Stanek weekend question: Which pro-choice stars do you boycott, if any?
UPDATE 4/29, 1:54p: Ashley has engaged in the conversation on Twitter, fyi…
4/28, 3:14p: Pro-abortion Hollywood star Ashley Judd was one of several lesser knowns to recently mock the demise of Rick Santorum’s presidential campaign with a spoof that made analogies to abortion…
On April 23 Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly dedicated a segment of his show to Judd, predicting her career would certainly suffer for her overt support of abortion, in particular a new television show in which she stars (and which I heretofore had never heard of), Missing….
But if I had heard of Missing, and was a fan, I’d stop watching it. I wouldn’t want to give anything related to Judd my business, and I wouldn’t be able to get past reminders of abortion if watching her anyway.
How about you? Do you boycott t.v. shows, movies, concerts, cds, etc., of famous people who promote abortion? If so, who?

Honestly, I would have to boycott almost every entertainer if I was going to start boycotting people because of political views alone. So right now, I’m not boycotting anyone.
I use to watch Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. I stopped watching after they fired that actor who spoke out against a gay character, about the same time they were airing pro choice scenes.
I pretty much have boycotted everyone, except James Caviezel and Tom Selleck. I have lost respect for Mel Gibson, who used to be tops on my list.
I know what’s happened to Ms. Judd’s face….the ugliness on the inside is seeping outwards. She struts around with a cross around her neck while she standing up for abortion all the time and everywhere. Can’t figure people out.
Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman and Daniel Tosh. I can’t stand comedians who rely on shock value get an audience. There’s a lot of comedians like that, but the way these ones so cavalierly regard the issue of abortion makes them even worse. I wish people realized that you can be funny without being incredibly offensive.
I started to boycott the writer John Irving (The World According to Garp, A Prayer for Owen Meany) when I read that if the Pope came to America, he hoped he’s be pelted with rotten tomatoes. And if Irving were elected president, he would pay for free abortions for everyone.
As a book lover, I really loved HIS books. But no more. I can’t contribute to his fame, wealth, legacy.
I don’t really boycott, like JDC said, I would end up boycotting everyone ever if I started boycotting on political views. I dislike the comedians you mentioned, Sarah, they are just over the top and not really funny.
Melinda O, Isaiah Washington didn’t get fired for “speaking out against a gay character”. He got fired for treating a coworker (you know, a real human being) who happened to be gay like garbage and creating a hostile work environment for this guy.
For me it depends on how deeply involved the person in question is with abortion, how deeply involved they are with the media product in question, and who else is involved. Do they just think abortion is okay or do they perform at PP dinners a la William H. Macy? Are they the director/executive producer/showrunner, or just an actor? Is there another project member who is known to be pro-life that I want to support? The stronger their active support for abortion and the more important their role in the project, the more likely I am to avoid it. The more openly pro-life people involved to counter that, the less likely I am to boycott. I haven’t bothered to pin down a particular spot where my personal scales tip one way or the other, but that’s most of the thought process anyway.
This skit is just so dumb. It’s not even funny. I try not to support any organization that I know of that donates to abortion, but as Jack said above, you would have to cease to be a consumer.
I don’t go to many movies, but when I see certain people on television (who I know to be pro-abortion) I just turn the channel. I don’t care to hear anything else they have to say. I used to think George Carlin was funny (even though pretty raunchy at times), but when I heard his “joke” about women who are AGAINST abortion, I just couldn’t watch him anymore. Never really liked Gwyneth Paltrow to begin with, nor Maggie Gyllenhaal, Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler. Like some have already stated, if I boycotted everybody in entertainment who is pro-abortion, I’d be doing A LOT of boycotting. I did, however send an e-mail to MG providing a link to an article providing proof that PP is NOT in the business of HELPING women. Hopefully, she read it. And recently I posted a message on Actress Sally Kellerman’s Facebook page, letting her know the same thing. I’m sure they don’t care but, who knows? Maybe it’ll give ’em something to think about.
So many of the famous people that are pro abortion seem to be obnoxious anyway (George Carlin, Chelsea Handler, almost EVERYONE on The View, etc). So each one of them naturally makes me nauseous and I wouldn’t force myself to sit through watching them, even if they were pro life. Although there are a few in Hollywood that I was surprised and disappointed to hear were pro abortion, it’s never a true shock, though, when a famous person is liberal. But it is beautifully and pleasantly refreshing to see those that are pro life. I choose to focus more on them, promoting their careers and seeking out their movies, shows, etc. I will go out of my way to support them.
