Abortion advocate to pro-lifers: Ignore sex-selective abortion; fight sexism
“We have a couple coming in for a sex-selection abortion,” [my clinic director] said. “The fetus is a girl, and their culture prefers boys. I want to know if you will be able to work with them without judging or being negative. Be honest. If you can’t be their advocate, I will. I need to know by four o’clock.”…
I knew that the pro-choice thing to do would be to say yes, that I would work with them. Still, I said no. I said I could not participate in an act that was a direct expression of cultural misogyny….
[Our clinic director] explained that this woman knew she wanted her abortion… in order to save herself and her husband from being ostracized by his family when they returned home… because, in her culture, girls were not valued, and she didn’t want her baby to be a not-valued member of society….
In cultures where there is very strong son-preference, being stuck in the “female” gender box means being devalued, seen as an expense, a liability to one’s family and community. And one of the only ways to become more valuable as a woman is to produce a son….
This is where I failed the couple in our clinic; I failed to see them as constrained by a sexist society that had them, their families, and their community — in short, their entire support system — trapped….
If Lila Rose (who releases the sting videos) and anti-abortion rights politicians are really concerned about gender imbalance resulting from girls’ being “targeted” by abortion, they need to step up now and work to end sexism, globally. They need to work against any system that puts human beings in gender boxes and work toward a world based on the principle of full gender equality.
Lila Rose… is doing nothing to end sexism in the U.S. or in the world.
~ Eastern Illinois University professor Jeannie Ludlow, RH Reality Check, June 26
I couldn’t work with those anti-life creeps either. But then it wouldn’t come up because I wouldn’t be in an aborton clinic anyway.
Those anti-life, female hating cultures are so lucky I’m not God. If I was, I would cruelly give them exactly what their hateful little hearts desire. No girl babies and only boys. Twenty years later, no brides for any of those boys, and no mommies. That translates into no babies of either gender. Then the culture dies out. There would be no centuries old preference for sons, because any culture that hated females wouldn’t last more than a generation or two.
But God is so much more merciful than I am. He will not do that to them. They are soooo lucky they live in a universe run by a God who loves them, in spite of how despicable they are. They don’t know how lucky they are. Their daughters are proof of it, and they are too stupid to see that.
I just hope our culture never gets that stupid. I fear we may be heading in that direction. Feminists who are willing to support sex selection abortion, and people who put abortion above any other need that women and children have, are leading the way to change our culture in that direction.
It sickens me how modern mainstream feminists have sold women and their needs down the river.
Oh, but it is that stupid already – and so are most other culures. Because, to paraphrase from the quote, “babies are stuck in the youth box”, which means “being devalued, seen as an expense, a liability to one’s family and community.”
How is it that so many professors have heads full of rocks? When I read things like this I wonder how they even dress themselves. Lila Rose, one of the most prominent young supporters of a female child’s right to EXIST is somehow a proponent of global sexism?! Pure, unadulterated insanity. Ironically, the best thing to do to end this global sexism is to promote the ChristIan faith. Christians aren’t the ones killing girls as unwelcome family members.
“Ironically, the best thing to do to end this global sexism is to promote the ChristIan faith. Christians aren’t the ones killing girls as unwelcome family members.”
Thanks for proving a point made by so many – i.e. that the pro-life movement is basically a radical, Christian belief system. There should be no question as to why there are so few Jews who are pro-life. But here’s the thing. You want the “Christian” faith to be promoted. As you know, there are some major Christian denominations which are proudly pro-choice. And while you say that “Christians” aren’t “killing” girls, the reality is that Christian women get abortions for other reasons. So much for your version of Christianity.
CC: evil evil evil Christians! Misogyny! Evil Christians! Jews and Espicopalians are enlightened! They are better Christians, even though Christians as a whole are stupid! They’re just less stupid! You don’t want to let us kill our own babies??? War on Women!! How intolerant and close minded!
(Wake me up when you have anything REMOTELY original to say. Do you put yourself to sleep?)
(Wake me up when you have anything REMOTELY original to say. Do you put yourself to sleep?)
And do the same for me when you have a rational rebuttal to some inconvenient truths. Is that all you’ve got!
