In a surprise move, House Republicans announced this past Friday they would call for a vote on a federal ban against sex-selective abortion, aka the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, H.R. 3541*, tomorrow, May 30.

PRENDA will be considered under “suspension of the rules,” meaning no amendments can be added. The bill must be voted on as is, straight up or down, and a two-thirds majority will be needed to pass it.

Pro-lifers must now pull out all stops and urge their members of Congress to vote for PRENDA. This morning the National Right to Life Committee issued a nationwide call alert. Click on the link to easily get the phone number for your representative as well as talking points. No time for emails.

NRLC is also issuing an informative letter to Members of Congress.

In 2005 the UNFPA reported there were 163 million missing women in Asia alone since 1950 due to sex-selective abortions and infanticide.

Lest you swallow the pro-abortion lie, “It’s not happening here,” consider this section of the NRLC letter:

Dr. Sunita Puri and three other researchers at the University of California interviewed “65 immigrant Indian women in the United States who had pursued fetal sex selection.” They wrote: “We found that 40% of the women interviewed had terminated prior pregnancies with female fetuses and that 89% of women carrying female fetuses in their current pregnancy pursued an abortion.”

This powerful study discusses in detail the multiple forms of pressure and outright coercion to which such women are often subjected: “Forty women (62%) described verbal abuse from their female in laws or husbands…. One-third of women described past physical abuse and neglect related specifically to their failing to produce a male child.” As a result, “women reported having multiple closely spaced pregnancies with terminations of female fetuses under pressure to have a male child.” (“‘There is such a thing as too many daughters, but not too many sons’,” Social Science & Medicine 72 (2011), 1169-1176)

If you do nothing else today, take 30 minutes to read that study. It will stick with you. It is awful. And it is happening in America.

Please make your call.

*The section banning abortions on basis of race has been removed. This is now solely a bill on sex-selective abortions.

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