Great thing about Gwyneth Paltrow- she dies horrifically in most of her movies.
this lady is a has-been, and has been a has-been for a long, long, long time way before she even started preaching about killing unborn children… her career wasn’t aborted, it was dead on arrival… NO.TALENT.AT.ALL
Pamela, I feel the same as you. I just think Ashley Judd is a nasty, bitter person anyhow so I wouldn’t watch her even if I didn’t know she was pro-abortion. The constant sneer on her face turns me off.
X, again. You crack me up. :)
It’s challenging as there are so many who support the evil ~ even restaurants that I really appreciated their food and atmosphere UNTIL I was awakened as to what they support and with my money. Hollywood stars may not care at first but if you support their movies less, overall it makes a difference. We contact retail companies & food chains who promote fundraisers that filter funds to planned parenthood and let them know why we’re not supporting the fundraiser. And the negative reality that the Girl Scouts filter donations to planned parenthood was shocking ~ and to bring awareness we printed the article and gently offered it to the parents who were with the girls selling the cookies to let them know why we weren’t going to buy the cookies. Together, if we just keep trying, it does make a difference!
Can a list be made available of those celebrities who support abortion? If I knew who to boycott I certainly would.
I’ve known about Ashley Judd’s militant pro-choice views for a long time and won’t watch anything with her in it now. Also, Kate Walsh, Gwyneth Paltrow, Blyth Danner, Alex Baldwin (because he’s such a jerk) Madonna, and Julia Roberts.
Baldwin, Madonna, and Roberts because they can’t show ANY tolerance for opposing political views, the others because of their abortion views.
Just a little off subject – but – would you sit in your living room and watch most of what is on TV now IF Jesus was on the couch next to you? A friend of mine challenged me on that several years ago. He is right there, you know. He is in us, with us and works through us. Most of Hollywood is perverse and promoting perversion. Isn’t it time for us to give it up? Think how much more tight our families would be if we quit watching the perv tube and started paying attention to one another. That’s what we are trying to do in our house. Plus, we read – a lot – and most of it is Christian because our sensibilities have been sensitized by not letting people murder, rape, create mayhem and have non-marital sex in our living room every day, as it were.
Proof once again that good looks are no substitute for good sense and character. And now thanks to her comments she doesn’t look attractive anymore.
I don’t see a lot of rated R or PG 13 movies…actually I don’t go to rated R movies and a PG-13 is rare….so there aren’t too many that I boycott….but a certain actress who named her child after a FRUIT comes to mind….in fact I am sure that her letter that is written with her mother will be released soon asking for donations for Planned Parenthood over MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND!
Not trying to hate on the people who say they don’t boycott b/c they’d have to boycott everyone, but not watching tv/ movies isn’t THAT bad. If I know someone is in a movie that’s pro choice I don’t watch it. What makes me not do it? Knowing that my small, miniscule, 1/10000000 of a cent is going to them which they are turning around and probably giving it pro choice orgs. Im not saying that it’s Completely avoidable b/c we don’t know sometimes who’s pro choice and who’s not but I rather not condone their points of view with financial appreciation if I can help it. It sounds sort of silly to say that we are unwilling to make changes in our viewership when we consider that children are being killed by the proliferation of their misguided views/commentary.
I somehow stumbled onto this site and I believe that I have found the most hate-filled corner of the Web. Good for you, folks. That is not easy. You should just put your white hoods on now.
On the big ol world wide web, full of kiddie and snuff porn, white supremacy, and Holocaust denial, Mike claims a fairly small blog from one American activist is the “most hate filled corner of the web”. Lol
Mike, why don’t you go ahead and quote me some actual hate from this site, because I haven’t seen any.
“hate” is not a word that means “viewpoints that do not agree with mine”.
Here are some big names behind Obama:
Right, Adriana. I don’t watch much t.v, either. And most of the books I read ARE Christian books. Of course..I start with my Bible every morning ;)
Mike The Troll’s comment was laughable.
Is it just me or didn’t that video, in it’s zeal to ridicule Santorum, boomerang and also ridicule the women they think they’re “supporting”?
“Funny Or Die”? More like “Laughing While Others Die”.
Those celebrities do not promote abortions. They promote the choice of aborting – or not. As to my own person: I’m against abortion and pro life – but who a I to judge the choice of others? I think there is a big difference!
What’s your next joke?