Believing you can kill a human being just because you want to will tie you up in a pretzel, so that you can believe a bright young women becoming a power voice in a movement that wants to stop the killing of unborn girls is actually a force supporting misogyny. Up is down, black is white, good is bad, left is right… totally blind to the truth.
And the (to quote your guy Al) inconvenient truth here is…….?
CC, we got science.
We got the pictures.
We got the videos.
We got the language acrobatics from your side (i.e., potential human, blob of cells, avocado).
We got idiot professor like Ms. Ludlow who gutchecks herself into not assisting with a sex-selection abortion because of course, that’s WRONG, but can’t make the short step over to the pro life/pro woman side that is Lila Rose’s growing youth movement.
You are grasping at strands of straws, and it’s really showing. Explain to me again how a human fetus is somehow less human? Chris is right: you’ve become a pretzel, and I bet it’s one of those big, thick sourdough hard-baked ones.
Tell me again which side trusts women???
The side that trusts them so much they kill them before they are even born?
Yawner CC. Truly.
You can do better than that.
A day without the word CANARD is like a day without sunshine.
Today’s quote is the same upside down triage we’ve heard since the abortion industry began: ‘don’t stop the killing until you’ve solved every other problem, and nuance of those problems, before you dare touch our most sacred abortion!’
It is ‘Abortion uber alles’ in a nutshell.
Triage: that’s when you can’t save everyone instantaneously, so you start where you most need to: end abortion.
I’m no spring chicken, and cc is also old enough to admit: the abortion experiment is an epic fail. It must end immediately. Pro-life 100% without apology.
If Lila Rose (who releases the sting videos) and anti-abortion rights politicians are really concerned about gender imbalance resulting from girls’ being “targeted” by abortion, they need to step up now and work to end sexism, globally. They need to work against any system that puts human beings in gender boxes and work toward a world based on the principle of full gender equality.
Working to put an end to sex-selective abortions in the US and elsewhere is working toward full gender equality! What planet does this chick live on?
FORGOT about canard! AND patriarchy!
Jeannie Ludlow’s thinking is quite bizarre.
She stepped aside so her clinic could kill the girl. She did nothing.
Meanwhile, Lila Rose is exposing the abortion industry’s participation in gendercide.
Yet Ms. Ludlow says that Lila Rose is doing nothing to end injustice and sexism.
Ms. Ludlow: Standing aside while a girl is killed, just for being a girl, does nothing but perpetuate the sexism. Calling out the injustice and shedding light on the truth is the only way to stop it. Ms. Ludlow — join us! Help us end the global sexism, starting right here with our own abortion clinics.
I love how people on the left always set up a false dilemma when it comes to sex selective abortion. There’s no reason we can’t fight sexism AND ban abortion. Those two things are completely compatible and yet they claim sex selective abortion can only be fought by one or the other.
I love how when pro-lifers propose something, and expose the evils of abortion, abortion advocates start screaming about sexism.
This must be what goes on their minds: Oh my gosh, babies are being killed just for being girls? That’s… that’s bad… Wait! No it’s not! It’s choice. What are those women-hating misogynists doing about sexism in Kuzekestan, eh? Huh? Huh?!?! WHAT ARE THEY DOING!?!?! NOTHING! Perpetuating the patriarchy for exposing dead avocados!!! Those evil, forced-pregnancy, man-worshiping, misogynists!!! How DARE they claim to be helping women. The nerve!!! Inserting fetu…babi… avocados into women’s uteruses and forcing them to birth aliens!!!!
*cough* What do you think? I’ve been practicing my pro-abort act for a while now. ;)
“I’m no spring chicken, and cc is also old enough to admit: the abortion experiment is an epic fail. It must end immediately. Pro-life 100% without apology.”
How is allowing women reproductive freedom an “epic fail?” But yeah, let’s end it cuz we care so much about women that we want them to die in “back alley” procedures that not only I am familiar with but women of my mother’s generation who knew, all too well, what the deal was – the good old days when women of means (many of them supposedly devout Irish Catholic) had their doctors do a “D & C.” (My mother had one those “operations” and if it was an abortion it was the best decision that she ever made.) Those without means risked death or permanent injury. In a world without legal abortion, “the rich get rich and the poor get babies.” “Ain’t we got fun!”
