(Prolifer)ations 3-23-12
by Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- The Passionate Pro-Lifer has a revealing piece on infamous late-term Colorado abortionist Warren Hern, who is apparently an environmentalist doing his part to eliminate humanity, which he calls “a malignancy – in the planetary ecosystem. The human species now displays all the major characteristics of a malignant process.”
- Timmerie Millington has testimonials and video on individuals with Down syndrome, in honor of World Down Syndrome Day, held this past week:
- John Smeaton points out African mothers’ desire for real maternal healthcare. Most of the government funding goes toward groups like Ipas for abortion funding, while mothers who choose to give birth do so in substandard conditions.
- Human Life Matters points out Canada’s seeming disdain for the disabled, as evidenced by the open public discussion of euthanizing disabled children as well as the support for the parents who kill them. Would the same support be shown to parents if they “mercifully killed” their healthy children?
Wesley J. Smith has thoughts on this topic as well.
- Reflections of a Paralytic asks, “what is normal?” as it relates to individuals with disabilities:
Do we not all develop our own sense of “normalcy” based on our individual likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, abilities and disabilities? Why would children with disabilities, though they may not be the picture of perfect health, be any different?In fact, researchers at Newcastle University recently… demonstrated that “disabled children… have the same range of happiness and unhappiness as all children.” As they grow up and develop their sense of self, “they see their disabilities as part as who they are… (and) they perceived their position in life no differently as their friends in the general population.” In other words, yes, children with disabilities will develop their own sense of “normalcy” just like anyone else and they will enjoy their lives immensely… if they’re given the opportunity.
Regarding the item on Dr. Warren Hern: In 2003, the Boulder Camera published a letter in which Hern referred to “anti-abortion fanatics, whose monstrous antipathy toward women can only be explained by the observation that some people feel good by making other people feel bad.” He expressed his view that pro-lifers are sadistic.
In a response letter published in the same newspaper, I quoted Hern’s famous statement, “The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current,” and commented, “Someone who gets a pseudo-electrical ‘charge’ out of an unborn child’s death throes should probably be more cautious about referring to his critics as ‘sadistic.'”
The full text of both letters appears here:
Douglas Johnson
The belief that humans are a disease is in itself a disease. This disease is spreading, but fortunately a lot of people are also healing from it.
Any species that views itself as unworthy of life is experiencing a deadly self-destructive illness. The solution isn’t to kill ourselves well again as a species, but rather to choose life. In choosing life, we choose healing.
Canada is one of the worst (if not the worst) countries in the world when it comes to life issues. Canada is a civil country, very polite, but when it comes to the unborn the country is not compassionate or polite or civil: governments in Canada pay for all and any abortions and provide working Mothers who have an abortion with government paid time off (maternal leave) in the same way a Mother who actually has children gets maternal leave. Canada should change its name to Abortions R’ Us.
Canada now has the proud distinction of being a country that permits infanticide. A young lady named Effert killed her infant and tossed him over the fence into her neighbor’s yard. The judge said in her ruling that Canada people understand the pain of what this Mother was going through just like Canadians understand the pain Mothers who have abortions go through – yes she used the legality of abortion to justify infanticide!! (BTW, the Mother did face possible time in jail for littering (in Canada they consider dead infants to be waste) in her neighbor’s yard.)
The country prides itself on being multicultural and it is – along is your culture is devoid of any religion, is secular, and promotes and supports liberal causes. Canada is trying to make it illegal to be Christian or Catholic - diversity as long as you are a secular atheist who believes in abortion. The brain trust in Canada believes that the best way to ensure a free country is to have no laws.
If Warren Hern believes humans are a malignant process, why doesn’t he kill himself? Sure, its necessary that other people die, but not him, of course. What an evil coward.
The problem with Hern’s argument is the same that the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement has (and notably does not address in their FAQs). That, if you’re so gung-ho about how human beings are horrible and we shouldn’t exist anymore, then why haven’t you applied that logic to yourself? Why are you the special snowflake that doesn’t have a responsibility to off themselves at the first available chance? VHEM says that human extinction should simply be accomplished by everyone unanimously deciding not to have children. Hern sees himself as the gatekeeper to extinction. Both rationalizations are pretty darn lame.
Denise, she murdered someone and the judge let her off because he found her sympathetic and said, since abortion was considered acceptable, so too would an ‘after birth’ abortion. If she’d murdered a 9 year old because of a bad home life would it be appropriate for the judge to let her walk free because she was a ‘sympathetic’ figure? Any sympathy that could conceivably be garnered for her situation went out the window the second she decided to kill a living, breathing, legal person. I don’t care if she was tied up and beaten the entire pregnancy (she wasn’t, she was a normal woman with a normal homelife), the second she makes a conscious decision to kill another human being she moves from (potential) victim to perpetrator. I know the death penalty isn’t popular on this site because of a heavily Catholic audience, but she murdered another human being who posed her no immediate or direct harm, the *only* thing she legally deserves is a state sponsored death.