Melanie says:
Those celebrities do not promote abortions. They promote the choice of aborting – or not. As to my own person: I’m against abortion and pro life – but who a I to judge the choice of others? I think there is a big difference!
This is what happens when we label abortion a “political view” instead of the moral issue that it is. Whichever side of a political issue you want to be on is just fine and dandy. But there is a difference between right and wrong, and abortion is wrong.
Mike: “You should just put your white hoods on now.”
Gratuitous allegations of ubiquitous racism here seem somewhat hateful, Mike.
Melanie: “but who a[m] I to judge the choice of others?
We do it all the time. All of us. With myriad concerns throughout our life. Being holier-than-thou about it is hypocritical, disingenuous, posing. Who are you? You’re a human, not an indifferent rock. Or . . . perhaps not?
I can never figure out why people who would never think to say such things about slavery were they standing between a slaveholder and an abolitionist back in the day, are so un-self aware in our own time that they can claim to be pro-life and yet remain entirely indifferent to the doom of the unborn by people whose choices they’re not going to judge.
I’m against slavery and for emancipation – but who am I to judge the choice of others? I think there is a big difference!
If you want your remarks to be held in contempt, it’s easy — just say contemptible, morally cowardly things. Accrue to your reputation the apparent virtue of tolerance, risking no prospect of being deemed intolerant. Because it’s more important to be fashionably non-judgmental in this one particular area (even as in myriad other ways you, like anyone else, are blithely judgmental) than to, you know, actually BE pro-life.
Now Melanie, don’t judge my judgmental remarks, OK? ;-D
All of them.
Hi Melanie,
I am personally against child abuse. But who am I to say anything to my neighbor who beats her kids?
Don’t want to judge anyone now do I??!!
PS If Ashley Judd is “prochoice” on abortion she is PROABORTION. Like most of Hollywood. Did she mention adoption or Crisis Pregnancy Centers at all?
This site may be small but I can assure you the readership is not!! :)
Jill Stanek is one of the top prolife bloggers in the US of A!!
I boycott Hollywood in general. I don’t watch movies (well rarely) and we’ve turned off our tv service. Slowly moving our lives from primary consumer to producer. Who needs Hollywood?
Does anyone here boycott Bill O’Reilly because of what he attempted to do to Andrea Mackris?
Naw, didn’t think so.
mp, what did Oreilly do to Andrea Makris? Sounds like she recorded him talking dirty over the phone with him then she tried to use the recordings to extort money from O’reilly. How does your mind get from support for killing children in the womb to extortion plots of sexuall harassment in the workplace?
truthseeker, you are not only ideologically impure, you are morally deficient to make such a statement.
I boycott Michael Vick because I’m opposed to dog fighting and animal cruelty. This statement is obviously relevant and is totally not a non sequitur, since this is a blog about abortion.
I am boycotting Judd. And I used to like her.
Her ugly personality has destroyed her pretty face.
truthseeker, you are not only ideologically impure, you are morally deficient to make such a statement.
mp, I’ll take that with a spoon of salt since your judgement has been previously shown to be so lacking. Look, I wasn’t there. Maybe you could tell me what you heard? Right after you tell me how this is relevant to the topic of celebrity pro-aborts.
We got rid of cable TV in our house three years ago and All TV for one year. Still can’t get away from staing at video screens but at least now it is Internet and you are can choose to watch content other than smut and celecbrities. My 13 year old daughter is at an Anime convention this weekend. It seems safe from what I have seen Anybody else on this board familiar with Anime?
truthseeker, abortion would be no more consequential than blowing one’s nose if it weren’t for moral and religious teachings.
So, if we’re going to talk the talk, let’s walk the walk, shall we?
Or, shall we make the predator the victim simply because the predator says what we want to hear?
I can see all these ugly feministas juggling the bodies of dead babies on their bayonets and then tossing the mutilated carcasses on their celebratory bonfire.
You would have thought mr. bo-jangles had just been coronated to a lifetime term.
@truthseeker: I’m familiar with anime fandom generally, though I’m not really involved in it. And…well, I’ll just say that fandom, anime or otherwise, has about the same level of ickyness as anything else. Depending on which anime or which corner of fandom, much more. It’s mostly a matter of using your brain as to how you interact with it (I’ve been involved in fandom, on one level or another, since before I graduated from high school and every fic I’ve written is still gen or mostly gen), but there is certainly an element of “use your good judgement” when determining what to participate in and how much because, well, there’s certainly a dark side there. That being said, when such judgement is exercised, there’s nothing really to worry about and I’ve had a lot of fun with my involvement in various fandoms over the years. Your comment indicates that you trust your daughter as a responsible person with good judgement, so I wouldn’t worry. :D
Alice, I suppose the dark side gets hold of everything eventually. I’ll ask my twenty two year old son about it since he is also attending the convention (not as a fan, he is working it as a reporter).