And in a country where the majority of the population approves of abortions in some circumstances, good luck getting rid of it – especially in the more (yeah, I’m being redundant) secular, educated, and enlightened states. But hey, maybe my state can make some money on abortion tourism for the rich bible belt ladies who can’t get abortions in their home state.
It’s an epic fail because, after millions of children have died, women are devalued and treated like objects much worse than they were before 1973.
Abortion has not provided “reproductive choice.” Abortion has provided more effective ways to abuse and exploit and abandon women.
As I said before..in this country (The United States, last time I checked)
No one is telling us we can’t have sex. No one is telling us WHEN to have sex. No one is FORCING us to use birth control.
When you have unprotected sex, at certain times of the month, You “may” be reproducing a HUMAN BEING. This isn’t Communist China. We don’t need the government’s “permission” to reproduce.
Sounds like “Reproductive Freedom” to me.
What happened to my comment????
I think this professor’s thinking is upside down. Abortion is the prior societal evil–devaluation of women is it’s result. So Prof. Ludlow, if YOU want to end sexism, join us. One could say that sexism is an ancient problem and that reproductive rights are just the beginning of trying to equalize the sexes. This supposes that abortion is something new to the world, newer than sexism or any other mode in which one human being preys upon another. There IS nothing new here. Go watch “I, Claudius” if you don’t believe me. So now we have to look at those two evils–abortion and sexism–from the standpoint of priority. Which evil is the root, and which the branch? I’ll stick with my go-to Mother Teresa–“if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me, there is nothing in between”. A little broken, but you get it. A society that can kill the child in the womb is capable of anything.
Let me repeat: In this country (The United States)
WE HAVE REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM. WE get to decide when to have sex, where to have sex, WHOM to have sex with, the FREEDOM to use birth control (if we so choose), and WHAT KIND of birth control to use.
This is not communist China. We do not need “Governmental Permission” to reproduce.
Biology lesson: If a HUMAN MALE and a HUMAN FEMALE have unprotected intercourse during the female’s “fertile period”…they “may” reproduce = a HUMAN CHILD. Sounds like “Reproductive Freedom” to me.
Nobody is stopping anyone from “reproducing”, we just want to put an end to KILLING what has been reproduced = A HUMAN CHILD
“the fetus is a girl”. Wait, I thought we were told they WEREN’T little boys and girls. That that was just romanticizing the fetus. That it was a “potential” boy or girl. But really that it could either way and only the magical vagina would mold the tissue into an actual boy or girl. But here we have a pro-abort slipping up and admitting that abortion kills little girls…and thus little boys too.
If Lila Rose (who releases the sting videos) and anti-abortion rights politicians are really concerned about gender imbalance resulting from girls’ being “targeted” by abortion, they need to step up now and work to end sexism, globally. They need to work against any system that puts human beings in gender boxes and work toward a world based on the principle of full gender equality.
Instead of either we work to eradicate sexism or we work to eradicate sex-selective abortion, why not both/and?
Translation: if a girl or woman is pregnant and has the money to pay for an abortion, she can have one and we don’t care what stage of pregnancy she is in or what the reason is. She gets the abortion. And don’t bother me with the argument that it is a baby. We know that but don’t care. Abortion on demand with tax money is their mantra.
I just wonder what the author herself is doing to end gender bias and sexism?
I get so tired of PC’ers saying things like that, especially the dreaded “prolifers don’t care about children after they’re born stuff. It’s just not true. When I answer I’m an adoptive mom and a child welfare social worker they become very quiet.
I’m not trying to pat myself on the back, but I also take in stray cats.
I just wonder what the author herself is doing to end gender bias and sexism?
Why, she teaches womyn’s studies at an institution of higher learning. Oh, and her bio says she was “a patient advocate in an independent abortion clinic in Ohio. I’m also on the boards of the Abortion Conversation Project and NARAL and a member of the Abortion Care Network.”
So, like, those things totally qualify.
hiCCup says June 28, 2012 at 11:13 am
“How is allowing women reproductive freedom an epic fail?'”
In the USA female are free to reproduce or not reproduce.
Show me a law in any state in the union that requires a female to reproduce or prohibits a female from reproducing.
When a female has conceived, she has already ‘reproduced’ and no agent from the state is seeking to apprehend her and punish her for being pregnant.
