Opening the door to Dachau: When government determines who is “worthy of life”
The costs to society of caring for the disabled are small when compared with the cost to society of failing to deal with the morally defective; and the essential difference between a barbaric tyranny and an optimally free, just and civilized society is that the former encourages the strong to prey upon the vulnerable with impunity; in the latter, the strong are encouraged to use their advantages to protect and assist the vulnerable….
When the state, in collusion with the medical community, arrogates to itself the prerogative of determining, based on “quality of life” and not a legitimate conviction of capital crime, what lives are and are not “worthy of life”, the doors are wide opened to the horrors of Auschwitz, Dachau… and worse.
~ Commenter jtm, on Stanek Quote of the Day, “Rick is right: Prenatal genetic testing increases eugenic abortions,” February 23
[Photo via]
It’s only a matter of time/expediency when such decisions will be made for political opponents.
all of these people who speak of those worthy of life guessing they are all in good health for the time being. they had better be very careful because you never know when your own health will decline. when it does should we kill you? i know 22 year olds in nursing homes. several will remain paralyzed from the neck down due to car accidents shooting stabbings. and did you guys hear that now little 11 year olds ( and younger ) are now going on line to ask ” am i ugly”? what???? i guess all of you people who want death for an imperfect person had better all be able to stay looking like 18 year old models forever.. lol did you know that once you hit the age of 25 you are considered ” too old” for modeling. nice message. i was watching something on the news the other day about cheerleaders BUT they are all disabled! it was just awesome to see girls with DS participating in that ( you know the same little imperfect girls the pro aborts want tossed in the garbage?)
Hi Heather,
25 is too old for modeling?! Uh-oh… guess I’d better have a backup plan.
You nailed it on the head – our narcissistic/borderline society sees everything as either 100% perfect and worthy of praise, or, if flawed, 100% degenerate and worthy of condemnation or destruction. Your comments remind me of “Logan’s Run”, a novel from the 1960s, where people above a certain age are no longer worthy of life because they are more of a consumer than a producer. A very big brother government, then, puts them to death.
I have also read that many pre-teen girls are more concerned with looking “sexy” rather than pretty or smart, or God forbid, responsible (boring!). I am glad our 9-year old daughter is the exception — she is more concerned with taking care of our dogs and learning math and science.
The reason Rick’s comment led to a firestorm is that he mentioned a secret that the Obama Administration didn’t want out there; increase prenatal testing by covering it under Obamacare and you increase abortion of those ‘expensive’ special needs children. Dems look all righteous by advocating social programs for the disabled, until you see where they stand on pre-natal testing. Then the truth comes out.
But there’s more.
The Obama Administration just lowered the amount of funding for Down syndrome research under the HHS to 20 million from 22 million. There are two clinical trials under way at this very moment for drugs which show great promise to make the learning and memory of those with Down syndrome completely NORMAL.
Take away our funds for some very promising research and instead put it into universal testing. Sounds like a Master Plan to eliminate “life unworthy of life’ to me!
me too eric ( chuckle ) yeah and who defines beauty? ive been to so many sites where people diss giselle tyra banks and plenty others saying they look like men. lol remember when Giselle said ” the pope is ridiculous over a contraception issue. who sets the standard of beauty?
what next? exterminate people because they have scars or stretchmarks? acne? too tall? too short? i sure hope pro aborts are totally perfect. oh and should we exterminate the obese? we could go on and on. be careful of eugenics. we are all unique with talents! God didnt want us to be all alike. he made us different for a reason. an unborn baby is just as unique and special.
I like being “imperfect”. It makes me…well…ME! ;)
Is this a good opportunity to mention how awesome is Joaquin Phoenix. He was born with a condition that is correctable, but some women abort babies with his “imperfection.” Seriously, a man as talented, smart, and handsome as he is?
Many of us need extra care at some point in our lives. A civilization is measured by how compassionate it is to the weak. So live and let live.