@truthseeker, I second what Alice said above. I have been heavily involved with various fandoms since I was about 14, and like most things, it has its share of utter depravity and its share of genuinely awesome people. With care, I managed to compile myself a list of friends who, like me, were into gen (for the uninitiated, gen stands for “general,” which basically means no sex– a focus on characters, plot, and friendship or family relationships, rather than smut). A lot of these people are still my good friends years later. So yes, fandom can be a wonderful place for bringing people together! Just as long as your daughter is careful and smart about it. :)
“…abortion would be no more consequential than blowing one’s nose if it weren’t for moral and religious teachings.”
So would rape, infanticide, pedophilia, and all other evils in this world. Thank goodness for those moral and religious teachings, huh? Just because something is regarded as inconsequential doesn’t mean it isn’t pure, unadulterated evil.
Mike is a narrow-minded, intolerant, hater.
There. I said it.
“So would rape, infanticide, pedophilia, and all other evils in this world. Thank goodness for those moral and religious teachings, huh? Just because something is regarded as inconsequential doesn’t mean it isn’t pure, unadulterated evil.”
Well said.
So, you should be able to see my point regarding O’Reilly.
He’s not a good choice for moral arbiter.
Of course Ashley Judd is pro-abortion… she was in Simon Birch. Tell her that.
That, by the way, was a movie adaptation (actually a horrible butchering) of A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, who, as someone else mentioned, is also a rabid pro-abort.
I loved A Prayer for Owen Meany when I was in high school, but when I innocently picked up The Cider House Rules, I was horrified by the “delivering babies” versus “delivering mothers” (by murdering their children) nonsense. I was so angry I actually threw the book in the trash. I kind of wish I’d ripped it up and sent it back to John Irving instead. What a tool!
“You would have thought mr. bo-jangles had just been coronated to a lifetime term.”
There you go with more of those unnecessary references to race. You couldn’t just say “Obama had just been coronated.” No, that’s not “strong” enough. You had to reference Obama to an entertainer, not just any soft-shoe entertainer, but Bill “Bo Jangles” Robinson, a long-dead black entertainer, thereby encouraging race consciousness.
You think it’s clever, but it’s “race baiting” and makes one terrific impression on anyone visiting this site.
@Katey: Whoa. Another gen fan? I was starting to think we were as rare as winter roses.
If she ever asks if she can do something called “cosplay”, say “NO!”.
Jill, way to stick to your guns and not being intimidated by her celebrity.
I haven’t intentionally boycotted any TV, but as my values matured and became more pro-life and pro-family and pro-self-respect I have simply reduced my watching of mainstream TV shows and movies. Actually, it has been a long while since I have watched any mainstream sitcom or drama series on a regular basis. I think my anxiety level has been lowered. Most mainstream programs are not relaxing and their is enough distress reported in the news. The fact that many mainstream shows are morally bankrupt makes me feel even better for not watching them.
I would support boycotting celebrities based on their position of life issues. I believe all individuals cross a huge moral line in the sand when they support abortion. Ashley Judd is a disappointment because she seems to be a compassionate and thoughtful person. It is tragic that she can’t see the life she is ignoring when she supports abortion.
I hope Rick Santorum is able to use the strength of his supporters to ensure that the GOP become a stronger advocate for the preborn.
In the past it seemed that pro-life conservatives allowed the fiscal conservatives define the social issues the GOP would support.
Ashley has been blessed with a beautiful exterior. In fact, I think she is one of the more attractive hollywood stars.
Perhaps, people support abortion because the fetue is ugly.
Oh wow, and that was Judd’s comeback? I hadn’t known Will Ferrell was pro-abortion, but I was boycotting him anyway because he’s painfully unfunny. Now I just feel really vindicated. :D
I second that Alice… Will Ferrell is off the list. (Thankfully he hasn’t made a movie in long time or perhaps I just missed his latest!)
“I boycott Michael Vick because I’m opposed to dog fighting and animal cruelty. This statement is obviously relevant and is totally not a non sequitur, since this is a blog about abortion.”