Hell, the ‘agents’ of the state want to reward her with complimentary cosmetic surgery or free birthing services, food and shelter.
Enough with your deceptions, speak the truth, even if it isn’t ‘in love’.
“If Lila Rose (who releases the sting videos) and anti-abortion rights politicians are really concerned about gender imbalance resulting from girls’ being “targeted” by abortion, they need to step up now and work to end sexism, globally. They need to work against any system that puts human beings in gender boxes and work toward a world based on the principle of full gender equality.”
If in your eyes, Lila Rose saves the life of even one little girl for the ‘wrong’ reason, isn’t that a good thing for the little girl?
Evolutionary thinking would say that sex selection abortion is not a problem, but a ‘solution’.
It eradicates inferior cultures.
It cleans up the gene pool.
From the feminista perspective it makes the remaining females more ‘valueable’, at least as a commodity.
It makes it easier for unattractive women to satisfy their biological imperative.
or as the line in the old red neck song goes, ‘The girls all get prettier at closing time.
Why all this angst over female avocados? They never fail to amaze us with their muddled thinking, do they?
There are still cultures, even here in the U.S. that give off the vibe of female preferences. I’ve got members on my side and inlaw side that have given me grief because I have a lot of girls. I was pregnant with my second daughter (she was also only my second child) when I got told I have “too many f*****g girls.” When I “finally” (so I was told) had my first son, I got told I was finished having kids “now that you got your boy.” I never cared what we had, truth be told. I was happy with both and either sex! But this craptastic mentality of “boys are better than girls” and “you’re a better mother if you have boys” is very absurd.
For the first time, I found a grain of truth in one of cc’s comments:
(yeah, I’m being redundant)
I also notice that she’s made more than one comment this year ACCEPTING the new reality of abortions’ shrinking numbers/clinics. Once upon a time, she’d have kicked up a big fuss over abortion tourism, now she’s not only accepting it, but celebrating it. It’s good to find the small comforts in your overall defeat, isn’t it? It must be a very sad life when the only thing that gives you joy is that the dead babies in the dumpsters of Rhode Island might have been conceived out of state.
Oh, that reminds me, I’m going to see one of RI’s “escapees” this weekend. Hear that, cc? You let one get away and now she’s running and talking. Those adorable little avocados, they grow so fast!!
“I just wonder what the author herself is doing to end gender bias and sexism?“
End it? ha it’s the biggest money maker since slavery.
Dirtdartwife, that is awful people would say that to you! I have 2 boys…and how I long for a girl. :-) I love my boys so much but I still dream of my little red-haired Juliana.
CC, it’s not my fault that non-Christian cultures are totally barbaric. I wish non-Christian cultures were not controlled by crazy women killers. Alas, they are. Unfortunately, it would seem that the only cure for total insanity and hatred is Christianity.
Ummm- proaborts?? Sexselection abortion IS sexism. If you support that, you support sexism.
Hiding behind ‘well their culture devalues women so I’ll go along with it’ is wimpy and lame.
I guess some forms of sexism are ok with faux feminists. What a shock…
I just wonder what the author herself is doing to end gender bias and sexism?
Now, does this “logic” apply to activism fighting the killing of born females as well? It would be like asking a woman fighting against honor killings what she is doing to end gender bias. Um, that. And make no mistake–abortion gendercide is honor killing.
Surely, though, if we get the barbarians to sit in on some American Womyn’s Studies classes, they will realize the error of their ways. Until then, mass numbers of unborn and born girls will be murdered, but oh well!
Ignore sex selection abortion: Fight sexism.
Should someone have told Dr.Marin Luther King to ignore segregation and lynch mobs, but fight racism?? So long as the legal tools were there to promote and protect racism and second class citizenship, how would one defeat racism?
How about drunk driving. Do we not concern ourselves with the injuries and deaths resulting from drinking and driving and concentrate on fighting alcohol abuse instead?
How does one stop sexism when the legal tools are there to promote and protect it?
i love the story it was a good a** story
There are people out there who want to ironically kill their babies on their sex.
They are not fighting sexism, they are promoting sexism.
How about we end abortion and sexism? It’s soooo easy!
Both are terrible evils we don’t need in this world.