Now we know how easy it is to be brainwashed and not know what happened.
Excellent points. When mere human beings set themselves up as supreme arbiters of life and death, no good can ever come from it, as Eric rightly points out that recent history shows. Proaborts hate being reminded of the failures of their ideology in history. Thanks to everyone here who continues to remind them. As the saying goes, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
“As the saying goes, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.”
Exactly right MPQ. Unfortunately, history is not a priority in public schools anymore. Many schools, even colleges, simply teach “Hitler was a bad person because he started a war or something like that”. Students end up with an exceedingly shallow understanding of the great evil of Nazism and eugenics.
yes ( off topic) we just had another school shooting near where i live in chardon oh. i have an aunt who lives there. this has been one of several. 3 dead.
speaking of history repeating
Been hearing about that, heather. Sad situation. Just as sad? The comments some people have made (such as on Yahoo) about the shooter. Instead of being sorry that this young man did this because he felt bullied, was withdrawn and felt like an “outcast”, people said things like “He’s a MONSTER” and he “needs a bullet behind HIS ear”. Being bullied (some of his classmates said they never saw him being who knows?) is no excuse for what he did, but this young soul needs PRAYER, and a lot of THERAPY/COUNSELING. I don’t think he’s a “monster”…just a really, really troubled kid.
I agree wholeheartedly. Revisionist history is becoming more and more commonplace and accepted. I for one will not let the atrocities committed against the Jewish people be forgotten. We all owe them that much at least. Same for all victims of genocide, including unborn children. The Jews and Roma people and the handicapped were only the first of Hitler’s targets. Proaborts would do well to read history, lest they find themselves in the crosshairs as targets one day for some defect or other that their idealogues have told them needs ‘cleansing’. If left unchecked Hitler would not have left off with the Jewish people, neither will the ideology of abortion be satisfied with just the blood of the unborn. History has already proven this, no matter how the prochoice camp tries to spin it.
Pamela i agree. the shooter had a troubled home life also. his parents filed DV charges against each other. then his father was brought up on several charges of violence against women over the years including attempted murder. and the biggest part about this ( to me ) is that 4000 children will die in abortion today. are any of those high school boys or girls pro aborts? if so would they want others saying ” you need your limbs pulled off like you did to your baby”? i have also seen a few people let the pro abort crowd have it below the belt. anyway the point is this. abortion is a violent legal act. do NOT ever expect violence to stop in our society until abortion ends! expect it to get worse.
oops Pamela i meant i have been to some not so civil sites about abortion. wow it was something. one girl told a rabid pro death girl ” your baby couldnt get away from you but you could never get away from me with my kitchen knife b*tch!
thats the huge problem with liberals. they want peace but they refuse to end the most violent legal act…abortion! they are anti war but have they been asleep at the wheel that there has been a 39 year war on the unborn child in the womb? liberals are to blame for a great deal of violence because if you can kill your baby in the womb then there will never be respect for life. the libs are holding us back.
This does not surprise me one bit. If abortions are not readily available, people will be forced to take greater responsibility for their behavior to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Although I never supported Roe versus Wade and Planned Parenthood, I do not believe legalized abortion was never intended to be a form of birth control for great profit for those involved. This is a national travesty. This and the development of the birth control pill proved to be one of America’s greatest medical, pharmaceutical and social failures.
As a taxpayer I am totally opposed to financially supporting this road to “loose as a goose” lifestyle that is so prevalent today. When you consider the cost, including all the negative side effects that we have witnessed over a span of over 40 years, one has to conclude that “Sexual Revolution” destroyed the once Holy Estate of Marriage and the American Family as we once knew it. Many of the so called enlightened “Baby Boomer Generation” were almost overnight enslaved to a lifestyle that would eventually destroyed the family structure we once considered best for the growth and development of children. This is best revealed by the fact that over half of all marriages fail and the in response to that alternative partnerships are occuring that defy the values of the past.
Janet, so, we are actually in a handbasket? ;)