And so is the cartoon upthread depicting an infant Obama holding a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other.
Thanks for the tips. She just got back from the convention and she says she had a great time. She brought back a large colorful Japanese hand fan that opens like an accordian. I had heard her mention gen to me a few times and never knew what it meant. I feel so much hipper now.
mp, the hammer and sickle are the preferred abortion instruments for socialists. Ask any Russian about their country’s experience with abortion and they will tell you that abortion is the number 1 cause of their country’s economic woes. Russia is confronting a demographic winter and is now paying families to have more children!!
Also think: there is big baby killing babies.
@truthseeker: Hahaha. The fandom community is very jargon-heavy, and each particular fandom tends to have its own particular jargon on top of that. I still have to ask what this or that term means every so often. ;)
Yeah, Ashley. No need to point to Will Farrell. We know he used to be funny until he started this awful politically moronic website. Expect his career to dovetail with yours.
“mp, the hammer and sickle are the preferred abortion instruments for socialists.”
Oh, of course. How silly of me not to instantly understand.
You know, the unfortunate part of all of this is: I could agree with most, if not all, of the so-called “pro-life” position were it not for all of the political baggage you people carry around.
So, you’ve lost me and doubtless millions of other people who won’t vote away their economic life just so you can stick a shank in Roe v. Wade.
Yeah, if Romney (a corporatist) is elected you might, and I say might, see your policy dream come true, but you will pay a very high price for it in literal terms. If Obama (a corporatist) is re-elected, you’ve four more years of the same.
And, if you don’t know what a corporatist is, ask Rasqual. He’ll explain all.
Oh, and by the way, abortion is not the cause of Russia’s economic problem. It’s a symptom.
Have a good evening.
I think we’re more concerned that our president not be a corporatist for Big Abortion.
She’s hardly had a stellar career. She’s pretty B-list if you ask me, maybe not even B.
mp: “So, you’ve lost me and doubtless millions of other people who won’t vote away their economic life just so you can stick a shank in Roe v. Wade.”
So you think Mother Jarrett’s economic ideas are really that good, do you?
Jarrett? Are you serious, or is she your idea of humor?
You poor boy. She’s out in the tall grass.
without a doubt many of them are probably post abortive and are working hard to keep rationalizing and trying to make abortion ok…
The better question is “Which pro choice stars do you pray for?”
I’m not really boycotting anyone, I just hardly watch any movies or any TV aside from sports because it’s all rubbish.
Truthseeker, regarding anime, there are a few more things you should know. The Japanese animate EVERYTHING. And when I say everything I mean everything. Anime ranges from shows intended for preschoolers, to children, to teens, to adults, to stuff that is not appropriate for anyone. You really have to look at it on a series by series basis to make a judgement. And even then it can be difficult. For example, one popular anime series is called Full Metal Alchemist. It’s clearly intended for teens and adults as it is quite violent, occult, and filled with things that would traumatize children, like experimentation on human beings. And yet the basic story deals with two heroic brothers who deeply care about each other attempting to set things right after a terrible mistake they made.
Also, “cosplay” is when people dress up as various anime characters. This often results in women with very skimpy outfits, hence the objections to it. But again, not all anime feature women in skimpy outfits. It’s really best to know which anime your kids like. Saying “I watch anime” is like saying “I watch TV.”. So the logical follow up question is, “What anime are you watching?”
mp: “She’s out in the tall grass.”
Really? Doesn’t seem that way to me. What, you’re going to pose that Obama is actually an independent thinker? Please.
Ooooh. Good question.
Praying for Ashley Judd today!!
And Jill going toe to toe with Ashley Judd??
Well that will need more prayer. For Ashley!! :)
There are so many comments on this page! O.o
i will finish watching Missing and maybe get Dolphin Tail despite the Ashley Judd scandals. The viewership for Missing is already down because they changed the show from 20h to 21h. Dolphin Tail was a nice movie, but if i buy it, it would only be at Rogers Video or another cheap store for a low price.
When the Missing show is over, i will send a personal letter to Ashley Judd explaining to her that while her acting in the show is great, her views on abortion are horrible. There is also an episode which is supposed to be shocking because the Songbird court case reveals that a foster child kills his birth mother who wanted to hug him after not seeing him for so many years. Many more times it is actually the other way around!
