the one who chose the killing of the child in the picture was their mother? Abortion doesn’t own choice ~ it’s a distraction from the reality of proabortion ~ we’re all prochoice and for some of us, we’re PROLIFE! May God convert those who are so mislead by the evil reality of abortion.
Well said Theresa Cz
You know I was thinking the same thing about those offensive commercials during the superbowl that I had to shoo my children out of the room. You know the ones where women are parading across the screen with next to nothing on, where the camera spends half a minute surveying an androgynous man covered with tattoos in nothing but his underwear, where drinking beer is made to look fun and edgy, not to mention the half-time show where a woman who continually affronts all that is decent is paraded across the field being drawn on a chariot pulled by here hordes of subservient men. Bravo! Show them the truth about what this culture is doing to the innocent!
an ad with a couch made of bikini clad girls is fine for children, but the truth of abortion is not – we truly live in a warped world