I use to enjoy listening to the Judds. How quickly Ashley forgot that her mother was an unwed teen when she had Wynonna. So if her mother chose death for her & Wyonna, she wouldn’t even be here right now parading herself for some attention, which she seems to crave. My personal opinion–it sounds as if Ashley Judd still has some serious emotional wounds to overcome from her past. Ashley, how is this helping you by launching such negative publicity? In your mind, is negative publicity better than no publicity at all? How sad–she has now become a part of the antihuman culture.
I will no longer watch any of her films, past or present, as I did enjoy her acting.
Besides the ones listed, mine are too many to count. Will Ferrell? Guess I have to add another one to my list! Keep it up, Ashley; you’re digging a deeper hole, my dear.
Theresa, I agree with you. I’ll put Ashley in my prayers today.
I should have phrased it differently.
As far I can see, Jarrett’s views are of no consequence.
I boycott Hollywood in general. I don’t watch movies (well rarely) and we’ve turned off our tv service. Slowly moving our lives from primary consumer to producer. Who needs Hollywood?
I agree. Most of the stuff on television is trash anyway. I had to get rid of my television for economic reasons, and I don’t really miss it. But I might try to get one in time for football season, since I’m a big fan.
I used to like to watch reruns of that show “The Nanny” but since Fran Dresher is such a shill for abortion, I just can’t watch it anymore. I know that many of you are looking forward to seeing “The Avengers” but Scarlett Johansen is pro-abort, as is the guy who wrote it (I forget his name, but he’s the person who wrote “Buffy The Vampire”). I know this movie is going to be huge, but they’re not going to get my eleven bucks. I hate superhero movies anyway.
I’ve always wondered about Nicole Kidman and Halle Berry. I don’t think they’ve said much about the issue one way or the other.
@Alice — Will Ferrell is very unfunny, and I can’t stand his little pig eyes.
You would have thought mr. bo-jangles had just been coronated to a lifetime term.”
There you go with more of those unnecessary references to race. You couldn’t just say “Obama had just been coronated.” No, that’s not “strong” enough. You had to reference Obama to an entertainer, not just any soft-shoe entertainer, but Bill “Bo Jangles” Robinson, a long-dead black entertainer, thereby encouraging race consciousness.
I’m glad that I’m not the only person here who finds this offensive. Prolifers are often thought of racist, and this sort of comment doesn’t help any.
I’m late to the conversation, but here’s my 2 cents:
I don’t necessarily boycott actors, but I do boycott certain shows. For example, I boycott House, a show I liked until they had a pro-abortion episode. Same thing with Scrubs. Any other show I see that supports abortion, I immediately boycott.
We’re all sinners, but we all are capable of doing good. Some actors do very good movies/shows with good messages even if they have contradictory views. I believe those movies/shows should be supported.
However, if the movie/show is neutral, I will avoid it if there is an openly pro-abortion actor/actress in it.
mp: “
Where’s the part showing how Obama supports stabbing campaigns in the back of the skull with scissors?
mp: “As far I can see, Jarrett’s views are of no consequence.”
So which of the advisory factions happens to coincide almost always with Obama’s policy decisions?
I suppose you’d say Cheney was inconsequential in the Bush days, too. Funny part is — heh — Bush rejected Cheney’s counsel more often than Obama has Jarrett’s.
mp, are you one of the rainbow-eyed, unicorn-hallucinating folk who imagine Obama is a Strong Leader, a Lightworker, a Wise One? Or are we toning back those superlatives of late?
“mp, are you one of the rainbow-eyed, unicorn-hallucinating folk who imagine Obama is a Strong Leader, a Lightworker, a Wise One?”
You don’t understand my view, which is probably my fault, but that’s OK.
It doesn’t matter.
My last remark was a jab. What of my substantive question?
“So which of the advisory factions happens to coincide almost always with Obama’s policy decisions?”
The Biden camp, perhaps?
“I’m glad that I’m not the only person here who finds this offensive. Prolifers are often thought of racist, and this sort of comment doesn’t help any.”
No, it doesn’t.
Bill Robinson taught soft shoe to Buster Keaton, Shirley Temple–who said he was one of the kindest people she’d ever met–and countless others. He made a wonderful contribution to American culture and, as I far as I can determine, was admired by almost everyone. Ed Sullivan arranged his funeral, which was attended by over 30,000 people.
He was a brilliant performer and it’s just sad that his name would be used in such a misguided way.
“So which of the advisory factions happens to coincide almost always with Obama’s policy decisions?”
Goldman Sachs. Don’t forget, Robert Rubin’s son was his national campaign finance director. They made it all possible.
Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Have a great day.
I agree that Ken is using a confused and un-illuminating epithet, but I can’t agree that the problem is that he is “thereby encouraging race consciousness.” Surely encouraging race consciousness is impossible with Barack Obama as president. Every time we turn around, it’s all anyone seems to be conscious of at all. They’re happy they voted for the First Black President, or they’re accusing those who differ with his policies of being racist, and so forth.
At least in his public rhetoric, Obama seems the least race conscious among all progressives. It’s a shame they don’t follow his leadership in that respect.
“Goldman Sachs” — true dat.
Wow, what a great ad. Ashley Judd may be one of the hottest women in the world.
Judds mom was a labor and delivery nurse. I believe she was/is pro life. IDK whats wrong with Ashley. Shes not a good actress at all. All of her films had me so bored I turned them off before they had ended. X that was funny about Paltrow…another actress who hasnt done anything worth discussing. The Anengers was filmed here. Scarlette Johannsen is pro abortion so I will not be going to see it. It would seem that Scarlette went out with Sean Penn and indeed he dumped her. I’ve read that she isn’t over it. Been reading that pro abort Demonic Moore cant get over Ashton. Also pro abort Aniston and Brad Pitt. He was ready to have kids and she wanted to be the next Rita Hayworth. Careful what you wish for. I dont condone the cheating part, but sometimes couples fall apart because they can’t get on the same page. Kids are a big issue and when Aniston kept rejecting starting a family I believe Brad should have divorced her first and then moved on. Anyway, I had no idea Will Farrel was P abortion. He stinks anyway…….@ Phillymiss I have never heard Halle Berry { from my city} or Nicole Kidman express abortion views either. I’ve often wondered. We do have many pro life stars… Heidi Klum Brooke Shields, Kathy Ireland, Sherry Sheppard Jennifer O Niel, Miss Black America, Angie Harmon, Patricia Heaton { we have more but I think thats pretty good for now}……and I dont go to movies anymore because many producers are liberals….Steven Speilberg ( a shame because he makes good movies } but I cannot pad a liberals pocket. I cant go to KFC anymore after they helped to raise money for Komen and Nationwide insurance supports PP so I dropped them like a bad habit.
Most of Hollywood is pro abortion and many actresses have had abortions.. Susan Sarandon, Heather Tom, Cher, Cybil Sheppard, Lil Kim, Anne Archer, Suzanne Sommers, Margot Kidder, Whoopie Goldberg, Sharon Osbourne ( regrets it } Amy Brenneman, Madonna , Brittney Spears { regrets hers } Marylin Monroe, Tina Turner { attempted suicide after her abortion } Kathy Najimy, Chelsea Handler, Donna Summers and many more. I put the regrets in there because those are the women I have heard speak out about how awful their abortions were. This is NOT to say that they dont all have regrets, but many of them participate in the annual ” March for womens health” abortion is NOT health care! also I know not all of these women act but they are in show bizz. And a ton more are staunch supporters of birth control and abortion { Aniston Paltrow Moore Johannsen Blythe Danner etc.} Also sometimes I wonder if they feel the need to support abortion because many have friends who have. I’ve often wondered if Blythe Danner has aborted and perhaps thats why the mother daughter team raised money for it on Mothers Day! Think about how sick and twisted that is. What a slap in the face to moms. The very day they ought to leave that issue alone…Oh I’s just tissue. DEPRAVED!
mp says: April 29, 2012 at 5:46 pm
“You would have thought mr. bo-jangles had just been coronated to a lifetime term.”
“There you go with more of those unnecessary references to race… You had to reference Obama to…Bill “Bo Jangles” Robinson, a long-dead black entertainer, thereby encouraging race consciousness.
You think it’s clever, but it’s “race baiting” and makes one terrific impression on anyone visiting this site.”
If you truly believe I am ‘race baiting’, then you would be well advised not to take the ‘bait’.
I did not know that Bill Robinson, was known as ‘bojangles’ til you informed me.
To my knowledge, Jerry Jeff Walker never associated Robinson with the character in his song, ‘Mr. Bojangles’.
[I apologize to Bill Robinson for unintentionally associating his ‘bojangles’ with mr. bo-jangles.]
I did not make any reference to ‘race’.
YOU did.
It is YOU who associate ‘racism’ with ’black tap dancers’, not me.
[mr. bo-jangles does have some ‘moves’, but he don’t hold a candle to Bill ‘bojangles’ Robinson.]
Tho I am both pigmentally and rhythmically challenged, I am not jealous and I don’t discriminate against people who enjoy more of both than I do.
mr. bo-jangles is incompetent and he would be no more incompetent if were an american and sufferring form an acute and chronic shortage of pigmentation and he is no less incompetent because he is Kenyan/Irish and moderately pigmented.
The following clips are a source of pride to me as an american. If you view them as ‘race baiting’, encouraging race consciousness or perpetuating negative stereotypes, then I would suggest it is you who has the ‘race’ problem.
GOD created all the different ethnicities and all of them reflect HIM.
above should say I wonder if some celebs support abortion because their friends have had them. Like Najimy and Aniston are pals…Madonna and Paltrow. To not support it in some peoples minds seems to mean we are passing judgement on them. Nope. We still love our loved ones but we dont approve of the evil of abortion. Its like Tori Spelling and her hubby are doing something on Face Book protesting the dislike of a gay lifestyle means hate. As one woman { and a fan } pointed out in the comment section “Just because I don’t share your POV does not make it hate.” I felt that was well put. I like Spelling but I had to agree that just because you reject a specific act it doesnt make you a bully. You just disagree.
Lets not forget the true racists are PP. { black genocide }
Kathy Najimy brings her young daughter along to the annual DEATH MARCH in DC..or as they like to say “The march for womens lives”……have any of them ever visited the site ‘CEMETERY OF CHOICE’??? these women are all dead from legal abortions. Anyway Najimy commented ” I want the option for a womans right to choose to be available for my daughter.” “Thats why it is so important for us to be here.” Really? So she can exterminate your grandchild if need be Kathy? Nope. Never liked Najimy as an actress nor will I ever watch anything she does { these days shes doing movie cartoon voices} UNLESS she does an about face on her abortion stance. I’m keeping all pro aborts in my prayers.
And to comment on people like Judd and Silverman…..I think their stars have already risen as high as they could go and now they are falling. They have to go for shock value because they have very little true talent. I remember when Judd blasted Sarah Palin for killing animals. She shot a video about it and man did she look ticked. Silverman told a joke { if you want to call it that } where she had a very pregnant tummy and said “Went out and got a quick aborsh before Roe v Wade becomes illegal. In the second pic. her tummy is flat. In the pregnant pic. she has a man by her side. In the after pic. he is gone. Why do they think this is even funny not to mention they are inflicting MORE pain onto women who regret their abortions. Its not humor. It’s just plain sick. I watched Silverman in a movie and it was out and out painful because it was so stupid. She tries too hard to be funny and it’s not working. I can only hope she will eventually fade away as I see less and less of her these days. Judd already has:/
I don’t see your use of “Bo-jangles” as racist, but it does fail as a nickname. Obama does not tap dance around his beliefs nearly as much as most politicians do. We were listening these last five years, but half the country wasn’t.
I boycotted that femanazi idiot Ashley Judd a long time ago, and many others too.
The hollywood people do not care about you, and they have contempt for you. Whenever they get together to portray everyday, normal people, they cannot – we everyday people have to be hicks, or undeducated idiots waiting for enlightenment, ignorant racists, mindless june-and-ward-cleaver neighbors, stepford wives, and so on.
The marxists headed to hollywood with these views. They don’t like the currrent cultural hegemony (the trinity of nuclear family, Judeo-Christianity, and competitive, free commerce), and they are waiting for the marxist revolution.
It was a shocker when naive Justin Bieber made a pro-life comment. He did not realize that conflicts with the cultural hegemony in the entertainment world.
They will not begin promoting decent media when they see the market for it. Passion of the Christ will not sell them on a sure money-maker, and October Baby will not. They have a different world view and simply cannot endorse a nuclear family, church attendance, Jesus-oriented prayer (unless it is part of Black culture, then they get all religious instantly), sex-as-a-part-of-relationship, and so on.
All of the kids cartoons nowadays are focused on earth powers, self powers, and teaching “values.” In the old days, we could handle Tom beating up Jerry because we were parented properly. But in the modern world, parents are not supposed to parent, and the govt and media are there to fill in the void.
I can’t even watch nature shows – every one is about how tragic the life of the animal is, and how its habitat will be doomed by gloabl warming, or whatever. I guess they want ‘justice’ for each animal on earth, too.
Penn and Michael Moore are outright communist/anticapitalist, but most in hollywood simply buy the low-level ‘progressive’ values without checking out the history and the agenda.
I don’t watch any of it anymore.